/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; indent-tabs-mode:nil ; -*- */
* (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory.
* See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include "mpitest.h"
/* Run with 1 process.
This program does an MPI_Get with an indexed datatype. The datatype
comprises a single integer at an initial displacement of 1 integer.
That is, the first integer in the array is to be skipped.
This program found a bug in IBM's MPI in which MPI_Get ignored the
displacement and got the first integer instead of the second.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int rank, nprocs, mpi_err, *array;
int getval, disp, errs = 0;
MPI_Win win;
MPI_Datatype type;
MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nprocs);
if (rank == 0) {
/* To improve reporting of problems about operations, we
* change the error handler to errors return */
/* create an indexed datatype that points to the second integer
* in an array (the first integer is skipped). */
disp = 1;
mpi_err = MPI_Type_create_indexed_block(1, 1, &disp, MPI_INT, &type);
if (mpi_err != MPI_SUCCESS)
goto err_return;
mpi_err = MPI_Type_commit(&type);
if (mpi_err != MPI_SUCCESS)
goto err_return;
/* allocate window of size 2 integers */
mpi_err = MPI_Alloc_mem(2 * sizeof(int), MPI_INFO_NULL, &array);
if (mpi_err != MPI_SUCCESS)
goto err_return;
/* create window object */
mpi_err =
MPI_Win_create(array, 2 * sizeof(int), sizeof(int), MPI_INFO_NULL, MPI_COMM_SELF, &win);
if (mpi_err != MPI_SUCCESS)
goto err_return;
/* initialize array */
array[0] = 100;
array[1] = 200;
getval = 0;
/* To improve reporting of problems about operations, we
* change the error handler to errors return */
MPI_Win_set_errhandler(win, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN);
mpi_err = MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, 0, 0, win);
if (mpi_err != MPI_SUCCESS)
goto err_return;
/* get the current value of element array[1] */
mpi_err = MPI_Get(&getval, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, 1, type, win);
if (mpi_err != MPI_SUCCESS)
goto err_return;
mpi_err = MPI_Win_unlock(0, win);
if (mpi_err != MPI_SUCCESS)
goto err_return;
/* getval should contain the value of array[1] */
if (getval != array[1]) {
printf("getval=%d, should be %d\n", getval, array[1]);
return 0;
printf("MPI function error returned an error\n");
return 1;