Blob Blame History Raw
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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from __future__ import absolute_import

import struct
from ctypes import byref, create_string_buffer, memmove, Union, c_double, \
from ctypes import windll
from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, HANDLE, LPSTR, LPCSTR, LPCWSTR, Structure, \
    pointer, LONG

from cmanager_base import CounterManager
from utils import TalosError

pdh = windll.pdh

_LONGLONG = c_longlong

    _fields_ = [("szMachineName", LPSTR),
                ("szObjectName", LPSTR),
                ("szInstanceName", LPSTR),
                ("szParentInstance", LPSTR),
                ("dwInstanceIndex", DWORD),
                ("szCounterName", LPSTR)]

_PDH_MORE_DATA = -2147481646  # the need more space error

def _getExpandedCounterPaths(processName, counterName):
    Get list of expanded counter paths given a counter name. Returns a
    list of strings or None, if no counter paths can be created
    pcchPathListLength = DWORD(0)
    szWildCardPath = LPSTR('\\process(%s)\\%s' % (processName, counterName))
    if pdh.PdhExpandCounterPathA(
    ) != _PDH_MORE_DATA:
        return []

    pathListLength = pcchPathListLength.value
    szExpandedPathList = LPCSTR('\0' * pathListLength)
    if pdh.PdhExpandCounterPathA(szWildCardPath, szExpandedPathList,
                                 pointer(pcchPathListLength)) != 0:
        return []
    buffer = create_string_buffer(pcchPathListLength.value)
    memmove(buffer, szExpandedPathList, pcchPathListLength.value)

    paths = []
    i = 0
    path = ''
    for j in range(0, pcchPathListLength.value):
        c = struct.unpack_from('c', buffer, offset=j)[0]
        if c == '\0':
            if j == i:
                # double null: we're done
            path = ''
            i = j + 1
            path += c

    return paths

class _PDH_Counter_Union(Union):
    _fields_ = [('longValue', LONG),
                ('doubleValue', c_double),
                ('largeValue', _LONGLONG),
                ('AnsiStringValue', LPCSTR),
                ('WideStringValue', LPCWSTR)]

class _PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('CStatus', DWORD),
                ('union', _PDH_Counter_Union)]

_PDH_FMT_LONG = 0x00000100

class WinCounterManager(CounterManager):

    def __init__(self, process_name, process, counters,
        self.childProcess = childProcess
        self.registeredCounters = {}
        # PDH might need to be "refreshed" if it has been queried while the
        # browser is closed
        pdh.PdhEnumObjectsA(None, None, 0, 1, 0, True)

        for counter in self.registeredCounters:
                # Add the counter path for the default process.
                self._addCounter(process_name, 'process', counter)
            except TalosError:
                # Assume that this is a memory counter for the system,
                # not a process counter
                # If we got an error that has nothing to do with that,
                # the exception will almost certainly be re-raised
                self._addCounter(process_name, 'Memory', counter)


    def _addCounter(self, processName, counterType, counterName):
        pCounterPathElements = _PDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS_A(

        pcchbufferSize = DWORD(0)

        # First run we just try to get the buffer size so we can allocate a
        # string big enough to fill it
        if pdh.PdhMakeCounterPathA(pointer(pCounterPathElements),
                                   LPCSTR(0), pointer(pcchbufferSize),
                                   DWORD(0)) != _PDH_MORE_DATA:
            raise TalosError(
                "Could not create counter path for counter %s for %s"
                % (counterName, processName)

        szFullPathBuffer = LPCSTR('\0'*pcchbufferSize.value)
        # Then we run to get the actual value
        if pdh.PdhMakeCounterPathA(pointer(pCounterPathElements),
                                   szFullPathBuffer, pointer(pcchbufferSize),
                                   DWORD(0)) != 0:
            raise TalosError(
                "Could not create counter path for counter %s for %s"
                % (counterName, processName)

        path = szFullPathBuffer.value

        hq = HANDLE()
        if pdh.PdhOpenQuery(None, None, byref(hq)) != 0:
            raise TalosError("Could not open win32 counter query")

        hc = HANDLE()
        if pdh.PdhAddCounterA(hq, path, 0, byref(hc)) != 0:
            raise TalosError("Could not add win32 counter %s" % path)

        self.registeredCounters[counterName] = [hq, [(hc, path)]]

    def registerCounters(self, counters):
        # self.registeredCounters[counter][0] is a counter query handle
        # self.registeredCounters[counter][1] is a list of tuples, the first
        # member of which is a counter handle, the second a counter path
        for counter in counters:
            # Main_RSS is collected inside of pageloader
            if counter.strip() == 'Main_RSS':

            # mainthread_io is collected from the browser via environment
            # variables
            if counter.strip() == 'mainthread_io':

            self.registeredCounters[counter] = []

    def _updateCounterPathsForChildProcesses(self, counter):
        # Create a counter path for each instance of the child process that
        # is running.  If any of these paths are not in our counter list,
        # add them to our counter query and append them to the counter list,
        # so that we'll begin tracking their statistics.  We don't need to
        # worry about removing invalid paths from the list, as
        # getCounterValue() will generate a value of 0 for those.
        hq = self.registeredCounters[counter][0]
        oldCounterListLength = len(self.registeredCounters[counter][1])

        pdh.PdhEnumObjectsA(None, None, 0, 1, 0, True)

        expandedPaths = _getExpandedCounterPaths(self.childProcess, counter)
        if not expandedPaths:
        for expandedPath in expandedPaths:
            alreadyInCounterList = False
            for singleCounter in self.registeredCounters[counter][1]:
                if expandedPath == singleCounter[1]:
                    alreadyInCounterList = True
            if not alreadyInCounterList:
                    newhc = HANDLE()
                    if pdh.PdhAddCounterA(hq, expandedPath, 0,
                                          byref(newhc)) != 0:
                        raise TalosError(
                            "Could not add expanded win32 counter %s"
                            % expandedPath
                except Exception:

        if oldCounterListLength != len(self.registeredCounters[counter][1]):

    def getCounterValue(self, counter):
        # Update counter paths, to catch any new child processes that might
        # have been launched since last call.  Then iterate through all
        # counter paths for this counter, and return a combined value.
        if counter not in self.registeredCounters:
            return None

        if self.registeredCounters[counter] == []:
            return None

        hq = self.registeredCounters[counter][0]

        # we'll just ignore the return value here, in case no counters
        # are valid anymore

        aggregateValue = 0
        for singleCounter in self.registeredCounters[counter][1]:
            hc = singleCounter[0]
            dwType = DWORD(0)
            value = _PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE()

            # if we can't get a value, just assume a value of 0
            if pdh.PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(hc, _PDH_FMT_LONG,
                                               byref(value)) == 0:
                aggregateValue += value.union.longValue

        return aggregateValue