Blob Blame History Raw
This Visual Studio support is experimental.
Thanks to Eloi Gaudry for contributing the first draft of files.

No PlatformToolset is specified, so that the default target is always
used during build.
That means your build may not be compatible with older systems.
Enforce a specific toolset before building if needed.

hwloc-compress-dir not built because needs work.

hwloc-gather-topology is Linux specific.

hwloc-ps is not built because it does nothing on Windows anyway.
Possible code proposed by Eloi Gaudry:
  // Get the process list snapshot
  HANDLE hProcessSnapShot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0);
  // Initialize the process entry structure
  PROCESSENTRY32 ProcessEntry = { 0 } ;
  ProcessEntry.dwSize = sizeof(ProcessEntry);
  // Get the first process info
  if (Process32First( hProcessSnapShot, &ProcessEntry)) {
    do {
      HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID) ;
      if (hProcess) {
        std::cerr << ProcessEntry.th32ProcessID << "(" << ProcessEntry.szExeFile << ")" << std::endl ;
      // check the PROCESSENTRY32 for other members.
    } while (Process32Next(hProcessSnapShot, &ProcessEntry));
    // Close the handle
    CloseHandle( hProcessSnapShot ) ;