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/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
 *  (C) 2006 by Argonne National Laboratory.
 *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.


/* Generic queue macros -- "next_field" should be set to the name of
   the next pointer field in the element (e.g., "ch.tcp_sendq_next") */

#define PRINT_QUEUE(qp, next_field) do {        \
    } while (0)
#define PRINTM_QUEUE(qp, next_field_macro, next_field) do {     \
    } while (0)

#define GENERIC_Q_DECL(type) struct { type *head, *tail; }

#define GENERIC_Q_EMPTY(q) ((q).head == NULL)

#define GENERIC_Q_HEAD(q) ((q).head)

#define GENERIC_Q_ENQUEUE_EMPTY(qp, ep, next_field) do {        \
        MPIR_Assert (GENERIC_Q_EMPTY (*(qp)));                  \
        (qp)->head = (qp)->tail = ep;                           \
        (ep)->next_field = NULL;                                \
        PRINT_QUEUE (qp, next_field);                           \
    } while (0)

#define GENERIC_Q_ENQUEUE(qp, ep, next_field) do {              \
        if (GENERIC_Q_EMPTY (*(qp)))                            \
            GENERIC_Q_ENQUEUE_EMPTY (qp, ep, next_field);       \
        else                                                    \
        {                                                       \
            (qp)->tail->next_field = ep;                        \
            (qp)->tail = ep;                                    \
            (ep)->next_field = NULL;                            \
        }                                                       \
        PRINT_QUEUE (qp, next_field);                           \
    } while (0)

#define GENERIC_Q_ENQUEUE_AT_HEAD(qp, ep, next_field) do {      \
        if (GENERIC_Q_EMPTY (*(qp)))                            \
            GENERIC_Q_ENQUEUE_EMPTY (qp, ep, next_field);       \
        else                                                    \
        {                                                       \
            (ep)->next_field = (qp)->head;                      \
            (qp)->head = ep;                                    \
        }                                                       \
        PRINT_QUEUE (qp, next_field);                           \
    } while (0)

/* the _MULTIPLE routines assume that ep0 is the head and ep1 is the
   tail of a linked list of elements.  The list is inserted on the end
   of the queue. */
#define GENERIC_Q_ENQUEUE_EMPTY_MULTIPLE(qp, ep0, ep1, next_field) do { \
        MPIR_Assert (GENERIC_Q_EMPTY (*(qp)));                          \
        (qp)->head = ep0;                                               \
        (qp)->tail = ep1;                                               \
        (ep1)->next_field = NULL;                                       \
    } while (0)

#define GENERIC_Q_ENQUEUE_MULTIPLE(qp, ep0, ep1, next_field) do {               \
        if (GENERIC_Q_EMPTY (*(qp)))                                            \
            GENERIC_Q_ENQUEUE_EMPTY_MULTIPLE (qp, ep0, ep1, next_field);        \
        else                                                                    \
        {                                                                       \
            (qp)->tail->next_field = ep0;                                       \
            (qp)->tail = ep1;                                                   \
            (ep1)->next_field = NULL;                                           \
        }                                                                       \
    } while (0)

#define GENERIC_Q_DEQUEUE(qp, epp, next_field) do {     \
        MPIR_Assert (!GENERIC_Q_EMPTY (*(qp)));         \
        *(epp) = (qp)->head;                            \
        (qp)->head = (*(epp))->next_field;              \
        if ((qp)->head == NULL)                         \
            (qp)->tail = NULL;                          \
        PRINT_QUEUE (qp, next_field);                   \
    } while (0)

/* remove the elements from the top of the queue starting with ep0 through ep1 */
#define GENERIC_Q_REMOVE_ELEMENTS(qp, ep0, ep1, next_field) do {        \
        MPIR_Assert (GENERIC_Q_HEAD (*(qp)) == (ep0));                  \
        (qp)->head = (ep1)->next_field;                                 \
        if ((qp)->head == NULL)                                         \
            (qp)->tail = NULL;                                          \
    } while (0)

/* search for element satisfying a predicate */
/*   the predicate "pred" is any legal c conditional */
/*   the current element can be accessed in the predicate with the _e
     variable e.g.: "_e->foo == NULL" */
#define GENERIC_Q_SEARCH(qp, pred, epp, el_type, next_field) do {       \
    el_type *_e;                                                        \
    *(epp) = NULL;                                                      \
    _e = GENERIC_Q_HEAD(*(qp));                                         \
    while (_e)                                                          \
    {                                                                   \
        if (pred)                                                       \
        {                                                               \
            *(epp) = _e;                                                \
            break;                                                      \
        }                                                               \
        _e = _e->next_field;                                            \
    }                                                                   \
} while (0)

/* search for element satisfying a predicate and remove it from the queue */
#define GENERIC_Q_SEARCH_REMOVE(qp, pred, epp, el_type, next_field) do {        \
    el_type *_e;                                                                \
    el_type *_prev;                                                             \
    if (GENERIC_Q_EMPTY(*(qp))) {                                               \
        *(epp) = NULL;                                                          \
        break;                                                                  \
    }                                                                           \
    _e = GENERIC_Q_HEAD(*(qp));                                                 \
    if (pred)                                                                   \
    {                                                                           \
        GENERIC_Q_DEQUEUE(qp, epp, next_field);                                 \
    }                                                                           \
    else                                                                        \
    {                                                                           \
        while (1)                                                               \
        {                                                                       \
            _prev = _e;                                                         \
            _e = _e->next_field;                                                \
            if (_e == NULL)                                                     \
            {                                                                   \
                *(epp) = NULL;                                                  \
                break;                                                          \
            }                                                                   \
            if (pred)                                                           \
            {                                                                   \
                *(epp) = _e;                                                    \
                _prev->next_field = _e->next_field;                             \
                if ((qp)->tail == _e)                                           \
                    (qp)->tail = _prev;                                         \
                break;                                                          \
            }                                                                   \
        }                                                                       \
    }                                                                           \
} while (0)

/* queue macros that use another macro to find the 'next' field, e.g.,
   when the next field is in the channel private area of a request.
   The macro is of the form "macro_name(element_ptr, next_field)"*/
#define GENERICM_Q_DECL(type, q_name) typedef struct { type *head, *tail; } q_name;

#define GENERICM_Q_EMPTY(q) ((q).head == NULL)

#define GENERICM_Q_HEAD(q) ((q).head)

#define GENERICM_Q_ENQUEUE_EMPTY(qp, ep, next_field_macro, next_field) do {     \
        MPIR_Assert (GENERICM_Q_EMPTY (*(qp)));                                 \
        (qp)->head = (qp)->tail = ep;                                           \
        next_field_macro(ep, next_field) = NULL;                                \
        PRINTM_QUEUE (qp, next_field_macro, next_field);                        \
    } while (0)

#define GENERICM_Q_ENQUEUE(qp, ep, next_field_macro, next_field) do {           \
        if (GENERICM_Q_EMPTY (*(qp)))                                           \
            GENERICM_Q_ENQUEUE_EMPTY (qp, ep, next_field_macro, next_field);    \
        else                                                                    \
        {                                                                       \
            next_field_macro((qp)->tail, next_field) = ep;                      \
            (qp)->tail = ep;                                                    \
            next_field_macro(ep, next_field) = NULL;                            \
        }                                                                       \
        PRINTM_QUEUE (qp, next_field_macro, next_field);                        \
    } while (0)

#define GENERICM_Q_ENQUEUE_AT_HEAD(qp, ep, next_field_macro, next_field) do {   \
        if (GENERICM_Q_EMPTY (*(qp)))                                           \
            GENERICM_Q_ENQUEUE_EMPTY (qp, ep, next_field_macro, next_field);    \
        else                                                                    \
        {                                                                       \
            next_field_macro(ep, next_field) = (qp)->head;                      \
            (qp)->head = ep;                                                    \
        }                                                                       \
        PRINTM_QUEUE (qp, next_field_macro, next_field);                        \
    } while (0)

/* the _MULTIPLE routines assume that ep0 is the head and ep1 is the
   tail of a linked list of elements.  The list is inserted on the end
   of the queue. */
#define GENERICM_Q_ENQUEUE_EMPTY_MULTIPLE(qp, ep0, ep1, next_field_macro, next_field) do {      \
        MPIR_Assert (GENERICM_Q_EMPTY (*(qp)));                                                 \
        (qp)->head = ep0;                                                                       \
        (qp)->tail = ep1;                                                                       \
        next_field_macro(ep1, next_field) = NULL;                                               \
    } while (0)

#define GENERICM_Q_ENQUEUE_MULTIPLE(qp, ep0, ep1, next_field_macro, next_field) do {            \
        if (GENERICM_Q_EMPTY (*(qp)))                                                           \
            GENERICM_Q_ENQUEUE_EMPTY_MULTIPLE (qp, ep0, ep1, next_field_macro, next_field);     \
        else                                                                                    \
        {                                                                                       \
            next_field_macro((qp)->tail, next_field) = ep0;                                     \
            (qp)->tail = ep1;                                                                   \
            next_field_macro(ep1, next_field) = NULL;                                           \
        }                                                                                       \
    } while (0)

#define GENERICM_Q_DEQUEUE(qp, epp, next_field_macro, next_field) do {  \
        MPIR_Assert (!GENERICM_Q_EMPTY (*(qp)));                        \
        *(epp) = (qp)->head;                                            \
        (qp)->head = next_field_macro(*(epp), next_field);              \
        if ((qp)->head == NULL)                                         \
            (qp)->tail = NULL;                                          \
    } while (0)

/* remove the elements from the top of the queue starting with ep0 through ep1 */
#define GENERICM_Q_REMOVE_ELEMENTS(qp, ep0, ep1, next_field_macro, next_field) do {     \
        MPIR_Assert (GENERICM_Q_HEAD (*(qp)) == (ep0));                                 \
        (qp)->head = next_field_macro(ep1, next_field);                                 \
        if ((qp)->head == NULL)                                                         \
            (qp)->tail = NULL;                                                          \
    } while (0)

/* search for element satisfying a predicate */
/*   the predicate "pred" is any legal c conditional */
/*   the current element can be accessed in the predicate with the _e
     variable e.g.: "_e->foo == NULL" */
#define GENERICM_Q_SEARCH(qp, pred, epp, el_type, next_field_macro, next_field) do {    \
        el_type *_e;                                                                    \
        *(epp) = NULL;                                                                  \
        _e = GENERICM_Q_HEAD(*(qp));                                                    \
        while (_e)                                                                      \
        {                                                                               \
            if (pred)                                                                   \
            {                                                                           \
                *(epp) = _e;                                                            \
                break;                                                                  \
            }                                                                           \
            _e = next_field_macro(_e, next_field);                                      \
        }                                                                               \
    } while (0)

/* search for element satisfying a predicate and remove it from the queue */
#define GENERICM_Q_SEARCH_REMOVE(qp, pred, epp, el_type, next_field_macro, next_field) do {     \
        el_type *_e;                                                                            \
        el_type *_prev;                                                                         \
        if (GENERICM_Q_EMPTY(*(qp)))                                                            \
            *(epp) = NULL;                                                                      \
        _e = GENERICM_Q_HEAD(*(qp));                                                            \
        if (pred)                                                                               \
        {                                                                                       \
            GENERICM_Q_DEQUEUE(qp, epp, next_field_macro, next_field);                          \
        }                                                                                       \
        else                                                                                    \
        {                                                                                       \
            while (1)                                                                           \
            {                                                                                   \
                _prev = _e;                                                                     \
                _e = next_field_macro(_e, next_field);                                          \
                if (_e == NULL)                                                                 \
                {                                                                               \
                    *(epp) = NULL;                                                              \
                    break;                                                                      \
                }                                                                               \
                if (pred)                                                                       \
                {                                                                               \
                    *(epp) = _e;                                                                \
                    _prev->next = _e->next;                                                     \
                    if ((qp)->tail == _e)                                                       \
                        (qp)->tail = _prev;                                                     \
                    break;                                                                      \
                }                                                                               \
            }                                                                                   \
        }                                                                                       \
    } while (0)

/* Generic list macros */
#define GENERIC_L_EMPTY(q) ((q).head == NULL)

#define GENERIC_L_HEAD(q) ((q).head)

#define GENERIC_L_ADD_EMPTY(qp, ep, next_field, prev_field) do {        \
        MPIR_Assert (GENERIC_L_EMPTY (*(qp)));                          \
        (qp)->head = ep;                                                \
        (ep)->next_field = (ep)->prev_field = NULL;                     \
    } while (0)

#define GENERIC_L_ADD(qp, ep, next_field, prev_field) do {              \
        if (GENERIC_L_EMPTY (*(qp)))                                    \
            GENERIC_L_ADD_EMPTY (qp, ep, next_field, prev_field);       \
        else                                                            \
        {                                                               \
            (ep)->prev_field = NULL;                                    \
            (ep)->next_field = (qp)->head;                              \
            (qp)->head->prev_field = ep;                                \
            (qp)->head = ep;                                            \
        }                                                               \
    } while (0)

#define GENERIC_L_REMOVE(qp, ep, next_field, prev_field) do {   \
        MPIR_Assert (!GENERIC_L_EMPTY (*(qp)));                 \
        if ((ep)->prev_field)                                   \
            ((ep)->prev_field)->next_field = (ep)->next_field;  \
        else                                                    \
            (qp)->head = (ep)->next_field;                      \
        if ((ep)->next_field)                                   \
            ((ep)->next_field)->prev_field  = (ep)->prev_field; \
    } while (0)

/* Generic stack macros */
#define GENERIC_S_EMPTY(s) ((s).top == NULL)

#define GENERIC_S_TOP(s) ((s).top)

#define GENERIC_S_PUSH(sp, ep, next_field) do { \
        (ep)->next_field = (sp)->top;           \
        (sp)->top = ep;                         \
    } while (0)

/* PUSH_MULTIPLE pushes a linked list of elements onto the stack.  It
   assumes that ep0 is the head of the linked list and ep1 is at the tail */
#define GENERIC_S_PUSH_MULTIPLE(sp, ep0, ep1, next_field) do {  \
        (ep1)->next_field = (sp)->top;                          \
        (sp)->top = ep0;                                        \
    } while (0)

#define GENERIC_S_POP(sp, epp, next_field) do {  \
        *(epp) = (sp)->top;                      \
        (sp)->top = (*(epp))->next_field;        \
    } while (0)