Blob Blame History Raw
/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
 *  (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory.
 *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
/*      Warning - this test will fail for MPI_PROD & maybe MPI_SUM
 *        if more than 10 MPI processes are used.  Loss of precision
 *        will occur as the number of processors is increased.

#include "mpi.h"
#include "mpitest.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int count, size, rank;
int cerrcnt;

struct int_test {
    int a;
    int b;
struct long_test {
    long a;
    int b;
struct short_test {
    short a;
    int b;
struct float_test {
    float a;
    int b;
struct double_test {
    double a;
    int b;

#define mpi_op2str(op)                   \
    ((op == MPI_SUM) ? "MPI_SUM" :       \
     (op == MPI_PROD) ? "MPI_PROD" :     \
     (op == MPI_MAX) ? "MPI_MAX" :       \
     (op == MPI_MIN) ? "MPI_MIN" :       \
     (op == MPI_LOR) ? "MPI_LOR" :       \
     (op == MPI_LXOR) ? "MPI_LXOR" :     \
     (op == MPI_LAND) ? "MPI_LAND" :     \
     (op == MPI_BOR) ? "MPI_BOR" :       \
     (op == MPI_BAND) ? "MPI_BAND" :     \
     (op == MPI_BXOR) ? "MPI_BXOR" :     \
     (op == MPI_MAXLOC) ? "MPI_MAXLOC" : \
     (op == MPI_MINLOC) ? "MPI_MINLOC" : \

/* calloc to avoid spurious valgrind warnings when "type" has padding bytes */
#define DECL_MALLOC_IN_OUT_SOL(type)                 \
    type *in, *out, *sol;                            \
    in  = (type *) calloc(count, sizeof(type));      \
    out = (type *) calloc(count, sizeof(type));      \
    sol = (type *) calloc(count, sizeof(type));

#define SET_INDEX_CONST(arr, val)               \
    {                                           \
        int i;                                  \
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)             \
            arr[i] = val;                       \

#define SET_INDEX_SUM(arr, val)                 \
    {                                           \
        int i;                                  \
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)             \
            arr[i] = i + val;                   \

#define SET_INDEX_FACTOR(arr, val)              \
    {                                           \
        int i;                                  \
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)             \
            arr[i] = i * (val);                 \

#define SET_INDEX_POWER(arr, val)               \
    {                                           \
        int i, j;                               \
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {           \
            (arr)[i] = 1;                       \
            for (j = 0; j < (val); j++)         \
                arr[i] *= i;                    \
        }                                       \

#define ERROR_CHECK_AND_FREE(lerrcnt, mpi_type, mpi_op)                 \
    do {                                                                \
        char name[MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME] = {0};                           \
        int len = 0;                                                    \
        if (lerrcnt) {                                                  \
            MPI_Type_get_name(mpi_type, name, &len);                    \
            fprintf(stderr, "(%d) Error for type %s and op %s\n",       \
                    rank, name, mpi_op2str(mpi_op));                    \
        }                                                               \
        free(in); free(out); free(sol);                                 \
    } while (0)

/* The logic on the error check on MPI_Allreduce assumes that all
   MPI_Allreduce routines return a failure if any do - this is sufficient
   for MPI implementations that reject some of the valid op/datatype pairs
   (and motivated this addition, as some versions of the IBM MPI
   failed in just this way).
#define ALLREDUCE_AND_FREE(mpi_type, mpi_op, in, out, sol)              \
    {                                                                   \
        int i, rc, lerrcnt = 0;						\
        rc = MPI_Allreduce(in, out, count, mpi_type, mpi_op, MPI_COMM_WORLD); \
	if (rc) { lerrcnt++; cerrcnt++; MTestPrintError(rc); }        \
	else {                                                          \
          for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {                                   \
              if (out[i] != sol[i]) {                                     \
                  cerrcnt++;                                              \
                  lerrcnt++;                                              \
              }                                                           \
	   }                                                              \
        }                                                               \
        ERROR_CHECK_AND_FREE(lerrcnt, mpi_type, mpi_op);                \

#define STRUCT_ALLREDUCE_AND_FREE(mpi_type, mpi_op, in, out, sol)       \
    {                                                                   \
        int i, rc, lerrcnt = 0;						\
        rc = MPI_Allreduce(in, out, count, mpi_type, mpi_op, MPI_COMM_WORLD); \
	if (rc) { lerrcnt++; cerrcnt++; MTestPrintError(rc); }        \
        else {                                                            \
          for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {                                   \
              if ((out[i].a != sol[i].a) || (out[i].b != sol[i].b)) {     \
                  cerrcnt++;                                              \
                  lerrcnt++;                                              \
              }                                                           \
            }                                                             \
        }                                                               \
        ERROR_CHECK_AND_FREE(lerrcnt, mpi_type, mpi_op);                \

#define SET_INDEX_STRUCT_CONST(arr, val, el)                    \
    {                                                           \
        int i;                                                  \
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)                             \
            arr[i].el = val;                                    \

#define SET_INDEX_STRUCT_SUM(arr, val, el)                      \
    {                                                           \
        int i;                                                  \
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)                             \
            arr[i].el = i + (val);                              \

#define sum_test1(type, mpi_type)                                       \
    {                                                                   \
        DECL_MALLOC_IN_OUT_SOL(type);                                   \
        SET_INDEX_SUM(in, 0);                                           \
        SET_INDEX_FACTOR(sol, size);                                    \
        SET_INDEX_CONST(out, 0);                                        \
        ALLREDUCE_AND_FREE(mpi_type, MPI_SUM, in, out, sol);            \

#define prod_test1(type, mpi_type)                                      \
    {                                                                   \
        DECL_MALLOC_IN_OUT_SOL(type);                                   \
        SET_INDEX_SUM(in, 0);                                           \
        SET_INDEX_POWER(sol, size);                                     \
        SET_INDEX_CONST(out, 0);                                        \
        ALLREDUCE_AND_FREE(mpi_type, MPI_PROD, in, out, sol);           \

#define max_test1(type, mpi_type)                                       \
    {                                                                   \
        DECL_MALLOC_IN_OUT_SOL(type);                                   \
        SET_INDEX_SUM(in, rank);                                        \
        SET_INDEX_SUM(sol, size - 1);                                   \
        SET_INDEX_CONST(out, 0);                                        \
        ALLREDUCE_AND_FREE(mpi_type, MPI_MAX, in, out, sol);            \

#define min_test1(type, mpi_type)                                       \
    {                                                                   \
        DECL_MALLOC_IN_OUT_SOL(type);                                   \
        SET_INDEX_SUM(in, rank);                                        \
        SET_INDEX_SUM(sol, 0);                                          \
        SET_INDEX_CONST(out, 0);                                        \
        ALLREDUCE_AND_FREE(mpi_type, MPI_MIN, in, out, sol);            \

#define const_test(type, mpi_type, mpi_op, val1, val2, val3)            \
    {                                                                   \
        DECL_MALLOC_IN_OUT_SOL(type);                                   \
        SET_INDEX_CONST(in, (val1));                                    \
        SET_INDEX_CONST(sol, (val2));                                   \
        SET_INDEX_CONST(out, (val3));                                   \
        ALLREDUCE_AND_FREE(mpi_type, mpi_op, in, out, sol);             \

#define lor_test1(type, mpi_type)                                       \
    const_test(type, mpi_type, MPI_LOR, (rank & 0x1), (size > 1), 0)
#define lor_test2(type, mpi_type)                       \
    const_test(type, mpi_type, MPI_LOR, 0, 0, 0)
#define lxor_test1(type, mpi_type)                                      \
    const_test(type, mpi_type, MPI_LXOR, (rank == 1), (size > 1), 0)
#define lxor_test2(type, mpi_type)                      \
    const_test(type, mpi_type, MPI_LXOR, 0, 0, 0)
#define lxor_test3(type, mpi_type)                      \
    const_test(type, mpi_type, MPI_LXOR, 1, (size & 0x1), 0)
#define land_test1(type, mpi_type)                              \
    const_test(type, mpi_type, MPI_LAND, (rank & 0x1), 0, 0)
#define land_test2(type, mpi_type)                      \
    const_test(type, mpi_type, MPI_LAND, 1, 1, 0)
#define bor_test1(type, mpi_type)                                       \
    const_test(type, mpi_type, MPI_BOR, (rank & 0x3), ((size < 3) ? size - 1 : 0x3), 0)
#define bxor_test1(type, mpi_type)                                      \
    const_test(type, mpi_type, MPI_BXOR, (rank == 1) * 0xf0, (size > 1) * 0xf0, 0)
#define bxor_test2(type, mpi_type)                      \
    const_test(type, mpi_type, MPI_BXOR, 0, 0, 0)
#define bxor_test3(type, mpi_type)                      \
    const_test(type, mpi_type, MPI_BXOR, ~0, (size &0x1) ? ~0 : 0, 0)

#define band_test1(type, mpi_type)                                      \
    {                                                                   \
        DECL_MALLOC_IN_OUT_SOL(type);                                   \
        if (rank == size-1) {                                           \
            SET_INDEX_SUM(in, 0);                                       \
        }                                                               \
        else {                                                          \
            SET_INDEX_CONST(in, ~0);                                    \
        }                                                               \
        SET_INDEX_SUM(sol, 0);                                          \
        SET_INDEX_CONST(out, 0);                                        \
        ALLREDUCE_AND_FREE(mpi_type, MPI_BAND, in, out, sol);           \

#define band_test2(type, mpi_type)                                      \
    {                                                                   \
        DECL_MALLOC_IN_OUT_SOL(type);                                   \
        if (rank == size-1) {                                           \
            SET_INDEX_SUM(in, 0);                                       \
        }                                                               \
        else {                                                          \
            SET_INDEX_CONST(in, 0);                                     \
        }                                                               \
        SET_INDEX_CONST(sol, 0);                                        \
        SET_INDEX_CONST(out, 0);                                        \
        ALLREDUCE_AND_FREE(mpi_type, MPI_BAND, in, out, sol);           \

#define maxloc_test(type, mpi_type)                                     \
    {                                                                   \
        DECL_MALLOC_IN_OUT_SOL(type);                                   \
        SET_INDEX_STRUCT_SUM(in, rank, a);                              \
        SET_INDEX_STRUCT_CONST(in, rank, b);                            \
        SET_INDEX_STRUCT_SUM(sol, size - 1, a);                         \
        SET_INDEX_STRUCT_CONST(sol, size - 1, b);                       \
        SET_INDEX_STRUCT_CONST(out, 0, a);                              \
        SET_INDEX_STRUCT_CONST(out, -1, b);                             \
        STRUCT_ALLREDUCE_AND_FREE(mpi_type, MPI_MAXLOC, in, out, sol);   \

#define minloc_test(type, mpi_type)                                     \
    {                                                                   \
        DECL_MALLOC_IN_OUT_SOL(type);                                   \
        SET_INDEX_STRUCT_SUM(in, rank, a);                              \
        SET_INDEX_STRUCT_CONST(in, rank, b);                            \
        SET_INDEX_STRUCT_SUM(sol, 0, a);                                \
        SET_INDEX_STRUCT_CONST(sol, 0, b);                              \
        SET_INDEX_STRUCT_CONST(out, 0, a);                              \
        SET_INDEX_STRUCT_CONST(out, -1, b);                             \
        STRUCT_ALLREDUCE_AND_FREE(mpi_type, MPI_MINLOC, in, out, sol);  \

#define test_types_set_mpi_2_2_integer(op,post) do {                \
        op##_test##post(int8_t, MPI_INT8_T);                        \
        op##_test##post(int16_t, MPI_INT16_T);                      \
        op##_test##post(int32_t, MPI_INT32_T);                      \
        op##_test##post(int64_t, MPI_INT64_T);                      \
        op##_test##post(uint8_t, MPI_UINT8_T);                      \
        op##_test##post(uint16_t, MPI_UINT16_T);                    \
        op##_test##post(uint32_t, MPI_UINT32_T);                    \
        op##_test##post(uint64_t, MPI_UINT64_T);                    \
        op##_test##post(MPI_Aint, MPI_AINT);                        \
        op##_test##post(MPI_Offset, MPI_OFFSET);                    \
    } while (0)
#define test_types_set_mpi_2_2_integer(op,post) do { } while (0)

#define test_types_set_mpi_3_0_integer(op,post) do {                \
        op##_test##post(MPI_Count, MPI_COUNT);                      \
    } while (0)
#define test_types_set_mpi_3_0_integer(op,post) do { } while (0)

#define test_types_set1(op, post)                                   \
    {                                                               \
        op##_test##post(int, MPI_INT);                              \
        op##_test##post(long, MPI_LONG);                            \
        op##_test##post(short, MPI_SHORT);                          \
        op##_test##post(unsigned short, MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT);        \
        op##_test##post(unsigned, MPI_UNSIGNED);                    \
        op##_test##post(unsigned long, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG);          \
        op##_test##post(unsigned char, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR);          \
        test_types_set_mpi_2_2_integer(op,post);                    \
        test_types_set_mpi_3_0_integer(op,post);                    \

#define test_types_set2(op, post)               \
    {                                           \
        test_types_set1(op, post);              \
        op##_test##post(float, MPI_FLOAT);      \
        op##_test##post(double, MPI_DOUBLE);    \

#define test_types_set3(op, post)                                   \
    {                                                               \
        op##_test##post(unsigned char, MPI_BYTE);                   \

/* Make sure that we test complex and double complex, even if long
   double complex is not available */

    && defined(HAVE_DOUBLE__COMPLEX) \
#define test_types_set4(op, post)                                             \
    do {                                                                      \
        op##_test##post(float _Complex, MPI_C_FLOAT_COMPLEX);                 \
        op##_test##post(double _Complex, MPI_C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX);               \
        if (MPI_C_LONG_DOUBLE_COMPLEX != MPI_DATATYPE_NULL) {                 \
            op##_test##post(long double _Complex, MPI_C_LONG_DOUBLE_COMPLEX); \
        }                                                                     \
    } while (0)

#define test_types_set4(op, post) do { } while (0)

    && defined(HAVE_DOUBLE__COMPLEX)
#define test_types_set4(op, post)                                         \
    do {                                                                  \
        op##_test##post(float _Complex, MPI_C_FLOAT_COMPLEX);             \
        op##_test##post(double _Complex, MPI_C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX);           \
    } while (0)

#define test_types_set4(op, post) do { } while (0)

#endif /* defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE_COMPLEX) */

#define test_types_set5(op, post)           \
    do {                                    \
        op##_test##post(_Bool, MPI_C_BOOL); \
    } while (0)

#define test_types_set5(op, post) do { } while (0)

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);

    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

    if (size < 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "At least 2 processes required\n");
        MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);

    /* Set errors return so that we can provide better information
     * should a routine reject one of the operand/datatype pairs */

    count = 10;
    /* Allow an argument to override the count.
     * Note that the product tests may fail if the count is very large.
    if (argc >= 2) {
        count = atoi(argv[1]);
        if (count <= 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Invalid count argument %s\n", argv[1]);
            MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);

    test_types_set2(sum, 1);
    test_types_set2(prod, 1);
    test_types_set2(max, 1);
    test_types_set2(min, 1);

    test_types_set1(lor, 1);
    test_types_set1(lor, 2);

    test_types_set1(lxor, 1);
    test_types_set1(lxor, 2);
    test_types_set1(lxor, 3);

    test_types_set1(land, 1);
    test_types_set1(land, 2);

    test_types_set1(bor, 1);
    test_types_set1(band, 1);
    test_types_set1(band, 2);

    test_types_set1(bxor, 1);
    test_types_set1(bxor, 2);
    test_types_set1(bxor, 3);

    test_types_set3(bor, 1);
    test_types_set3(band, 1);
    test_types_set3(band, 2);

    test_types_set3(bxor, 1);
    test_types_set3(bxor, 2);
    test_types_set3(bxor, 3);

    test_types_set4(sum, 1);
    test_types_set4(prod, 1);

    test_types_set5(lor, 1);
    test_types_set5(lor, 2);
    test_types_set5(lxor, 1);
    test_types_set5(lxor, 2);
    test_types_set5(lxor, 3);
    test_types_set5(land, 1);
    test_types_set5(land, 2);

    maxloc_test(struct int_test, MPI_2INT);
    maxloc_test(struct long_test, MPI_LONG_INT);
    maxloc_test(struct short_test, MPI_SHORT_INT);
    maxloc_test(struct float_test, MPI_FLOAT_INT);
    maxloc_test(struct double_test, MPI_DOUBLE_INT);

    minloc_test(struct int_test, MPI_2INT);
    minloc_test(struct long_test, MPI_LONG_INT);
    minloc_test(struct short_test, MPI_SHORT_INT);
    minloc_test(struct float_test, MPI_FLOAT_INT);
    minloc_test(struct double_test, MPI_DOUBLE_INT);

    return 0;