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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */

#include "ScreenManager.h"

#include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ContentParent.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DOMTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h"

static mozilla::LazyLogModule sScreenLog("WidgetScreen");

namespace mozilla {
namespace widget {

NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(ScreenManager, nsIScreenManager)

ScreenManager::ScreenManager() {}

ScreenManager::~ScreenManager() {}

static StaticRefPtr<ScreenManager> sSingleton;

ScreenManager& ScreenManager::GetSingleton() {
  if (!sSingleton) {
    sSingleton = new ScreenManager();
  return *sSingleton;

already_AddRefed<ScreenManager> ScreenManager::GetAddRefedSingleton() {
  RefPtr<ScreenManager> sm = &GetSingleton();
  return sm.forget();

void ScreenManager::SetHelper(UniquePtr<Helper> aHelper) {
  mHelper = Move(aHelper);

void ScreenManager::Refresh(nsTArray<RefPtr<Screen>>&& aScreens) {
  MOZ_LOG(sScreenLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("Refresh screens"));

  mScreenList = Move(aScreens);


void ScreenManager::Refresh(nsTArray<mozilla::dom::ScreenDetails>&& aScreens) {
  MOZ_LOG(sScreenLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("Refresh screens from IPC"));

  for (auto& screen : aScreens) {
    mScreenList.AppendElement(new Screen(screen));


template <class Range>
void ScreenManager::CopyScreensToRemoteRange(Range aRemoteRange) {
  AutoTArray<dom::ScreenDetails, 4> screens;
  for (auto& screen : mScreenList) {
  for (auto cp : aRemoteRange) {
    MOZ_LOG(sScreenLog, LogLevel::Debug,
            ("Send screens to [Pid %d]", cp->Pid()));
    if (!cp->SendRefreshScreens(screens)) {
      MOZ_LOG(sScreenLog, LogLevel::Error,
              ("SendRefreshScreens to [Pid %d] failed", cp->Pid()));

void ScreenManager::CopyScreensToRemote(dom::ContentParent* aContentParent) {

  auto range = {aContentParent};

void ScreenManager::CopyScreensToAllRemotesIfIsParent() {
  if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) {

  MOZ_LOG(sScreenLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("Refreshing all ContentParents"));


// Returns the screen that contains the rectangle. If the rect overlaps
// multiple screens, it picks the screen with the greatest area of intersection.
// The coordinates are in desktop pixels.
ScreenManager::ScreenForRect(int32_t aX, int32_t aY, int32_t aWidth,
                             int32_t aHeight, nsIScreen** aOutScreen) {
  if (mScreenList.IsEmpty()) {
    MOZ_LOG(sScreenLog, LogLevel::Warning,
            ("No screen available. This can happen in xpcshell."));
    RefPtr<Screen> ret = new Screen(
        LayoutDeviceIntRect(), LayoutDeviceIntRect(), 0, 0,
        DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale(), CSSToLayoutDeviceScale(), 96 /* dpi */);
    return NS_OK;

  // Optimize for the common case. If the number of screens is only
  // one then just return the primary screen.
  if (mScreenList.Length() == 1) {
    return GetPrimaryScreen(aOutScreen);

  // which screen should we return?
  Screen* which = mScreenList[0].get();

  // walk the list of screens and find the one that has the most
  // surface area.
  uint32_t area = 0;
  DesktopIntRect windowRect(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight);
  for (auto& screen : mScreenList) {
    int32_t x, y, width, height;
    x = y = width = height = 0;
    screen->GetRectDisplayPix(&x, &y, &width, &height);
    // calculate the surface area
    DesktopIntRect screenRect(x, y, width, height);
    screenRect.IntersectRect(screenRect, windowRect);
    uint32_t tempArea = screenRect.Area();
    if (tempArea > area) {
      which = screen.get();
      area = tempArea;

  // If the rect intersects one or more screen,
  // return the screen that has the largest intersection.
  if (area > 0) {
    RefPtr<Screen> ret = which;
    return NS_OK;

  // If the rect does not intersect a screen, find
  // a screen that is nearest to the rect.
  uint32_t distance = UINT32_MAX;
  for (auto& screen : mScreenList) {
    int32_t x, y, width, height;
    x = y = width = height = 0;
    screen->GetRectDisplayPix(&x, &y, &width, &height);

    uint32_t distanceX = 0;
    if (aX > (x + width)) {
      distanceX = aX - (x + width);
    } else if ((aX + aWidth) < x) {
      distanceX = x - (aX + aWidth);

    uint32_t distanceY = 0;
    if (aY > (y + height)) {
      distanceY = aY - (y + height);
    } else if ((aY + aHeight) < y) {
      distanceY = y - (aY + aHeight);

    uint32_t tempDistance = distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY;
    if (tempDistance < distance) {
      which = screen.get();
      distance = tempDistance;
      if (distance == 0) {

  RefPtr<Screen> ret = which;
  return NS_OK;

// The screen with the menubar/taskbar. This shouldn't be needed very
// often.
ScreenManager::GetPrimaryScreen(nsIScreen** aPrimaryScreen) {
  if (mScreenList.IsEmpty()) {
    MOZ_LOG(sScreenLog, LogLevel::Warning,
            ("No screen available. This can happen in xpcshell."));
    RefPtr<Screen> ret = new Screen(
        LayoutDeviceIntRect(), LayoutDeviceIntRect(), 0, 0,
        DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale(), CSSToLayoutDeviceScale(), 96 /* dpi */);
    return NS_OK;

  RefPtr<Screen> ret = mScreenList[0];
  return NS_OK;

}  // namespace widget
}  // namespace mozilla