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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * vim: set ts=8 sts=4 et sw=4 tw=99:
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */

// This file contains public type declarations that are used *frequently*.  If
// it doesn't occur at least 10 times in Gecko, it probably shouldn't be in
// here.
// It includes only:
// - forward declarations of structs and classes;
// - typedefs;
// - enums (maybe).
// It does *not* contain any struct or class definitions.

#ifndef js_TypeDecls_h
#define js_TypeDecls_h

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include "js-config.h"

typedef uint8_t jsbytecode;

class JSAtom;
struct JSCompartment;
struct JSContext;
class JSFunction;
class JSObject;
struct JSRuntime;
class JSScript;
class JSString;
class JSAddonId;
struct JSFreeOp;

struct jsid;

namespace JS {

typedef unsigned char Latin1Char;

class Symbol;
class Value;
class Realm;
struct Runtime;
struct Zone;

template <typename T>
class Handle;
template <typename T>
class MutableHandle;
template <typename T>
class Rooted;
template <typename T>
class PersistentRooted;

typedef Handle<JSFunction*> HandleFunction;
typedef Handle<jsid> HandleId;
typedef Handle<JSObject*> HandleObject;
typedef Handle<JSScript*> HandleScript;
typedef Handle<JSString*> HandleString;
typedef Handle<JS::Symbol*> HandleSymbol;
typedef Handle<Value> HandleValue;

typedef MutableHandle<JSFunction*> MutableHandleFunction;
typedef MutableHandle<jsid> MutableHandleId;
typedef MutableHandle<JSObject*> MutableHandleObject;
typedef MutableHandle<JSScript*> MutableHandleScript;
typedef MutableHandle<JSString*> MutableHandleString;
typedef MutableHandle<JS::Symbol*> MutableHandleSymbol;
typedef MutableHandle<Value> MutableHandleValue;

typedef Rooted<JSObject*> RootedObject;
typedef Rooted<JSFunction*> RootedFunction;
typedef Rooted<JSScript*> RootedScript;
typedef Rooted<JSString*> RootedString;
typedef Rooted<JS::Symbol*> RootedSymbol;
typedef Rooted<jsid> RootedId;
typedef Rooted<JS::Value> RootedValue;

typedef PersistentRooted<JSFunction*> PersistentRootedFunction;
typedef PersistentRooted<jsid> PersistentRootedId;
typedef PersistentRooted<JSObject*> PersistentRootedObject;
typedef PersistentRooted<JSScript*> PersistentRootedScript;
typedef PersistentRooted<JSString*> PersistentRootedString;
typedef PersistentRooted<JS::Symbol*> PersistentRootedSymbol;
typedef PersistentRooted<Value> PersistentRootedValue;

}  // namespace JS

#endif /* js_TypeDecls_h */