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/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
 *  (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory.
 *      See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.


#ifdef USE_PMI2_API
#error This header file defines the PMI v1 API, but PMI2 was selected

/* prototypes for the PMI interface in MPICH */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {

PMI_CONSTANTS - PMI definitions

Error Codes:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - operation completed successfully
. PMI_FAIL - operation failed
. PMI_ERR_NOMEM - input buffer not large enough
. PMI_ERR_INIT - PMI not initialized
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_KEY - invalid key argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_KEY_LENGTH - invalid key length argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_VAL - invalid val argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_VAL_LENGTH - invalid val length argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_LENGTH - invalid length argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_NUM_ARGS - invalid number of arguments
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARGS - invalid args argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_NUM_PARSED - invalid num_parsed length argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_KEYVALP - invalid keyvalp argument
- PMI_ERR_INVALID_SIZE - invalid size argument

+ PMI_TRUE - true
- PMI_FALSE - false

#define PMI_SUCCESS                  0
#define PMI_FAIL                    -1
#define PMI_ERR_INIT                 1
#define PMI_ERR_NOMEM                2
#define PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG          3
#define PMI_ERR_INVALID_KEY          4
#define PMI_ERR_INVALID_VAL          6
#define PMI_ERR_INVALID_LENGTH       8
#define PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARGS        10
#define PMI_ERR_INVALID_SIZE        13

/* PMI Group functions */

PMI_Init - initialize the Process Manager Interface

Output Parameter:
. spawned - spawned flag

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - initialization completed successfully
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - initialization failed

Initialize PMI for this process group. The value of spawned indicates whether
this process was created by 'PMI_Spawn_multiple'.  'spawned' will be 'PMI_TRUE' if
this process group has a parent and 'PMI_FALSE' if it does not.

int PMI_Init( int *spawned );

PMI_Initialized - check if PMI has been initialized

Output Parameter:
. initialized - boolean value

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - initialized successfully set
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - unable to set the variable

On successful output, initialized will either be 'PMI_TRUE' or 'PMI_FALSE'.

+ PMI_TRUE - initialize has been called.
- PMI_FALSE - initialize has not been called or previously failed.

int PMI_Initialized( int *initialized );

PMI_Finalize - finalize the Process Manager Interface

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - finalization completed successfully
- PMI_FAIL - finalization failed

 Finalize PMI for this process group.

int PMI_Finalize( void );

PMI_Get_size - obtain the size of the process group

Output Parameters:
. size - pointer to an integer that receives the size of the process group

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - size successfully obtained
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - unable to return the size

This function returns the size of the process group to which the local process

int PMI_Get_size( int *size );

PMI_Get_rank - obtain the rank of the local process in the process group

Output Parameters:
. rank - pointer to an integer that receives the rank in the process group

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - rank successfully obtained
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - unable to return the rank

This function returns the rank of the local process in its process group.

int PMI_Get_rank( int *rank );

PMI_Get_universe_size - obtain the universe size

Output Parameters:
. size - pointer to an integer that receives the size

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - size successfully obtained
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - unable to return the size

int PMI_Get_universe_size( int *size );

PMI_Get_appnum - obtain the application number

Output parameters:
. appnum - pointer to an integer that receives the appnum

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - appnum successfully obtained
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - unable to return the size

int PMI_Get_appnum( int *appnum );

PMI_Publish_name - publish a name 

Input parameters:
. service_name - string representing the service being published
. port - string representing the port on which to contact the service

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - port for service successfully published
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - unable to publish service

int PMI_Publish_name( const char service_name[], const char port[] );

PMI_Unpublish_name - unpublish a name

Input parameters:
. service_name - string representing the service being unpublished

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - port for service successfully published
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - unable to unpublish service

int PMI_Unpublish_name( const char service_name[] );

PMI_Lookup_name - lookup a service by name

Input parameters:
. service_name - string representing the service being published

Output parameters:
. port - string representing the port on which to contact the service

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - port for service successfully obtained
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - unable to lookup service

int PMI_Lookup_name( const char service_name[], char port[] );

PMI_Barrier - barrier across the process group

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - barrier successfully finished
- PMI_FAIL - barrier failed

This function is a collective call across all processes in the process group
the local process belongs to.  It will not return until all the processes
have called 'PMI_Barrier()'.

int PMI_Barrier( void );

PMI_Abort - abort the process group associated with this process

Input Parameters:
+ exit_code - exit code to be returned by this process
- error_msg - error message to be printed

Return values:
. none - this function should not return
int PMI_Abort(int exit_code, const char error_msg[]);

/* PMI Keymap functions */
PMI_KVS_Get_my_name - obtain the name of the keyval space the local process group has access to

Input Parameters:
. length - length of the kvsname character array

Output Parameters:
. kvsname - a string that receives the keyval space name

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - kvsname successfully obtained
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_LENGTH - invalid length argument
- PMI_FAIL - unable to return the kvsname

This function returns the name of the keyval space that this process and all
other processes in the process group have access to.  The output parameter,
kvsname, must be at least as long as the value returned by

int PMI_KVS_Get_my_name( char kvsname[], int length );

PMI_KVS_Get_name_length_max - obtain the length necessary to store a kvsname

Output Parameter:
. length - maximum length required to hold a keyval space name

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - length successfully set
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - unable to set the length

This function returns the string length required to store a keyval space name.

A routine is used rather than setting a maximum value in 'pmi.h' to allow
different implementations of PMI to be used with the same executable.  These
different implementations may allow different maximum lengths; by using a 
routine here, we can interface with a variety of implementations of PMI.

int PMI_KVS_Get_name_length_max( int *length );

PMI_KVS_Get_key_length_max - obtain the length necessary to store a key

Output Parameter:
. length - maximum length required to hold a key string.

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - length successfully set
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - unable to set the length

This function returns the string length required to store a key.

int PMI_KVS_Get_key_length_max( int *length );

PMI_KVS_Get_value_length_max - obtain the length necessary to store a value

Output Parameter:
. length - maximum length required to hold a keyval space value

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - length successfully set
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - unable to set the length

This function returns the string length required to store a value from a
keyval space.

int PMI_KVS_Get_value_length_max( int *length );

PMI_KVS_Put - put a key/value pair in a keyval space

Input Parameters:
+ kvsname - keyval space name
. key - key
- value - value

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - keyval pair successfully put in keyval space
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_KVS - invalid kvsname argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_KEY - invalid key argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_VAL - invalid val argument
- PMI_FAIL - put failed

This function puts the key/value pair in the specified keyval space.  The
value is not visible to other processes until 'PMI_KVS_Commit()' is called.  
The function may complete locally.  After 'PMI_KVS_Commit()' is called, the
value may be retrieved by calling 'PMI_KVS_Get()'.  All keys put to a keyval
space must be unique to the keyval space.  You may not put more than once
with the same key.

int PMI_KVS_Put( const char kvsname[], const char key[], const char value[]);

PMI_KVS_Commit - commit all previous puts to the keyval space

Input Parameters:
. kvsname - keyval space name

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - commit succeeded
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - commit failed

This function commits all previous puts since the last 'PMI_KVS_Commit()' into
the specified keyval space. It is a process local operation.

int PMI_KVS_Commit( const char kvsname[] );

PMI_KVS_Get - get a key/value pair from a keyval space

Input Parameters:
+ kvsname - keyval space name
. key - key
- length - length of value character array

Output Parameters:
. value - value

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - get succeeded
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_KVS - invalid kvsname argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_KEY - invalid key argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_VAL - invalid val argument
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_LENGTH - invalid length argument
- PMI_FAIL - get failed

This function gets the value of the specified key in the keyval space.

int PMI_KVS_Get( const char kvsname[], const char key[], char value[], int length);

/* PMI Process Creation functions */

PMI_keyval_t - keyval structure used by PMI_Spawn_mulitiple

+ key - name of the key
- val - value of the key

typedef struct PMI_keyval_t
    const char * key;
    char * val;
} PMI_keyval_t;

PMI_Spawn_multiple - spawn a new set of processes

Input Parameters:
+ count - count of commands
. cmds - array of command strings
. argvs - array of argv arrays for each command string
. maxprocs - array of maximum processes to spawn for each command string
. info_keyval_sizes - array giving the number of elements in each of the 
. info_keyval_vectors - array of keyval vector arrays
. preput_keyval_size - Number of elements in 'preput_keyval_vector'
- preput_keyval_vector - array of keyvals to be pre-put in the spawned keyval space

Output Parameter:
. errors - array of errors for each command

Return values:
+ PMI_SUCCESS - spawn successful
. PMI_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument
- PMI_FAIL - spawn failed

This function spawns a set of processes into a new process group.  The 'count'
field refers to the size of the array parameters - 'cmd', 'argvs', 'maxprocs',
'info_keyval_sizes' and 'info_keyval_vectors'.  The 'preput_keyval_size' refers
to the size of the 'preput_keyval_vector' array.  The 'preput_keyval_vector'
contains keyval pairs that will be put in the keyval space of the newly
created process group before the processes are started.  The 'maxprocs' array
specifies the desired number of processes to create for each 'cmd' string.  
The actual number of processes may be less than the numbers specified in
maxprocs.  The acceptable number of processes spawned may be controlled by
``soft'' keyvals in the info arrays.  The ``soft'' option is specified by
mpiexec in the MPI-2 standard.  Environment variables may be passed to the
spawned processes through PMI implementation specific 'info_keyval' parameters.
int PMI_Spawn_multiple(int count,
                       const char * cmds[],
                       const char ** argvs[],
                       const int maxprocs[],
                       const int info_keyval_sizesp[],
                       const PMI_keyval_t * info_keyval_vectors[],
                       int preput_keyval_size,
                       const PMI_keyval_t preput_keyval_vector[],
                       int errors[]);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
