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//! Supports writing a trace file created during each layout scope
//! that can be viewed by an external tool to make layout debugging easier.

use flow::GetBaseFlow;
use flow_ref::FlowRef;
use serde_json::{to_string, to_value, Value};
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::sync::atomic::{ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT, AtomicUsize, Ordering};

thread_local!(static STATE_KEY: RefCell<Option<State>> = RefCell::new(None));


pub struct Scope;

macro_rules! layout_debug_scope(
    ($($arg:tt)*) => (
        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
        } else {

struct ScopeData {
    name: String,
    pre: Value,
    post: Value,
    children: Vec<Box<ScopeData>>,

impl ScopeData {
    fn new(name: String, pre: Value) -> ScopeData {
        ScopeData {
            name: name,
            pre: pre,
            post: Value::Null,
            children: vec!(),

struct State {
    flow_root: FlowRef,
    scope_stack: Vec<Box<ScopeData>>,

/// A layout debugging scope. The entire state of the flow tree
/// will be output at the beginning and end of this scope.
impl Scope {
    pub fn new(name: String) -> Scope {
        STATE_KEY.with(|ref r| {
            if let Some(ref mut state) = *r.borrow_mut() {
                let flow_trace = to_value(&state.flow_root.base()).unwrap();
                let data = Box::new(ScopeData::new(name.clone(), flow_trace));

impl Drop for Scope {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        STATE_KEY.with(|ref r| {
            if let Some(ref mut state) = *r.borrow_mut() {
                let mut current_scope = state.scope_stack.pop().unwrap();
       = to_value(&state.flow_root.base()).unwrap();
                let previous_scope = state.scope_stack.last_mut().unwrap();

/// Generate a unique ID. This is used for items such as Fragment
/// which are often reallocated but represent essentially the
/// same data.
pub fn generate_unique_debug_id() -> u16 {
    DEBUG_ID_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst) as u16

/// Begin a layout debug trace. If this has not been called,
/// creating debug scopes has no effect.
pub fn begin_trace(flow_root: FlowRef) {
    assert!(STATE_KEY.with(|ref r| r.borrow().is_none()));

    STATE_KEY.with(|ref r| {
        let flow_trace = to_value(&flow_root.base()).unwrap();
        let state = State {
            scope_stack: vec![Box::new(ScopeData::new("root".to_owned(), flow_trace))],
            flow_root: flow_root.clone(),
        *r.borrow_mut() = Some(state);

/// End the debug layout trace. This will write the layout
/// trace to disk in the current directory. The output
/// file can then be viewed with an external tool.
pub fn end_trace(generation: u32) {
    let mut thread_state = STATE_KEY.with(|ref r| r.borrow_mut().take().unwrap());
    assert_eq!(thread_state.scope_stack.len(), 1);
    let mut root_scope = thread_state.scope_stack.pop().unwrap(); = to_value(&thread_state.flow_root.base()).unwrap();

    let result = to_string(&root_scope).unwrap();
    let mut file = File::create(format!("layout_trace-{}.json", generation)).unwrap();