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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */


#include <vector>

#include "mozilla/LinkedList.h"
#include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h"
#include "nsWrapperCache.h"

#include "WebGLObjectModel.h"
#include "WebGLRenderbuffer.h"
#include "WebGLStrongTypes.h"
#include "WebGLTexture.h"
#include "WebGLTypes.h"

namespace mozilla {

class WebGLFramebuffer;
class WebGLRenderbuffer;
class WebGLTexture;

template <typename T>
class PlacementArray;

namespace gl {
class GLContext;
}  // namespace gl

class WebGLFBAttachPoint final {
  friend class WebGLFramebuffer;

  WebGLFramebuffer* const mFB;
  const GLenum mAttachmentPoint;

  WebGLRefPtr<WebGLTexture> mTexturePtr;
  WebGLRefPtr<WebGLRenderbuffer> mRenderbufferPtr;
  TexImageTarget mTexImageTarget;
  GLint mTexImageLayer;
  uint32_t mTexImageLevel;


  WebGLFBAttachPoint(WebGLFramebuffer* fb, GLenum attachmentPoint);



  void Unlink();

  bool IsDefined() const;
  bool IsDeleteRequested() const;

  const webgl::FormatUsageInfo* Format() const;
  uint32_t Samples() const;

  bool HasAlpha() const;
  bool IsReadableFloat() const;

  void Clear(const char* funcName);

  void SetTexImage(const char* funcName, WebGLTexture* tex,
                   TexImageTarget target, GLint level, GLint layer = 0);
  void SetRenderbuffer(const char* funcName, WebGLRenderbuffer* rb);

  WebGLTexture* Texture() const { return mTexturePtr; }
  WebGLRenderbuffer* Renderbuffer() const { return mRenderbufferPtr; }

  TexImageTarget ImageTarget() const { return mTexImageTarget; }
  GLint Layer() const { return mTexImageLayer; }
  uint32_t MipLevel() const { return mTexImageLevel; }
  void AttachmentName(nsCString* out) const;

  bool HasUninitializedImageData() const;
  void SetImageDataStatus(WebGLImageDataStatus x) const;

  void Size(uint32_t* const out_width, uint32_t* const out_height) const;

  bool HasImage() const;
  bool IsComplete(WebGLContext* webgl, nsCString* const out_info) const;

  void Resolve(gl::GLContext* gl) const;

  JS::Value GetParameter(const char* funcName, WebGLContext* webgl,
                         JSContext* cx, GLenum target, GLenum attachment,
                         GLenum pname, ErrorResult* const out_error) const;

  void OnBackingStoreRespecified(const char* funcName) const;

  bool IsEquivalentForFeedback(const WebGLFBAttachPoint& other) const {
    if (!IsDefined() || !other.IsDefined()) return false;

#define _(X) X == other.X
    return (_(mRenderbufferPtr) && _(mTexturePtr) && _(mTexImageTarget.get()) &&
            _(mTexImageLevel) && _(mTexImageLayer));
#undef _


  struct Ordered {
    const WebGLFBAttachPoint& mRef;

    explicit Ordered(const WebGLFBAttachPoint& ref) : mRef(ref) {}

    bool operator<(const Ordered& other) const {
      MOZ_ASSERT(mRef.IsDefined() && other.mRef.IsDefined());

#define ORDER_BY(X) \
  if (X != other.X) return X < other.X;


#undef ORDER_BY
      return false;

class WebGLFramebuffer final : public nsWrapperCache,
                               public WebGLRefCountedObject<WebGLFramebuffer>,
                               public LinkedListElement<WebGLFramebuffer>,
                               public SupportsWeakPtr<WebGLFramebuffer> {
  friend class WebGLContext;


  const GLuint mGLName;

  uint64_t mNumFBStatusInvals;

#ifdef ANDROID
  // Bug 1140459: Some drivers (including our test slaves!) don't
  // give reasonable answers for IsRenderbuffer, maybe others.
  // This shows up on Android 2.3 emulator.
  // So we track the `is a Framebuffer` state ourselves.
  bool mIsFB;


  WebGLFBAttachPoint mDepthAttachment;
  WebGLFBAttachPoint mStencilAttachment;
  WebGLFBAttachPoint mDepthStencilAttachment;

  // In theory, this number can be unbounded based on the driver. However, no
  // driver appears to expose more than 8. We might as well stop there too, for
  // now.
  // (
  static const size_t kMaxColorAttachments =
      8;  // jgilbert's MacBook Pro exposes 8.
  WebGLFBAttachPoint mColorAttachments[kMaxColorAttachments];


  std::vector<const WebGLFBAttachPoint*> mColorDrawBuffers;  // Non-null
  const WebGLFBAttachPoint* mColorReadBuffer;                // Null if NONE


  struct ResolvedData {
    // IsFeedback
    std::vector<const WebGLFBAttachPoint*> texDrawBuffers;  // Non-null
    std::set<WebGLFBAttachPoint::Ordered> drawSet;
    std::set<WebGLFBAttachPoint::Ordered> readSet;

    explicit ResolvedData(const WebGLFramebuffer& parent);

  mutable UniquePtr<const ResolvedData> mResolvedCompleteData;



  WebGLFramebuffer(WebGLContext* webgl, GLuint fbo);

  WebGLContext* GetParentObject() const { return mContext; }
  virtual JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* cx,
                               JS::Handle<JSObject*> givenProto) override;

  ~WebGLFramebuffer() { DeleteOnce(); }

  void Delete();


  bool HasDuplicateAttachments() const;
  bool HasDefinedAttachments() const;
  bool HasIncompleteAttachments(nsCString* const out_info) const;
  bool AllImageRectsMatch() const;
  bool AllImageSamplesMatch() const;
  FBStatus PrecheckFramebufferStatus(nsCString* const out_info) const;

  Maybe<WebGLFBAttachPoint*> GetAttachPoint(GLenum attachment);  // Fallible
  Maybe<WebGLFBAttachPoint*> GetColorAttachPoint(
      GLenum attachment);  // Fallible
  void ResolveAttachments() const;
  void RefreshDrawBuffers() const;
  void RefreshReadBuffer() const;
  bool ResolveAttachmentData(const char* funcName) const;

  void DetachTexture(const char* funcName, const WebGLTexture* tex);
  void DetachRenderbuffer(const char* funcName, const WebGLRenderbuffer* rb);
  bool ValidateAndInitAttachments(const char* funcName) const;
  bool ValidateClearBufferType(const char* funcName, GLenum buffer,
                               uint32_t drawBuffer, GLenum funcType) const;

  bool ValidateForColorRead(const char* funcName,
                            const webgl::FormatUsageInfo** out_format,
                            uint32_t* out_width, uint32_t* out_height) const;

  // Getters

#define GETTER(X) \
  const decltype(m##X)& X() const { return m##X; }


#undef GETTER

  // Invalidation

  bool IsResolvedComplete() const { return bool(mResolvedCompleteData); }
  void InvalidateFramebufferStatus(const char* funcName);
  void RefreshResolvedData();

  // WebGL funcs

  bool IsCheckFramebufferStatusComplete(const char* const funcName) const {
    return CheckFramebufferStatus(funcName) == LOCAL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE;

  FBStatus CheckFramebufferStatus(const char* funcName) const;
  void FramebufferRenderbuffer(const char* funcName, GLenum attachment,
                               GLenum rbtarget, WebGLRenderbuffer* rb);
  void FramebufferTexture2D(const char* funcName, GLenum attachment,
                            GLenum texImageTarget, WebGLTexture* tex,
                            GLint level);
  void FramebufferTextureLayer(const char* funcName, GLenum attachment,
                               WebGLTexture* tex, GLint level, GLint layer);
  void DrawBuffers(const char* funcName, const dom::Sequence<GLenum>& buffers);
  void ReadBuffer(const char* funcName, GLenum attachPoint);

  JS::Value GetAttachmentParameter(const char* funcName, JSContext* cx,
                                   GLenum target, GLenum attachment,
                                   GLenum pname, ErrorResult* const out_error);

  static void BlitFramebuffer(WebGLContext* webgl, GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0,
                              GLint srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0,
                              GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1,
                              GLbitfield mask, GLenum filter);

}  // namespace mozilla