Blob Blame History Raw
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"
<window title="Mozilla Bug 1139964"
  <label value="Mozilla Bug 1139964"/>
  <!-- test code goes here -->
  <script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[
  var ppm = Cc[";1"]

  function ok(cond, msg) {
    opener.wrappedJSObject.ok(cond, msg);

  var msgName = "TEST:Global_has_Promise";

  function mmScriptForPromiseTest() {
                       hasPromise: ("Promise" in this),
                       hasTextEncoder: ("TextEncoder" in this),
                       hasWindow: ("Window" in this),

  function processListener(m) {
    ppm.removeMessageListener(msgName, processListener);
    ok(, "ProcessGlobal should have Promise object in the global scope!");
    ok(, "ProcessGlobal should have TextEncoder object in the global scope!");
    ok(!, "ProcessGlobal should not have Window object in the global scope!");

    messageManager.addMessageListener(msgName, tabListener)
    messageManager.loadFrameScript("data:,(" + mmScriptForPromiseTest.toString() + ")()", true);

  function tabListener(m) {
    messageManager.removeMessageListener(msgName, tabListener);
    ok(, "TabChildGlobal should have Promise object in the global scope!");
    ok(, "TabChildGlobal should have TextEncoder object in the global scope!");
    ok(!, "TabChildGlobal should not have Window object in the global scope!");

    opener.setTimeout("done()", 0);

  function run() {
    ppm.addMessageListener(msgName, processListener)
    ppm.loadProcessScript("data:,(" + mmScriptForPromiseTest.toString() + ")()", true);

  <browser type="content" src="about:blank" id="ifr"/>