Blob Blame History Raw
	out123: audio output interface

	copyright 1995-2016 by the mpg123 project,
	free software under the terms of the LGPL 2.1

	see COPYING and AUTHORS files in distribution or
	initially written as audio.h by Michael Hipp, reworked into out123 API
	by Thomas Orgis

#ifndef _OUT123_H_
#define _OUT123_H_

/** \file out123.h The header file for the libout123 audio output facility. */

/* We only need size_t definition. */
#include <stddef.h>

/* Common audio encoding specification, including a macro for getting
 *  size of encodined samples in bytes. Said macro is still hardcoded
 *  into out123_encsize(). Relying on this one may help an old program
 *  know sizes of encodings added to fmt123.h later on.
 *  If you don't care, just use the macro.
#include <fmt123.h>

/** A macro to check at compile time which set of API functions to expect.
 * This should be incremented at least each time a new symbol is added
 * to the header.

#ifndef MPG123_EXPORT
/** Defines needed for MS Visual Studio(tm) DLL builds.
 * Every public function must be prefixed with MPG123_EXPORT. When building 
 * the DLL ensure to define BUILD_MPG123_DLL. This makes the function accessible
 * for clients and includes it in the import library which is created together
 * with the DLL. When consuming the DLL ensure to define LINK_MPG123_DLL which
 * imports the functions from the DLL. 
#ifdef BUILD_MPG123_DLL
/* The dll exports. */
#define MPG123_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#ifdef LINK_MPG123_DLL
/* The exe imports. */
#define MPG123_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
/* Nothing on normal/UNIX builds */
#define MPG123_EXPORT

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/** \defgroup out123_api out123 library API
 *  This is out123, a library focused on continuous playback of audio streams
 *  via various platform-specific output methods. It glosses over details of
 *  the native APIs to give an interface close to simply writing data to a
 *  file. There might be the option to tune details like buffer (period) sizes
 *  and the number of them on the device side in future, but the focus of the
 *  library is to ease the use case of just getting that raw audio data out
 *  there, without interruptions.
 *  The basic idea is to create a handle with out123_new() and open a certain
 *  output device (using a certain driver module, possibly build-time defaults)
 *  with out123_open(). Now, you can query the output device for supported
 *  encodings for given rate and channel count with out123_get_encodings() and
 *  decide what to use for actually starting playback with out123_start().
 *  Then, you just need to provide (interleaved pcm) data for playback with
 *  out123_play(), which will block when the device's buffers are full. You get
 *  your timing from that (instead of callbacks). If your program does the
 *  production of the audio data just a little bit faster than the playback,
 *  causing out123_play() to block ever so briefly, you're fine.
 *  You stop playback with out123_stop(), or just close the device and driver
 *  via out123_close(), or even just decide to drop it all and do out123_del()
 *  right away when you're done.
 *  There are other functions for specific needs, but the basic idea should be
 *  covered by the above.

/** Opaque structure for the libout123 handle. */
struct out123_struct;
/** Typedef shortcut as preferrend name for the handle type. */
typedef struct out123_struct out123_handle;

/** Enumeration of codes for the parameters that it is possible to set/get. */
enum out123_parms
	OUT123_FLAGS = 1 /**< integer, various flags, see enum out123_flags */
,	OUT123_PRELOAD /**< float, fraction of buffer to fill before playback */
,	OUT123_GAIN    /**< integer, output device gain (module-specific) */
,	OUT123_VERBOSE /**< integer, verbosity to stderr, >= 0 */
 *  float, length of device buffer in seconds;
 *  This might be ignored, might have only a loose relation to actual
 *  buffer sizes and latency, depending on output driver. Try to tune
 *  this before opening a device if you want to influcence latency or reduce
 *  dropouts. Value <= 0 uses some default, usually favouring stable playback
 *  over low latency. Values above 0.5 are probably too much.
,	OUT123_PROPFLAGS /**< integer, query driver/device property flags (r/o) */
,	OUT123_NAME /**< string, name of this instance (NULL restores default);
 * The value returned by out123_getparam() might be different if the audio
 * backend changed it (to be unique among clients, p.ex.).
 * TODO: The name provided here is used as prefix in diagnostic messages. */
,	OUT123_BINDIR /**< string, path to a program binary directory to use
 * as starting point in the search for the output module directory
 * (e.g. ../lib/mpg123 or ./plugins). The environment variable MPG123_MODDIR
 * is always tried first and the in-built installation path last.

/** Flags to tune out123 behaviour */
enum out123_flags
	OUT123_HEADPHONES       = 0x01 /**< output to headphones (if supported) */
,	OUT123_INTERNAL_SPEAKER = 0x02 /**< output to speaker (if supported) */
,	OUT123_LINE_OUT         = 0x04 /**< output to line out (if supported) */
,	OUT123_QUIET               = 0x08 /**< no printouts to standard error */
,	OUT123_KEEP_PLAYING        = 0x10 /**<
 *  When this is set (default), playback continues in a loop when the device
 *  does not consume all given data at once. This happens when encountering
 *  signals (like SIGSTOP, SIGCONT) that cause interruption of the underlying
 *  functions.
 *  Note that this flag is meaningless when the optional buffer is employed,
 *  There, your program will always block until the buffer completely took
 *  over the data given to it via out123_play(), unless a communication error
 *  arises.

/** Read-only output driver/device property flags (OUT123_PROPFLAGS). */
enum out123_propflags
	OUT123_PROP_LIVE = 0x01 /**< This is a live output, meaning that
 *  special care might be needed for pauses in playback (p.ex. stream
 *  of silence instead of interruption), as opposed to files on disk.
,	OUT123_PROP_PERSISTENT = 0x02 /**< This (live) output does not need
 *  special care for pauses (continues with silence itself),
 *  out123_pause() does nothing to the device.

/** Create a new output handle.
 *  This only allocates and initializes memory, so the only possible
 *  error condition is running out of memory.
 * \return pointer to new handle or NULL on error
out123_handle *out123_new(void);

/** Delete output handle.
 *  This implies out123_close().
void out123_del(out123_handle *ao);

/** Error code enumeration
 * API calls return a useful (positve) value or zero (OUT123_OK) on simple
 * success. A negative value (-1 == OUT123_ERR) usually indicates that some
 * error occured. Which one, that can be queried using out123_errcode()
 * and friends.
enum out123_error
	OUT123_ERR = -1 /**< generic alias for verbosity, always == -1 */
,	OUT123_OK  = 0  /**< just a name for zero, not going to change */
,	OUT123_DOOM /**< dazzled, out of memory */
,	OUT123_BAD_DRIVER_NAME /**< bad driver name given */
,	OUT123_BAD_DRIVER /**< unspecified issue loading a driver */
,	OUT123_NO_DRIVER /**< no driver loaded */
,	OUT123_NOT_LIVE /**< no active audio device */
,	OUT123_DEV_PLAY /**< some device playback error */
,	OUT123_DEV_OPEN /**< error opening device */
 * Some (really unexpected) error in buffer infrastructure.
,	OUT123_MODULE_ERROR /**< basic failure in module loading */
,	OUT123_ARG_ERROR /**< some bad function arguments supplied */
,	OUT123_BAD_PARAM /**< unknown parameter code */
,	OUT123_SET_RO_PARAM /**< attempt to set read-only parameter */
,	OUT123_BAD_HANDLE /**< bad handle pointer (NULL, usually) */
,	OUT123_ERRCOUNT /**< placeholder for shaping arrays */

/** Get string representation of last encountered error in the
 *  context of given handle.
 * \param ao handle
 * \return error string
const char* out123_strerror(out123_handle *ao);

/** Get the plain errcode intead of a string.
 * Note that this used to return OUT123_ERR instead of
 * OUT123_BAD_HANDLE in case of ao==NULL before mpg123-1.23.5 .
 * \param ao handle
 * \return error code recorded in handle or OUT123_BAD_HANDLE
int out123_errcode(out123_handle *ao);

/** Return the error string for a given error code.
 * \param errcode the integer error code
 * \return error string
const char* out123_plain_strerror(int errcode);

/** Set a desired output buffer size.
 *  This starts a separate process that handles the audio output, decoupling
 *  the latter from the main process with a memory buffer and saving you the
 *  burden to ensure sparing CPU cycles for actual playback.
 *  This is for applicatons that prefer continuous playback over small latency.
 *  In other words: The kind of applications that out123 is designed for.
 *  This routine always kills off any currently active audio output module /
 *  device, even if you just disable the buffer when there is no buffer.
 *  Keep this in mind for memory-constrainted systems: Activating the
 *  buffer causes a fork of the calling process, doubling the virtual memory
 *  use. Depending on your operating system kernel's behaviour regarding
 *  memory overcommit, it might be wise to call out123_set_buffer() very
 *  early in your program before allocating lots of memory.
 *  There _might_ be a change to threads in future, but for now this is
 *  classic fork with shared memory, working without any threading library.
 *  If your platform or build does not support that, you will always get an
 *  error on trying to set up a non-zero buffer (but the API call will be
 *  present).
 *  Also, if you do intend to use this from a multithreaded program, think
 *  twice and make sure that your setup is happy with forking full-blown
 *  processes off threaded programs. Probably you are better off spawning a
 *  buffer thread yourself.
 * \param ao handle
 * \param buffer_bytes size (bytes) of a memory buffer for decoded audio,
 *    a value of zero disables the buffer.
 * \return 0 on success, OUT123_ERR on error
int out123_set_buffer(out123_handle *ao, size_t buffer_bytes);

/** Set a specific parameter, for a specific out123_handle, using a parameter 
 *  code chosen from the out123_parms enumeration, to the specified value.
 *  The parameters usually only change what happens on next out123_open, not
 *  incfluencing running operation.
 * \param ao handle
 * \param code parameter code
 * \param value input value for integer parameters
 * \param fvalue input value for floating point parameters
 * \param svalue input value for string parameters (contens are copied)
 * \return 0 on success, OUT123_ERR on error.
int out123_param( out123_handle *ao, enum out123_parms code
,                 long value, double fvalue, const char *svalue );
#define out123_param_int(ao, code, value) \
	out123_param((ao), (code), (value), 0., NULL)
#define out123_param_float(ao, code, value) \
	out123_param((ao), (code), 0, (value), NULL)
#define out123_param_string(ao, code, value) \
	out123_param((ao), (code), 0, 0., (value))

/** Get a specific parameter, for a specific out123_handle, using a parameter
 *  code chosen from the out123_parms enumeration, to the specified value.
 * \param ao handle
 * \param code parameter code
 * \param ret_value output address for integer parameters
 * \param ret_fvalue output address for floating point parameters
 * \param ret_svalue output address for string parameters (pointer to
 *        internal memory, so no messing around, please)
 * \return 0 on success, OUT123_ERR on error (bad parameter name or bad handle).
int out123_getparam( out123_handle *ao, enum out123_parms code
,                    long *ret_value, double *ret_fvalue, char* *ret_svalue );
#define out123_getparam_int(ao, code, value) \
	out123_getparam((ao), (code), (value), NULL, NULL)
#define out123_getparam_float(ao, code, value) \
	out123_getparam((ao), (code), NULL, (value), NULL)
#define out123_getparam_string(ao, code, value) \
	out123_getparam((ao), (code), NULL, NULL, (value))

/** Copy parameters from another out123_handle.
 * \param ao handle
 * \param from_ao the handle to copy parameters from
 * \return 0 in success, -1 on error
int out123_param_from(out123_handle *ao, out123_handle* from_ao);

/** Get list of driver modules reachable in system in C argv-style format.
 *  The client is responsible for freeing the memory of both the individual
 *  strings and the lists themselves.
 *  A module that is not loadable because of missing libraries is simply
 *  skipped. You will get stderr messages about that unless OUT123_QUIET was
 *  was set, though. Failure to open the module directory is a serious error,
 *  resulting in negative return value.
 * \param ao handle
 * \param names address for storing list of names
 * \param descr address for storing list of descriptions
 * \return number of drivers found, -1 on error
int out123_drivers(out123_handle *ao, char ***names, char ***descr);

/** Open an output device with a certain driver
 *  Note: Opening means that the driver code is loaded and the desired
 *  device name recorded, possibly tested for availability or tentatively
 *  opened. After out123_open(), you can ask for supported encodings
 *  and then really open the device for playback with out123_start().
 * \param ao handle
 * \param driver (comma-separated list of) output driver name(s to try),
 *               NULL for default (stdout for file-based drivers)
 * \param device device name to open, NULL for default
 * \return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int out123_open(out123_handle *ao, const char* driver, const char* device);

/** Give info about currently loaded driver and device
 *  Any of the return addresses can be NULL if you are not interested in
 *  everything. You get pointers to internal storage. They are valid
 *  as long as the driver/device combination is opened.
 *  The device may be NULL indicating some unnamed default.
 *  TODO: Make the driver modules return names for such defaults.
 * \param ao handle
 * \param driver return address for driver name
 * \param device return address for device name
 * \return 0 on success, -1 on error (i.e. no driver loaded)
int out123_driver_info(out123_handle *ao, char **driver, char **device);

/** Close the current output device and driver.
 *  This implies out123_drain() to ensure no data is lost.
 *  With a buffer, that might cause considerable delay during
 *  which your main application is blocked waiting.
 *  Call out123_drop() beforehand if you want to end things
 *  quickly.
 * \param ao handle
void out123_close(out123_handle *ao);

/** Get supported audio encodings for given rate and channel count,
 *  for the currently openend audio device.
 *  TODO: Reopening the underlying audio device for each query
 *        is dumb, at least when dealing with JACK. It takes
 *        a long time and is just a waste. Reconsider that.
 *        Make sure that all output modules are fine with it, though!
 *  Usually, a wider range of rates is supported, but the number
 *  of sample encodings is limited, as is the number of channels.
 *  So you can call this with some standard rate and hope that the
 *  returned encodings work also for others, with the tested channel
 *  count.
 *  The return value of -1 on some encountered error conveniently also
 *  does not match any defined format (only 15 bits used for encodings,
 *  so this would even work with 16 bit integers).
 *  This implies out123_stop() to enter query mode.
 * \param ao handle
 * \param rate sampling rate
 * \param channels number of channels
 * \return supported encodings combined with bitwise or, to be checked
 *         against your favourite bitmask, -1 on error
int out123_encodings(out123_handle *ao, long rate, int channels);

/** Return the size (in bytes) of one mono sample of the named encoding.
 * \param encoding The encoding value to analyze.
 * \return positive size of encoding in bytes, 0 on invalid encoding. */
MPG123_EXPORT int out123_encsize(int encoding);

/** Get list of supported formats for currently opened audio device.
 *  Given a list of sampling rates and minimal/maximal channel count,
 *  this quickly checks what formats are supported with these
 *  constraints. The first entry is always reserved for a default
 *  format for the output device. If there is no such default,
 *  all values of the format are -1.
 *  For each requested combination of rate and channels, a format entry is
 *  created, possible with encoding value 0 to indicate that this combination
 *  has been tested and rejected. So, when there is no basic error, the
 *  number of returned format entries should be
 *     (ratecount*(maxchannels-minchannels+1)+1)
 *  . But instead of forcing you to guess, this will be allocated by
 *  successful run.
 *  For the first entry, the encoding member is supposed to be a definite
 *  encoding, for the others it is a bitwise combination of all possible
 *  encodings.
 *  This function is more efficient than many calls to out123_encodings().
 * \param ao handle
 * \param rates pointer to an array of sampling rates, may be NULL for none
 * \param ratecount number of provided sampling rates
 * \param minchannels minimal channel count
 * \param maxchannels maximal channel count
 * \param fmtlist return address for array of supported formats
 *        the encoding field of each entry is a combination of all
 *        supported encodings at this rate and channel count;
 *        Memory shall be freed by user.
 * \return number of returned format enries, -1 on error
int out123_formats( out123_handle *ao, const long *rates, int ratecount
                  , int minchannels, int maxchannels
                  , struct mpg123_fmt **fmtlist );

/** Get list of encodings known to the library.
 *  You are responsible for freeing the allocated array.
 * \param enclist return address for allocated array of encoding codes
 * \return number of encodings, -1 on error
int out123_enc_list(int **enclist);

/** Find encoding code by name.
 * \param name short or long name to find encoding code for
 * \return encoding if found (enum mpg123_enc_enum), else 0
int out123_enc_byname(const char *name);

/** Get name of encoding.
 * \param encoding code (enum mpg123_enc_enum)
 * \return short name for valid encodings, NULL otherwise
const char* out123_enc_name(int encoding);

/** Get long name of encoding.
 * \param encoding code (enum mpg123_enc_enum)
 * \return long name for valid encodings, NULL otherwise
const char* out123_enc_longname(int encoding);

/** Start playback with a certain output format
 *  It might be a good idea to have audio data handy to feed after this
 *  returns with success.
 *  Rationale for not taking a pointer to struct mpg123_fmt: This would
 *  always force you to deal with that type and needlessly enlarge the
 *  shortest possible program.
 * \param ao handle
 * \param encoding sample encoding (values matching libmpg123 API)
 * \param channels number of channels (1 or 2, usually)
 * \param rate sampling rate
 * \return 0 on success, negative on error (bad format, usually)
int out123_start( out123_handle *ao
,                 long rate, int channels, int encoding );

/** Pause playback
 *  Interrupt playback, holding any data in the optional buffer.
 *  This closes the audio device if it is a live sink, ready to be re-opened
 *  by out123_continue() or out123_play() with the existing parameters.
 * \param ao handle
void out123_pause(out123_handle *ao);

/** Continue playback
 *  The counterpart to out123_pause(). Announce to the driver that playback
 *  shall continue.
 *  Playback might not resume immediately if the optional buffer is configured
 *  to wait for a minimum fill and close to being empty. You can force playback
 *  of the last scrap with out123_drain(), or just by feeding more data with
 *  out123_play(), which will trigger out123_continue() for you, too.
 * \param ao handle
void out123_continue(out123_handle *ao);

/** Stop playback.
 *  This waits for pending audio data to drain to the speakers.
 *  You might want to call out123_drop() before stopping if you want
 *  to end things right away.
 * \param ao handle
void out123_stop(out123_handle *ao);

/** Hand over data for playback and wait in case audio device is busy.
 *  This survives non-fatal signals like SIGSTOP/SIGCONT and keeps on
 *  playing until the buffer is done with if the flag
 *  OUT123_KEEP_PLAYING ist set (default). So, per default, if
 *  you provided a byte count divisible by the PCM frame size, it is an
 *  error when less bytes than given are played.
 *  To be sure if an error occured, check out123_errcode().
 *  Also note that it is no accident that the buffer parameter is not marked
 *  as constant. Some output drivers might need to do things like swap
 *  byte order. This is done in-place instead of wasting memory on yet
 *  another copy. 
 * \param ao handle
 * \param buffer pointer to raw audio data to be played
 * \param bytes number of bytes to read from the buffer
 * \return number of bytes played (might be less than given, even zero)
size_t out123_play( out123_handle *ao
                  , void *buffer, size_t bytes );

/** Drop any buffered data, making next provided data play right away.
 *  This does not imply an actual pause in playback.
 *  You are expected to play something, unless you called out123_pause().
 *  Feel free to call out123_stop() afterwards instead for a quicker
 *  exit than the implied out123_drain().
 *  For live sinks, this may include dropping data from their buffers.
 *  For others (files), this only concerns data in the optional buffer.
 * \param ao handle
void out123_drop(out123_handle *ao);

/** Drain the output, waiting until all data went to the hardware.
 * This does imply out123_continue() before and out123_pause()
 * after draining.
 * This might involve only the optional buffer process, or the
 * buffers on the audio driver side, too.
 * \param ao handle
void out123_drain(out123_handle *ao);

/** Drain the output, but only partially up to the given number of
 *  bytes. This gives you the opportunity to do something while
 *  the optional buffer is writing remaining data instead of having
 *  one atomic API call for it all.
 *  It is wholly expected that the return value of out123_buffered()
 *  before and after calling this has a bigger difference than the
 *  provided limit, as the buffer is writing all the time in the
 *  background.
 *  This is just a plain out123_drain() if the optional buffer is not
 *  in use. Also triggers out123_continue(), but only out123_pause()
 *  if there is no buffered data anymore.
 * \param ao handle
 * \param bytes limit of buffered bytes to drain
 * \return number of bytes drained from buffer
void out123_ndrain(out123_handle *ao, size_t bytes);

/** Get an indication of how many bytes reside in the optional buffer.
 * This might get extended to tell the number of bytes queued up in the
 * audio backend, too.
 * \param ao handle
 * \return number of bytes in out123 library buffer
size_t out123_buffered(out123_handle *ao);

/** Extract currently used audio format from handle.
 *  matching mpg123_getformat().
 *  Given return addresses may be NULL to indicate no interest.
 * \param ao handle
 * \param rate address for sample rate
 * \param channels address for channel count
 * \param encoding address for encoding
 * \param framesize size of a full PCM frame (for convenience)
 * \return 0 on success, -1 on error
int out123_getformat( out123_handle *ao
,	long *rate, int *channels, int *encoding, int *framesize );

/* @} */

#ifdef __cplusplus
