# This script takes one argument, $pgm, and run it on $BACKEND.
SSH="ssh -q"
SCP="scp -q"
# Assume a common file system, e.g. NFS, exists between backend and frontend,
# a much FASTER and simpler way of launching the $pgm.
# so $PWD which is current working directory on the frontend exists on
# the backend as well. Execute $@ remotely on $PWD.
# $SSH $BACKEND "cd $PWD && $pgm"
# Assume NO common file system: A SLOW and complicated of running test.
# Create a random directory name locally.
wdir="`mktemp --tmpdir=/tmp fcross.XXXXXX`"
# Create the same directory remotely.
$SSH $BACKEND "mkdir $wdir" 2> /dev/null && \
# Copy the $pgm to the remote directory.
$SCP -p $pgm ${BACKEND}:${wdir} && \
# Launch the $pgm from the remote diectory.
$SSH $BACKEND "cd $wdir && $pgm" 2> /dev/null && \
# Copy whatever remote files created due to $pgm back to local directory.
$SCP ${BACKEND}:${wdir}/* . && \
# Remove the remote directory.
$SSH $BACKEND "rm -rf $wdir" 2> /dev/null && \
# Remove the local random directory.
rm -rf $wdir