Blob Blame History Raw
    win32: audio output for Windows 32bit

    copyright ?-2013 by the mpg123 project - free software under the terms of the LGPL 2.1
    see COPYING and AUTHORS files in distribution or

    initially written (as it seems) by Tony Million
    rewrite of basic functionality for callback-less and properly ringbuffered operation by ravenexp
    Closing buffer playback fixed by David Wohlferd <limegreensocks (*) yahoo dod com>

#include "out123_int.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "debug.h"

    Buffer size and number of buffers in the playback ring
    NOTE: This particular num/size combination performs best under heavy
    loads for my system, however this may not be true for any hardware/OS out there.
    Generally, BUFFER_SIZE < 8k || NUM_BUFFERS > 16 || NUM_BUFFERS < 4 are not recommended.
#define BUFFER_SIZE 0x10000
#define NUM_BUFFERS 8  /* total 512k roughly 2.5 sec of CD quality sound */

static void wait_for_buffer(WAVEHDR* hdr, HANDLE hEvent);
static void drain_win32(out123_handle *ao);

/* Buffer ring queue state */
struct queue_state
    WAVEHDR buffer_headers[NUM_BUFFERS];
    /* The next buffer to be filled and put in playback */
    int next_buffer;
    /* Buffer playback completion event */
    HANDLE play_done_event;
    HWAVEOUT waveout;

static int open_win32(out123_handle *ao)
    struct queue_state* state;
    int i;
    MMRESULT res;
    WAVEFORMATEX out_fmt;
    UINT dev_id;

    if(!ao) return -1;
    if(ao->rate == -1) return 0;

    /* Allocate queue state struct for this device */
    state = calloc(1, sizeof(struct queue_state));
    if(!state) return -1;

    ao->userptr = state;

    state->play_done_event = CreateEvent(0,FALSE,FALSE,0);
    if(state->play_done_event == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return -1;

    /* FIXME: real device enumeration by capabilities? */
    dev_id = WAVE_MAPPER;    /* probably does the same thing */
    /* FIXME: support for smth besides MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16? */
    out_fmt.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
    out_fmt.wBitsPerSample = 16;
    out_fmt.nChannels = ao->channels;
    out_fmt.nSamplesPerSec = ao->rate;
    out_fmt.nBlockAlign = out_fmt.nChannels*out_fmt.wBitsPerSample/8;
    out_fmt.nAvgBytesPerSec = out_fmt.nBlockAlign*out_fmt.nSamplesPerSec;
    out_fmt.cbSize = 0;

    res = waveOutOpen(&state->waveout, dev_id, &out_fmt,
                      (DWORD_PTR)state->play_done_event, 0, CALLBACK_EVENT);

        case MMSYSERR_NOERROR:
            ereturn(-1, "Audio output device is already allocated.");
            ereturn(-1, "No device driver is present.");
        case MMSYSERR_NOMEM:
            ereturn(-1, "Unable to allocate or lock memory.");
        case WAVERR_BADFORMAT:
            ereturn(-1, "Unsupported waveform-audio format.");
            ereturn(-1, "Unable to open wave output device.");

    /* Reset event from the "device open" message */
    /* Allocate playback buffers */
    for(i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++)
    if(!(state->buffer_headers[i].lpData = (LPSTR)malloc(BUFFER_SIZE)))
    ereturn(-1, "Out of memory for playback buffers.");
        /* Tell waveOutPrepareHeader the maximum value of dwBufferLength
        we will ever send */
        state->buffer_headers[i].dwBufferLength = BUFFER_SIZE;
        state->buffer_headers[i].dwFlags = 0;
        res = waveOutPrepareHeader(state->waveout, &state->buffer_headers[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR));
        if(res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) ereturn(-1, "Can't write to audio output device (prepare).");

        /* set the current size of the buffer to 0 */
        state->buffer_headers[i].dwBufferLength = 0;

        /* set flags to unprepared - must reset this to WHDR_PREPARED before calling write */
        state->buffer_headers[i].dwFlags = 0;

    return 0;

static void wait_for_buffer(WAVEHDR* hdr, HANDLE hEvent)
    /* At this point there are several possible states:
    1) Empty or partial buffer (unqueued) - dwFlags == 0
    2) Buffer queued or being played - dwFlags == WHDR_PREPARED | WHDR_INQUEUE
    3) Buffer unqueued and finished being played - dwFlags == WHDR_PREPARED | WHDR_DONE
    4) Buffer removed from queue, but not yet marked as done - dwFlags == WHDR_PREPARED

    /* Check buffer header and wait if it's being played. */
    if (hdr->dwFlags & WHDR_PREPARED)
        while(!(hdr->dwFlags & WHDR_DONE))
            /*debug1("waiting for buffer %i...", state->next_buffer);*/
            /* Waits for *a* buffer to finish.  May not be the one we
            want, so check again */
            WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);
        hdr->dwFlags = 0;
        hdr->dwBufferLength = 0;

static int get_formats_win32(out123_handle *ao)
    /* FIXME: support for smth besides MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16? */
    return MPG123_ENC_SIGNED_16;

/* Stores audio data to the fixed size buffers and pushes them into the playback queue.
   I have one grief with that: The last piece of a track may not reach the output,
   only full buffers sent... But we don't get smooth audio otherwise. */
static int write_win32(out123_handle *ao, unsigned char *buf, int len)
    struct queue_state* state;
    MMRESULT res;
    WAVEHDR* hdr;

    int rest_len; /* Input data bytes left for next recursion. */
    int bufill;   /* Bytes we stuff into buffer now. */

    if(!ao || !ao->userptr) return -1;
    if(!buf || len <= 0) return 0;

    state = (struct queue_state*)ao->userptr;
    hdr = &state->buffer_headers[state->next_buffer];

    wait_for_buffer(hdr, state->play_done_event);

    /* Now see how much we want to stuff in and then stuff it in. */
    bufill = BUFFER_SIZE - hdr->dwBufferLength;
    if(len < bufill) bufill = len;

    rest_len = len - bufill;
    memcpy(hdr->lpData + hdr->dwBufferLength, buf, bufill);
    hdr->dwBufferLength += bufill;
    if(hdr->dwBufferLength == BUFFER_SIZE)
    { /* Send the buffer out when it's full. */
        hdr->dwFlags |= WHDR_PREPARED;

        res = waveOutWrite(state->waveout, hdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
        if(res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) ereturn(-1, "Can't write to audio output device.");

        /* Cycle to the next buffer in the ring queue */
        state->next_buffer = (state->next_buffer + 1) % NUM_BUFFERS;
    /* I'd like to propagate error codes or something... but there are no catchable surprises left.
       Anyhow: Here is the recursion that makes ravenexp happy;-) */
    if(rest_len && write_win32(ao, buf + bufill, rest_len) < 0) /* Write the rest. */
    return -1;
    return len;

     /* Flush means abort any pending playback */
static void flush_win32(out123_handle *ao)
    struct queue_state* state;
    WAVEHDR* hdr;

    if(!ao || !ao->userptr) return;
    state = (struct queue_state*)ao->userptr;

    /* Cancel any buffers in queue.  Ignore errors since we are void and
    can't return them anyway */

    /* Discard any partial buffer */
    hdr = &state->buffer_headers[state->next_buffer];

    /* If WHDR_PREPARED is not set, this is (potentially) a partial buffer */
    if (!(hdr->dwFlags & WHDR_PREPARED))
    hdr->dwBufferLength = 0;

    /* Finish processing the buffers */

/* output final buffer (if any) */
static void write_final_buffer(struct queue_state *state)
    WAVEHDR* hdr;
    hdr = &state->buffer_headers[state->next_buffer];
    if((!(hdr->dwFlags & WHDR_PREPARED)) && (hdr->dwBufferLength != 0))
        hdr->dwFlags |= WHDR_PREPARED;
        /* ignore any errors */
        waveOutWrite(state->waveout, hdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR));

        /* Cycle to the next buffer in the ring queue */
        state->next_buffer = (state->next_buffer + 1) % NUM_BUFFERS;

/* Note: I tried to fix this stuff without testing.
   There were some obvious errors in the code.
   Someone run this on a win32 machine! -- ThOr */
static void drain_win32(out123_handle *ao)
    int i, z;
    struct queue_state* state;

    if(!ao || !ao->userptr) return;
    state = (struct queue_state*)ao->userptr;

    /* output final buffer (if any) */

    /* I _think_ I understood how this should work. -- ThOr */
    z = state->next_buffer;
    for(i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++)
        wait_for_buffer(&state->buffer_headers[z], state->play_done_event);
        z = (z + 1) % NUM_BUFFERS;

static int close_win32(out123_handle *ao)
    int i;
    struct queue_state* state;

    if(!ao || !ao->userptr) return -1;
    state = (struct queue_state*)ao->userptr;

    /* wait for all active buffers to complete */

    for(i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i++) 
        state->buffer_headers[i].dwFlags |= WHDR_PREPARED;
        waveOutUnprepareHeader(state->waveout, &state->buffer_headers[i], sizeof(WAVEHDR));

    ao->userptr = 0;
    return 0;

static int init_win32(out123_handle* ao)
    if(!ao) return -1;

    /* Set callbacks */
    ao->open = open_win32;
    ao->flush = flush_win32;
    ao->write = write_win32;
    ao->get_formats = get_formats_win32;
    ao->close = close_win32;

    /* Success */
    return 0;

    Module information data structure
mpg123_module_t mpg123_output_module_info = {
    /* api_version */    MPG123_MODULE_API_VERSION,
    /* name */            "win32",                        
    /* description */    "Audio output for Windows (winmm).",
    /* revision */        "$Rev:$",                        
    /* handle */        NULL,
    /* init_output */    init_win32,                        