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\markright{MPICH Logging}
\title{MPICH Logging\\
Version 0.1\\
DRAFT of \today\\
Mathematics and Computer Science Division\\
Argonne National Laboratory}

\author{David Ashton}





This manual assumes that MPICH has already been installed.  For
instructions on how to install MPICH, see the MPICH Installer's Guide,
or the README in the top-level MPICH directory.  This manual will
explain how the internal logging macros are generated and how the user
can generate log files viewable in Jumpshot.

\section{Configuring mpich to create log files}

When users run configure they can specify logging options.  There are three 
configure options to control logging.

Add this option to enable timing.  The two options for timing\_type are 
\texttt{log} and \texttt{log\_detailed}.  The \texttt{log} option will log 
only the MPI functions.  The 
\texttt{log\_detailed} will log every function in mpich.  This option gives 
fine grained logging information and also creates large log files.  It must 
be used in conjunction with a timer-type that can log very short intervals 
on the order of 100's of nanoseconds.

Specify the logging library to use.  Currently the only logger option is \texttt{rlog}.

Specify the timer type.  The options are
\item \texttt{gethrtime} -
Solaris timer (Solaris systems only)
\item \texttt{clock\_gettime} -
Posix timer (where available)
\item \texttt{gettimeofday} -
Most Unix systems
\item \texttt{linux86\_cycle} -
Linux x86 cycle counter*
\item \texttt{linuxalpha\_cycle} -
Like linux86\_cycle, but for Linux Alpha*
\item \texttt{gcc\_ia64\_cycle} -
IA64 cycle counter*
* Note that CPU cycle counters count cycles, not elapsed time.
Because processor frequencies are variable, especially with modern
power-aware hardware, these are not always reliable for timing and so
should only be used if you're sure you know what you're doing.


Here is an example:

\section{Generating log files}
Run your mpi application to create intermediate \texttt{.irlog} files.

mpicc myapp.c -o myapp
mpiexec -n 3 myapp
There will be .irlog files created for each process:

\section{RLOG tools}
For performance reasons each process produces a local intermediate log file 
that needs to be merged into a single rlog file.  Use the rlog tools to merge 
the \texttt{.irlog} files into an \texttt{.rlog} file.  The rlog tools are 
found in \texttt{mpich\_build/src/util/logging/rlog}. Currently they are not 
copied to the install directory.

This tool combines the intermediate \texttt{.irlog} files into a single 
\texttt{.rlog} file. The usage is: ``\texttt{irlog2rlog outname.rlog 
input0.irlog input1.irlog ...}'' A shortcut is provided: ``\texttt{irlog2rlog 
outname.rlog <num\_files>}''.  Execute \texttt{irlog2rlog} without any 
parameters to see the usage options.

This tool prints the contents of an \texttt{.rlog} file.

This tool prints the contents of an \texttt{.irlog} file.

Continuing the example from the previous section:
irlog2rlog myapp.rlog 3
will convert \texttt{log0.irlog}, \texttt{log1.irlog} and \texttt{log2.irlog} 
to \texttt{myapp.rlog}.

\section{Viewing log files}
This section describes how to view a log file

\texttt{.rlog} files can be printed from a command shell using the 
\texttt{printrlog} tool but the more interesting way to view the log files 
is from Jumpshot.  Jumpshot displays slog2 files and has a built in converter 
to convert \texttt{.rlog} files to \texttt{.slog2} files.  Start Jumpshot and 
open your \texttt{.rlog} file.  Jumpshot will ask you if you want to convert
the file and you say yes.

\section{Logging state code generation}

This section can be skipped by users.  It describes the internal scripts used
to develop the logging macros.

This is how the \texttt{maint/genstates} script works:

\item \texttt{} creates \texttt{genstates} from 
\texttt{} replacing \texttt{@PERL@} with the appropriate path to
perl and then runs \texttt{genstates}.

\item \texttt{genstates} finds all \texttt{.i}, \texttt{.h} and \texttt{.c} files 
in the mpich directory tree, searches for \texttt{\_STATE\_DECL} in each 
file and builds a list of all the MPID\_STATEs.  It validates that the states
start in a \texttt{\_STATE\_DECL} statement, followed by a \texttt{FUNC\_ENTER}
statement, and then at least one \texttt{FUNC\_EXIT} statement.  Errors are printed
out if the code does not follow this format except for macros.  State declarations
in macros are assumed to be correct.

\item \texttt{genstates} finds all the \texttt{describe\_states.txt} 
files anywhere in the mpich tree.  \texttt{describe\_states.txt} files are 
optional and are used to set the output name of the state and its associated 

\item The \texttt{describe\_states.txt} file format is this:
MPID_STATE_XXX <user string for the state> <optional rgb color>
 Here is an example line:
If you don't specify a state in a \texttt{describe\_states.txt} file then
the state user name will be automatically created by stripping off the 
\texttt{MPID\_STATE\_} prefix and the color will be assigned a random value.

\item \texttt{genstates} ouputs \texttt{mpich/src/include/mpiallstates.h} 
with this \texttt{enum} in it:

\item \texttt{genstates} outputs 
\texttt{mpich/src/util/logging/describe\_states.c} with the
\texttt{MPIR\_Describe\_timer\_states()} function in it.  Currently, only 
the rlog version of \texttt{MPIR\_Describe\_timer\_states()} is generated.

