Blob Blame History Raw
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# This file builds candidate interface files from the descriptions in 
# mpi.h
# Here are the steps:
# 1) Find the prototypes in (Look for *Begin Prototypes*)
# 2) For each function, match the name and args:
#    int MPI_xxxx( ... )
# 3) By groups, create a new file with the name {catname}.h containing 
#    Copyright
#    For each function in the group, the expansion of the method
# Each MPI routine is assigned to a group.  Within each group,
# a particular argument is (usually) eliminated from the C++ call.
# E.g., in MPI::Send, the communicator argument is removed from the
# call sequence.
# Routines that have out parameters (e.g., the request in MPI_Isend)
# remove them as well.  Other routines return void.
# The replacement text will look something like
#   void Name( args ) const {
#     MPIX_CALLOBJ( obj, MPI_Name( args, with (cast)((class).the_real_(class)) ); }
# (there is also a CALLREF for calls with a reference to an object and CALLWORLD
# to use the error handler on COMM_WORLD).
# If coverage analysis is desired, consider using the -coverage
# switch.  This (will, once done) allow generating crude coverage data.
# We'd prefer to use gcov, but gcov aborts (!) when used on the data 
# generated by the g++.  The coverage switch changes the replacement text
# to something like
#    void Name( args ) const {
#       COVERAGE_ENTER(Name,argcount);
#       MPIX_Call ....
#       COVERAGE_EXIT(Name,argcount); }
# The COVERAGE_ENTER and EXIT can be used as macros to invoke code to keep
# track of each entry and exit.  The argcount is the number of parameters,
# and can be used to distinquish between routines with the same name but
# different number of arguments.
# (const applies only if the function does not modify its object (e.g., 
# get_name may be const but set_name must not be.)
# A capability of this approach is that a stripped-down interface that 
# implements only the required routines can be created.
# Data structures
#   %<class>_members (e.g., mpi1comm): keys are names of routines.
#            Values are string indicating processing:
#            returnvalue-arg (0 if void, type if unique, position if not)
#   Pass by reference to process routine
# Notes:
#   "NULL" isn't the rigth way to specify a NULL pointer in C++; use "0" (this 
#   will have the correct type and some C++ compilers don't recognize NULL
#   unless you include header files that needed it and are otherwise unneeded
#   by the C++ interface)
# To fix the order of virtual methods, the arrays
#  @routinesMpi1base
#  @routinesMpi2base
#  @routines<classname>
# may be defined.  If these are not defined, then the order will be determined
# by the perl implementation of the "keys" function.
#    The derived classes (such as Intracomm) must *not* have their own
#    protected the_real_intracomm; instead, the must refer to the 
#    parent class's private storage. - DONE
#    The pack, unpack, packsize, init, and finalize routines must be 
#    placed in initcpp.cpp. - DONE
#    externs for the predefined objects need to be added to the
#    end of mpicxx.h - DONE
#    The optional no-status versions need to be created for 
#    methods such as Recv, Test, and Sendrecv . - DONE
# Setup global variables
$build_io = 1;        # If false, exclude the MPI-IO routines
$oldSeek = 0;         # Use old code for seek_set etc.
$indent = "    ";
$print_line_len = 0;
$gDebug = 0;
$gDebugRoutine = "NONE";
@mpilevels = ( 'mpi1' , 'mpi2', 'post' );
# feature variables (for the -feature commandline option)
$do_subdecls = 1;

# Other features
$doCoverage = 0;
$doFuncspec = 1;
$do_DistGraphComm = 0;
$outputRoutineLists = 0;

# Process environment variables
#   CXX_COVERAGE - yes    : turn on coverage code
if (defined($ENV{"CXX_COVERAGE"}) && $ENV{"CXX_COVERAGE"} eq "yes") {

# Process arguments
# Args
# -feature={subdecls}, separated by :, value given
# by =on or =off, eg
# -feature=subdecls=on:fint=off
# The feature names mean:
#    subdecls - Declarations for PC-C++ compilers added
# -routines=name  - provide a list of routines or a file that
# lists the routines to use.  The names must be in the same form as the 
# the class_xxx variables.  E.g., comm-Send, dtype-Commit.
# -routinelist    - output files containing the routines to output in the
#  classes (mostly as virtual functions) and the order in which they are output
#  This can be used to change the output order if it is desired to specify
#  a particular order.
$routine_list = "";
$initFile     = "";
foreach $_ (@ARGV) {
    if (/--?feature=(.*)/) {
	foreach $feature (split(/:/,$1)) {
	    print "Processing feature $feature\n" if $gDebug;
	    # Feature values are foo=on,off
	    ($name,$value) = split(/=/,$feature);
	    if ($value eq "on") { $value = 1; } 
	    elsif ($value eq "off") { $value = 0; }
	    # Set the variable based on the string
	    $varname = "do_$name";
	    if (!defined($$varname)) {
		die "Feature $name is unknown!\n";
	    $$varname = $value;
    elsif (/--?nosep/ || /--?sep/) { ; }   # Old argument; ignore
    elsif (/--?noromio/) { $build_io = 0; }
    elsif (/--?oldseek/) { $oldSeek = 1; }
    elsif (/--?newseek/) { $oldSeek = 0; }
    elsif (/--?debug=(.*)/) {
	$gDebug = 0;
	$gDebugRoutine = $1;
    elsif (/--?debug/) { $gDebug = 1; }
    elsif (/--?routines=(.*)/) {
	$routine_list = $1;
    elsif (/--?routinelist/) { $outputRoutineLists = 1; }
    elsif (/--?initfile=(.*)/) { $initFile = $1; }
    elsif (/--?coverage/)   { &setCoverage( 1 ); }
    elsif (/--?nocoverage/) { &setCoverage( 0 ); }
    else {
	print STDERR "Unrecognized argument $_\n";

if (! -d "../../mpi/romio") { $build_io = 0; }

if ($initFile ne "" && -f $initFile) {
    do $initFile;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following hashes define each of the methods that belongs to each class.
# To allow us to differentiate between MPI-1 and MPI-2, the methods for
# are separated.  The hash names have the form
# class_mpi<1 or 2><short classname>
# The value of each key is the POSITION (from 1) of the return argument 
# if an integer is used or the MPI-1 type (e.g., MPI_Request) if a string is
# used.  The position form is normally used to return an int or other value
# whose type does not give an unambiguous argument.  A value of 0 indicates
# that the routine does not return a value.
# Value of the hash is the argument of the routine that returns a value
# ToDo:
# Add to the value of each routine any special instructions on 
# processing the arguments.  See the Fortran version of buildiface.
# Needed are:
#   in:array, out:array    - Convert array of class members to/from
#                            arrays of the_real_xxx.  Question: for
#                            simplicity, should we have just in:reqarray,
#                            inout:reqarray, out:reqarray?  Answer: the 
#                            current approach uses separate routines for
#                            each array type.
#   in:const               - Add const in the C++ declaration (e.g., 
#                            in send, make the buf const void * instead
#                            of just void *)
#   in:bool,out:bool       - Convert value from bool to/from int
# We'll indicate these with to fields returnvalue:argnum:... 
# For each method with special processing for an arg, there is 
# methodname-argnum.
# Eg, Isend is
#  Isend => 'MPI_Request:1', Isend-1 => 'in:const'
# and Send is
#  Send => '0:1', Send-1 => 'in:const'
# The mappings for the arguments are kept in a 
# separate hash, %funcArgMap.
%class_mpi1comm = ( Send => '0:1', Recv => 0, 
		    Bsend => '0:1', Ssend => '0:1', 
		    Rsend => '0:1', Isend => 'MPI_Request:1', 
		    Irsend => 'MPI_Request:1', Issend => 'MPI_Request:1', 
		    Ibsend => 'MPI_Request:1', Irecv => MPI_Request, 
		    Iprobe => 'int;bool', Probe => 0, 
		    Send_init => 'MPI_Request:1', 
		    Ssend_init => 'MPI_Request:1', 
		    Bsend_init => 'MPI_Request:1', 
		    Rsend_init => 'MPI_Request:1', Recv_init => MPI_Request, 
		    Sendrecv => 0, Sendrecv_replace => 0, Get_size => 'int', 
		    Get_rank => 'int', Free => 0, Get_topology => 2, 
		    Get_group => MPI_Group,
		    Compare => 'static:int', 
		    Abort => 0,
		    Set_errhandler => 0,
		    Get_errhandler => MPI_Errhandler,
		    Is_inter => '2;bool',
%funcArgMap = (
		    'Send-1' => 'in:const',
		    'Bsend-1' => 'in:const',
		    'Rsend-1' => 'in:const',
		    'Ssend-1' => 'in:const',
		    'Irsend-1' => 'in:const',
		    'Isend-1' => 'in:const',
		    'Ibsend-1' => 'in:const',
		    'Issend-1' => 'in:const',
		    'Send_init-1' => 'in:const',
		    'Ssend_init-1' => 'in:const',
		    'Bsend_init-1' => 'in:const',
		    'Rsend_init-1' => 'in:const',

		    'Free_keyval-1' =>  'in:refint',
		     'Waitany-2' => 'inout:reqarray:1',
		     'Waitsome-2' => 'inout:reqarray:1',
		     'Waitsome-5' => 'out:statusarray:1', # or 4?
		     'Waitall-2' => 'inout:reqarray:1',
		     'Waitall-3' => 'out:statusarray:1',
		     'Testany-2' => 'inout:reqarray:1',
		     'Testany-3' => 'in:refint',
		     'Testsome-2' => 'inout:reqarray:1',
		     'Testsome-5' => 'out:statusarray:1', # or 4?
		     'Testall-2' => 'inout:reqarray:1',
		     'Testall-4' => 'out:statusarray:1',
		     'Startall-2' => 'inout:preqarray:1',
		     'Pack-1' => 'in:const',
		     'Unpack-1' => 'in:const',
		     'Pack-6' => 'in:refint',
		     'Unpack-5' => 'in:refint',

		     'Get_error_string-3' => 'in:refint', 
		     'Create_struct-4' => 'in:dtypearray:1',

		     'Merge-2' => 'in:bool',
		     'Create_cart-4' => 'in:boolarray:2',
		     'Create_cart-5' => 'in:bool',
		     'Create_graph-5' => 'in:bool',
# Because there are multiple versions of the Distgraph create routines, 
# to allow for the optional weights, 
# we don't use the automatic method to create them.  Thus, there are
# no entries for Dist_graph_create, Dist_graph_create_adjacent, or
# Dist_graph_neighrbors_count
		     'cart-Get_topo-4' => 'out:boolarray:2',
		     'Sub-2' => 'in:boolarray:-10', # Use -10 for immediate number
		     'Shift-4' => 'in:refint',
		     'Shift-5' => 'in:refint',
		     # Bug - there are cartcomm map and graphcomm map.  The
		     # call routine will find this 
		     'cart-Map-4' => 'in:boolarray:2',

		     'Get_processor_name-2' => 'in:refint',

		     'info-Set-2' => 'in:const',
		     'info-Set-3' => 'in:const',
		     'info-Get-2' => 'in:const',
		     'Get_valuelen-2' => 'in:const',

		     'file-Open-2' => 'in:const',
		     'file-Delete-1' => 'in:const',
		     'Set_view-4' => 'in:const',
		     'Write-2' => 'in:const',
		     'Write_all-2' => 'in:const',
		     'Iwrite_at-2' => 'in:const',
		     'Iwrite-2' => 'in:const',
		     'Write_at-3' => 'in:const',
		     'Write_at_all-3' => 'in:const',
		     'Write_at_all_begin-3' => 'in:const',
		     'Write_at_all_end-2' => 'in:const',
		     'Write_all_begin-2' => 'in:const',
		     'Write_all_end-2' => 'in:const',
		     'Write_ordered_begin-2' => 'in:const',
		     'Write_ordered_end-2' => 'in:const',
		     'Write_ordered-2' => 'in:const',
		     'Write_shared-2' => 'in:const', 
		     'Set_atomicity-2' => 'in:bool',

		     'Put-1' => 'in:const',
		     'Accumulate-1' => 'in:const',
		     'Alloc_mem-2' => 'in:constref:Info',

		     'Detach_buffer-1' => 'inout:ptrref', 
		     'Get_version-1' => 'in:refint',
		     'Get_version-2' => 'in:refint',
		     'Get_name-3' => 'in:refint',
		     'Set_name-2' => 'in:const',
		     'Add_error_string-2' => 'in:const', 
%class_mpi1cart = ( 'Dup' => MPI_Comm,
		    'Get_dim' => 'int',
		    'Get_topo' => '0:4',
		    'Get_cart_rank' => '3',
		    'Get_coords' => 0,
		    'Shift' => '0:4:5',
		    'Sub' => 'MPI_Comm:2',
		    'Map' => '5:4',
$specialReturnType{"cart-Dup"} = "Cartcomm";
$specialReturnType{"cart-Sub"} = "Cartcomm";
$specialReturnType{"cart-Split"} = "Cartcomm";

# Pack, and Unpack are handled through definitions elsewhere
# Create_struct is also handled through definitions elsewhere, but for
# compatibility with some previous versions, a slightly different
# declaration is generated for this class.
%class_mpi1dtype = ( 'Create_contiguous' => 'MPI_Datatype',
		     'Create_vector' => 'MPI_Datatype', 
		     'Create_indexed' => 'MPI_Datatype', 
		     'Create_struct' => 'static:5:4',
		     'Get_size' => 2, 
		     'Commit' => 0,
		     'Free' => 0, 
#		     'Pack' => '0:1:6', 
#		     'Unpack' => '0:1:5',
		     'Pack_size' => 4,
%class_mpi1errh = ( 'Free' => 0, 
		    # Init missing 
%class_mpi1graph = ( 'Get_dims' => 0, 
		     'Get_topo' => 0,
		     'Get_neighbors_count' => 'int', 
		     'Get_neighbors' => 0,
		     'Map' => 5,
$specialReturnType{"graph-Dup"} = "Graphcomm";
$specialReturnType{"graph-Split"} = "Graphcomm";
if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    $specialReturnType{"distgraph-Dup"} = "Distgraphcomm";
    $specialReturnType{"distgraph-Split"} = "Distgraphcomm";

# Range routines will require special handling
# The Translate_ranks, Union, Intersect, Difference, and Compare routines are 
# static and don't work on an instance of a group
%class_mpi1group = ( 'Get_size' => 'int',
		     'Get_rank' => 'int',
		     'Translate_ranks' => 'static:0',
		     'Compare' => 'static:int',
		     'Union' => 'static:MPI_Group',
		     'Intersect' => 'static:MPI_Group',
		     'Difference' => 'static:MPI_Group',
		     'Incl', MPI_Group,
		     'Excl', MPI_Group,
		     'Range_incl', MPI_Group,
		     'Range_excl', MPI_Group,
		     'Free' => 0,
%class_mpi1inter = ( 'Dup' => MPI_Comm, 
		     'Get_remote_size' => 'int', 
		     'Get_remote_group' => MPI_Group,
		     'Merge' => 'MPI_Comm:2',
$specialReturnType{"inter-Dup"} = "Intercomm";
$specialReturnType{"inter-Split"} = "Intercomm";

%class_mpi1intra = ( #'Barrier' => 0, 
		     #'Bcast' => 0, 
		     #'Gather' => 0,
		     #'Gatherv' => 0,
		     #'Scatter' => 0,
		     #'Scatterv' => 0,
		     #'Allgather' => 0,
		     #'Allgatherv' => 0,
		     #'Alltoall' => 0,
		     #'Alltoallv' => 0,
		     #'Reduce' => 0,
		     #'Allreduce' => 0,
		     #'Reduce_scatter' => 0,
		     'Scan' => 0,
		     'Dup' => MPI_Comm,
		     'Create' => MPI_Comm,
		     'Split' => MPI_Comm,
		     'Create_intercomm' => MPI_Comm,
		     'Create_cart' => 'MPI_Comm:4:5',
		     'Create_graph' => 'MPI_Comm:5',
# Because the Dist_graph_create and Dist_graph_create_adjacent routines
# have two signatures, their definitions are handled as a special case
$specialReturnType{"intra-Split"} = "Intracomm";
$specialReturnType{"intra-Create"} = "Intracomm";
$specialReturnType{"intra-Dup"} = "Intracomm";

%class_mpi1op = ( 'Free' => 0);
%class_mpi1preq = ( 'Start' => 0,
		    'Startall' => 'static:0:2' );
%class_mpi1req = ( 'Wait' => 0, 
		   'Test' => 'int;bool',
		   'Free' => 0, 
		   'Cancel' => 0,
		   'Waitall' => 'static:0:2:3',
		   'Waitany' => 'static:int:2',
		   'Waitsome' => 'static:3:2:5',
		   'Testall' => 'static:int;bool:2:4',
		   'Testany' => 'static:4;bool:2:3:4',
		   'Testsome' => 'static:3:2:5',
%class_mpi1st = ( 'Get_count' => 'int',
		  'Is_cancelled' => 'int;bool',
		  'Get_elements' => 'int',
		  # get/set source, tag, error have no C binding

# These are the routines that are in no class, minus the few that require
# special handling (Init, Wtime, and Wtick).
%class_mpi1base = ( 'Get_processor_name' => '0:2',
		    'Get_error_string' => '0:3',
		    'Get_error_class', => '2', 
		    'Compute_dims' => 0,
		    'Finalize' => 0,
		    'Is_initialized', => '1;bool',
		    'Attach_buffer' => 0,
		    'Detach_buffer' => '2:1',
		    'Pcontrol' => '0',
		    'Get_version' => '0:1:2',   # MPI 1.2
# Here are the MPI-2 methods
# WARNING: These are incomplete.  They primarily define only the
# MPI-2 routines implemented by MPICH.
%class_mpi2base = ( 'Alloc_mem' => '3;void *:2',
		    'Free_mem' => '0', 
		    'Open_port' => '1',
		    'Close_port' => '0',
		    'Publish_name' => '0',
		    'Lookup_name' => '0',
		    'Unpublish_name' => '0',
		    'Is_finalized' => '1;bool',
		    'Query_thread' => '1',
		    'Is_thread_main' => '1;bool',
		    'Add_error_class' => '1',
		    'Add_error_code' => '2', 
		    'Add_error_string' => '0:2',
%class_mpi2comm = ( 'Barrier' => '0', 
		    'Get_attr' => 'int',
		    'Set_attr' => '0',
		    'Delete_attr' => '0',
#		    'Create_keyval' => 'int',
		    'Free_keyval' =>  'static:0:1',
		    'Set_name' => '0:2',
		    'Get_name' => '0:3',
		    'Disconnect' => '0',
		    'Get_parent' => 'static:0;Intercomm',
%class_postcomm = ( 'Call_errhandler' => '0',
%class_mpi2cart = ();
%class_mpi2dtype = ( 'Set_name' => '0:2', 
		     'Get_name' => '0:3',
		     'Dup' => 'MPI_Datatype',
		     'Get_extent' => '0',
		     'Create_hvector' => 'MPI_Datatype',
		     'Create_hindexed' => 'MPI_Datatype',
		     'Get_extent' => '0',
		     'Create_resized' => 'MPI_Datatype',  # FIXME Check not just resized
		     'Get_true_extent' => '0',
		     'Create_subarray' => 'MPI_Datatype',
		     'Create_darray' => 'MPI_Datatype',
		     'Get_attr' => 'int',
		     'Set_attr' => '0',
		     'Delete_attr' => '0',
#		     'Create_keyval' => 'int',
		     'Free_keyval' =>  'static:0:1',
%class_mpi2errh = ( 
%class_mpi2graph = ();
%class_mpi2distgraph = (
# Because of the weights option, Get_dist_neighbors_count is handled as
# special case
		     'Get_dist_neighbors' => '0',
%class_mpi2group = ();
%class_mpi2inter = ( #'Barrier' => 0, # MPI-2 adds intercomm collective
		     #'Bcast' => 0,   # These are moved into the Comm class
		     #'Gather' => 0,
		     #'Gatherv' => 0,
		     #'Scatter' => 0,
		     #'Scatterv' => 0,
		     #'Allgather' => 0,
		     #'Allgatherv' => 0,
		     #'Alltoall' => 0,
		     #'Alltoallv' => 0,
		     #'Reduce' => 0,
		     #'Allreduce' => 0,
		     #'Reduce_scatter' => 0,
		     #'Scan' => 0,
		     #'Exscan' => 0,
#$specialReturnType{"inter-Split"} = "Intercomm";

# Alltoallw uses an array of datatypes, which requires special handling
# Spawn and spawn multiple uses arrays of character strings, which
# also require special handling
%class_mpi2intra = ( #'Alltoallw' => 0, 
		     'Exscan' => 0,
		     # Because Spawn and Spawn_multiple have two different
		     # signaturs, they are handled as special cases.
		     'Accept' => 'MPI_Comm',
		     'Connect' => 'MPI_Comm',
%class_mpi2op = (
                 'Is_commutative' => '2;bool',
                 'Reduce_local'   => '0:4',
%class_mpi2preq = ();
%class_mpi2req = ();
# Start requires C++ to C function interposers (like errhandlers)
%class_mpi2greq = ( 'Complete' => 0, 
#		    'Start' => 'MPI_Request', 
%class_mpi2st = ();
%class_mpi2file = ( );
if ($build_io) {
    %class_mpi2file = ( 
		   'Open' => 'static:MPI_File:2',
		   'Close' => 0,
		   'Delete' => 'static:0:1',
		   'Set_size' => 0,
		   'Preallocate' => 0,
		   'Get_size' => 'MPI_Offset',
		   'Get_group' => 'MPI_Group',
		   'Get_amode' => 'int',
		   'Set_info' => 0,
		   'Get_info' => 'MPI_Info',
		   'Set_view' => '0:4',
		   'Get_view' => 0,
		   'Read_at' => 0,
		   'Read_at_all' => 0,
		   'Write_at' => '0:3',
		   'Write_at_all' => '0:3',
		   'Iread_at' => 'MPI_Request', 
		   'Iwrite_at' => 'MPI_Request:2',
		   'Read' => 0,
		   'Read_all' => 0,
		   'Write' => '0:2',
		   'Write_all' => '0:2',
		   'Iread' => 'MPI_Request',
		   'Iwrite' => 'MPI_Request:2',
		   'Seek' => 0,
		   'Get_position' => 'MPI_Offset',
		   'Get_byte_offset' => 'MPI_Offset',
		   'Read_shared' => 0,
		   'Write_shared' => '0:2',
		   'Iread_shared' => 'MPI_Request',
		   'Iwrite_shared' => 'MPI_Request:2',
		   'Read_ordered' => 0,
		   'Write_ordered' => '0:2',
		   'Seek_shared' => 0,
		   'Get_position_shared' => 'MPI_Offset',
		   'Read_at_all_begin' => 0,
		   'Read_at_all_end' => 0,
		   'Write_at_all_begin' => '0:3',
		   'Write_at_all_end' => '0:2',
		   'Read_all_begin' => 0,
		   'Read_all_end' => 0,
		   'Write_all_begin' => '0:2',
		   'Write_all_end' => '0:2',
		   'Read_ordered_begin' => 0,
		   'Read_ordered_end' => 0,
		   'Write_ordered_begin' => '0:2',
		   'Write_ordered_end' => '0:2',
		   'Get_type_extent' => 'MPI_Aint',
		   'Set_atomicity' => '0:2',
		   'Get_atomicity' => 'int;bool',
		   'Sync' => '0',
		   'Get_errhandler' => 'MPI_Errhandler',
		   'Set_errhandler' => '0',
    %class_postfile = ( 'Call_errhandler' => '0',
#     %class_mpi2file = ( 
# 		   'File_open' => 'static:MPI_File:2',
# 		   'File_close' => 0,
# 		   'File_delete' => 'static:0:1',
# 		   'File_set_size' => 0,
# 		   'File_preallocate' => 0,
# 		   'File_get_size' => 'MPI_Offset',
# 		   'File_get_group' => 'MPI_Group',
# 		   'File_get_amode' => 'int',
# 		   'File_set_info' => 0,
# 		   'File_get_info' => 'MPI_Info',
# 		   'File_set_view' => '0:4',
# 		   'File_get_view' => 0,
# 		   'File_read_at' => 0,
# 		   'File_read_at_all' => 0,
# 		   'File_write_at' => '0:2',
# 		   'File_write_at_all' => '0:2',
# 		   'File_iread_at' => 'MPI_Request', 
# 		   'File_iwrite_at' => 'MPI_Request:1',
# 		   'File_read' => 0,
# 		   'File_read_all' => 0,
# 		   'File_write' => '0:1',
# 		   'File_write_all' => '0:1',
# 		   'File_iread' => 'MPI_Request',
# 		   'File_iwrite' => 'MPI_Request:1',
# 		   'File_seek' => 0,
# 		   'File_get_position' => 'MPI_Offset',
# 		   'File_get_byte_offset' => 'MPI_Offset',
# 		   'File_read_shared' => 0,
# 		   'File_write_shared' => 0,
# 		   'File_iread_shared' => 'MPI_Request',
# 		   'File_iwrite_shared' => 'MPI_Request:1',
# 		   'File_read_ordered' => 0,
# 		   'File_write_ordered' => '0:1',
# 		   'File_seek_shared' => 0,
# 		   'File_get_position_shared' => 'MPI_Offset',
# 		   'File_read_at_all_begin' => 0,
# 		   'File_read_at_all_end' => 0,
# 		   'File_write_at_all_begin' => '0:2',
# 		   'File_write_at_all_end' => '0:1',
# 		   'File_read_all_begin' => 0,
# 		   'File_read_all_end' => 0,
# 		   'File_write_all_begin' => '0:1',
# 		   'File_write_all_end' => '0:1',
# 		   'File_read_ordered_begin' => 0,
# 		   'File_read_ordered_end' => 0,
# 		   'File_write_ordered_begin' => '0:1',
# 		   'File_write_ordered_end' => '0:1',
# 		   'File_get_type_extent' => 'MPI_Aint',
# 		   'File_set_atomicity' => '0:1',
# 		   'File_get_atomicity' => 'bool',
# 		   'File_sync' => 0,
# 		   'File_set_errhandler' => 'MPI_Errhandler',
# 		   'File_get_errhandler' => 0,
# 		   );		
%class_mpi2win = (  'Put' => '0:1', 'Get' => '0', 
		    'Accumulate' => '0', 
		    'Create' => 'static:MPI_Win', 
		    'Free' => '0',
		    'Fence' => '0', 
		    'Get_group' => 'MPI_Group',
		    'Get_attr' => '0',
		    'Start' => '0',
		    'Complete' => '0',
		    'Post' => '0',
		    'Wait' => '0',
		    'Test' => 'int;bool',
		    'Lock' => '0',
		    'Unlock' => '0',
		    'Set_name' => '0:2',
		    'Get_name' => '0:3',
		    'Get_attr' => 'int',
		    'Set_attr' => '0',
		    'Delete_attr' => '0',
		    'Free_keyval' =>  'static:0:1',
%class_postwin = ( 'Call_errhandler' => 0,
%class_mpi2info = ( 'Create' => 'static:1',
		    'Set' => '0:2:3',
		    'Delete' => '0:2',
		    'Get' => '5;bool:2',
		    'Get_valuelen' => '4;bool:2',
		    'Get_nkeys' => '2',
		    'Get_nthkey' => '0', 
		    'Dup' => '2',
		    'Free' => '0', 

# Name of classes, in the order in which they must be declared.  This
# includes all classes, by their short names
@classes = ( 
#                   'distgraph',
if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    $classes[$#classes+1] = 'distgraph';

# Some classes have additional methods.  This hash on the classes (by 
# short name) gives the name of a routine that will add additional methods.
# Primarily used for the Status methods (get/set_tag etc) and for 
# Communicator clone methods.
%class_extra_fnc = ( 'st'        => 'Status_methods',
                     'except'    => 'Exception_methods',
		     'comm'      => 'Comm_methods',
		     'null'      => 'Nullcomm_methods',
		     'inter'     => 'Intercomm_methods',
		     'intra'     => 'Intracomm_methods',
		     'graph'     => 'Graphcomm_methods',
#		     'distgraph' => 'Distgraphcomm_methods',
		     'cart'      => 'Cartcomm_methods',
		     'dtype'     => 'Datatype_methods',
		     'op'        => 'Op_methods',
		     'file'      => 'File_methods',
		     'win'       => 'Win_methods',
		     'greq'      => 'Grequest_methods',
if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    $class_extra_fnc{'distgraph'} = 'Distgraphcomm_methods';

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If there is a specific list of routines, replace the list with this
# list
%newclasses = ();
if ($routine_list ne "") {
    for $routine (split(/\s+/,$routine_list)) {
	print "$routine\n" if $gDebug;
	($class,$rname) = split(/-/,$routine);
	# Look up name in the class list
	$classvar = "class-mpi1$class";
	$result_type = 0;
	if (defined($$classvar{$rname})) {
	    $result_type = $$classvar{$rname};
	else {
	    $classvar = "class-mpi2$class";
	    if (defined($$classvar{$rname})) {
		$result_type = $$classvar{$rname};
	$newclasses{$class} .= " $rname=>$result_type";
    # Now, clear all of the classes
    foreach $class (@classes) {
	$class_name = "class_mpi1$class";
	%$class_name = ();
	$class_name = "class_mpi2$class";
	%$class_name = ();
    # And unpack newclasses
    foreach $class (keys(%newclasses)) {
	$class_name = "class_mpi1$class";
	foreach $rpair (split(/\s+/,$newclasses{$class})) {
	    if ($rpair eq "") { next; }
	    print "$rpair\n" if $gDebug;
	    ($routine, $rval) = split(/=>/,$rpair);
	    $$class_name{$routine} = $rval;
    # At this point, we should generate only the routines requested,
    # plus all of the classes (we may need the empty classes for the
    # predefined types)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# MPI objects
# dtypes gives all of the MPI datatypes whose C version are this name
# with MPI_ in front.  E.g., MPI::CHAR is the same as MPI_CHAR.
# The size-specific types were added in MPI-2, and are required for
# C and C++ as well as for Fortran
	    'PACKED', 'LB', 'UB', 'FLOAT_INT', 'DOUBLE_INT', 
	    'REAL4', 'REAL8', 'REAL16', 'COMPLEX8', 'COMPLEX16',


# Still missing: C++ only types: BOOL, COMPLEX, DOUBLE_COMPLEX, 

# ops is like dtypes
@ops = ( 'MAX', 'MIN', 'SUM', 'PROD', 'LAND', 'BAND', 'LOR', 'BOR', 
# errclasses is like dtypes.  Contains both MPI-1 and MPI-2 classes
@errclasses = ( 'SUCCESS', 'ERR_BUFFER', 'ERR_COUNT', 'ERR_TYPE',

# Special routines require special processing in C++
%special_routines = ( 'Init' => 1, 'Init_thread' => 1, 'Pcontrol' => '1' );

# Most routines can be processed automatically.  However, some
# require some special processing.  (See the Fortran version
# of buildiface)

$arg_string = join( ' ', @ARGV );

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Here begins more executable code.  Read the definitions of the 
# routines.  The argument list for routine xxx is placed into the hash
# mpi_routine{xxx}.
&ReadInterface( "../../include/" );
# Special case:  Add Pcontrol
$mpi_routine{'Pcontrol'} = "int,...";

# if doing MPI2, we also need to read the MPI-2 protottypes
if ( -s "../../mpi/romio/include/" ) { 
    &ReadInterface( "../../mpi/romio/include/" );

# Class_type gives the C datatype for each class, except for the
# exception class, which has no C counterpart
%class_type = ( 'comm' => MPI_Comm, 
		'cart' => MPI_Comm,
		'dtype' => MPI_Datatype,
		'errh' => MPI_Errhandler,
		'null'  => MPI_Comm,
		'graph' => MPI_Comm,
#		'distgraph' => MPI_Comm,
		'group' => MPI_Group,
		'inter' => MPI_Comm,
		'intra' => MPI_Comm,
		'op' => MPI_Op,
		'preq' => MPI_Request,
		'req' => MPI_Request,
		'greq' => MPI_Request,
		'st' => MPI_Status,
		'info' => MPI_Info,
		'win' => MPI_Win,
		'file' => MPI_File,
		'except' => 'int',
if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    $class_type{'distgraph'} = 'MPI_Comm';

# fullclassname gives the C++ binding class name for each shorthand version
%fullclassname = ( 'comm' => 'Comm',
		   'cart' => 'Cartcomm',
		   'dtype' => 'Datatype',
		   'errh' => 'Errhandler',
		   'graph' => 'Graphcomm',
#		   'distgraph' => 'Distgraphcomm',
		   'group' => 'Group',
		   'null'  => 'Nullcomm',
		   'inter' => 'Intercomm',
		   'intra' => 'Intracomm',
		   'op' => 'Op',
		   'preq' => 'Prequest',
		   'req' => 'Request',
		   'st' => 'Status',
		   'greq' => 'Grequest',
		   'info' => 'Info',
		   'win' => 'Win',
		   'file' => 'File',
		   'except' => 'Exception',
if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    $fullclassname{'distgraph'} = 'Distgraphcomm';
# Each class may need to access internal elements of another class.
# This has gives the list of friends for each class (i.e., the
# classes that are allowed to directly access the protected members).
# The friends are the full class names
%class_friends = ( 'comm' => 'Cartcomm,Intercomm,Intracomm,Graphcomm,Distgraphcomm,Nullcomm,Datatype,Win,File',
		   'cart' => '',
		   'dtype' => 'Comm,Status,Intracomm,Intercomm,Win,File,Op',
		   'errh' => 'Comm,File,Win',
		   'graph' => '',
		   'distgraph' => '',
		   'group' => 'Comm,Intracomm,Intercomm,Win,File',
		   'inter' => 'Intracomm',
		   'intra' => 'Cartcomm,Graphcomm,Distgraphcomm,Datatype',
		   # Op adds comm as a friend because of MPI2
		   'op' => 'Intracomm,Intercomm,Win,Comm',
		   'preq' => '',
		   'req' => 'Comm,File,Grequest',
		   'st' => 'Comm,File,Request',
		   'greq' => '',
		   'info' => 'File,Win,Comm,Intracomm',
		   'win' => '',
		   'file' => '',
if (!$do_DistGraphComm) {
    # Remove Distgraphcomm from the friends list
    $class_friends{'comm'} = 'Cartcomm,Intercomm,Intracomm,Graphcomm,Nullcomm,Datatype,Win,File';
    $class_friends{'intra'} = 'Cartcomm,Graphcomm,Datatype';
# We also need to know the derived classes.  This gives the class that
# a class is derived from.  Base classes are not included here.
%derived_class = ( 'graph' => 'Intracomm', 
	#	   'distgraph' => 'Intracomm',
		   'preq' => 'Request',
		   'greq' => 'Request',
		   'null' => 'Comm',
		   'inter' => 'Comm',
		   'intra' => 'Comm',
		   'cart' => 'Intracomm',
if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    $derived_class{'distgraph'} = 'Intracomm';

# Maps all of the derived classes to their ultimate parent.  This is
# used to find the name of the correct protected element (the_real_xxx),
# used to store the C version of the class handle.
%mytopclass = ( 'graph'     => 'comm', 
		'graphcomm' => 'comm',
#		'distgraph' => 'comm',
#		'distgraphcomm' => 'comm',
		'nullcomm'  => 'comm',
	        'intracomm' => 'comm', 
	        'intercomm' => 'comm',
	        'intra'     => 'comm', 
	        'inter'     => 'comm',
	        'cart'      => 'comm',
		'cartcomm'  => 'comm',
		'grequest'  => 'request',
		'prequest'  => 'request',
	        'greq'      => 'request',
  	        'preq'      => 'request' );
if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    $mytopclass{'distgraph'} = 'comm';
    $mytopclass{'distgraphcomm'} = 'comm';

# Many of the C++ binding names are easily derived from the C name.
# For those names that are not so derived, this hash provides a mapping from
# the C names to the C++ names.
# WARNING: This list is incomplete
# These have the form <short-class-name>-<C++name> => <C-name>; i.e.,
# MPI_Comm_rank becomes 'comm-rank'.  Routines that are part of the MPI
# namespace but not in any class leave the class field blank, i.e., 
# -Attach_buffer .
%altname = ( 'base-Attach_buffer' => 'Buffer_attach',
	     'base-Detach_buffer' => 'Buffer_detach',
	     'base-Compute_dims' => 'Dims_create',
	     'base-Get_error_class' => 'Error_class',
	     'base-Get_error_string' => 'Error_string',
	     'base-Is_initialized' => 'Initialized',
	     'base-Is_finalized' => 'Finalized',
	     'base-Register_datarep' => 'Register_datarep',
	     'comm-Sendrecv_replace' => 'Sendrecv_replace',
	     'comm-Get_topology' => 'Topo_test',
	     'comm-Get_rank' => 'Comm_rank',
	     'comm-Get_size' => 'Comm_size',
	     'comm-Get_group' => 'Comm_group',
	     'comm-Is_inter' => 'Comm_test_inter',
	     'dtype-Create_contiguous' => 'Type_contiguous',
	     'dtype-Create_vector' => 'Type_vector',
	     'dtype-Create_indexed' => 'Type_indexed',
	     'dtype-Create_indexed_block' => 'Type_create_indexed_block',
	     'dtype-Create_struct' => 'Type_create_struct',
	     'dtype-Get_envelope' => 'Type_get_envelope',
	     'dtype-Get_contents' => 'Type_get_contents',
	     'dtype-Match_size' => 'Type_match_size',
	     'dtype-Create_f90_real' => 'Type_create_f90_real',
	     'dtype-Create_f90_complex' => 'Type_create_f90_complex',
	     'dtype-Create_f90_integer' => 'Type_create_f90_integer',
	     'dtype-Commit' => 'Type_commit',
	     'dtype-Pack' => 'Pack',
#	     'dtype-Unpack' => 'Unpack',
# Unpack is a special case because the C++ binding doesn't follow a simple
# rule to derive from the C binding
	     'dtype-Pack_size' => 'Pack_size',
	     'dtype-Free' => 'Type_free',
	     'dtype-Get_size' => 'Type_size',
	     'dtype-Get_name' => 'Type_get_name',
	     'dtype-Set_name' => 'Type_set_name',
	     'dtype-Get_extent' => 'Type_get_extent',
	     'dtype-Dup' => 'Type_dup',
	     'dtype-Create_subarray' => 'Type_create_subarray',
	     'dtype-Create_resized' => 'Type_create_resized',
	     'dtype-Create_hvector' => 'Type_create_hvector',
	     'dtype-Create_darray' => 'Type_create_darray',
	     'dtype-Create_hindexed' => 'Type_create_hindexed',
	     'dtype-Get_true_extent' => 'Type_get_true_extent',
	     'dtype-Get_attr' => 'Type_get_attr',
	     'dtype-Set_attr' => 'Type_set_attr',
	     'dtype-Delete_attr' => 'Type_delete_attr',
	     'dtype-Free_keyval' => 'Type_free_keyval',
	     'group-Get_size' => 'Group_size',
	     'group-Get_rank' => 'Group_rank',
	     'group-Intersect' => 'Group_intersection',
	     'intra-Create_intercomm' => 'Intercomm_create',
	     'inter-Create' => 'Comm_create',
	     'inter-Split' => 'Comm_split',
	     'intra-Split' => 'Comm_split',
	     'inter-Get_remote_group' => 'Comm_remote_group',
	     'inter-Get_remote_size' => 'Comm_remote_size',
	     'inter-Dup' => 'Comm_dup',
	     'intra-Create' => 'Comm_create',
	     'intra-Dup' => 'Comm_dup',
	     'intra-Split' => 'Comm_split',
	     'intra-Create_cart' => 'Cart_create',
	     'intra-Create_graph' => 'Graph_create',
	     # Dist_graph_create and Dist_graph_create_adjacent are handled
	     # as a special case
	     'intra-Connect' => 'Comm_connect',
	     'intra-Spawn' => 'Comm_spawn',
	     'intra-Spawn_multiple' => 'Comm_spawn_multiple',
	     'intra-Accept' => 'Comm_accept',
	     'st-Is_cancelled' => 'Test_cancelled',
	     'cart-Get_cart_rank' => 'Cart_rank',
	     'cart-Map' => 'Cart_map',
	     'cart-Get_topo' => 'Cart_get',
	     'cart-Shift' => 'Cart_shift',
	     'cart-Sub' => 'Cart_sub',
	     'cart-Dup' => 'Comm_dup',
	     'cart-Get_dim' => 'Cartdim_get',
	     'cart-Get_coords' => 'Cart_coords',
	     'cart-Get_rank' => 'Cart_rank',
	     'graph-Map' => 'Graph_map',
	     'graph-Get_topo' => 'Graph_get',
	     'graph-Get_neighbors' => 'Graph_neighbors',
	     'graph-Get_neighbors_count' => 'Graph_neighbors_count',
	     'graph-Get_dims' => 'Graphdims_get',
	     'graph-Dup' => 'Comm_dup',
#	     'distgraph-Dup' => 'Comm_dup',
#	     'distgraph-Get_dist_neighbors' => 'Dist_graph_neighbors',
#	     'distgraph-Get_dist_neighbors_count' => 'Dist_graph_neighbors_count',
             'op-Is_commutative' => 'Op_commutative',
             'op-Reduce_local' => 'Reduce_local',
if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    $altname{'distgraph-Dup'} = 'Comm_dup';
    $altname{'distgraph-Get_dist_neighbors'} = 'Dist_graph_neighbors';
    $altname{'distgraph-Get_dist_neighbors_count'} =

# These routines must be defered because their implementations need 
# definitions of classes that must be made later than the class that they
# are in.  In particular, these need both datatypes and communicators.
%defer_definition = ( 'Pack' => Datatype, 
		      'Pack_size' => Datatype, 
		      'Unpack' => Datatype

# These classes (in the binding name) do not have a compare operation, or 
# use the parent class's compare operation.
# These use the Full class name.
%class_has_no_compare = ( 'Status' => 1,
			  'Intracomm' => 1,
			  'Intercomm' => 1,
			  'Nullcomm' => 1,
			  'Cartcomm' => 1,
			  'Graphcomm' => 1,
#			  'Distgraphcomm' => 1,
			  'Prequest' => 1,
if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    $class_has_no_compare{'Distgraphcomm'} = 1;

# These classes do not have a default intialization
# These use the Full class name
%class_has_no_default = ( 'Status' => 1 );

# Read the function specification (will eventually replace the hard-coded
# values set in this file).  This file contains information that is not
# derived from the ReadInterface
if ($doFuncspec) {
    &ReadFuncSpec( "cxxdecl3.dat" );
    # Use the MPI C++ binding names for the defered definitions
    $defer_definition{"Create_cart"}  = "Comm";
    $defer_definition{"Create_graph"} = "Comm";
    $defer_definition{"Get_parent"}   = "Comm";
    $defer_definition{"Join"}         = "Comm";
    $defer_definition{"Merge"}        = "Intercomm";
    $defer_definition{"Call_errhandler"} = "Comm";
    $defer_definition{"Call_errhandler"} = "File";
    $defer_definition{"Call_errhandler"} = "Win";

    $dtype_Get_name_init = "    MPIR_CXX_InitDatatypeNames();";

# Some of the routine definitions require future class definitions; e.g.,
# The Intracomm routine Create_cart needs to create a Cartcomm.  These
# routines must have their definitions in initcxx.cxx, not 
# mpicxx.h .  How should we mark these?
# (The original buildiface incorrectly generated Comm objects for these)
# Because there are only a few routines, we can keep track of these here

# create a stamp file for use by rebuild make logic
open STAMPFD, '>', 'buildiface-stamp';
close STAMPFD;

# create the master file
$filename = "";
open ( $OUTFD, ">${filename}.new" ) || die "Could not open ${filename}.new\n";
# Use the derived file as a source
$files[$#files+1] = "mpicxx.h";

&printCoverageHeader( $OUTFD, 1 );

&PrintNewSeek( $OUTFD );

print $OUTFD "namespace MPI {\n";

# Provide a way to invoke the error handler on the object
#define MPIX_CALLREF( _objptr, fnc ) \\
    { int err = fnc; if (err) { (_objptr)->Call_errhandler( err ); }}
#define MPIX_CALLOBJ( _obj, fnc ) \\
    { int err = fnc; if (err) { (_obj).Call_errhandler( err ); }}
#define MPIX_CALLWORLD( fnc ) \\
    { int err = fnc ; if (err) MPIR_Call_world_errhand( err ); }
extern void MPIR_Call_world_errhand( int );
#define MPIX_CALLREF( _objptr, fnc ) (void)fnc
#define MPIX_CALLOBJ( _obj, fnc ) (void)fnc
#define MPIX_CALLWORLD( fnc ) (void)fnc

# Within a "namespace" qualifier, the namespace name should not be used.
# Thus, we use Offset, not MPI::Offset.
print $OUTFD "
// Typedefs for basic int types
typedef MPI_Offset Offset;
typedef MPI_Aint   Aint;
typedef MPI_Fint   Fint;

// Special internal routine
void MPIR_CXX_InitDatatypeNames( void );

// Forward class declarations
class Comm;
class Nullcomm;
class Intercomm;
class Intracomm;
class Cartcomm;
class Graphcomm;\n";
if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    print $OUTFD "class Distgraphcomm;\n";
print $OUTFD "class File;\n\n";

# Add the base routines.  Since these are not in any class, we
# place only their prototype in the header file.  The 
# implementation is then placed in the source file.  We can
# put these here because none of them use any of the other classes,
# and we'll want to use a few of them in the implementations of the
# other functions.
print $OUTFD "// base (classless) routines\n";
@routines = keys(%class_mpi1base);
if (@routinesMpi1base) {
    @routines = @routinesMpi1base;
if ($outputRoutineLists) {
    open (FD, ">order.mpi1base.txt" );
    print FD "\@routinesMpi1base = (\n";
foreach $routine (@routines) {
    print FD "\t\"$routine\",\n" if ($outputRoutineLists);
    # These aren't really a class, so they don't use Begin/EndClass
    $arginfo = $class_mpi1base{$routine};
    print $OUTFD "extern ";
    &PrintRoutineDef( $OUTFD, "base", $routine, $arginfo, 1 );
if ($outputRoutineLists) {
    print FD ");\n";
    close (FD);

# Forward references for externals, used in error handling
print $OUTFD "extern     Intracomm COMM_WORLD;\n";
print $OUTFD "extern     File FILE_NULL;\n";

# mpi2base adds a few routines which need definitions (Info), so
# all of them are at the end, right before the extern declarations

# Here's the loop structure
# foreach class 
#   output class header
#   for mpi1, mpi2
#      for the routines in that class and choice of mpi1, mpi2
#   output any special methods

# Build the routines by class
foreach $class (@classes) {
    my $printed_extra_fnc = 0;
    $shortclass = $class;
    $Class = $fullclassname{$class};
    #$mpi_type = $class_type{$class};

    # Special case to skip over the file routines (whose prototypes cause
    # us some problems).
    if ($class eq "file") {
        if (!$build_io) { next; }
	# Add a definition for MPI_FILE_NULL and MPI_File if none available
	print $OUTFD "#ifndef MPI_FILE_NULL\
#define MPI_FILE_NULL 0\
typedef int MPI_File;\
    # Begin the class, writing the common operations (destructors etc.)
    &BeginClass( $class );

    # Hack to ifdef out the file routines
    if ($class eq "file") {
	# Define the file type only if supported.
	print $OUTFD "#ifdef MPI_MODE_RDONLY\n";

    foreach $mpilevel (@mpilevels) {
	if ($mpilevel eq "post") {
	    $printed_extra_fnc = 1;
	    if (defined($class_extra_fnc{$class})) {
		$extrafnc = $class_extra_fnc{$class};
		&$extrafnc( $OUTFD );

        $mpiclass = "$mpilevel$class";
        $class_hash = "class_$mpiclass";
	@routines = keys(%$class_hash);
	$arrname  = "routines$mpiclass";
	if (@$arrname) {
	    @routines = @$arrname;
	if ($#routines < 0) { next; }
	if ($outputRoutineLists) {
	    open (FD, ">order.$arrname.txt" );
	    print FD "\@$arrname = (\n";
	foreach $routine (@routines) {
	    print "processing $routine in $mpiclass\n" if $gDebug;
	    print FD "\t\"$routine\",\n" if ($outputRoutineLists);
	    # info describes the return parameter and any special
	    # processing for this routine.
	    $arginfo = $$class_hash{$routine};
	    print "Arginfo is $arginfo\n" if $gDebug;
	    &PrintRoutineDef( $OUTFD, $class, $routine, $arginfo, 0 );
	    # Check for Status as an arg (handle MPI_STATUS_IGNORE 
	    # by providing a definition without using Status).
	    if ($args =~ /Status/ && $class ne "st") {
		&PrintRoutineDefNoStatus( $OUTFD, $class, 
					  $routine, $arginfo, 0 );
	if ($outputRoutineLists) {
	    print FD ");\n";
	    close (FD);
    if (defined($class_extra_fnc{$class}) && !$printed_extra_fnc) {
	$extrafnc = $class_extra_fnc{$class};
	&$extrafnc( $OUTFD );

    # Hack to ifdef out the file routines
    if ($class eq "file") {
	# Define the file type only if supported.
	print $OUTFD "#endif\n";

    # Special case.  Once we define a Datatype, add this typedef
    if ($class eq "dtype") {
        print $OUTFD "
    typedef void User_function(const void *, void*, int, const Datatype&); 

    # Add a few more external functions (some require the above definitions)
    @routines = keys(%class_mpi2base);
    if (@routinesMpi2base) {
        @routines = @routinesMpi2base;
    if ($outputRoutineLists) {
	open (FD, ">order.$arrname.txt" );
	print FD "\@routinesMpi2base = (\n";
    foreach $routine (@routines) {
	print FD "\t\"$routine\",\n" if ($outputRoutineLists);
	# These aren't really a class, so they don't use Begin/EndClass
        $arginfo = $class_mpi2base{$routine};
        print $OUTFD "extern ";
	#print "$routine - $arginfo\n";
        &PrintRoutineDef( $OUTFD, "base", $routine, $arginfo, 1 );
    if ($outputRoutineLists) {
	print FD ");\n";
	close (FD);
    # Special case: the typedefs for the datarep function
    # Only define these typedefs when MPI-IO is available (this is the same
    # test as used for the rest of the I/O routines );
print $OUTFD "\
typedef int Datarep_extent_function( const Datatype&, Aint&, void *);
typedef int Datarep_conversion_function( void *, Datatype &, int, void *,
                Offset, void * );

    print $OUTFD "\n";

    # Print the extern names for the various constants defined in the 
    # MPI namespace
    &PrintConstants( $OUTFD, 0 );

    # Other routines
    print $OUTFD "extern void Init(void);\n";
    print $OUTFD "extern void Init(int &, char **& );\n";
    print $OUTFD "extern int Init_thread(int);\n";
    print $OUTFD "extern int Init_thread(int &, char **&, int );\n";
    print $OUTFD "extern double Wtime(void);\n";
    print $OUTFD "extern double Wtick(void);\n";

    print $OUTFD "} // namespace MPI\n";

    close ( $OUTFD );
    &ReplaceIfDifferent( $filename, "${filename}.new" );

# Build the special routines

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedures
# print_line( FD, line, count, continue, continuelen )
# Print line to FD; if line size > count, output continue string and
# continue.  Use print_endline to finish a line
sub print_line {
    my $FD = $_[0];
    my $line = $_[1];
    my $count = $_[2];
    my $continue = $_[3];
    my $continue_len = $_[4];
    $linelen = length( $line );
    #print "linelen = $linelen, print_line_len = $print_line_len\n";
    if ($print_line_len + $linelen > $count) {
	print $FD $continue;
	$print_line_len = $continue_len;
    print $FD $line;
    $print_line_len += $linelen;
sub print_endline {
    my $FD = $_[0];
    print $FD "\n";
    $print_line_len = 0;

# Print the header of the file, containing the definitions etc.
sub print_header {
    print $OUTFD "/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */\
/*  \
 *  (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory.\
 *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.\
 * This file is automatically generated by buildiface $arg_string\
/* style: c++ header */\

# Print checks for names that might be defined but that conflict with
sub printDefineChecks {
    # Add a test for definitions that will cause problems
    # Unfortunately, #warning isn't part of standard C, so we can't use
    # it.  
    print $OUTFD "#ifdef MPI
#error \"You cannot define MPI; that name is reserved for the MPI namespace\"
    if ($oldSeek) {
	# Let the user define MPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK to both
	# suppress the check for SEEK_SET etc. and to suppress the definition
	# of the values.
	print $OUTFD "
// There is a name conflict between stdio.h and iostream (or iostream.h)
// and the MPI C++ binding 
// with respect to the names SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, and SEEK_END.  MPI
// wants these in the MPI namespace, but stdio.h will #define these
// to integer values.  #undef'ing these can cause obscure problems
// with other include files (such as iostream), so we instead use
// #error to indicate a fatal error.  Users can either #undef 
// the names before including mpi.h or include mpi.h *before* stdio.h
// or iostream.  
#ifdef SEEK_SET
#error \"SEEK_SET is #defined but must not be for the C++ binding of MPI\"
//#undef SEEK_SET
#ifdef SEEK_CUR
#error \"SEEK_CUR is #defined but must not be for the C++ binding of MPI\"
//#undef SEEK_CUR
#ifdef SEEK_END
//#undef SEEK_END
#error \"SEEK_END is #defined but must not be for the C++ binding of MPI\"

    # GCC changed the calling convention between 3.2.3 and 3.4.3 (!!!)
    # check for that
    print $OUTFD "
// Check for incompatible GCC versions
// GCC (specifically) g++ changed the calling convention
// between 3.2.3 and 3.4.3 (!!)  Normally such changes
// should only occur at major releases (e.g., version 3 to 4)
#ifdef __GNUC__ 
# if __GNUC__ >= \@GNUCXX_VERSION\@ 
#  if __GNUC_MINOR__ > 2 && \@GNUCXX_MINORVERSION\@ == 2 
#  error 'Please use the same version of GCC and g++ for compiling MPICH and user MPI programs'
#  endif
# endif     

    print $OUTFD "
 * Because the API is defined, some methods have parameters that are 
 * not used.  The following definition allows us to suppress warnings
 * about unused arguments in methods when -Wall -Wextra are specified.
 * this definition is removed at the end of this file.
#error MPIR_ARGUNUSED defined
#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 
#define MPIR_ARGUNUSED __attribute__((unused))

# Use this after the MPI namespace is defined
sub PrintNewSeek {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];

    if (! $oldSeek) {
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
// There is a name conflict between stdio.h and iostream (or iostream.h)
// and the MPI C++ binding with respect to the names SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, 
// and SEEK_END.  MPI wants these in the MPI namespace, but stdio.h, 
// iostream, or iostream.h will #define these to integer values.  
// #undef'ing these can cause obscure problems.  

// MPICH_DONT_INCLUDE_STDIO_H is another escape hatch for us, just like
// MPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK.  If we encounter a wacky environment or user in the
// wild that does not want our workaround and/or the stdio.h header, then we can
// offer them a way out.
// ensure that we have SEEK_* defined
# include <stdio.h>

enum MPIR_Dummy_seek_type {
    MPIR_DUMMY_SEEK_COMMA_VAL = -1  // permits cleaner comma logic
#ifdef SEEK_SET
#   undef SEEK_SET
#ifdef SEEK_CUR
#   undef SEEK_CUR
#ifdef SEEK_END
#   undef SEEK_END
#   undef LOCK_SHARED


# Print the arguments for the routine DEFINITION.
# TODO : Remove any output parameters.  This is stored in info by position 
# if an integer or type (if a string).  If 0, there is no return object
sub print_args { 
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    my @parms = split(/\s*,\s*/, $_[1] );  # the original parameter list
    my $class_type = $_[2];                # Is this a Comm, Info, or othe 
                                           # class?  Use to find the position
                                           # of the "this" entry in the C 
                                           # version of the routine.
    my $arginfo = $_[3];                   # Value of <class>_hash{routine)}

    my $count = 1;
    my $last_args = "";
    $first = 1;
    my $args_printed = 0;
    my $is_static = 0;           # set to true if function is static

    &debugPrint( $routine, "In print_args" );
    my $special_args = "::";
    if (defined($arginfo)) {
	if ($arginfo =~ /^static:/) {
	    $arginfo =~ s/^static://;
	    $is_static = 1;
	if ($arginfo =~ /(^[^:]+):(.*)/) {
	    $returnarg = $1;
	    $special_args = ":".$2.":";  # makes the numbers :\d+:...
	    &debugPrint( $routine, "Routine $routine special args $special_args" );

    # Special case: if the only parm is "void", remove it from the list
    print "Nparms = $#parms, parms = " . join(',',@parms) . "\n" if $gDebug;
    if ($#parms == 0 && $parms[0] eq "void") {
	&debugPrint( $routine, "Setting nparms to -1" );
	$#parms = -1;
    # class_pos is the position of the class variable in the argument list.
    # If specified by parm type, we must find it
    $class_pos = -1;
    if ($class_pos == -1 && defined($class_type) && $class_type ne "" && 
	!$is_static) {
	&debugPrint( $routine, "Looking for class $class_type" );
	$class_pos = 0;
	$pos = 1;
	foreach $parm (@parms) {
	    if ($parm =~ /$class_type/) {
		# Found the type; set the position of the class variable
		$class_pos = $pos;

    # Output the list
    print "special args at: $special_args\n" if $gDebug;
    print $OUTFD "( ";
    foreach $parm (@parms) {
	$pos_check = ":" . $count . ":";
	print "parm = :$parm:\n" if $gDebug;

	# Check whether this argument has special processing
	# Otherwise, apply standardized rules (currently, this
	# is used only to prepend a qualifier, such as "const").
	if ($special_args =~ /$pos_check/) {
	    if (&DoSpecialArgProcessing( $OUTFD, $routine, $count, 
					 "methoddecl" ) ) {
		$args_printed ++;
		if ($first) { $first = 0; }
	# Match type to replacement
	if ($count == $class_pos || $count == $return_parm_pos) {
	    &debugPrint( $routine, "Skipping parm $parm because of position or return" );
	    # Skip this arg in the definition 
	else {
	    $args_printed ++;
	    if ($first) { $first = 0; }
	    else { print $OUTFD ", "; }
	    if ($parm =~/\[/) {
		print "Processing array argument ...\n" if $gDebug;
		$qualifier = "";
		if ($parm =~ /^\s*const\s+(.*)/) {
		    $qualifier = "const ";
		    $parm = $1;
		# Argument type is array, so we need to 
		#  a) place parameter correctly
		# Split into raw type and []
		# Handle multidim arrays as well (Range_excl/incl)
		# Use \S* instead of the equivalent [^\s]*.
		# See ../f77/buildiface for an explanation
		$foundbrack = ""; # We actually ignore foundbrack
		if ($parm =~ /\s*(\S*)\s*(\[\s*\])(.*)/) {
		    $basetype = $1;
		    $foundbrack = $2;
		    $extrabracks = $3;
		    $otherdims = "";
		else {
		    print STDERR "Internal error.  Could not find basetype\n";
		    print STDERR "This may be a bug in perl in the handling of certain expressions\n";
		# Convert C to C++ types
		$cxxtype = $basetype;
		$cxxtype =~ s/MPI_//;
		if ($extrabracks =~ /(\[[\d\s]*\])/) {
		    $otherdims = $1;
		print $OUTFD "$qualifier$cxxtype v$count\[\]$otherdims";
	    elsif ($parm =~ /\.\.\./) {
		# Special case for varargs.  Only ints!
		print $OUTFD $parm;
	    else {
		# Convert C to C++ types
		$cxxtype = $parm;
		if ($cxxtype =~ /MPI_/) {
		    $cxxtype =~ s/\*/\&/;
		$cxxtype =~ s/MPI_//;
		print $OUTFD "${cxxtype} v$count";
    if ($args_printed == 0) { print $OUTFD "void"; }
    print $OUTFD " )";

# Count the number of parameters.  Don't count MPI_xxx_IGNORE
sub GetArgCount {
    my $args = $_[0];
    # First, remove any special chars
    $args =~ s/,\s*%%\w*%%//g;
    my @parms = split(/\s*,\s*/,$args);
    return $#parms + 1;

# Print the arguments for the routine CALL.  
# Handle the special arguments
sub print_call_args {
    my @parms = split(/\s*,\s*/, $_[1] );
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    my $class_type = $_[2];    # ??
    my $arginfo = $_[3];       # Value of <class>_hash{routine)}
    my $count = 1;
    $first = 1;

    my $is_static = 0;

    if ($arginfo =~ /^static:/) { $is_static = 1; }

    print $OUTFD "( ";

    # Special case: if the only parm is "void", remove it from the list
    if ($#parms == 0 && $parms[0] eq "void") {
	$#parms = -1;

    # class_pos is the position of the class variable in the argument list.
    # If specified by parm type, we must find it
    $class_pos = "";
    if ($class_pos eq "" && !$is_static) {
	$class_pos = 1;
	foreach $parm (@parms) {
	    if ($parm =~ /$class_type/) {

    my $lcclass = lc($fullclassname{$class});
    my $shortclass = $class; # ??? FIXME
    my $lctopclass = $lcclass;
    # For derived classes, we sometimes need to know the name of the
    # top-most class, particularly for the "the_real_xxx" name.
    if (defined($mytopclass{$lcclass})) {
	$lctopclass = $mytopclass{$lcclass};
    print "$routine-$count\n" if $gDebug;
    foreach $parm (@parms) {
	if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; } else { $first = 0; }

	# Special handling must preempt any other handling
	if (defined($funcArgMap{"${routine}-$count"}) ||
	    defined($funcArgMap{"${class}-${routine}-${count}"})) {
	    &DoSpecialArgProcessing( $OUTFD, $routine, $count, "call" );
	elsif ($count == $return_parm_pos) {
	    # We may need to pass the address of a temporary object
	    # We'll unilateraly assume this for now
	    # This must be first, so that it has a priority over the
	    # class pos location.
	    if ($parm =~ /MPI_/ && !($parm =~ /MPI_Offset/) &&
		!($parm =~ /MPI_Aint/) ) {
		my $lctype = $real_return_type;
		# Convert class_type to the appropriate name
		$lctype = lc($lctype);
		if (defined($mytopclass{$lctype})) {
		    $lctype = $mytopclass{$lctype};
		# Handle the MPIO_Request problem (temp until ROMIO uses
		# MPI_Requests)
		$cast = "";
		if ($parm =~ /MPI_Request/ &&
		    $class eq "file") {
		    $cast = "(MPIO_Request *)";
		print $OUTFD "$cast&(v$count.the_real_$lctype)";
	    else {
		print $OUTFD "&v$count";
	elsif ($count == $class_pos) {
	    # Skip this arg in the definition 
	    if ($parm =~ /\*/) {
		print $OUTFD "($parm) &the_real_$lctopclass";
	    else {
		print $OUTFD "($parm) the_real_$lctopclass";
	elsif ($parm =~ /%%(.*)%%/) {
	    print $OUTFD "$1";
	else {
	    # Convert to/from object type as required.  
	    if (defined($argsneedcast{$parm})) {
		$argval = "v$count";
		$callparm = $argsneedcast{$parm};
		$callparm =~ s/ARG/$argval/;
		print $OUTFD &HandleObjectParm( $parm, $argval );
	    else {
		print $OUTFD &HandleObjectParm( $parm, "v$count" );
    print $OUTFD " )";

# Print the option function attribute; this supports GCC, particularly 
# the __atribute__ weak option.
sub print_attr {
#    if ($do_weak) {
#    }

# Look through $args for parameter names (foo\s\s*name)
# and remove them
sub clean_args {
    my $newargs = "";
    my $comma = "";
    my $qualifier = "";
    for $parm (split(',',$args)) {
        $saveparm = $parm;
	$qualifier = "";
	# Remove any leading or trailing spaces
	#$parm =~ s/^const\s//;  # Remove const if present
	# In MPI-2, we needed to remove const in a few places.
	# In MPI-3, we need to preserve the const, since these values
	# are used to perform the necessary casts
	$parm =~ s/^\s*//;
	$parm =~ s/\s*$//;
	# First, strip off (but remember!) any qualifiers.  These
	# could be const or restrict, though for MPI, only restrict 
	# is used.
	if ($parm =~ /^(const\s+)(.*)/) {
	    $qualifier = $1;
	    $parm     = $2;
	# Handle parameters with parameter names
	# Handle these cases:
	#    <type> name
	#    <type> *name
	#    <type> name[]
	if ( ($parm =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s+[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/) ) {
	    $parm = $1;
	elsif ( ($parm =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_]+\s*\*)\s*[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/) ) {
	    $parm = $1;
	elsif ( ($parm =~ /^([A-Za-z0-9_]+\s)\s*[A-Za-z0-9_]+\s*(\[\])(\[3\])?$/) ) {
	    $parm = "$1$2$3";
	# Restore qualifier, if any
	$parm = $qualifier.$parm;
        print "$saveparm -> $parm\n" if $gDebug;
	$newargs .= "$comma$parm";
	$comma = ",";
    print "$newargs\n" if $gDebug;
    $args = $newargs;

# Print out the constants.
# PrintConstants( FD, giveValue )
# if GiveValue is true, defint the value, otherwise, make it external
sub PrintConstants {    
    my ($OUTFD, $giveValue) = @_;
    my $extern = "extern ";
    if ($giveValue) { $extern = ""; }

    # Initialize the datatypes.
    # We do not use MPI:: within the MPI namespace
    foreach $dtype (@dtypes) {
	print $OUTFD "${extern}Datatype $dtype";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD "(MPI_$dtype);\n"; }
	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }
    # special case
    if ($giveValue) {
	print $OUTFD "Datatype TWOINT(MPI_2INT);\n";
    else {
	print $OUTFD "extern Datatype TWOINT;\n";
    # Add the C++ only types (e.g., BOOL, COMPLEX).  These have no
    # C counterpart; their MPI Datatype handles are determined by the
    # configure step and inserted into mpicxx.h as #define's
    foreach $dtype (@cppdtypes) {
	print $OUTFD "${extern}Datatype $dtype";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD "(MPIR_CXX_$dtype);\n"; }
	else { 
	    print $OUTFD ";\n"; 
	    print $OUTFD "#define MPIR_CXX_$dtype \@MPIR_CXX_${dtype}\@\n";

    print $OUTFD "${extern}Datatype DATATYPE_NULL;\n";

    # Fortran types
    if ($giveValue) {
	print $OUTFD "
Datatype REAL(MPI_REAL);
    else {
	# This is for the file, so instead of assuming that
	# we have mpichconf.h (which we do not, so as to keep the user's
	# CPP name space clean), we directly set this value
	print $OUTFD "
extern Datatype INTEGER;
extern Datatype REAL;
extern Datatype DOUBLE_PRECISION;
extern Datatype F_COMPLEX;
extern Datatype F_DOUBLE_COMPLEX;
extern Datatype LOGICAL;
extern Datatype CHARACTER;
extern Datatype TWOREAL;
extern Datatype TWOINTEGER;
    # Still to do: Fortran optional types, integer1,2,4, real2,4,8,

    # Initialize the operations
    foreach $op (@ops) {
	print $OUTFD "${extern}const Op $op";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD "(MPI_$op);\n"; }
	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }
    print $OUTFD "${extern}const Op OP_NULL;\n";

    # Predefined communicators and groups
    if ($giveValue) {
	print $OUTFD "Intracomm COMM_WORLD(MPI_COMM_WORLD);\n";
	print $OUTFD "Intracomm COMM_SELF(MPI_COMM_SELF);\n";
	print $OUTFD "const Group GROUP_EMPTY(MPI_GROUP_EMPTY);\n";
    else {
	#print $OUTFD "extern Intracomm COMM_WORLD;\n";
	print $OUTFD "extern Intracomm COMM_SELF;\n";
	print $OUTFD "extern const Group GROUP_EMPTY;\n";
    # COMM_NULL can't be a Comm since Comm is an abstract base class.
    # Following the model of Intracomm etc., we make this a separate class,
    # and a peer to the other communicator classes.
    print $OUTFD "${extern}const Nullcomm COMM_NULL;\n";
    print $OUTFD "${extern}const Group GROUP_NULL;\n"; 

    # Predefined requests
    print $OUTFD "${extern}const Request REQUEST_NULL;\n";

    # Predefined errhandlers
    print $OUTFD "${extern}const Errhandler ERRHANDLER_NULL;\n";
    if ($giveValue) {
	print $OUTFD "const Errhandler ERRORS_RETURN(MPI_ERRORS_RETURN);\n";
	print $OUTFD "const Errhandler ERRORS_ARE_FATAL(MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL);\n";
	# Errors_return is not quite right for errors-throw-exceptions,
	# but it is close.
    else {
	print $OUTFD "extern const Errhandler ERRORS_RETURN;\n";
	print $OUTFD "extern const Errhandler ERRORS_ARE_FATAL;\n";
	print $OUTFD "extern const Errhandler ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS;\n";

    # Predefined info
    print $OUTFD "${extern}const Info INFO_NULL;\n";

    # Predefined File and Win
    print $OUTFD "${extern}const Win WIN_NULL;\n";
    # Note that FILE_NULL cannot be const because you can set the 
    # error handler on it.  Also, because of that, we need to define it 
    # earlier.
    if ($extern ne "extern ") {
	print $OUTFD "${extern}File FILE_NULL(MPI_FILE_NULL);\n";

    # Predefined integers
                  MAX_INFO_VAL, MAX_INFO_KEY, 
		  @errclasses, @typeclasses ) {
	print $OUTFD "${extern}const int $int";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD "= MPI_$int;\n"; }
	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }
    if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
	print $OUTFD "${extern}const int DIST_GRAPH";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD "= MPI_$int;\n"; }
    	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }
    # Handle seek as a special case
    print $OUTFD "#if defined(MPI_SEEK_SET) && !defined(MPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK) && !defined(SEEK_SET)\n";
    foreach $int (SEEK_SET, SEEK_END, SEEK_CUR) {
	print $OUTFD "${extern}const int $int";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD " = MPI_$int;\n"; }
	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }
    print $OUTFD "#endif\n";

        print $OUTFD "${extern}const int $int";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD " = MPI_$int;\n"; }
	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }

    print $OUTFD "// Include these only if MPI-IO is available\n";
    print $OUTFD "#ifdef MPI_MODE_RDONLY\n";

    # Other file constants
    foreach $int (MAX_DATAREP_STRING) {
        print $OUTFD "${extern}const int $int";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD " = MPI_$int;\n"; }
	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }
    foreach $int (DISPLACEMENT_CURRENT) {
        print $OUTFD "${extern}const MPI_Offset $int";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD " = MPI_$int;\n"; }
	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }

    # MPI Mode
	print $OUTFD "${extern}const int MODE_$int";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD " = MPI_MODE_$int;\n"; }
	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }
    print $OUTFD "#endif // IO\n";

    # Some modes are for RMA, not I/O
	print $OUTFD "${extern}const int MODE_$int";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD " = MPI_MODE_$int;\n"; }
	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }

    # Modes for comm_split_type
    foreach $int (SHARED) {
	print $OUTFD "${extern}const int COMM_TYPE_$int";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD " = MPI_COMM_TYPE_$int;\n"; }
	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }

    # MPI Combiners
	print $OUTFD "${extern}const int COMBINER_$int";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD " = MPI_COMBINER_$int;\n"; }
	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }

    # MPI Thread levels
	print $OUTFD "${extern}const int THREAD_$int";
	if ($giveValue) { print $OUTFD " = MPI_THREAD_$int;\n"; }
	else            { print $OUTFD ";\n"; }
    # MPI Empty argvs
    if ($giveValue) {
	print $OUTFD "const char ** const ARGV_NULL = 0;\n";
	print $OUTFD "const char *** const ARGVS_NULL = 0;\n";
    else {
	print $OUTFD "extern const char ** const ARGV_NULL;\n";
	print $OUTFD "extern const char *** const ARGVS_NULL;\n";

    # Predefined other
    if ($giveValue) {
	print $OUTFD "void * const BOTTOM = MPI_BOTTOM;\n";
	print $OUTFD "void * const IN_PLACE = MPI_IN_PLACE;\n";
    else {
	print $OUTFD "extern void * const BOTTOM;\n";
	print $OUTFD "extern void * const IN_PLACE;\n";

# Build the special routines
sub build_specials {
    # The init routine contains some configure-time values.
    my $filename = "initcxx.cxx";
    open( $OUTFD, ">${filename}.new" ) || die "Cannot open ${filename}.new\n";
    $files[$#files+1] = "initcxx.cxx";
    print $OUTFD "#include \"mpi.h\"\n";
    print $OUTFD "#include <stdarg.h>\n";    # Required for pcontrol
    print $OUTFD "#include \"mpichconf.h\"\n"; # Requires for HAVE_FORTRAN_BINDING

    # Add exception for coding style checker
    print $OUTFD "/* style:PMPIuse:PMPI_Type_set_name:4 sig:0 */\n";

    # The coverage header is included in
    #&printCoverageHeader( $OUTFD, 0 );

    print $OUTFD "
int _mpi_lineno = __LINE__;
// We need stdlib.h for size_t.  But that can cause problems if the
// header isn't C++ clean.  Instead, we just include a definition
// for size_t.  If this is not the correct size, then edit this line
// (Note that this is needed only when memory tracing is enabled)
// FIXME: determine whether the type definition is needed, and include the
// correct definition.
typedef unsigned int size_t;
extern \"C\" void *MPIU_trmalloc( size_t, int, const char [] );
extern \"C\" void MPIU_trfree( void *, int, const char [] );
extern \"C\" void MPIU_trdump( void *, int );
void *operator new(size_t size) {
    void *p = MPIU_trmalloc( size, _mpi_lineno, __FILE__ );
    return p;}
void operator delete(void *p) {
    MPIU_trfree( p, _mpi_lineno, __FILE__ );}
void *operator new[]( size_t size) {
    void *p = MPIU_trmalloc( size, _mpi_lineno, __FILE__ );
    return p;}
void operator delete[](void *p) {
    MPIU_trfree( p, _mpi_lineno, __FILE__ );}
#define MPIX_TRSummary() MPIU_trdump( 0, -1 )
#define MPIX_SetLineno _mpi_lineno = __LINE__ + 1
#define MPIX_TRSummary()
#define MPIX_SetLineno

    # Start the namespace
    print $OUTFD "namespace MPI {\n";

    &PrintConstants( $OUTFD, 1 );

    print $OUTFD "void Init";
    $args = "";
    &print_args( $OUTFD, $args );
    print $OUTFD "{\n";
    print $OUTFD "    MPI_Init( 0, 0 );\n";
    &printCoverageInitialize( $OUTFD );
    print $OUTFD "}\n";

    # The following may not be quite right because they don't include
    # any attributes that we may include with the definitions.  However,
    # this is easier than forcing the print_args routine to handle these
    # simple cases.
    print $OUTFD "void Init( int &argc, char **&argv )
    MPI_Init( &argc, &argv );\n";
    &printCoverageInitialize( $OUTFD );
    print $OUTFD "}\n";

    print $OUTFD "int Init_thread";
    $routine = "Init_thread"; # So we'll know for debugging
    # The two args are needed to tell print_args that one is the output
    $return_parm_pos = 2;
    #$args = "int,int";
    # Grr.  Under Cygwin, we needed two...
    $args = "int";
    &print_args( $OUTFD, $args );
    print $OUTFD "{
    int provided;
    MPI_Init_thread( 0, 0, v1, &provided );\n";
    &printCoverageInitialize( $OUTFD );
    print $OUTFD "\
    return provided;
    # The following may not be quite right because they don't include
    # any attributes that we may include with the definitions.  However,
    # this is easier than forcing the print_args routine to handle these
    # simple cases.
    print $OUTFD "int Init_thread( int &argc, char **&argv, int req )
    int provided;
    MPI_Init_thread( &argc, &argv, req, &provided );\n";

    &printCoverageInitialize( $OUTFD );
    print $OUTFD "    return provided;\n}\n";

    print $OUTFD "void Finalize"; 
    $args = "";
    &print_args( $OUTFD, $args );
    print $OUTFD "{\n";
    &printCoverageFinalize( $OUTFD );
    print $OUTFD "    MPIX_TRSummary();\n";
    print $OUTFD "    MPI_Finalize( );\n";
    print $OUTFD "}\n";

    print $OUTFD "bool Is_initialized(void)
	int flag;\n";
     &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Initialized", 0 );
    print $OUTFD "\
	MPI_Initialized( &flag );\n";
     &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Initialized", 0 );
    # Microsoft C++ compiler complains about using an explicit cast to bool (!)
    print $OUTFD "\
	return (flag != 0);

    print $OUTFD "void Compute_dims( int nnodes, int ndims, int dims[] )
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Dims_create", 3 );
    print $OUTFD "\
	MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Dims_create( nnodes, ndims, dims ) );\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Dims_create", 3 );
    print $OUTFD "\

    print $OUTFD "void Attach_buffer( void *buffer, int size )
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Buffer_attach", 2 );
    print $OUTFD "\
	MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Buffer_attach( buffer, size ) );\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Buffer_attach", 2 );
    print $OUTFD "\

    print $OUTFD "int Detach_buffer( void *&buffer )
	int size;\n";
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Buffer_detach", 2 );
    print $OUTFD "\
	MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Buffer_detach( &buffer, &size ) );\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Buffer_detach", 2 );
    print $OUTFD "\
	return size;

    print $OUTFD "void Get_processor_name( char *name, int &resultlen ) 
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Get_processor_name", 2 );
    print $OUTFD "\
    MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Get_processor_name( name, &resultlen ) );\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Get_processor_name", 2 );
    print $OUTFD "\

    # The MPI-2 specification specifies Pcontrol as taking const int,
    # not just int, and some C++ compilers will (correctly) require this
    print $OUTFD "void Pcontrol( const int v, ... )
	va_list ap;
     &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Pcontrol", -1 );
    print $OUTFD "\
	MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Pcontrol( (int)v, ap ) );\n";
     &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Pcontrol", -1 );
    print $OUTFD "\

    print $OUTFD "int Get_error_class( int errcode ) 
    int errclass;\n";
     &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Error_class", 1 );
    print $OUTFD "\
    MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Error_class( errcode, &errclass ) );\n";
     &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Error_class", 1 );
     print $OUTFD "\
    return errclass;

    print $OUTFD "void Get_error_string( int errcode, char *name, int &resultlen ) 
     &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Error_string", 3 );
     print $OUTFD "\
    MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Error_string( errcode, name, &resultlen ) );\n";
     &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Error_string", 3 );
     print $OUTFD "\

    print $OUTFD "Aint Get_address( const void *ptr )
    MPI_Aint a;\n";
     &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Get_address", 2 );
     print $OUTFD "\
    MPI_Get_address( ptr, &a );\n";
     &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Get_address", 2 );
     print $OUTFD "\
    return (Aint)a;

    print $OUTFD "void *Alloc_mem( Aint size, const Info &info )
        void *result;\n";
     &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Alloc_mem", 2 );
     print $OUTFD "\
        MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Alloc_mem( size, (MPI_Info)info, &result ) );\n";
     &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Alloc_mem", 2 );
     print $OUTFD "\
        return result;

    print $OUTFD "void Free_mem( void * base )
     &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Free_mem", 1 );
     print $OUTFD "\
     MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Free_mem( base ) );\n";
     &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Free_mem", 1 );
     print $OUTFD "\

    # Init is a difficult function because we must allow C to call a 
    # C++ function.  We do this by getting help from the MPI implementation
    # which invokes the MPIR_Call_op_fn routine, with a pointer to the 
    # C++ routine to invoke.
    # Note: Some compilers complain about the cast to the 
    # (void (*)(void)) function, expecting an `extern "C"' as well, but
    # other compilers do not accept the extern "C".  Sigh.
    print $OUTFD "
    extern \"C\" {
typedef void (*mpircallback)(void);
extern \"C\" void MPIR_Op_set_cxx( MPI_Op, void (*)(void) );
extern \"C\" 
void MPIR_Call_op_fn( void *invec, void *outvec, int len, MPI_Datatype dtype,
		     User_function *uop )
    MPI::Datatype cxxdtype = dtype;
    (*uop)( invec, outvec, len, cxxdtype );
void Op::Init( User_function *f, bool commute )
&printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Op_create", 2 );
     print $OUTFD "\
	MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Op_create( (MPI_User_function *)f, 
			(int) commute, &the_real_op ) ); 
	MPIR_Op_set_cxx( the_real_op, (mpircallback) MPIR_Call_op_fn );\n";
&printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Op_create", 2 );
print $OUTFD "\

    # Keyval and attribute routines
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
#include \"mpi_attr.h\"
#include \"mpi_lang.h\"
    MPI_Comm_delete_attr_function* user_function,
    MPI_Comm comm,
    int keyval,
    MPIR_AttrType attrib_type,
    void* attrib,
    void* extra_state
    void *value = 0;
    /* Make sure that the attribute value is delivered as a pointer */
        value = &attrib;
        value = attrib;
    MPI::Comm::Delete_attr_function* f = (MPI::Comm::Delete_attr_function*)user_function;
    int ttype;
    MPI_Topo_test( comm, &ttype );
    if (ttype == MPI_UNDEFINED)
        MPI_Comm_test_inter( comm, &ttype );
        if (ttype)
            MPI::Intercomm c = comm;
            return f( c, keyval, value, extra_state );
            MPI::Intracomm c = comm;
            return f( c, keyval, value, extra_state );
    else if (ttype == MPI_CART)
        MPI::Cartcomm c = comm;
        return f( c, keyval, value, extra_state );
    else if (ttype == MPI_GRAPH)
        MPI::Graphcomm c = comm;
        return f( c, keyval, value, extra_state );

if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
        MPI::Distgraphcomm c = comm;
        return f( c, keyval, value, extra_state );
else {
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    else return MPI_ERR_INTERN;
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    MPI_Comm_copy_attr_function* user_function,
    MPI_Comm comm,
    int keyval,
    void* extra_state,
    MPIR_AttrType attrib_type,
    void* attrib,
    void** new_value,
    int* flag
    void *value = 0;
    /* Make sure that the attribute value is delivered as a pointer */
        value = &attrib;
        value = attrib;

    *flag = 0;
    MPI::Comm::Copy_attr_function* f = (MPI::Comm::Copy_attr_function*)user_function;
    int ttype;
    MPI_Topo_test( comm, &ttype );
    if (ttype == MPI_UNDEFINED)
        MPI_Comm_test_inter( comm, &ttype );
        if (ttype)
            MPI::Intercomm c = comm;
            return f( c, keyval, extra_state, value, new_value, *(bool*)flag );
            MPI::Intracomm c = comm;
            return f( c, keyval, extra_state, value, new_value, *(bool*)flag );
    else if (ttype == MPI_CART)
        MPI::Cartcomm c = comm;
        return f( c, keyval, extra_state, value, new_value, *(bool*)flag );
    else if (ttype == MPI_GRAPH)
        MPI::Graphcomm c = comm;
        return f( c, keyval, extra_state, value, new_value, *(bool*)flag );

if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
        MPI::Distgraphcomm c = comm;
        return f( c, keyval, extra_state, value, new_value, *(bool*)flag );
else {
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    else return MPI_ERR_INTERN;
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;

int Comm::Create_keyval( Copy_attr_function *cf, Delete_attr_function *df, void *extra_state )
    int keyval;

    if (cf == MPI::Comm::NULL_COPY_FN) cf = 0;
    if (df == MPI::Comm::NULL_DELETE_FN) df = 0;
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Comm_create_keyval", 3 );
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Comm_create_keyval( (MPI_Comm_copy_attr_function *)cf, 
				       (MPI_Comm_delete_attr_function *)df,
				      &keyval, extra_state ) );
    MPIR_Keyval_set_proxy( keyval, MPIR_Comm_copy_attr_cxx_proxy, MPIR_Comm_delete_attr_cxx_proxy );
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Comm_create_keyval", 3 );
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    return keyval;

    MPI_Type_delete_attr_function* user_function,
    MPI_Datatype datatype,
    int keyval,
    MPIR_AttrType attrib_type,
    void* attrib,
    void* extra_state
    MPI::Datatype d = datatype;
    MPI::Datatype::Delete_attr_function* f = (MPI::Datatype::Delete_attr_function*)user_function;
    void *value = 0;
    /* Make sure that the attribute value is delivered as a pointer */
        value = &attrib;
        value = attrib;
    return f( d, keyval, value, extra_state );

    MPI_Type_copy_attr_function* user_function,
    MPI_Datatype datatype,
    int keyval,
    void* extra_state,
    MPIR_AttrType attrib_type,
    void* attrib,
    void** new_value,
    int* flag
    *flag = 0;
    MPI::Datatype d = datatype;
    MPI::Datatype::Copy_attr_function* f = (MPI::Datatype::Copy_attr_function*)user_function;
    void *value = 0;
    /* Make sure that the attribute value is delivered as a pointer */
        value = &attrib;
        value = attrib;
    return f( d, keyval, extra_state, value, new_value, *(bool*)flag );

int Datatype::Create_keyval( Copy_attr_function *cf, Delete_attr_function *df, void *extra_state )
    int keyval;

    if (cf == MPI::Datatype::NULL_COPY_FN) cf = 0;
    if (df == MPI::Datatype::NULL_DELETE_FN) df = 0;
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Type_create_keyval", 3 );
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Type_create_keyval( (MPI_Type_copy_attr_function *)cf, 
			       (MPI_Type_delete_attr_function *)df,
		 	       &keyval, extra_state ) );
    MPIR_Keyval_set_proxy( keyval, MPIR_Type_copy_attr_cxx_proxy, MPIR_Type_delete_attr_cxx_proxy );
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Type_create_keyval", 3 );
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    return keyval;

    MPI_Win_delete_attr_function* user_function,
    MPI_Win win,
    int keyval,
    MPIR_AttrType attrib_type,
    void* attrib,
    void* extra_state
    MPI::Win w = win;
    MPI::Win::Delete_attr_function* f = (MPI::Win::Delete_attr_function*)user_function;
    void *value = 0;
    /* Make sure that the attribute value is delivered as a pointer */
        value = &attrib;
        value = attrib;
    return f( w, keyval, value, extra_state );

    MPI_Win_copy_attr_function* user_function,
    MPI_Win win,
    int keyval,
    void* extra_state,
    MPIR_AttrType attrib_type,
    void* attrib,
    void** new_value,
    int* flag
    *flag = 0;
    MPI::Win w = win;
    MPI::Win::Copy_attr_function* f = (MPI::Win::Copy_attr_function*)user_function;
    void *value = 0;
    /* Make sure that the attribute value is delivered as a pointer */
        value = &attrib;
        value = attrib;
    return f( w, keyval, extra_state, value, new_value, *(bool*)flag );

int Win::Create_keyval( Copy_attr_function *cf, Delete_attr_function *df, void *extra_state )
    int keyval;

    if (cf == MPI::Win::NULL_COPY_FN) cf = 0;
    if (df == MPI::Win::NULL_DELETE_FN) df = 0;
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Win_create_keyval", 3 );
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_Win_create_keyval( (MPI_Win_copy_attr_function *)cf, 
				       (MPI_Win_delete_attr_function *)df,
				      &keyval, extra_state ) );
    MPIR_Keyval_set_proxy( keyval, MPIR_Win_copy_attr_cxx_proxy, MPIR_Win_delete_attr_cxx_proxy );
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Win_create_keyval", 3 );
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    return keyval;


print $OUTFD <<EOT;
// Provide a C routine that can call the C++ error handler, handling
// any calling-sequence change.  
extern \"C\" void MPIR_Errhandler_set_cxx( MPI_Errhandler, void (*)(void) );
extern \"C\" 
void MPIR_Call_errhandler_function( int kind, int *handle, int *errcode, 
			      void (*cxxfn)(void) )
    // Use horrible casts to get the correct routine signature
    switch (kind) {
    case 0: // comm
		MPI_Comm *ch = (MPI_Comm *)handle;
		int flag;
		MPI::Comm::Errhandler_function *f = (MPI::Comm::Errhandler_function *)cxxfn;
		// Make an actual Comm (inter or intra-comm)
		MPI_Comm_test_inter( *ch, &flag );
		if (flag) {
		    MPI::Intercomm ic(*ch);
		    (*f)( ic, errcode );
		else {
		    MPI::Intracomm ic(*ch);
		    (*f)( ic, errcode );
    case 1: // file
		MPI::File fh = (MPI_File)*(MPI_File*)handle;
		MPI::File::Errhandler_function *f = (MPI::File::Errhandler_function *)cxxfn;
		(*f)( fh, errcode );
#endif // IO
    case 2: // win
		MPI::Win fh = (MPI_Win)*(MPI_Win*)handle;
		MPI::Win::Errhandler_function *f = (MPI::Win::Errhandler_function *)cxxfn;
		(*f)( fh, errcode );
Errhandler File::Create_errhandler( Errhandler_function *f )
    MPI_Errhandler eh;
    MPI::Errhandler e1;
    MPI_File_create_errhandler( (MPI_File_errhandler_function *)f, &eh );
    MPIR_Errhandler_set_cxx( eh, 
			     (mpircallback)MPIR_Call_errhandler_function );
    e1.the_real_errhandler = eh;
    return e1;
#endif // IO
Errhandler Comm::Create_errhandler( Errhandler_function *f )
    MPI_Errhandler eh;
    MPI::Errhandler e1;
    MPI_Comm_create_errhandler( (MPI_Comm_errhandler_function *)f, &eh );
    MPIR_Errhandler_set_cxx( eh, 
			     (mpircallback)MPIR_Call_errhandler_function );
    e1.the_real_errhandler = eh;
    return e1;
Errhandler Win::Create_errhandler( Errhandler_function *f )
    MPI_Errhandler eh;
    MPI::Errhandler e1;
    MPI_Win_create_errhandler( (MPI_Win_errhandler_function *)f, &eh );
    MPIR_Errhandler_set_cxx( eh, 
			     (mpircallback)MPIR_Call_errhandler_function );
    e1.the_real_errhandler = eh;
    return e1;

// Call_errhandler implementations.  These sadly must contain a bit of logic to
// cover the ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS case.
void Comm::Call_errhandler( int errorcode ) const
    // we must free the Errhandler object returned from Get_errhandler because
    // Get_errhandler adds a reference (the MPI Standard says as though a new
    // object were created)
    // First, be careful of the communicator.  
    Errhandler current;
    if (the_real_comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
	current = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_errhandler();
    else {
	current = Get_errhandler();
    if (current == ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS) {
        throw Exception(errorcode); // throw by value, catch by reference
    else {
    MPI_Comm_call_errhandler( (MPI_Comm) the_real_comm, errorcode );

void Win::Call_errhandler( int errorcode ) const
    // we must free the Errhandler object returned from Get_errhandler because
    // Get_errhandler adds a reference (the MPI Standard says as though a new
    // object were created)
    // First, be careful of the communicator.  
    Errhandler current;
    if (the_real_win == MPI_WIN_NULL) {
	current = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_errhandler();
    else {
	current = Get_errhandler();
    if (current == ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS) {
        throw Exception(errorcode); // throw by value, catch by reference
    else {
    MPI_Win_call_errhandler( (MPI_Win) the_real_win, errorcode );

void File::Call_errhandler( int errorcode ) const
    // we must free the Errhandler object returned from Get_errhandler because
    // Get_errhandler adds a reference (the MPI Standard says as though a new
    // object were created)
    // Note that we are allowed to set handlers on FILE_NULL
    Errhandler current = Get_errhandler();
    if (current == ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS) {
        throw Exception(errorcode); // throw by value, catch by reference
    else {
    MPI_File_call_errhandler( (MPI_File) the_real_file, errorcode );
#endif // IO

// Helper function to invoke the comm_world C++ error handler.
void MPIR_Call_world_errhand( int err )
    MPI::COMM_WORLD.Call_errhandler( err );


    # The data rep conversion functions need to be wrapped in C code
    # Only define this routine when MPI-IO is available (this is the same
    # test as used for the rest of the I/O routines );
print $OUTFD "#ifdef MPI_MODE_RDONLY\n";
    print $OUTFD "
extern \"C\" {
// Rather than use a registered interposer, instead we interpose, taking 
// advantage of the extra_data field, similar to the handling of Grequest.
typedef struct { 
    Datarep_conversion_function *read_fn;
    Datarep_conversion_function *write_fn;
    Datarep_extent_function *extent_fn;
    void *orig_extra_state;
    } MPIR_Datarep_data;
int MPIR_Call_datarep_read_fn( void *userbuf, MPI_Datatype datatype, 
			       int count, 
			       void *filebuf, MPI_Offset position, 
			       void *extra_state )
    MPIR_Datarep_data *ldata = (MPIR_Datarep_data *)extra_state;
    Datatype dtype = (Datatype)datatype;
    return (ldata->read_fn)( userbuf, dtype, count, filebuf,
			    position, ldata->orig_extra_state);
int MPIR_Call_datarep_write_fn( void *userbuf, MPI_Datatype datatype, 
			       int count, 
			       void *filebuf, MPI_Offset position, 
			       void *extra_state )
    MPIR_Datarep_data *ldata = (MPIR_Datarep_data *)extra_state;
    Datatype dtype = (Datatype)datatype;
    return (ldata->write_fn)( userbuf, dtype, count, filebuf,
			     position, ldata->orig_extra_state);
int MPIR_Call_datarep_extent_fn( MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Aint *extent,
				 void *extra_state ) {
    MPIR_Datarep_data *ldata = (MPIR_Datarep_data *)extra_state;
    Aint myextent;
    int err;
    err =  (ldata->extent_fn)( (Datatype)datatype, myextent, 
    *extent = myextent;
    return err;
} /* extern C */
void Register_datarep( const char *datarep, 
		       Datarep_conversion_function *read_fn,
		       Datarep_conversion_function *write_fn,
		       Datarep_extent_function *extent_fn,
		       void *orig_extra_state )
    MPIR_Datarep_data *ldata = new(MPIR_Datarep_data);
    ldata->read_fn          = read_fn;
    ldata->write_fn         = write_fn;
    ldata->extent_fn        = extent_fn;
    ldata->orig_extra_state = orig_extra_state;
    MPIX_CALLWORLD(MPI_Register_datarep( (char *)datarep, 
				MPIR_Call_datarep_extent_fn, (void *)ldata ));
    /* Because datareps are never freed, the space allocated in this
       routine for ldata will never be freed */
print $OUTFD "#endif\n";

    print $OUTFD "\
void Datatype::Pack( const void *inbuf, int incount, void *outbuf, 
		     int outsize, int &position, const Comm &comm ) const {\n";
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Pack", 6 );
    print $OUTFD "\
                   MPI_Pack( (void *)inbuf, incount, the_real_datatype, 
                   outbuf, outsize, &position, comm.the_real_comm ) );\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Pack", 6 );
    print $OUTFD "\
    print $OUTFD "\
int Datatype::Pack_size( int count, const Comm &comm ) const {\n";
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Pack_size", 6 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        int size;
                       MPI_Pack_size( count, the_real_datatype, 
                       comm.the_real_comm, &size ) );\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Pack_size", 6 );
    print $OUTFD "\
	return size;
    print $OUTFD "\
void Datatype::Unpack( const void *inbuf, int insize, void *outbuf,
                       int outcount, int &position, const Comm &comm ) const {\n";
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Unpack", 6 );
    print $OUTFD "\
	MPIX_CALLOBJ( comm, MPI_Unpack( (void *)inbuf, insize, 
                       &position, outbuf, outcount, 
		       the_real_datatype, comm.the_real_comm ) );\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Unpack", 6 );
    print $OUTFD "\

    # No coverage for Wtime and Wtick
    print $OUTFD "double Wtime(void) { return MPI_Wtime(); }\n";
    print $OUTFD "double Wtick(void) { return MPI_Wtick(); }\n";

    print $OUTFD "\
    Cartcomm Intracomm::Create_cart( int v2, const int * v3, const bool v4[], bool v5 ) const
        Cartcomm v6;
        int *l4 = new int[v2];
        int l5;
            int i4; 
            for (i4=0;i4<v2;i4++) {
                l4[i4] = v4[i4] == true ? 1 : 0;
         l5 = (v5 == true) ? 1 : 0;\n";
     &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Cart_create", 5 );
     print $OUTFD "\
        MPIX_CALLREF( this, 
                       MPI_Cart_create( (MPI_Comm) the_real_comm, v2, 
                       (int *)v3, l4, l5, &(v6.the_real_comm) ));\n";
     &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Cart_create", 5 );
     print $OUTFD "\
            delete[] l4;
        return v6;

    print $OUTFD "\
    Graphcomm Intracomm::Create_graph( int v2, const int * v3, const int * v4, bool v5 ) const
        Graphcomm v6;
        int l5;
         l5 = (v5 == true) ? 1 : 0;\n";
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Graph_create", 6 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        MPIX_CALLREF( this, 
                      MPI_Graph_create( (MPI_Comm) the_real_comm, 
                      v2, (int *)v3, (int *)v4, l5, &(v6.the_real_comm) ));\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Graph_create", 6 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        return v6;

    if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    print $OUTFD "\
    Distgraphcomm Intracomm::Dist_graph_create( int v2, const int v3[], const int v4[], const int v5[], const int v6[], const MPI::Info &v7, bool v8 ) const
        Distgraphcomm v9;
        int l8;
        l8 = (v8 == true) ? 1 : 0;\n";
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Dist_graph_create", 9 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        MPIX_CALLREF( this, 
                      MPI_Dist_graph_create( (MPI_Comm) the_real_comm, 
                      v2, (int *)v3, (int *)v4, (int *)v5, (int *)v6, 
                      (MPI_Info)v7, l8, &(v9.the_real_comm) ));\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Dist_graph_create", 9 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        return v9;

    Distgraphcomm Intracomm::Dist_graph_create( int v2, const int v3[], const int v4[], const int v5[], const MPI::Info &v7, bool v8 ) const
        Distgraphcomm v9;
        int l8;
        l8 = (v8 == true) ? 1 : 0;\n";
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Dist_graph_create", 9 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        MPIX_CALLREF( this, 
                      MPI_Dist_graph_create( (MPI_Comm) the_real_comm, 
                      v2, (int *)v3, (int *)v4, (int *)v5, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, 
                      (MPI_Info)v7, l8, &(v9.the_real_comm) ));\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Dist_graph_create", 9 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        return v9;

    Distgraphcomm Intracomm::Dist_graph_create_adjacent( int v2, const int v3[], const int v4[], int v5, const int v6[], const int v7[], const MPI::Info &v8, bool v9 ) const
        Distgraphcomm v10;
        int l9;
        l9 = (v9 == true) ? 1 : 0;\n";
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Dist_graph_create_adjacent", 9 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        MPIX_CALLREF( this, 
                      MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent( (MPI_Comm) the_real_comm, 
                      v2, (int *)v3, (int *)v4, v5, (int *)v6, (int *)v7, 
                      (MPI_Info)v8, l9, &(v10.the_real_comm) ));\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Dist_graph_create_adjacent", 10 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        return v10;

    Distgraphcomm Intracomm::Dist_graph_create_adjacent( int v2, const int v3[], int v5, const int v6[], const MPI::Info &v8, bool v9 ) const
        Distgraphcomm v10;
        int l9;
        l9 = (v9 == true) ? 1 : 0;\n";
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Dist_graph_create_adjacent", 9 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        MPIX_CALLREF( this, 
                      MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent( (MPI_Comm) the_real_comm, 
                      v2, (int *)v3, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, v5, (int *)v6, MPI_UNWEIGHTED, 
                      (MPI_Info)v8, l9, &(v10.the_real_comm) ));\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Dist_graph_create_adjacent", 10 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        return v10;

    } # check on distgraphcomm implemented

    print $OUTFD "\
    Intracomm Intercomm::Merge( bool v2 ) const
        Intracomm v3;
        int l2;
         l2 = (v2 == true) ? 1 : 0;\n";
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "Intercomm_merge", 3 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        MPIX_CALLREF( this,
                       MPI_Intercomm_merge( (MPI_Comm) the_real_comm, l2, 
                       &(v3.the_real_comm) ));\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "Intercomm_merge", 3 );
    print $OUTFD "\
        return v3;

    # MPI-2 base routines
    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "bool", "Is_finalized", "void",
                   "int flag;", "Finalized", "&flag", "(flag != 0)" );

    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "int", "Query_thread", "void", 
                   "int provided;", "Query_thread", "&provided", 
                   "provided" );
    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "bool", "Is_thread_main", "void",
                   "int flag;", "Is_thread_main", "&flag", "(flag != 0)" );
    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "void", "Get_version", "int &v, int&sv",
                  "", "", "&v,&sv", "" );

    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "int", "Add_error_class", "void", 
                   "int eclass;", "", "&eclass", "eclass" );
    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "int", "Add_error_code", "int eclass",
                   "int ecode;", "", "eclass, &ecode", "ecode" );
    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "void", "Add_error_string", 
                   "int ecode, const char *estring", 
                   "", "", "ecode, (char *)estring", "" );

    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "void", "Lookup_name", 
                    "const char *sn, const Info &info, char *pn",
                    "", "", "(char *)sn, (MPI_Info)info, pn", "" );
    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "void", "Publish_name",
                    "const char *sn, const Info &info, const char *pn",
                    "", "", "(char *)sn, (MPI_Info)info, (char *)pn", "");
    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "void", "Unpublish_name", 
                    "const char *sn, const Info &info, const char *pn",
                    "", "", "(char *)sn, (MPI_Info)info, (char *)pn", "");

    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "Intercomm", "Comm::Get_parent", "void", 
                   "MPI::Intercomm v;MPI_Comm vv;", 
                   "&vv", "(v = (Intercomm)vv, v)" );
    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "Intercomm", "Comm::Join", "const int fd",
                    "MPI::Intercomm v;MPI_Comm vv;",
                    "fd,&vv", "(v = (Intercomm)vv,v)" );

    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "void", "Close_port", 
                   "const char *pn", "", "", "(char *)pn", "" );
    &PrintWrapper( $OUTFD, "void", "Open_port", 
                   "const Info &info, char *portname", "", "", 
                   "(MPI_Info)info, portname", "" );

    print $OUTFD "
// Rather than use a registered interposer, instead we interpose taking 
// advantage of the extra_data field
typedef struct { 
    MPI::Grequest::Query_function  *query_fn;
    MPI::Grequest::Free_function   *free_fn;
    MPI::Grequest::Cancel_function *cancel_fn;
    void *orig_extra_data; } MPIR_Grequest_data;
extern \"C\" int MPIR_Grequest_call_query_fn( void *extra_data, 
					    MPI_Status *status )
    int err;
    MPI::Status s;
    MPIR_Grequest_data *d = (MPIR_Grequest_data *)extra_data;
    err = (d->query_fn)( d->orig_extra_data, s );
    *status = s;

    return err;
extern \"C\" int MPIR_Grequest_call_free_fn( void *extra_data )
    int err;
    MPIR_Grequest_data *d = (MPIR_Grequest_data *)extra_data;
    err = (d->free_fn)( d->orig_extra_data );

    // Recover the storage that we used for the extra_data item.
    delete d;
    return err;
extern \"C\" int MPIR_Grequest_call_cancel_fn( void *extra_data, int done )
    int err;
    MPI::Status s;
    MPIR_Grequest_data *d = (MPIR_Grequest_data *)extra_data;
    // Pass a C++ bool to the C++ version of the cancel function
    err = (d->cancel_fn)( d->orig_extra_data, done ? true : false );
    return err;
Grequest Grequest::Start( Grequest::Query_function  *query_fn,
                          Grequest::Free_function   *free_fn,
                          Grequest::Cancel_function *cancel_fn,
                          void *extra_state ) 
    MPI::Grequest req;
    MPIR_Grequest_data *d = new MPIR_Grequest_data;
    d->query_fn        = query_fn;
    d->free_fn         = free_fn;
    d->cancel_fn       = cancel_fn;
    d->orig_extra_data = extra_state;
    MPI_Grequest_start( MPIR_Grequest_call_query_fn,
			(void *)d, &req.the_real_request );
    return req;

# Add the routine to initialize MPI datatype names for the C++ datatypes
print $OUTFD "
// MT FIXME: this is not thread-safe
void MPIR_CXX_InitDatatypeNames( void )
    static int _isInit = 1; 
    if (_isInit) { 
	PMPI_Type_set_name( MPI::BOOL, (char *)\"MPI::BOOL\" );
	PMPI_Type_set_name( MPI::COMPLEX, (char *)\"MPI::COMPLEX\" );\
	PMPI_Type_set_name( MPI::DOUBLE_COMPLEX, (char *)\"MPI::DOUBLE_COMPLEX\" );\
#if defined(HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE)

    print $OUTFD "} // namespace MPI\n";
    print $OUTFD "#undef MPIR_ARGUNUSED\n";

    close ($OUTFD);
    &ReplaceIfDifferent( $filename, "${filename}.new" );

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# A special routine to add code to call an mpi routine:
# PrintWrapper ( fd, returntype, c++name, c++args, 
#                cdecls, mpiroutine, cArgs, return-exp )
# if mpiroutine is empty, use the C++ name
sub PrintWrapper {
    my ($OUTFD, $returntype, $cxxname, $cxxargs,
	$cdecls, $mpiroutine, $cArgs, $returnExp ) = @_;

    if ($mpiroutine eq "") {
	$mpiroutine = $cxxname;

    my $nargs = &GetArgCount( $cArgs );
    print $OUTFD "\n$returntype $cxxname( $cxxargs )
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, $mpiroutine, $nargs );
    print $OUTFD "    MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_$mpiroutine( $cArgs ) );\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, $mpiroutine, $nargs );
    if ($returntype ne "void") {
	print $OUTFD "    return $returnExp;\n";
    print $OUTFD "}\n";
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Given an integer location of an argument, return the corresponding
# type, from the arg list
sub Convert_pos_to_type {
    my @parm = split( ',', $_[0] );
    my $loc = $_[1];

    return $parm[$loc-1];
sub Convert_type_to_pos {
    my @parm = split( ',', $_[0] );
    my $type = $_[1];
    my $loc = 1;
    for $parm (@parm) {
	if ($parm =~ /$type/) { return $loc; }
	$loc ++;
    return 0;

# Print the class header 
# PrintClassHead( $OUTFD, class, mpitype, friends )
# E.g., PrintClassHead( $OUTFD, "Datatype", "MPI_Datatype", "Comm,Status" )
sub PrintClassHead {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    my $class = $_[1];
    my $mpi_type = $_[2];
    my $friends  = $_[3];
    my $mpi_null_type = uc("${mpi_type}_NULL" );

    my $lcclass = lc($class);
    my $lctopclass = $lcclass;

    if (! ($mpi_type =~ /^MPI_/) ) {
	# The mpi_type isn't an MPI type after all.  Assume that
	# it is something (like an int) where we want the default to
	# be 0
	$mpi_null_type = "0";
    # For derived classes, we sometimes need to know the name of the
    # top-most class, particularly for the "the_real_xxx" name.
    if (defined($mytopclass{$lcclass})) {
	$lctopclass = $mytopclass{$lcclass};
    my $parent = "";

    my $baseclass = "";
    if (defined($derived_class{$shortclass})) {
        $baseclass = $derived_class{$shortclass};
	$parent = ": public $baseclass";
    print $OUTFD "\nclass $class $parent {\n";
    if (defined($friends) && $friends ne "") {
	foreach $name (split(/,/,$friends)) {
	    print $OUTFD "    friend class $name;\n";
    if ($lcclass eq $lctopclass) {
	print $OUTFD "\
    $mpi_type the_real_$lcclass;\n";
	# Check for special declarations
	$otherdeclfn = "$class" . "_extradecls";
	if (defined(&$otherdeclfn)) {
	    &$otherdeclfn( $OUTFD );
  print $OUTFD "\
    // new/delete\n";
    if (0) {
	print $OUTFD "\
    inline $class($mpi_type obj) { the_real_$lctopclass = obj; }\n";
    else {
	if ($lcclass eq $lctopclass) {
	    print $OUTFD "\
    inline $class($mpi_type obj) : the_real_$lctopclass(obj) {}\n";
	else {
	    print $OUTFD "\
    inline $class($mpi_type obj) : $baseclass(obj) {}\n";

    if (defined($class_has_no_default{$class})) {
	if (0) {
	    print $OUTFD "    inline $class(void) {}\n";
	else {
	    if ($lcclass eq $lctopclass) {
		print $OUTFD "    inline $class(void) : the_real_$lctopclass() {}\n";
	    else {
		print $OUTFD "    inline $class(void) : $baseclass\(\) {}\n";
    else {
	if (0) {
	    print $OUTFD "    inline $class(void) { the_real_$lctopclass = $mpi_null_type; }\n";
	else {
	    if ($lcclass eq $lctopclass) {
		print $OUTFD "    inline $class(void) : the_real_$lctopclass($mpi_null_type) {}\n";
	    else {
		print $OUTFD "    inline $class(void) : $baseclass\(\) {}\n";
    # These had $class :: $class..., but pgCC complained,
    # so the $class :: was removed
    print $OUTFD "\
    virtual ~$class() {}
    // copy/assignment\n";
    # Three cases (two that we should really use):
    # If the base class, initialize directly
    # If a derived class, initialize with the base class initializer
    if (0) {
	print $OUTFD "\
    $class(const $class &obj) { 
      the_real_$lctopclass = obj.the_real_$lctopclass; }\n";
    else {
	if ($lcclass eq $lctopclass) {
	    print $OUTFD "\
    $class(const $class &obj) : the_real_$lctopclass(obj.the_real_$lctopclass){}\n";
	else {
	    print $OUTFD "\
    $class(const $class &obj) : $baseclass(obj) {}\n";
    print $OUTFD "\
    $class& operator=(const $class &obj) {
      the_real_$lctopclass = obj.the_real_$lctopclass; return *this; }\n";
    if (!defined($class_has_no_compare{$class})) {
	# Some classes (e.g., Status) do not have compare operations
	# *or* they are derived classes that must use the parent's
	# comparison operations
	print $OUTFD "
    // logical
    bool operator== (const $class &obj) {
      return (the_real_$lctopclass == obj.the_real_$lctopclass); }
    bool operator!= (const $class &obj) {
      return (the_real_$lctopclass != obj.the_real_$lctopclass); }";

    # These had $class :: $class..., but pgCC complained,
    # so the $class :: was removed on operator=
    print $OUTFD "
    // C/C++ cast and assignment
    inline operator $mpi_type*() { return &the_real_$lctopclass; }
    inline operator $mpi_type() const { return the_real_$lctopclass; }
    $class& operator=(const $mpi_type& obj) {
      the_real_$lctopclass = obj; return *this; }

sub PrintClassTail { 
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "};\n";

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Here will go routines for handling return values.  These need to move them
# from pointer arguments in the parameter list into a local declaration 
# (possibly using new)
# We process a binding *first* and set the global variables
#    return_type (type of return value, in the C binding)
#    return_actual_type (real return type, in the C++ binding)
#    return_parm_pos (number of location of arg in parm list; 0 if none)
# return_info is either a number or a type.  If a type, it does NOT include
# the * (e.g., int instead of int *), but the * must be in the parameter
# FindReturnInfo( return_info, args )
#    The return info may also contain a ;<actual type>, as in
#     3;bool
# This is used for the cases where the return type isn't obvious
# from the return type.  This is necessary for C++ returns of type bool
# that are int in C (since other int returns may in fact be ints).  
sub FindReturnInfo {
    my @parms = split(/,/,$_[1] );
    my $return_info = $_[0];

    $return_actual_type = "";
    $return_parm_pos = -1;
    if ($return_info =~ /(.*);(.*)/) {
	$return_info = $1;
	$return_actual_type = $2;
    if ($return_info eq "0") {
	$return_type = "void";
	$return_parm_pos = 0;
    elsif ($return_info =~ /^[0-9]/) {
	# We have the position but we need to find the type
	my $count = 1;
	for $parm (@parms) {
	    if ($count == $return_info) { 
		$return_type     = $parm;
		$return_type     =~ s/\s*\*$//;   # Remove *
		$return_parm_pos = $count;
	    $count ++;
    else {
	# Return info is a type. Find the matching location
	my $count = 1;
	$return_type = "";
	for $parm (@parms) {
	    if ($parm =~ /$return_info\s*\*/) {
		$return_parm_pos = $count;
		$return_type     = $return_info;
	    $count ++;
	if ($return_type eq "") {
	    print STDERR "Warning: no return type found for $routine\n";
    if ($return_actual_type eq "") { $return_actual_type = $return_type; }
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Convert other arguments from C to C++ versions.  E.g., change the
# MPI_Datatype arg in Comm::Send from MPI_Datatype to Datatype.  Use
# (MPI_Datatype)datatype.the_real_datatype (always).
# HandleObjectParms( parmtype, parm )
# e.g., HandleObjectParms( MPI_Datatype, v7 )
# returns appropriate string.  If parmtype unknown, just return parm 
sub HandleObjectParm {
    my $parmtype = $_[0];
    my $parm     = $_[1];
    my $need_address = 0;
    my $newparm;

    # Check for the special case of MPI_Aint, MPI_Offset
    if ($parmtype =~ /MPI_/ && 
	! ($parmtype =~/MPI_Aint/ || $parmtype =~ /MPI_Offset/)) {
	$ctype = $parmtype;
	if ($ctype =~ /\*/) {
	    $need_address = 1;
	    $ctype =~ s/\*//;
	$ctype =~ s/MPI_//;
	$lctype = lc( $ctype );
	# For derived classes, we sometimes need to know the name of the
	# top-most class, particularly for the "the_real_xxx" name.
	if (defined($mytopclass{$lctype})) {
	    $lctype = $mytopclass{$lctype};

	if ($need_address) {
	    $newparm = "($parmtype)&($parm.the_real_$lctype)";
	else {
	    $newparm = "($parmtype)($parm.the_real_$lctype)";
	return $newparm;
    elsif ($parmtype =~ /MPI_Offset\s*\*/) {
	$newparm = "&$parm";
	return $newparm;
    elsif ($parmtype =~ /MPI_Aint\s*\*/) {
	$newparm = "&$parm";
	return $newparm;
    return $parm;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The initialization of the objects:
#   const Datatype MPI::<name>(MPI_<name>);
#   const COMM MPI::COMM_NULL;
#   const Op MPI::<op>(MPI_<op>)
# (DONE!)
# static functions that are in no class  (init already done)
# Get_error_class, Wtime, Wtick, Finalize, Is_initialized
# Namespace wrapper
# Insert use of const.  Can we do this automatically, with some
# exceptions?  E.g., all Datatype, void *, Comm, Group etc.
# Only recv of void *, output of collective aren't const (?)
# Returned objects that are not simple types must be created with new, not
# just declared and returned.  In addition, make sure that the correct
# value is passed into the C version.  E.g.,
#   Request *v7 = new Request;
#   .... MPI_Isend( ..., &(v7->the_real_request) )
#   return *v7;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ReadInterface( filename )
sub ReadInterface {
    my $filename =$_[0];
    open( FD, "<$filename" ) || die "Cannot open $filename\n";

    # Skip to prototypes
    while (<FD>) {
	if ( /\/\*\s*Begin Prototypes/ ) { last; }

    # Read each one
    # Save as
    #$mpi_routine{name} = args;
    while (<FD>) {
	if (/\/\*\s*End Prototypes/ ) { last; }
	$origline = $_;
	while (/(.*)\/\*(.*?)\*\/(.*)/) {
	    my $removed = $2;
	    $_ = $1.$3;
	    if ($2 =~ /\/\*/) {
		print STDERR "Error in processing comment within interface file $filename in line $origline";
	if (/^int\s+MPI_([A-Z][a-z0-9_]*)\s*\((.*)/) {
	    $routine_name = $1;
	    $args = $2;
	    while (! ($args =~ /;/)) {
		$args .= <FD>;
            $args =~ s/MPICH_ATTR[A-Z_]*\([^)]*\)//g;
	    $args =~ s/\)\s*;//g;
	    $args =~ s/[\r\n]*//g;
	    # Special substitutions
	    $args =~ s/MPIO_Request/MPI_Request/g;
	    if (defined($special_routines{$routine_name})) {
		print "Skipping $routine_name\n" if $gDebug;
	    else {
		# Clear variables
		$clean_up = "";
   		print "$routine_name:\n" if $gDebug;
		$mpi_routine{$routine_name} = $args;
		print "Saving $routine_name ( $args )\n" if $gDebug;
    close( FD );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Implementation of the extra functions
sub Status_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "\
    int Get_source(void) const { return the_real_status.MPI_SOURCE; }
    int Get_tag(void) const { return the_real_status.MPI_TAG; }
    int Get_error(void) const { return the_real_status.MPI_ERROR; }
    void Set_source(int source) { the_real_status.MPI_SOURCE = source; }
    void Set_tag(int tag) { the_real_status.MPI_TAG = tag; }
    void Set_error(int error) { the_real_status.MPI_ERROR = error; }

# Clone method is a helper that adds the clone methods for the communicators
sub Clone_method {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    my $classname = $_[1];
    print $OUTFD "    
// If the compiler does not support variable return types, return a 
// reference to Comm.  The user must then cast this to the correct type
// (Standard-conforming C++ compilers support variable return types)
    virtual Comm & Clone(void) const { 
        MPI_Comm ncomm;
        MPI_Comm_dup( (MPI_Comm)the_real_comm, &ncomm); 
        Comm *clone = new $classname(ncomm); 
        return *clone; 
    virtual $classname & Clone(void) const { 
        MPI_Comm ncomm;
        MPI_Comm_dup( (MPI_Comm)the_real_comm, &ncomm); 
        $classname *clone = new $classname(ncomm); 
        return *clone; 
sub Comm_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];

    # The Clone method is pure virtual in the Comm class
    # To accommodate C++ compilers that don't support 
    print $OUTFD "    virtual Comm &Clone(void) const = 0;\n";

    # The MPIR_ARGUNUSED provides a way to use __attribute__((unused)) for 
    # the unused args
    # Typedefs
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    typedef int Copy_attr_function(const Comm& oldcomm, int comm_keyval, void* extra_state, void* attribute_val_in, void* attribute_val_out, bool& flag); 
    typedef int Delete_attr_function(Comm& comm, int comm_keyval, void* attribute_val, void* extra_state); 
    typedef void Errhandler_function(Comm &, int *, ... );
    typedef Errhandler_function Errhandler_fn;

    static int Create_keyval( Copy_attr_function *, Delete_attr_function *,
                              void * );
    static int NULL_COPY_FN( const Comm &oldcomm MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
           int keyval MPIR_ARGUNUSED, void *ex MPIR_ARGUNUSED,
           void *attr_in MPIR_ARGUNUSED, void *attr_out MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
	   bool &flag ) { flag = 0; return 0;}
    static int NULL_DELETE_FN( Comm &comm MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
	   int keyval MPIR_ARGUNUSED, void * attr MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
	   void *ex MPIR_ARGUNUSED ) { return 0; }
    static int DUP_FN( const Comm &oldcomm MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
           int keyval MPIR_ARGUNUSED, void *ex MPIR_ARGUNUSED,
           void *attr_in, void *attr_out, bool &flag ) { flag = 1; 
                    *(void **)attr_out = attr_in; return 0;} 
    static Errhandler Create_errhandler( Errhandler_function * );

sub File_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];

    # Typedefs
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    typedef void Errhandler_function(File &, int *, ... );
    typedef Errhandler_function Errhandler_fn;

    static Errhandler Create_errhandler( Errhandler_function * );

sub Win_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];

    # Typedefs
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    typedef void Errhandler_function(Win &, int *, ... );
    typedef Errhandler_function Errhandler_fn;

    static Errhandler Create_errhandler( Errhandler_function * );

    typedef int Copy_attr_function(const Win& oldwin, int win_keyval, void* extra_state, void* attribute_val_in, void* attribute_val_out, bool& flag); 
    typedef int Delete_attr_function(Win& win, int win_keyval, void* attribute_val, void* extra_state); 

    static int Create_keyval( Copy_attr_function *, Delete_attr_function *,
                              void * );
    // These functions are *not* part of MPI-2 but are provided
    // because they should have been included
    static int NULL_COPY_FN( const Win &oldwin MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
        int keyval MPIR_ARGUNUSED, void *ex MPIR_ARGUNUSED,
        void *attr_in MPIR_ARGUNUSED, void *attr_out MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
        bool &flag ) { flag = 1; return 0;}
    static int NULL_DELETE_FN( Win &win MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
        int keyval MPIR_ARGUNUSED, void * attr MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
        void *ex MPIR_ARGUNUSED ) { return 0; }
    static int DUP_FN( const Win &oldwin MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
	int keyval MPIR_ARGUNUSED, void *ex MPIR_ARGUNUSED,
        void *attr_in, void *attr_out, bool &flag ) { flag = 1; 
            *(void **)attr_out = attr_in; return 0;} 

sub Nullcomm_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    # We can't use Clone_method because 
    # there is no (oldcomm) initializer.
    #&Clone_method( $OUTFD, "Nullcomm" );
    print $OUTFD "
// If the compiler does not support variable return types, return a 
// reference to Comm.  The user must then cast this to the correct type
// (Standard-conforming C++ compilers support variable return types)
    virtual Comm & Clone(void) const { 
        Comm *clone = new Nullcomm(MPI_COMM_NULL); 
        return *clone; 
    virtual Nullcomm & Clone(void) const { 
        Nullcomm *clone = new Nullcomm();
        return *clone; 

sub Cartcomm_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    &Clone_method( $OUTFD, "Cartcomm" );
sub Graphcomm_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    &Clone_method( $OUTFD, "Graphcomm" );
sub Distgraphcomm_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    &Clone_method( $OUTFD, "Distgraphcomm" );
sub Intercomm_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    &Clone_method( $OUTFD, "Intercomm" );
sub Intracomm_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    &Clone_method( $OUTFD, "Intracomm" );

    print $OUTFD "\
Intercomm Spawn(const char* command, const char* argv[], int maxprocs, const MPI::Info& info, int root) const {
    Intercomm ic;
    MPIX_CALLREF( this, MPI_Comm_spawn( (char *)command, 
                (char **)argv, 
                maxprocs, info.the_real_info, root, the_real_comm, 
                &(ic.the_real_comm), MPI_ERRCODES_IGNORE ) );
    return ic;
Intercomm Spawn(const char* command, const char* argv[], int maxprocs, const MPI::Info& info, int root, int array_of_errcodes[]) const {
    Intercomm ic;
    MPIX_CALLREF( this, MPI_Comm_spawn( (char *)command, 
                (char **)argv, 
                maxprocs, info.the_real_info, root, the_real_comm, 
                &(ic.the_real_comm), array_of_errcodes ) );
    return ic;
Intercomm Spawn_multiple(int count, const char* array_of_commands[], const char** array_of_argv[], const int array_of_maxprocs[], const MPI::Info array_of_info[], int root) {
    Intercomm ic;
    MPI_Info  *li = new MPI_Info [count];
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
        li[i] = array_of_info[i].the_real_info;
    MPIX_CALLREF( this, MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple( count, 
                   (char **)array_of_commands, 
                   (char ***)array_of_argv, (int *)array_of_maxprocs, 
                   li, root, the_real_comm, &(ic.the_real_comm), 
                   MPI_ERRCODES_IGNORE ) );
    delete [] li;
    return ic;
Intercomm Spawn_multiple(int count, const char* array_of_commands[], const char** array_of_argv[], const int array_of_maxprocs[], const MPI::Info array_of_info[], int root, int array_of_errcodes[]) {
    Intercomm ic;
    MPI_Info  *li = new MPI_Info [count];
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
        li[i] = array_of_info[i].the_real_info;
    MPIX_CALLREF( this, MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple( count, 
                   (char **)array_of_commands, 
                   (char ***)array_of_argv, (int *)array_of_maxprocs, 
                   li, root, the_real_comm, &(ic.the_real_comm), 
                   array_of_errcodes ) );
    delete [] li;
    return ic;


    if ($do_DistGraphComm) {
    # Because there are two versions of each of the dist graph 
    # create routines (fewer arguments for the case that uses 
    # MPI_UNWEIGHTED in C or Fortran), we must define these explicitly 
    # rather than generating them from the definitions.
    print $OUTFD "\
    virtual Distgraphcomm Dist_graph_create( int v2, const int v3[], const int v4[], const int v5[], const int v6[], const MPI::Info &v7, bool v8 ) const;

    virtual Distgraphcomm Dist_graph_create( int v2, const int v3[], const int v4[], const int v5[], const MPI::Info &v7, bool v8 ) const;

    virtual Distgraphcomm Dist_graph_create_adjacent( int v2, const int v3[], const int v4[], int v5, const int v6[], const int v7[], const MPI::Info &v8, bool v9 ) const;

    virtual Distgraphcomm Dist_graph_create_adjacent( int v2, const int v3[], int v5, const int v6[], const MPI::Info &v8, bool v9 ) const;

sub Op_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "
    void Init( User_function *, bool );
sub Grequest_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];

    print $OUTFD "
    typedef int Query_function( void *, Status & );
    typedef int Free_function( void * );
    typedef int Cancel_function( void *, bool );
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;

    Grequest Start( Query_function  *query_fn,
                    Free_function   *free_fn,
                    Cancel_function *cancel_fn,
                    void *extra_state );
# To properly implement Get_error_string, we need another
# protected member in the Exception that will contain the 
# error string.
sub Exception_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "\
    char the_error_message[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING];
    int Get_error_code(void) { return the_real_exception; } 
    int Get_error_class(void) { return MPI::Get_error_class(the_real_exception); } 
    const char *Get_error_string(void)
	int len;
	MPI_Error_string(the_real_exception, the_error_message, &len);
	return the_error_message;

sub Datatype_methods {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "\
    void Unpack( const void *, int, void *, int, int &, const Comm & ) const;\n";
#    void Pack( const void *, int, void *, int, int &, const Comm & ) const;\n";
    print $OUTFD <<EOT;
    typedef int Copy_attr_function(const Datatype& oldtype, int type_keyval, void* extra_state, void* attribute_val_in, void* attribute_val_out, bool& flag); 
    typedef int Delete_attr_function(Datatype& type, int type_keyval, void* attribute_val, void* extra_state); 

    static int Create_keyval( Copy_attr_function *, Delete_attr_function *,
                              void * );
    // These functions are *not* part of MPI-2 but are provided
    // because they should have been included
    static int NULL_COPY_FN( const Datatype &oldtype MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
        int keyval MPIR_ARGUNUSED, void *ex MPIR_ARGUNUSED,
        void *attr_in MPIR_ARGUNUSED, void *attr_out MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
        bool &flag ) { flag = 1; return 0;}
    static int NULL_DELETE_FN( Datatype &type MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
        int keyval MPIR_ARGUNUSED, void * attr MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
        void *ex MPIR_ARGUNUSED ) { return 0; }
    static int DUP_FN( const Datatype &oldtype MPIR_ARGUNUSED, 
        int keyval MPIR_ARGUNUSED, void *ex MPIR_ARGUNUSED,
        void *attr_in, void *attr_out, bool &flag ) { flag = 1; 
            *(void **)attr_out = attr_in; return 0;} 
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# We may eventually want to build separate files for each class rather than
# create a single header file.  These routines handle that, as well as
# the 
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub BeginClass {
    my $class = $_[0];
    # Here is where we add (some) of the code to write the
    # class definition, including the destructor, assignment,
    # and compare operations.
    my $Class = $fullclassname{$class};
    my $mpi_type = $class_type{$class};
    &PrintClassHead( $OUTFD, $Class, $mpi_type, $class_friends{$class} );

sub EndClass {
    &PrintClassTail( $OUTFD );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Build the replacement functions:
# 1) Generate the method definition
#      E.g., Send( void *v1, etc )
# 2) Generate the inlined method definition
#   a) Variable to hold return type, if any
#   b) Declare Temporary variables for argument processing (e.g., to hold a 
#      copy of an array)
#   c) Initialize any input temporaries (e.g., place values into the array)
#   d) Call the original MPI routine
#      using temporary variables as necessary
#   e) Copy out from any temporaries
#   f) return result value, if any
# The handling of the temporary variables is done by calling a named routine
# for each parameter that identifies itself as requring special processing
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# PrintRoutineDef( outfd, class, routine, arginfo, defonly )
sub PrintRoutineDef {
    my $OUTFD   = $_[0];
    my $class   = $_[1];
    my $routine = $_[2];
    my $arginfo = $_[3];
    my $defonly = $_[4];

    my $fnchash = "$class-$routine";
    my $cArgs;      # The argument string of the C binding
    my $Croutine;   # Name of the MPI C binding routine to all;

    # Extract the information on the special arguments
    my $returnarg = $arginfo;
    if ($returnarg =~ /^static:/) { $returnarg =~ s/^static://; }
    my $special_args = "::";
    if ($returnarg =~ /(^[^:]+):(.*)/) {
	$returnarg = $1;
	$special_args = $2;
	$special_args = ":" . $special_args . ":";
	print "special args for $routine is $special_args\n" if $gDebug;

    ($cArgs, $Croutine) = &GetCArgs( $class, $routine );

    # Hideous hack.  To preserve ABI compatibility, for one particular
    # case for Create struct, remove the const values
    if ($routine eq "Create_struct" && $arginfo eq "static:5:4") {
	#print "$cArgs\n";
	$cDefArgs = $cArgs;
	$cDefArgs =~ s/const\s+//g;
    else {
	$cDefArgs = $cArgs;

    &PrintMethodDef( $OUTFD, $class, $routine, $arginfo, $cDefArgs );

    # This inserts a modifier, such as const or =0 (for pure virtual)
    if (defined($funcAttributes{$fnchash})) {
	print $OUTFD " $funcAttributes{$fnchash}";

    # Some methods cannot be defined yet.  In that case, we're done.
    if ($defonly || defined($defer_definition{$routine})) { 
	print $OUTFD ";\n";

    # output the body of the routine definition
    print $OUTFD "\n${indent}{\n";

    # Output any declaration needed for the return type
    &ReturnTypeDecl( $OUTFD );

    # Output any other declarations
    &RoutineTempDecls( $OUTFD, $routine, $cArgs, $special_args );

    # Output any initialization 
    &RoutineTempIn( $OUTFD, $routine, $cArgs, $special_args );
    # Output the routine call
    &PrintRoutineCall( $OUTFD, $Croutine, $class, $arginfo, $cArgs );

    # Output code for any out variables
    &RoutineTempOut( $OUTFD, $routine, $cArgs, $special_args );

    # Return any value
    &PrintReturnType( $OUTFD );
    # Close the definition
    print $OUTFD "${indent}}\n";

# The following is a version of PrintRoutineDef that handles the
# "MPI_STATUS_IGNORE" features.
sub PrintRoutineDefNoStatus {
    my $OUTFD   = $_[0];
    my $class   = $_[1];
    my $routine = $_[2];
    my $arginfo = $_[3];
    my $defonly = $_[4];

    my $fnchash = "$class-$routine";
    my $cArgs;      # The argument string of the C binding
    my $Croutine;   # Name of the MPI C binding routine to all;

    &SetStatusIgnore;    # Tell the status array routine to ignore
                         # status arrays.
    # Extract the information on the special arguments
    my $returnarg = $arginfo;
    if ($returnarg =~ /^static:/) { $returnarg =~ s/^static://; }
    my $special_args = "::";
    if ($returnarg =~ /(^[^:]+):(.*)/) {
	$returnarg = $1;
	$special_args = $2;
	$special_args = ":" . $special_args . ":";

    ($cArgs, $Croutine) = &GetCArgs( $class, $routine );

    $SavecArgs = $cArgs;
    # Also remove MPI_Status [] (Waitall/some; Testall/some)
    $cArgs =~ s/,\s*MPI_Status\s*\[\]//g;
    $cArgs =~ s/\s*MPI_Status\s*\[\]\s*,//g;
    # Remove MPI_Status and MPI_Status *
    $cArgs =~ s/,\s*MPI_Status\s*\*?//g;
    $cArgs =~ s/\s*MPI_Status\s*\*?\s*,//g;

    &PrintMethodDef( $OUTFD, $class, $routine, $arginfo, $cArgs );    
    # This inserts a modifier, such as const or =0 (for pure virtual)
    if (defined($funcAttributes{$fnchash})) {
	print $OUTFD " $funcAttributes{$fnchash}";

    # Some methods cannot be defined yet.  In that case, we're done.
    if ($defonly || defined($defer_definition{$routine})) { 
	print $OUTFD ";\n";

    # output the body of the routine definition
    print $OUTFD "\n${indent}{\n";

    # Output any declaration needed for the return type
    &ReturnTypeDecl( $OUTFD );

    # Output any other declarations
    &RoutineTempDecls( $OUTFD, $routine, $cArgs, $special_args );

    # Output any initialization 
    &RoutineTempIn( $OUTFD, $routine, $cArgs, $special_args );
    # Output the routine call
    $cArgs = $SavecArgs;
    $cArgs =~ s/\s*MPI_Status\s*\*?/%%MPI_STATUS_IGNORE%%/g;
    &PrintRoutineCall( $OUTFD, $Croutine, $class, $arginfo, $cArgs );

    # Output code for any out variables
    &RoutineTempOut( $OUTFD, $routine, $cArgs, $special_args );

    # Return any value
    &PrintReturnType( $OUTFD );
    # Close the definition
    print $OUTFD "${indent}}\n";

    &UnSetStatusIgnore;    # Tell the status array routine to stop ignoring
                           # status arrays.

# Print only the method definition
sub PrintMethodDef {
    my $OUTFD   = $_[0];
    my $class   = $_[1];
    my $routine = $_[2];
    my $arginfo = $_[3];
    my $cArgs   = $_[4];

    my $fnchash = "$class-$routine";

    my $is_static = 0;
    # Process info for finding the return value info.
    # This sets global variables return_type and return_parm_pos
    my $returnarg = $arginfo;
    if ($returnarg =~ /^static:/) { 
	$returnarg =~ s/^static://; 
	$is_static = 1; 
    my $special_args = "";
    if ($returnarg =~ /(^[^:]+):(.*)/) {
	$returnarg = $1;
	$special_args = $2;
    &FindReturnInfo( $returnarg, $cArgs );

    $real_return_type = $return_actual_type;
    if ($return_type =~ /MPI_/) {
	$real_return_type =~ s/MPI_//;
    # Check for a special return type (e.g., IntraComm instead of Comm)
    if (defined($specialReturnType{"$class-$routine"})) {
	$real_return_type = $specialReturnType{"$class-$routine"};

    print $OUTFD $indent;
    if (defined($funcDeclaration{$fnchash})) {
	my $decl = $funcDeclaration{$fnchash};
	if ($decl eq "static") { $is_static = 1; }
# 	if ($is_static && $decl eq "static") {
# 	    print STDERR "$routine has both decl static and args->static\n";
# 	}
# 	else {
# 	    print $OUTFD "$funcDeclaration{$fnchash} ";
# 	}
    if ($is_static) {
	print $OUTFD "static ";
    elsif ($class ne "base") {
	#print "Class for $routine = $class\n";
	if ($routine ne "Dup") {
	    print $OUTFD "virtual ";
    print $OUTFD "$real_return_type $routine";
    # OUTFD, C declaration, C datatype for Class, output info
    &print_args( $OUTFD, $cArgs, $class_type{$class}, $arginfo );

# Get the argument string of the C binding for this routine and the name
# of the C routine to use for this method
sub GetCArgs {
    my $class = $_[0];
    my $routine = $_[1];
    my $Class = $fullclassname{$class};

    print "Routine $routine in Class $class\n" if $gDebug;

    # Find the corresponding args.  Some C++ routines don't use the
    # natural names, so we check for that here
    $args = "";

    # Check for $Class_$routine
    # (Skip if class == base and Class undefined)
    my $trial_name = "_" . lc($routine);
    if ($class ne "base" && defined($Class)) { 
	$trial_name = "${Class}_" . lc($routine);
	# We need to do this to separate MPI_Get from MPI_Info_get.
	if (defined($mpi_routine{$trial_name})) {
#	    if (defined($altname{"$class-$routine"})) {
#	        print STDERR "Ambiguous name for $class-$routine\n";
#	    }
	    $args = $mpi_routine{$trial_name};
	    $mpi_routine_name = $trial_name;
	    print "Matched $trial_name to $mpi_routine_name in mpi_routine{}\n" if $gDebug;
	    return ($args,$mpi_routine_name);
    if (defined($mpi_routine{$routine})) {
#	if (defined($altname{"$class-$routine"})) {
#	    print STDERR "Ambiguous name for $class-$routine\n";
#	}
	$args = $mpi_routine{$routine};
    $mpi_routine_name = $routine;
    if ($args eq "") {
	# Check for an alternate name
	print "Checking for $class-$routine\n" if $gDebug;
	print "Trial = $trial_name\n" if $gDebug;
	if (defined($mpi_routine{$trial_name})) {
	    $mpi_routine_name = $trial_name;
	    $args = $mpi_routine{$mpi_routine_name};
	elsif (defined($altname{"$class-$routine"})) {
	    $mpi_routine_name = $altname{"$class-$routine"};
	    $args = $mpi_routine{$mpi_routine_name};
	elsif ($class eq "file") {
	    # File routines have a systematic name mapping
	    $lcroutine = lc($routine);
	    $mpi_routine_name = "File_$lcroutine";
	    $args = $mpi_routine{$mpi_routine_name};
	else {
	    print STDERR "Name $routine in class $class has no known MPI routine\n";
    print "Matched $trial_name to $mpi_routine_name\n" if $gDebug;
    return ($args,$mpi_routine_name);

# Output any declaration needed for the return type
# This uses the globals $return_type and $return_parm_pos
$finalcast = "";
sub ReturnTypeDecl {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];

    # If there is a return type, declare it here
    $finalcast = "";
    $finalop   = "";
    if ($return_parm_pos > 0) {
	if ($return_type =~ /MPI_/ && !($return_type =~ /MPI_Offset/) 
	    && !($return_type =~ /MPI_Aint/)) {
	    print $OUTFD "$indent    $real_return_type v$return_parm_pos;\n";
	    $finalcast = "";
	else {
	    print $OUTFD "$indent    $return_type v$return_parm_pos;\n";
	    if ($real_return_type eq "bool") {
		# Unfortunately, at least one C++ compiler (Microsoft's)
		# generates wanring messages EVEN WHEN AN EXPLICIT CAST
		# IS USED (!).  To avoid these messages, we 
		# cause the generated code to explicitly compute a
		# boolean value (sigh)
#		$finalcast = "(bool)";
		$finalop   = "!= 0"
# Return value.  Uses return_parm_pos and finalcast.
sub PrintReturnType {
    my $OUTFD = $_[0];
    if ($return_parm_pos > 0) {
	print $OUTFD "$indent    return ${finalcast}v$return_parm_pos${finalop};\n";

# Output any other declarations
sub RoutineTempDecls {
    my $OUTFD   = $_[0];
    my $routine = $_[1];
    my @parms   = split(/\s*,\s*/, $_[2] );  # the original parameter list
    my $special_args = $_[3];
    my $count   = 1;

    foreach $parm (@parms) {
	my $pos_check = ":" . $count . ":";
	if ($special_args =~ /$pos_check/) {
	    &DoSpecialArgProcessing( $OUTFD, $routine, $count, "decl" );
	$count ++;

# Output any initialization 
sub RoutineTempIn {
    my $OUTFD   = $_[0];
    my $routine = $_[1];
    my @parms   = split(/\s*,\s*/, $_[2] );  # the original parameter list
    my $special_args = $_[3];
    my $count   = 1;

    my $initstring = "${class}_${routine}_init";
    #print "Routine = $initstring\n";
    if (defined($$initstring)) {
	print $OUTFD $$initstring . "\n";
    foreach $parm (@parms) {
	my $pos_check = ":" . $count . ":";
	if ($special_args =~ /$pos_check/) {
	    print "expecting $routine-$count cxxtoc\n" if $gDebug;
	    &DoSpecialArgProcessing( $OUTFD, $routine, $count, "cxxtoc" );
	$count ++;
# Output the routine call
sub PrintRoutineCall {
    my $OUTFD            = $_[0];
    my $mpi_routine_name = $_[1];
    my $class            = $_[2];
    my $arginfo          = $_[3];
    my $cArgs            = $_[4];
    my $nArgs            = &GetArgCount( $cArgs );

    my $useThis = 0;
    my $TYPE = "OBJ", $obj = "COMM_WORLD";
    if (!$do_DistGraphComm) {
	if ($class eq "distgraph") {
	    die "PANIC: unexpected distgraph class when distgraph support disabled";
    if ($class eq "comm" || $class eq "inter" || $class eq "intra" ||
	$class eq "cart" || $class eq "graph" || $class eq "distgraph") {
	$useThis = 1;
	$TYPE = "REF";
	$obj  = "this";
	# Handle special cases
	if ($mpi_routine_name eq "Comm_compare" || 
	    $mpi_routine_name eq "Comm_free_keyval") {
	    $useThis = 0;
    elsif ($class eq "file") {
	$useThis = 1;
	$TYPE = "REF";
	$obj = "this";
	if ($mpi_routine_name eq "File_open" || 
	    $mpi_routine_name eq "File_delete") {
	    $obj  = "FILE_NULL";
	    $TYPE = "OBJ"
    elsif ($class eq "win") { 
	$useThis = 1;
	$TYPE = "REF";
	$obj = "this";
	if ($mpi_routine_name eq "Win_create") {
	    $TYPE = "OBJ";
	    $obj = "v5";
	elsif ($mpi_routine_name eq "Win_free_keyval") {
	    $useThis = 0;
    &printCoverageStart( $OUTFD, "$mpi_routine_name", $nArgs );
    if ($useThis) {
	print $OUTFD "$indent    MPIX_CALL$TYPE( $obj, MPI_$mpi_routine_name";
    else {
	# COMM_WORLD may not be defined yet, so indirect
	print $OUTFD "$indent    MPIX_CALLWORLD( MPI_$mpi_routine_name";
    &print_call_args( $OUTFD, $cArgs, $class_type{$class}, $arginfo );
    print $OUTFD ");\n";
    &printCoverageEnd( $OUTFD, "$mpi_routine_name", $nArgs );

# Output code for any out variables
sub RoutineTempOut {
    my $OUTFD   = $_[0];
    my $routine = $_[1];
    my @parms   = split(/\s*,\s*/, $_[2] );  # the original parameter list
    my $special_args = $_[3];
    my $count   = 1;

    foreach $parm (@parms) {
	my $pos_check = ":" . $count . ":";
	if ($special_args =~ /$pos_check/) {
	    print "expecting $routine-$count ctocxx\n" if $gDebug;
	    &DoSpecialArgProcessing( $OUTFD, $routine, $count, "ctocxx" );
	$count ++;

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Routines for special processing
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This routine makes the call for a particular function for a particular
# argument position and operation
# DoSpecialArgProcessing( OUTFD, routine, arg-pos, operation )
sub DoSpecialArgProcessing {
    my $OUTFD   = $_[0];
    my $routine = $_[1];
    my $count   = $_[2];
    my $op      = $_[3];   # decl, arg, cxxtoc, ctocxx
    my $argdir;            # either in, out, inout

    $subname = "";
    print "Checking for $routine - $count\n" if $gDebug;
    if (defined($funcArgMap{"${routine}-$count"})) {
	$subname = $funcArgMap{"${routine}-$count"};
    else {
	if (defined($class) && 
	    defined($funcArgMap{"${class}-${routine}-$count"})) {
	    $subname = $funcArgMap{"${class}-${routine}-$count"};
	if ((!defined($class) || $class eq "") && $subname eq "") {
	    # try base
	    if (defined($funcArgMap{"base-${routine}-$count"})) {
		$subname = $funcArgMap{"base-${routine}-$count"};
	print "Found class $class $routine $count\n" if $gDebug;
    if ($subname =~ /([^:]*):([^:]*)(.*)/) {
	$argdir = $1;
	$subname = $2 . "_${argdir}_${op}";
	$otherarg = $3; 
	$otherarg =~ s/^://;
	print "expecting to find routine $subname\n" if $gDebug;
	if (defined(&$subname)) {
#	    if (op eq "methoddecl" || op eq "arg") {
		&$subname( $count );
		return 1;
#	    }
#	    else {
#		&$subname( "v$count", "l$count" );
#	    }
	else {
	    print STDERR "Expected :$subname: for $routine but it was not defined\n";
    return 0;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# const: added only to the declaration
# $parm is defined outside
sub const_in_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];

    my $lparm = $parm;

    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    # Convert part if it contains an MPI_ type
    $lparm =~ s/MPI_//;
    if ($lparm =~ /(\w*)\s*(\[\].*)/) {
	my $name = $1;
	my $array = $2;
	# Using $array allows us to handle both [] and [][3]
	print $OUTFD "const $name v$count$array";
    else {
	# Only add if a const is not already present
	if ($lparm =~ /^\s*const/) {
	    # No need to add const
	    print $OUTFD "$lparm v$count";
	else {
	    print $OUTFD "const $lparm v$count";
	    print "const added to $lparm, argument $count for $routine(class $class)\n" if $gDebug;
# We have to explicitly remove the cast
sub const_in_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    my $lparm = $parm;
    if ($lparm =~ /^\s*([\w\s]+)\s*\[\]/) {
	my $basetype = $1;
	# ISO C++ forbids casting to an array type, but we can
	# cast to a pointer
	if ($lparm =~ /\[\](\[.*)/) {
	    print $OUTFD "($basetype (*)$1)v$count";
	else {
	    print $OUTFD "($basetype *)v$count";
    else {
	print $OUTFD "($parm)v$count";
sub const_in_decl {
sub const_in_cxxtoc {
sub const_in_ctocxx {
# bool
# convert from C int
sub bool_in_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    print $OUTFD "bool v$count";
sub bool_out_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    print $OUTFD "bool &v$count";
sub bool_out_cxxtoc {
sub bool_out_decl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "$indent    int l$count;\n";
sub bool_in_decl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "$indent    int l$count;\n";
sub bool_in_ctocxx {}
sub bool_in_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "l$count";
sub bool_out_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "&l$count";
sub bool_out_ctocxx {
#    my $cinvar     = $_[0];
#    my $cxxoutvar  = $_[1];
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;
    print $OUTFD "$indent    $cxxoutvar = $cinvar ? true : false;\n";
# conver to C int
sub bool_in_cxxtoc {
#    my $cxxinvar = $_[0];
#    my $coutvar  = $_[1];

    my $count     = $_[0];
    my $cxxinvar  = "v" . $count;
    my $coutvar   = "l" . $count;
    print $OUTFD "$indent     $coutvar = ($cxxinvar == true) ? 1 : 0;\n";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub reqarray_inout_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    print $OUTFD "Request v$count\[]";
# We have to explicitly remove the cast
sub reqarray_inout_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "l$count";
sub reqarray_inout_decl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    my $n     = "v$otherarg";
    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    MPI_Request *l$count = new MPI_Request[$n];\n";
sub reqarray_inout_cxxtoc {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    { 
            int i$count; 
            for (i$count=0;i$count<$n;i$count++) {
                l$count\[i$count] = v$count\[i$count].the_real_request;
sub reqarray_inout_ctocxx {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    { 
            int i$count; 
            for (i$count=0;i$count<$n;i$count++) {
                v$count\[i$count].the_real_request = l$count\[i$count];
            delete[] l$count;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$InStatusIgnore = 0;
sub SetStatusIgnore {
    $InStatusIgnore = 1;
sub UnSetStatusIgnore {
    $InStatusIgnore = 0;
sub statusarray_out_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if ($InStatusIgnore) { return; }
    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    print $OUTFD "Status v$count\[]";
# We have to explicitly remove the cast
sub statusarray_out_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if ($InStatusIgnore) { 
    else {
	print $OUTFD "l$count";
sub statusarray_out_decl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    my $n     = "v$otherarg";
    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    if ($InStatusIgnore) { return; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    MPI_Status *l$count = new MPI_Status[$n];\n";
sub statusarray_out_cxxtoc {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    if ($InStatusIgnore) { return; }

#    print $OUTFD "$indent    { 
#            int i$count; 
#            for (i$count=0;i$count<$n;i$count++) {
#                l$count\[i$count] = v$count\[i$count].the_real_request;
#            }
#        }\n";
sub statusarray_out_ctocxx {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    if ($InStatusIgnore) { return; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    { 
            int i$count; 
            for (i$count=0;i$count<$n;i$count++) {
                v$count\[i$count].the_real_status = l$count\[i$count];
            delete[] l$count;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub boolarray_in_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    print $OUTFD "const bool v$count\[]";
# We have to explicitly remove the cast
sub boolarray_in_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "l$count";
sub boolarray_in_decl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    my $n     = "v$otherarg";
    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    int *l$count = new int[$n];\n";
sub boolarray_in_cxxtoc {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    { 
            int i$count; 
            for (i$count=0;i$count<$n;i$count++) {
                l$count\[i$count] = v$count\[i$count] == true ? 1 : 0;
sub boolarray_in_ctocxx {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "
            delete[] l$count;\n";

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub boolarray_out_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    print $OUTFD "bool v$count\[]";
# We have to explicitly remove the cast
sub boolarray_out_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "l$count";
sub boolarray_out_decl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    my $n     = "v$otherarg";
    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    int *l$count = new int[$n];\n";
sub boolarray_out_cxxtoc {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

sub boolarray_out_ctocxx {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    { 
            int i$count; 
            for (i$count=0;i$count<$n;i$count++) {
		// Unfortunately, at least one C++ compiler (Microsoft's)
		// generates warning messages when the type size changes
		// even when an explicit cast is used.  To avoid these messages, we 
		// cause the generated code to explicitly compute a
		// boolean value
                v$count\[i$count] = l$count\[i$count] != 0;
            delete[] l$count;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub preqarray_inout_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    print $OUTFD "Prequest v$count\[]";
# We have to explicitly remove the cast
sub preqarray_inout_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "l$count";
sub preqarray_inout_decl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    my $n     = "v$otherarg";
    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    MPI_Request *l$count = new MPI_Request[$n];\n";
sub preqarray_inout_cxxtoc {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    { 
            int i$count; 
            for (i$count=0;i$count<$n;i$count++) {
                l$count\[i$count] = v$count\[i$count].the_real_request;
sub preqarray_inout_ctocxx {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    { 
            int i$count; 
            for (i$count=0;i$count<$n;i$count++) {
                v$count\[i$count].the_real_request = l$count\[i$count];
            delete[] l$count;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub dtypearray_in_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    print $OUTFD " const Datatype v$count\[\]";
# We have to explicitly remove the cast
sub dtypearray_in_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "l$count";
sub dtypearray_in_decl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    my $n     = "v$otherarg";
    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    if ($otherarg eq "SIZE") {
	$n = "Get_size()";
    print $OUTFD "$indent    MPI_Datatype *l$count = new MPI_Datatype[$n];\n";
sub dtypearray_in_cxxtoc {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";
    if ($otherarg eq "SIZE") {
	$n = "Get_size()";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    { 
            int i$count; 
            for (i$count=0;i$count<$n;i$count++) {
                l$count\[i$count] = v$count\[i$count].the_real_datatype;
# Use this to delete the array
sub dtypearray_in_ctocxx {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent                delete[] l$count;\n";

sub dtypearray_out_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    print $OUTFD "Datatype v$count\[]";
sub dtypearray_out_decl { 
    my $count = $_[0];
    my $n     = "v$otherarg";
    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    MPI_Datatype *l$count = new MPI_Datatype[$n];\n";
sub dtypearray_out_cxxtoc {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
sub dtypearray_out_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "l$count";
sub dtypearray_out_ctocxx {
    my $count      = $_[0];
    my $n          = "v$otherarg";

    my $cinvar     = "l" . $count;
    my $cxxoutvar  = "v" . $count;

    if ($n =~ /-(\d*)/) { $n = $1; }
    print $OUTFD "$indent    { 
            int i$count; 
            for (i$count=0;i$count<$n;i$count++) {
                v$count\[i$count].the_real_datatype = l$count\[i$count];
            delete[] l$count;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# These are used to convert int *foo into int &foo
sub refint_in_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    print $OUTFD "int &v$count";
# We have to explicitly remove the cast
sub refint_in_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "&v$count";
sub refint_in_decl {}
sub refint_in_cxxtoc {}
sub refint_in_ctocxx {}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# These are used to convert <type> *foo or <type> foo into <type> &foo
sub constref_in_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    print $OUTFD "const $otherarg &v$count";
# We have to explicitly remove the cast
sub constref_in_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    my $lparm = $parm;
    # Parm is usually in C, not C++ form.  Make sure here
    $lparm =~ s/MPI::/MPI_/;
    if ($lparm =~ /MPI_/) {
	# If an MPI type, cast back to MPI type
	if ($lparm eq MPI_Aint && $lparm eq MPI_Offset) {
	    print $OUTFD "($lparm *)&v$count";
	else {
	    my $shortname = $lparm;
	    $shortname =~ s/MPI_//;
	    $shortname = lc($shortname);
	    if (defined($mytopclass{$shortname})) {
		$shortname = $mytopclass{$shortname};
	    print $OUTFD "($lparm)(v$count.the_real_$shortname)";
    else {
	print $OUTFD "&v$count";
sub constref_in_decl {}
sub constref_in_cxxtoc {}
sub constref_in_ctocxx {}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# These are used to handle C++ ref types to MPI * type (output)
sub reftype_out_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    if (!$first) { print $OUTFD ", "; }
    print $OUTFD "$otherarg &v$count";
# We have to explicitly remove the cast
sub reftype_out_call {
    my $count = $_[0];
    my $lparm = $parm;
    # Parm is usually in C, not C++ form.  Make sure here
    $lparm =~ s/MPI::/MPI_/;
    if ($lparm =~ /MPI_/) {
	# If an MPI type, cast back to MPI type
	if ($lparm ne MPI_Aint && $lparm ne MPI_Offset) {
	    my $shortname = $lparm;
	    $shortname =~ s/MPI_//;
	    # Remove any * from the end of the C type
	    $shortname =~ s/\s*\*\s*$//;
	    $shortname = lc($shortname);
	    if (defined($mytopclass{$shortname})) {
		$shortname = $mytopclass{$shortname};
	    print $OUTFD "($lparm)&(v$count.the_real_$shortname)";
	else {
	    print $OUTFD "($lparm)&v$count";
    else {
	print $OUTFD "&v$count";
sub reftype_out_decl {
sub reftype_out_cxxtoc {}
sub reftype_out_ctocxx {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub ptrref_inout_methoddecl {
    my $count = $_[0];
    print $OUTFD "void *&v$count";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Coverage hooks
# setCoverage( flag )
sub setCoverage {
    my $flag = $_[0];
    $doCoverage = $flag;
# printCoverageStart( fd, name, argcount )
sub printCoverageStart {
    my $FD    = $_[0];
    my $name  = $_[1];
    my $count = $_[2];
    if ($doCoverage) {
	print $FD "        COVERAGE_START($name,$count);\n";
sub printCoverageEnd {
    my $FD    = $_[0];
    my $name  = $_[1];
    my $count = $_[2];
    if ($doCoverage) {
	print $FD "        COVERAGE_END($name,$count);\n";

sub printCoverageHeader {
    my $FD = $_[0];
    my $isHeader = $_[1];   # Set to true for the file

    if ($doCoverage) {
	print $FD "// Support ad hoc coverage analysis\n";
	if ($isHeader) {
	    print $FD "\@DEFINE_FOR_COVERAGE\@\n";
	    print $FD "\@DEFINE_FOR_COVERAGE_KIND\@\n";
        print $FD "\
#if defined(USE_COVERAGE)
#include \"mpicxxcov.h\"
// Just make these empty in case we've created the coverage versions
#define COVERAGE_START(a,b)
#define COVERAGE_END(a,b)
# The idea here is that the coverage_finalize call is *not* parallel 
# knowledgeable.  This serializes the coverage
sub printCoverageFinalize {
    my $FD = $_[0];
    if ($doCoverage) {
	print $FD "
    { int _mysize, _myrank;
      MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &_mysize );
      MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &_myrank );
      if (_myrank > 0) {
          MPI_Recv( MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INT, _myrank-1,77777,MPI_COMM_WORLD,MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
      if (_myrank + 1 < _mysize) {
          MPI_Send( MPI_BOTTOM, 0, MPI_INT, _myrank+1,77777,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
sub printCoverageInitialize {
    my $FD = $_[0];
    if ($doCoverage) {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read a specification file for a binding.  This helps provide information on
# exceptions and enhancements to the binding automatically derived from the
# prototype file (the C header file).  The format of this specificaiton
# file is:
# class-name: [static] return (args) [const]
# argument positions refer to the positions in the original (C) binding
# a \ at the end of the line is a continuation.  # begins a comment
# Note that this sets values in GLOBAL variables for the classes and
# for each routine.  The variables used are
#   %funcAttributes - attribute for function (e.g., const)
#   %funcDeclaration - declaration for function (e.g., static)
#   %funcReturn    - position and optional type for return value
#   %funcArgMap    - routine to call to handle a positional argument
# Example declaration
sub ReadFuncSpec {
    my $filename = $_[0];
    my $linecount = 0;
    my $mpilevel = "mpi2";
    open SFD, "<$filename" || die "Cannot open $filename\n";

    while (<SFD>) {
	# Remove comments
	# Remove newline
	# Handle any continuations
	while (/\\\s*$/) {
	    my $newline;
	    $newline = <SFD>;
	    $newline =~ s/#.*//;
	    $newline =~ s/\r?\n//;
	    $_ .= $newline;
	# Handle special cases
	if (/<(\w*)>/) {
	    my $match = 0;
	    $mpilevel = $1;
	    foreach $level (@mpilevels) {
		if ($mpilevel eq $level) {
		    $match = 1;
	    if (!$match) {
		print STDERR "Unrecognized MPI level $mpilevel\n";
	# Process any data
	if (/^\s*(\w*)-(\w*)\s*(.*)/) {
	    my $class   = $1;
	    my $routine = $2;
	    my $line    = $3;
	    if ($class eq "") { $class = "base"; }
	    my $fnchash = "$class-$routine";
	    my $specialPos = "";
	    my $needsReturn = 0;
	    my $returnPos = 0;
	    my $returnType = "";
	    my $isStatic = 0;
	    # Leading static decl
	    if ($line =~ /^\s*static\s/) {
		$funcDeclaration{$fnchash} = "static";
		$isStatic = 1;
		$line =~ s/^\s*static\s+//;
	    # Possible returning
	    if ($line =~ /^(\w*\*?)\s+(.*)/) {
		$funcReturnType{$fnchash} = $1;
		my $endline = $2;
		if ($1 ne "void") {
		    $needsReturn = 1;
		    $returnType = $1;
		$line = $endline;
	    else {
		$funcReturnType{$fnchash} = "void";

	    $line =~ s/\s*\(//;
	    # Now, process all args
	    my $argnum = 1;
	    while ($line =~ /\S/) {
		if ($line =~ /\s*([^,\)\s]*)\s*([,\)])(.*)/) {
		    my $endline = $3;
		    my $sep = $2;
		    my $arg = $1;
		    if ($arg eq "return") {
			$returnPos = $argnum;
			$funcReturnMap{$fnchash} = "$argnum;$returnType";
		    elsif ($arg =~ /\S/) {
			#print "Setting $fnchash-$argnum = $arg\n";
			$specialPos .= "$argnum:";
 			$funcArgMap{"$fnchash-$argnum"} = $arg;

		    $line = $endline;
		    if ($sep eq ")") {
			# break out of the loop to process any end-of-decl
		    $argnum ++;
		else {
		    print STDERR "Input line from $filename not recognized: $line\n";
	    # For things like const and =0
	    if ($line =~ /\s*(\S*)/) {
		$funcAttributes{$fnchash} = $1;

	    # This is a temporary until we fix the various hashes and
	    # function fields
	    if ($specialPos ne "" || $needsReturn) {
		my $classVar = "class_$mpilevel$class";
		chop $specialPos;
		my $funcops;
		if ($needsReturn) {
		    $funcops = "$returnPos";
		    my $classType = "";
		    if (defined($fullclassname{$class})) {
			$classType = $fullclassname{$class};
		    if ($returnType ne "int" &&
			$returnType ne $classType) {
			$funcops .= ";$returnType";
		else {
		    $funcops = "0";
		if ($specialPos ne "") {
		    $funcops .= ":";
		if (defined($$classVar{$routine})) {
		    my $newval = $funcops . $specialPos;
		    if ($isStatic) {
			$newval = "static:" . $newval;
		    my $oldval = $$classVar{$routine};
		    if ($oldval ne $newval) {
			print "Changing $classVar\{$routine\} from $oldval to $newval\n" if $gDebug;
		$$classVar{$routine} = $funcops . $specialPos;
		#print "$routine:Special pos = <$funcops$specialPos>\n";
	elsif (/\S/) {
	    print STDERR "Unrecognized line $_\n";

    close SFD;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special debugging:
# Somethimes it is valuable to debug just a single routine.  This interface
# makes that relatively easy
sub debugPrint {
    my ($routine, $str) = @_;

    if ($gDebugRoutine ne "NONE" && $routine eq $gDebugRoutine) {
	print $str . "\n";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# These will be used to add memory tracing around all uses of new and delete
sub printNew {
    my ($FD, $name, $type, $isArray, $count) = @_;
    if ($isArray) {
	print $FD "$type *$name = new $type;\n";
    else {
	print $FD "$type *$name = new $type[$count];\n";
sub printDelete {
    my ($FD, $name, $isArray) = @_;
    if ($isArray) {
	print $FD "delete[] $name;\n";
    else {
	print $FD "delete $name;\n";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Replace old file with new file only if new file is different
# Otherwise, remove new filename 
sub ReplaceIfDifferent {
    my ($oldfilename,$newfilename) = @_;
    my $rc = 1;
    if (-s $oldfilename) { 
	$rc = system "cmp -s $newfilename $oldfilename";
	$rc >>= 8;   # Shift right to get exit status
    if ($rc != 0) {
	# The files differ.  Replace the old file 
	# with the new one
	if (-s $oldfilename) {
	    print STDERR "Replacing $oldfilename\n";
	    unlink $oldfilename;
	else {
	    print STDERR "Creating $oldfilename\n";
	rename $newfilename, $oldfilename || 
	    die "Could not replace $oldfilename";
    else {
	unlink $newfilename;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This tool becomes particularly interesting if it allows custom generation
# of a mpicxx.h header file that contains references to only the
# requested routines (and even classes; e.g., no Groups if no-one is using
# them).
# Pack_size, Pack, and Unpack cannot be defined within the Datatype
# class definition because they also need Comm, and Comm needs datatype.
# We need to replace this with
#   Just provide the Pack_size, Pack, Unpack prototypes in the Datatype
#   class definition
#   Add these to the end
# Routines with arrays of aggregate types (e.g., arrays of Datatypes) 
# really require special processing.  We need to either do something like
# is done for the Fortran routines (for any routine with special needs, 
# enumerate which args require special handling and name the routine) 
# or simply provide hand-written code for the internals of those operations.
# class Comm should be pure virtual.  This makes it hard to define
# COMM_NULL.  One possibility is to use a base class that contains 
# only the null function and operation, then Comm as pure virtual, then
# the various communicators.  We may also need methods to promote 
# cart to intracomm and graph to intracomm.  
# static functions.
# Rather than find an the class that is the input, the static functions
# don't have a current object.  These are in the class but
# don't have a "this".
# These are, however, members of the class.