Blob Blame History Raw
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */

"use strict";

  // PageActions.Action
  // PageActions.Button
  // PageActions.Subview


ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "AppConstants",
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "AsyncShutdown",
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "BinarySearch",

const ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK = "bookmark";
const ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK_SEPARATOR = "bookmarkSeparator";
const ACTION_ID_BUILT_IN_SEPARATOR = "builtInSeparator";

const PREF_PERSISTED_ACTIONS = "browser.pageActions.persistedActions";

var PageActions = {
   * Inits.  Call to init.
  init() {
    let callbacks = this._deferredAddActionCalls;
    delete this._deferredAddActionCalls;


    // Register the built-in actions, which are defined below in this file.
    for (let options of gBuiltInActions) {
      if (!this.actionForID( {
        this._registerAction(new Action(options));

    // Now place them all in each window.  Instead of splitting the register and
    // place steps, we could simply call addAction, which does both, but doing
    // it this way means that all windows initially place their actions the same
    // way -- placeAllActions -- regardless of whether they're open when this
    // method is called or opened later.
    for (let bpa of allBrowserPageActions()) {

    // These callbacks are deferred until init happens and all built-in actions
    // are added.
    while (callbacks && callbacks.length) {

    // Purge removed actions from persisted state on shutdown.  The point is not
    // to do it on Action.remove().  That way actions that are removed and
    // re-added while the app is running will have their urlbar placement and
    // other state remembered and restored.  This happens for upgraded and
    // downgraded extensions, for example.
      "PageActions: purging unregistered actions from cache",
      () => this._purgeUnregisteredPersistedActions(),

  _deferredAddActionCalls: [],

   * The list of Action objects, sorted in the order in which they should be
   * placed in the page action panel.  If there are both built-in and non-built-
   * in actions, then the list will include the separator between the two.  The
   * list is not live.  (array of Action objects)
  get actions() {
    let actions = this.builtInActions;
    if (this.nonBuiltInActions.length) {
      // There are non-built-in actions, so include them too.
      if (actions.length) {
        // There are both built-in and non-built-in actions.  Add a separator
        // between the two groups so that the returned array looks like:
        // [...built-ins, separator, ...non-built-ins]
        actions.push(new Action({
          _isSeparator: true,
    return actions;

   * The list of built-in actions.  Not live.  (array of Action objects)
  get builtInActions() {
    return this._builtInActions.slice();

   * The list of non-built-in actions.  Not live.  (array of Action objects)
  get nonBuiltInActions() {
    return this._nonBuiltInActions.slice();

   * The list of actions currently in the urlbar, sorted in the order in which
   * they appear.  Not live.
   * @param  browserWindow (DOM window, required)
   *         This window's actions will be returned.
   * @return (array of PageAction.Action objects) The actions currently in the
   *         given window's urlbar.
  actionsInUrlbar(browserWindow) {
    // Remember that IDs in idsInUrlbar may belong to actions that aren't
    // currently registered.
    return this._persistedActions.idsInUrlbar.reduce((actions, id) => {
      let action = this.actionForID(id);
      if (action && action.shouldShowInUrlbar(browserWindow)) {
      return actions;
    }, []);

   * Gets an action.
   * @param  id (string, required)
   *         The ID of the action to get.
   * @return The Action object, or null if none.
  actionForID(id) {
    return this._actionsByID.get(id);

   * Registers an action.
   * Actions are registered by their IDs.  An error is thrown if an action with
   * the given ID has already been added.  Use actionForID() before calling this
   * method if necessary.
   * Be sure to call remove() on the action if the lifetime of the code that
   * owns it is shorter than the browser's -- if it lives in an extension, for
   * example.
   * @param  action (Action, required)
   *         The Action object to register.
   * @return The given Action.
  addAction(action) {
    if (this._deferredAddActionCalls) {
      // init() hasn't been called yet.  Defer all additions until it's called,
      // at which time _deferredAddActionCalls will be deleted.
      this._deferredAddActionCalls.push(() => this.addAction(action));
      return action;

    let hadSep = this.actions.some(a => == ACTION_ID_BUILT_IN_SEPARATOR);


    let sep = null;
    if (!hadSep) {
      sep = this.actions.find(a => == ACTION_ID_BUILT_IN_SEPARATOR);

    for (let bpa of allBrowserPageActions()) {
      if (sep) {
        // There are now both built-in and non-built-in actions, so place the
        // separator between the two groups.

    return action;

  _registerAction(action) {
    if (this.actionForID( {
      throw new Error(`Action with ID '${}' already added`);
    this._actionsByID.set(, action);

    // Insert the action into the appropriate list, either _builtInActions or
    // _nonBuiltInActions.

    // Keep in mind that _insertBeforeActionID may be present but null, which
    // means the action should be appended to the built-ins.
    if ("__insertBeforeActionID" in action) {
      // A "semi-built-in" action, probably an action from an extension
      // bundled with the browser.  Right now we simply assume that no other
      // consumers will use _insertBeforeActionID.
      let index =
        !action.__insertBeforeActionID ? -1 :
        this._builtInActions.findIndex(a => {
          return == action.__insertBeforeActionID;
      if (index < 0) {
        // Append the action.
        index = this._builtInActions.length;
      this._builtInActions.splice(index, 0, action);
    } else if (gBuiltInActions.find(a => == {
      // A built-in action.  These are always added on init before all other
      // actions, one after the other, so just push onto the array.
    } else {
      // A non-built-in action, like a non-bundled extension potentially.
      // Keep this list sorted by title.
      let index = BinarySearch.insertionIndexOf((a1, a2) => {
        return a1.getTitle().localeCompare(a2.getTitle());
      }, this._nonBuiltInActions, action);
      this._nonBuiltInActions.splice(index, 0, action);

    if (this._persistedActions.ids.includes( {
      // The action has been seen before.  Override its pinnedToUrlbar value
      // with the persisted value.  Set the private version of that property
      // so that onActionToggledPinnedToUrlbar isn't called, which happens when
      // the public version is set.
      action._pinnedToUrlbar =
    } else {
      // The action is new.  Store it in the persisted actions.

  _updateIDsPinnedToUrlbarForAction(action) {
    let index = this._persistedActions.idsInUrlbar.indexOf(;
    if (action.pinnedToUrlbar) {
      if (index < 0) {
        index = == ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK ? -1 :
        if (index < 0) {
          index = this._persistedActions.idsInUrlbar.length;
        this._persistedActions.idsInUrlbar.splice(index, 0,;
    } else if (index >= 0) {
      this._persistedActions.idsInUrlbar.splice(index, 1);

  // These keep track of currently registered actions.
  _builtInActions: [],
  _nonBuiltInActions: [],
  _actionsByID: new Map(),

   * Returns the ID of the action before which the given action should be
   * inserted in the urlbar.
   * @param  action (Action object, required)
   *         The action you're inserting.
   * @return The ID of the reference action, or null if your action should be
   *         appended.
  nextActionIDInUrlbar(browserWindow, action) {
    // Actions in the urlbar are always inserted before the bookmark action,
    // which always comes last if it's present.
    if ( == ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK) {
      return null;
    let id = this._nextActionID(action, this.actionsInUrlbar(browserWindow));
    return id || ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK;

   * Returns the ID of the action before which the given action should be
   * inserted in the panel.
   * @param  action (Action object, required)
   *         The action you're inserting.
   * @return The ID of the reference action, or null if your action should be
   *         appended.
  nextActionIDInPanel(action) {
    return this._nextActionID(action, this.actions);

   * The DOM nodes of actions should be ordered properly, both in the panel and
   * the urlbar.  This method returns the ID of the action that comes after the
   * given action in the given array.  You can use the returned ID to get a DOM
   * node ID to pass to node.insertBefore().
   * Pass PageActions.actions to get the ID of the next action in the panel.
   * Pass PageActions.actionsInUrlbar to get the ID of the next action in the
   * urlbar.
   * @param  action
   *         The action whose node you want to insert into your DOM.
   * @param  actionArray
   *         The relevant array of actions, either PageActions.actions or
   *         actionsInUrlbar.
   * @return The ID of the action before which the given action should be
   *         inserted.  If the given action should be inserted last, returns
   *         null.
  _nextActionID(action, actionArray) {
    let index = actionArray.findIndex(a => ==;
    if (index < 0) {
      return null;
    let nextAction = actionArray[index + 1];
    if (!nextAction) {
      return null;

   * Call this when an action is removed.
   * @param  action (Action object, required)
   *         The action that was removed.
  onActionRemoved(action) {
    if (!this.actionForID( {
      // The action isn't registered (yet).  Not an error.

    for (let list of [this._nonBuiltInActions, this._builtInActions]) {
      let index = list.findIndex(a => ==;
      if (index >= 0) {
        list.splice(index, 1);

    for (let bpa of allBrowserPageActions()) {

   * Call this when an action's pinnedToUrlbar property changes.
   * @param  action (Action object, required)
   *         The action whose pinnedToUrlbar property changed.
  onActionToggledPinnedToUrlbar(action) {
    if (!this.actionForID( {
      // This may be called before the action has been added.
    for (let bpa of allBrowserPageActions()) {

  logTelemetry(type, action, node = null) {
    if (type == "used") {
      type =
        node && node.closest("#urlbar-container") ? "urlbar_used" :
    let histogramID = "FX_PAGE_ACTION_" + type.toUpperCase();
    try {
      let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(histogramID);
      if (action._isBuiltIn) {
      } else {
    } catch (ex) {

  // For tests.  See Bug 1413692.
  _reset() {
    PageActions._builtInActions = [];
    PageActions._nonBuiltInActions = [];
    PageActions._actionsByID = new Map();

  _storePersistedActions() {
    let json = JSON.stringify(this._persistedActions);
    Services.prefs.setStringPref(PREF_PERSISTED_ACTIONS, json);

  _loadPersistedActions() {
    try {
      let json = Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_PERSISTED_ACTIONS);
      this._persistedActions = this._migratePersistedActions(JSON.parse(json));
    } catch (ex) {}

  _purgeUnregisteredPersistedActions() {
    // Remove all action IDs from persisted state that do not correspond to
    // currently registered actions.
    for (let name of ["ids", "idsInUrlbar"]) {
      this._persistedActions[name] = this._persistedActions[name].filter(id => {
        return this.actionForID(id);

  _migratePersistedActions(actions) {
    // Start with actions.version and migrate one version at a time, all the way
    // up to the current version.
    for (let version = actions.version || 0;
         version++) {
      let methodName = `_migratePersistedActionsTo${version + 1}`;
      actions = this[methodName](actions);
      actions.version = version + 1;
    return actions;

  _migratePersistedActionsTo1(actions) {
    // The `ids` object is a mapping: action ID => true.  Convert it to an array
    // to save space in the prefs.
    let ids = [];
    for (let id in actions.ids) {
    // Move the bookmark ID to the end of idsInUrlbar.  The bookmark action
    // should always remain at the end of the urlbar, if present.
    let bookmarkIndex = actions.idsInUrlbar.indexOf(ACTION_ID_BOOKMARK);
    if (bookmarkIndex >= 0) {
      actions.idsInUrlbar.splice(bookmarkIndex, 1);
    return {
      idsInUrlbar: actions.idsInUrlbar,

  // This keeps track of all actions, even those that are not currently
  // registered because they have been removed, so long as
  // _purgeUnregisteredPersistedActions has not been called.
  _persistedActions: {
    // action IDs that have ever been seen and not removed, order not important
    ids: [],
    // action IDs ordered by position in urlbar
    idsInUrlbar: [],

 * A single page action.
 * Each action can have both per-browser-window state and global state.
 * Per-window state takes precedence over global state.  This is reflected in
 * the title, tooltip, disabled, and icon properties.  Each of these properties
 * has a getter method and setter method that takes a browser window.  Pass null
 * to get the action's global state.  Pass a browser window to get the per-
 * window state.  However, if you pass a window and the action has no state for
 * that window, then the global state will be returned.
 * `options` is a required object with the following properties.  Regarding the
 * properties discussed in the previous paragraph, the values in `options` set
 * global state.
 * @param id (string, required)
 *        The action's ID.  Treat this like the ID of a DOM node.
 * @param title (string, required)
 *        The action's title.
 * @param anchorIDOverride (string, optional)
 *        Pass a string to override the node to which the action's activated-
 *        action panel is anchored.
 * @param disabled (bool, optional)
 *        Pass true to cause the action to be disabled initially in all browser
 *        windows.  False by default.
 * @param extensionID (string, optional)
 *        If the action lives in an extension, pass its ID.
 * @param iconURL (string or object, optional)
 *        The URL string of the action's icon.  Usually you want to specify an
 *        icon in CSS, but this option is useful if that would be a pain for
 *        some reason.  You can also pass an object that maps pixel sizes to
 *        URLs, like { 16: url16, 32: url32 }.  The best size for the user's
 *        screen will be used.
 * @param nodeAttributes (object, optional)
 *        An object of name-value pairs.  Each pair will be added as an
 *        attribute to DOM nodes created for this action.
 * @param onBeforePlacedInWindow (function, optional)
 *        Called before the action is placed in the window:
 *        onBeforePlacedInWindow(window)
 *        * window: The window that the action will be placed in.
 * @param onCommand (function, optional)
 *        Called when the action is clicked, but only if it has neither a
 *        subview nor an iframe:
 *        onCommand(event, buttonNode)
 *        * event: The triggering event.
 *        * buttonNode: The button node that was clicked.
 * @param onIframeHiding (function, optional)
 *        Called when the action's iframe is hiding:
 *        onIframeHiding(iframeNode, parentPanelNode)
 *        * iframeNode: The iframe.
 *        * parentPanelNode: The panel node in which the iframe is shown.
 * @param onIframeHidden (function, optional)
 *        Called when the action's iframe is hidden:
 *        onIframeHidden(iframeNode, parentPanelNode)
 *        * iframeNode: The iframe.
 *        * parentPanelNode: The panel node in which the iframe is shown.
 * @param onIframeShowing (function, optional)
 *        Called when the action's iframe is showing to the user:
 *        onIframeShowing(iframeNode, parentPanelNode)
 *        * iframeNode: The iframe.
 *        * parentPanelNode: The panel node in which the iframe is shown.
 * @param onLocationChange (function, optional)
 *        Called after tab switch or when the current <browser>'s location
 *        changes:
 *        onLocationChange(browserWindow)
 *        * browserWindow: The browser window containing the tab switch or
 *          changed <browser>.
 * @param onPlacedInPanel (function, optional)
 *        Called when the action is added to the page action panel in a browser
 *        window:
 *        onPlacedInPanel(buttonNode)
 *        * buttonNode: The action's node in the page action panel.
 * @param onPlacedInUrlbar (function, optional)
 *        Called when the action is added to the urlbar in a browser window:
 *        onPlacedInUrlbar(buttonNode)
 *        * buttonNode: The action's node in the urlbar.
 * @param onRemovedFromWindow (function, optional)
 *        Called after the action is removed from a browser window:
 *        onRemovedFromWindow(browserWindow)
 *        * browserWindow: The browser window that the action was removed from.
 * @param onShowingInPanel (function, optional)
 *        Called when a browser window's page action panel is showing:
 *        onShowingInPanel(buttonNode)
 *        * buttonNode: The action's node in the page action panel.
 * @param pinnedToUrlbar (bool, optional)
 *        Pass true to pin the action to the urlbar.  An action is shown in the
 *        urlbar if it's pinned and not disabled.  False by default.
 * @param subview (object, optional)
 *        An options object suitable for passing to the Subview constructor, if
 *        you'd like the action to have a subview.  See the subview constructor
 *        for info on this object's properties.
 * @param tooltip (string, optional)
 *        The action's button tooltip text.
 * @param urlbarIDOverride (string, optional)
 *        Usually the ID of the action's button in the urlbar will be generated
 *        automatically.  Pass a string for this property to override that with
 *        your own ID.
 * @param wantsIframe (bool, optional)
 *        Pass true to make an action that shows an iframe in a panel when
 *        clicked.
function Action(options) {
  setProperties(this, options, {
    id: true,
    title: !options._isSeparator,
    anchorIDOverride: false,
    disabled: false,
    extensionID: false,
    iconURL: false,
    labelForHistogram: false,
    nodeAttributes: false,
    onBeforePlacedInWindow: false,
    onCommand: false,
    onIframeHiding: false,
    onIframeHidden: false,
    onIframeShowing: false,
    onLocationChange: false,
    onPlacedInPanel: false,
    onPlacedInUrlbar: false,
    onRemovedFromWindow: false,
    onShowingInPanel: false,
    pinnedToUrlbar: false,
    subview: false,
    tooltip: false,
    urlbarIDOverride: false,
    wantsIframe: false,

    // private

    // (string, optional)
    // The ID of another action before which to insert this new action in the
    // panel.
    _insertBeforeActionID: false,

    // (bool, optional)
    // True if this isn't really an action but a separator to be shown in the
    // page action panel.
    _isSeparator: false,

    // (bool, optional)
    // True if the action's urlbar button is defined in markup.  In that case, a
    // node with the action's urlbar node ID should already exist in the DOM
    // (either the auto-generated ID or urlbarIDOverride).  That node will be
    // shown when the action is added to the urlbar and hidden when the action
    // is removed from the urlbar.
    _urlbarNodeInMarkup: false,
  if (this._subview) {
    this._subview = new Subview(options.subview);

Action.prototype = {
   * The ID of the action's parent extension (string, nullable)
  get extensionID() {
    return this._extensionID;

   * The action's ID (string, nonnull)
  get id() {
    return this._id;

   * Attribute name => value mapping to set on nodes created for this action
   * (object, nullable)
  get nodeAttributes() {
    return this._nodeAttributes;

   * True if the action is pinned to the urlbar.  The action is shown in the
   * urlbar if it's pinned and not disabled.  (bool, nonnull)
  get pinnedToUrlbar() {
    return this._pinnedToUrlbar || false;
  set pinnedToUrlbar(shown) {
    if (this.pinnedToUrlbar != shown) {
      this._pinnedToUrlbar = shown;
    return this.pinnedToUrlbar;

   * The action's disabled state (bool, nonnull)
  getDisabled(browserWindow = null) {
    return !!this._getProperty("disabled", browserWindow);
  setDisabled(value, browserWindow = null) {
    return this._setProperty("disabled", !!value, browserWindow);

   * The action's icon URL string, or an object mapping sizes to URL strings
   * (string or object, nullable)
  getIconURL(browserWindow = null) {
    return this._getProperty("iconURL", browserWindow);
  setIconURL(value, browserWindow = null) {
    return this._setProperty("iconURL", value, browserWindow);

   * The action's title (string, nonnull)
  getTitle(browserWindow = null) {
    return this._getProperty("title", browserWindow);
  setTitle(value, browserWindow = null) {
    return this._setProperty("title", value, browserWindow);

   * The action's tooltip (string, nullable)
  getTooltip(browserWindow = null) {
    return this._getProperty("tooltip", browserWindow);
  setTooltip(value, browserWindow = null) {
    return this._setProperty("tooltip", value, browserWindow);

   * Sets a property, optionally for a particular browser window.
   * @param  name (string, required)
   *         The (non-underscored) name of the property.
   * @param  value
   *         The value.
   * @param  browserWindow (DOM window, optional)
   *         If given, then the property will be set in this window's state, not
   *         globally.
  _setProperty(name, value, browserWindow) {
    if (!browserWindow) {
      // Set the global state.
      this[`_${name}`] = value;
    } else {
      // Set the per-window state.
      let props = this._propertiesByBrowserWindow.get(browserWindow);
      if (!props) {
        props = {};
        this._propertiesByBrowserWindow.set(browserWindow, props);
      props[name] = value;
    // This may be called before the action has been added.
    if (PageActions.actionForID( {
      for (let bpa of allBrowserPageActions(browserWindow)) {
        bpa.updateAction(this, name);
    return value;

   * Gets a property, optionally for a particular browser window.
   * @param  name (string, required)
   *         The (non-underscored) name of the property.
   * @param  browserWindow (DOM window, optional)
   *         If given, then the property will be fetched from this window's
   *         state.  If the property does not exist in the window's state, or if
   *         no window is given, then the global value is returned.
   * @return The property value.
  _getProperty(name, browserWindow) {
    if (browserWindow) {
      // Try the per-window state.
      let props = this._propertiesByBrowserWindow.get(browserWindow);
      if (props && name in props) {
        return props[name];
    // Fall back to the global state.
    return this[`_${name}`];

  // maps browser windows => object with properties for that window
  get _propertiesByBrowserWindow() {
    if (!this.__propertiesByBrowserWindow) {
      this.__propertiesByBrowserWindow = new WeakMap();
    return this.__propertiesByBrowserWindow;

   * Override for the ID of the action's activated-action panel anchor (string,
   * nullable)
  get anchorIDOverride() {
    return this._anchorIDOverride;

   * Override for the ID of the action's urlbar node (string, nullable)
  get urlbarIDOverride() {
    return this._urlbarIDOverride;

   * True if the action is shown in an iframe (bool, nonnull)
  get wantsIframe() {
    return this._wantsIframe || false;

   * A Subview object if the action wants a subview (Subview, nullable)
  get subview() {
    return this._subview;

  get labelForHistogram() {
    return this._labelForHistogram || this._id;

   * Returns the URL of the best icon to use given a preferred size.  The best
   * icon is the one with the smallest size that's equal to or bigger than the
   * preferred size.  Returns null if the action has no icon URL.
   * @param  peferredSize (number, required)
   *         The icon size you prefer.
   * @return The URL of the best icon, or null.
  iconURLForSize(preferredSize, browserWindow) {
    let iconURL = this.getIconURL(browserWindow);
    if (!iconURL) {
      return null;
    if (typeof(iconURL) == "string") {
      return iconURL;
    if (typeof(iconURL) == "object") {
      // This case is copied from ExtensionParent.jsm so that our image logic is
      // the same, so that WebExtensions page action tests that deal with icons
      // pass.
      let bestSize = null;
      if (iconURL[preferredSize]) {
        bestSize = preferredSize;
      } else if (iconURL[2 * preferredSize]) {
        bestSize = 2 * preferredSize;
      } else {
        let sizes = Object.keys(iconURL)
                          .map(key => parseInt(key, 10))
                          .sort((a, b) => a - b);
        bestSize = sizes.find(candidate => candidate > preferredSize) || sizes.pop();
      return iconURL[bestSize];
    return null;

   * Performs the command for an action.  If the action has an onCommand
   * handler, then it's called.  If the action has a subview or iframe, then a
   * panel is opened, displaying the subview or iframe.
   * @param  browserWindow (DOM window, required)
   *         The browser window in which to perform the action.
  doCommand(browserWindow) {

   * Call this when before placing the action in the window.
   * @param  browserWindow (DOM window, required)
   *         The browser window the action will be placed in.
  onBeforePlacedInWindow(browserWindow) {
    if (this._onBeforePlacedInWindow) {

   * Call this when the user activates the action.
   * @param  event (DOM event, required)
   *         The triggering event.
   * @param  buttonNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The action's panel or urlbar button node that was clicked.
  onCommand(event, buttonNode) {
    if (this._onCommand) {
      this._onCommand(event, buttonNode);

   * Call this when the action's iframe is hiding.
   * @param  iframeNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The iframe that's hiding.
   * @param  parentPanelNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The panel in which the iframe is hiding.
  onIframeHiding(iframeNode, parentPanelNode) {
    if (this._onIframeHiding) {
      this._onIframeHiding(iframeNode, parentPanelNode);

   * Call this when the action's iframe is hidden.
   * @param  iframeNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The iframe that's being hidden.
   * @param  parentPanelNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The panel in which the iframe is hidden.
  onIframeHidden(iframeNode, parentPanelNode) {
    if (this._onIframeHidden) {
      this._onIframeHidden(iframeNode, parentPanelNode);

   * Call this when the action's iframe is showing.
   * @param  iframeNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The iframe that's being shown.
   * @param  parentPanelNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The panel in which the iframe is shown.
  onIframeShowing(iframeNode, parentPanelNode) {
    if (this._onIframeShowing) {
      this._onIframeShowing(iframeNode, parentPanelNode);

   * Call this on tab switch or when the current <browser>'s location changes.
   * @param  browserWindow (DOM window, required)
   *         The browser window containing the tab switch or changed <browser>.
  onLocationChange(browserWindow) {
    if (this._onLocationChange) {

   * Call this when a DOM node for the action is added to the page action panel.
   * @param  buttonNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The action's panel button node.
  onPlacedInPanel(buttonNode) {
    if (this._onPlacedInPanel) {

   * Call this when a DOM node for the action is added to the urlbar.
   * @param  buttonNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The action's urlbar button node.
  onPlacedInUrlbar(buttonNode) {
    if (this._onPlacedInUrlbar) {

   * Call this when the DOM nodes for the action are removed from a browser
   * window.
   * @param  browserWindow (DOM window, required)
   *         The browser window the action was removed from.
  onRemovedFromWindow(browserWindow) {
    if (this._onRemovedFromWindow) {

   * Call this when the action's button is shown in the page action panel.
   * @param  buttonNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The action's panel button node.
  onShowingInPanel(buttonNode) {
    if (this._onShowingInPanel) {

   * Removes the action's DOM nodes from all browser windows.
   * PageActions will remember the action's urlbar placement, if any, after this
   * method is called until app shutdown.  If the action is not added again
   * before shutdown, then PageActions will discard the placement, and the next
   * time the action is added, its placement will be reset.
  remove() {

   * Returns whether the action should be shown in a given window's urlbar.
   * @param  browserWindow (DOM window, required)
   *         The window.
   * @return True if the action should be shown and false otherwise.  The action
   *         should be shown if it's both pinned and not disabled.
  shouldShowInUrlbar(browserWindow) {
    return this.pinnedToUrlbar && !this.getDisabled(browserWindow);

  get _isBuiltIn() {
    let builtInIDs = [
    ].concat(gBuiltInActions.filter(a => !a.__isSeparator).map(a =>;
    return builtInIDs.includes(;

this.PageActions.Action = Action;

 * A Subview represents a PanelUI panelview that your actions can show.
 * `options` is a required object with the following properties.
 * @param buttons (array, optional)
 *        An array of buttons to show in the subview.  Each item in the array
 *        must be an options object suitable for passing to the Button
 *        constructor.  See the Button constructor for information on these
 *        objects' properties.
 * @param onPlaced (function, optional)
 *        Called when the subview is added to its parent panel in a browser
 *        window:
 *        onPlaced(panelViewNode)
 *        * panelViewNode: The panelview node represented by this Subview.
 * @param onShowing (function, optional)
 *        Called when the subview is showing in a browser window:
 *        onShowing(panelViewNode)
 *        * panelViewNode: The panelview node represented by this Subview.
function Subview(options) {
  setProperties(this, options, {
    buttons: false,
    onPlaced: false,
    onShowing: false,
  this._buttons = (this._buttons || []).map(buttonOptions => {
    return new Button(buttonOptions);

Subview.prototype = {
   * The subview's buttons (array of Button objects, nonnull)
  get buttons() {
    return this._buttons;

   * Call this when a DOM node for the subview is added to the DOM.
   * @param  panelViewNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The subview's panelview node.
  onPlaced(panelViewNode) {
    if (this._onPlaced) {

   * Call this when a DOM node for the subview is showing.
   * @param  panelViewNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The subview's panelview node.
  onShowing(panelViewNode) {
    if (this._onShowing) {

this.PageActions.Subview = Subview;

 * A button that can be shown in a subview.  `options` is a required object with
 * the following properties.
 * @param id (string, required)
 *        The button's ID.  This will not become the ID of a DOM node by itself,
 *        but it will be used to generate DOM node IDs.  But in terms of spaces
 *        and weird characters and such, do treat this like a DOM node ID.
 * @param title (string, required)
 *        The button's title.
 * @param disabled (bool, required)
 *        Pass true to disable the button.
 * @param onCommand (function, optional)
 *        Called when the button is clicked:
 *        onCommand(event, buttonNode)
 *        * event: The triggering event.
 *        * buttonNode: The node that was clicked.
 * @param shortcut (string, optional)
 *        The button's shortcut text.
function Button(options) {
  setProperties(this, options, {
    id: true,
    title: true,
    disabled: false,
    onCommand: false,
    shortcut: false,

Button.prototype = {
   * True if the button is disabled (bool, nonnull)
  get disabled() {
    return this._disabled || false;

   * The button's ID (string, nonnull)
  get id() {
    return this._id;

   * The button's shortcut (string, nullable)
  get shortcut() {
    return this._shortcut;

   * The button's title (string, nonnull)
  get title() {
    return this._title;

   * Call this when the user clicks the button.
   * @param  event (DOM event, required)
   *         The triggering event.
   * @param  buttonNode (DOM node, required)
   *         The button's DOM node that was clicked.
  onCommand(event, buttonNode) {
    if (this._onCommand) {
      this._onCommand(event, buttonNode);

this.PageActions.Button = Button;

// These are only necessary so that Pocket and the test can use them.

// This is only necessary so that the test can access it.

// Sorted in the order in which they should appear in the page action panel.
// Does not include the page actions of extensions bundled with the browser.
// They're added by the relevant extension code.
// NOTE: If you add items to this list (or system add-on actions that we
// want to keep track of), make sure to also update Histograms.json for the
// new actions.
var gBuiltInActions = [

  // bookmark
    urlbarIDOverride: "star-button-box",
    _urlbarNodeInMarkup: true,
    // The title is set in browser-pageActions.js by calling
    // BookmarkingUI.updateBookmarkPageMenuItem().
    title: "",
    pinnedToUrlbar: true,
    nodeAttributes: {
      observes: "bookmarkThisPageBroadcaster",
    onShowingInPanel(buttonNode) {
    onCommand(event, buttonNode) {
      browserPageActions(buttonNode).bookmark.onCommand(event, buttonNode);

  // separator
    _isSeparator: true,

  // copy URL
    id: "copyURL",
    title: "copyURL-title",
    onPlacedInPanel(buttonNode) {
    onCommand(event, buttonNode) {
      browserPageActions(buttonNode).copyURL.onCommand(event, buttonNode);

  // email link
    id: "emailLink",
    title: "emailLink-title",
    onPlacedInPanel(buttonNode) {
    onCommand(event, buttonNode) {
      browserPageActions(buttonNode).emailLink.onCommand(event, buttonNode);

if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("identity.fxaccounts.enabled")) {
  // send to device
    id: "sendToDevice",
    title: "sendToDevice-title",
    onPlacedInPanel(buttonNode) {
    onLocationChange(browserWindow) {
    subview: {
      buttons: [
          id: "notReady",
          title: "sendToDevice-notReadyTitle",
          disabled: true,
      onPlaced(panelViewNode) {
      onShowing(panelViewNode) {

 * Gets a BrowserPageActions object in a browser window.
 * @param  obj
 *         Either a DOM node or a browser window.
 * @return The BrowserPageActions object in the browser window related to the
 *         given object.
function browserPageActions(obj) {
  if (obj.BrowserPageActions) {
    return obj.BrowserPageActions;
  return obj.ownerGlobal.BrowserPageActions;

 * A generator function for all open browser windows.
 * @param browserWindow (DOM window, optional)
 *        If given, then only this window will be yielded.  That may sound
 *        pointless, but it can make callers nicer to write since they don't
 *        need two separate cases, one where a window is given and another where
 *        it isn't.
function* allBrowserWindows(browserWindow = null) {
  if (browserWindow) {
    yield browserWindow;
  let windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
  while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
    yield windows.getNext();

 * A generator function for BrowserPageActions objects in all open windows.
 * @param browserWindow (DOM window, optional)
 *        If given, then the BrowserPageActions for only this window will be
 *        yielded.
function* allBrowserPageActions(browserWindow = null) {
  for (let win of allBrowserWindows(browserWindow)) {
    yield browserPageActions(win);

 * A simple function that sets properties on a given object while doing basic
 * required-properties checking.  If a required property isn't specified in the
 * given options object, or if the options object has properties that aren't in
 * the given schema, then an error is thrown.
 * @param  obj
 *         The object to set properties on.
 * @param  options
 *         An options object supplied by the consumer.
 * @param  schema
 *         An object a property for each required and optional property.  The
 *         keys are property names; the value of a key is a bool that is true if
 *         the property is required.
function setProperties(obj, options, schema) {
  for (let name in schema) {
    let required = schema[name];
    if (required && !(name in options)) {
      throw new Error(`'${name}' must be specified`);
    let nameInObj = "_" + name;
    if (name[0] == "_") {
      // The property is "private".  If it's defined in the options, then define
      // it on obj exactly as it's defined on options.
      if (name in options) {
        obj[nameInObj] = options[name];
    } else {
      // The property is "public".  Make sure the property is defined on obj.
      obj[nameInObj] = options[name] || null;
  for (let name in options) {
    if (!(name in schema)) {
      throw new Error(`Unrecognized option '${name}'`);