Blob Blame History Raw
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */


use ServoArc;
use app_units::{Au, MIN_AU};
use block::AbsoluteAssignBSizesTraversal;
use context::{LayoutContext, LayoutFontContext};
use display_list::{DisplayListBuildState, InlineFlowDisplayListBuilding};
use display_list::StackingContextCollectionState;
use euclid::{Point2D, Size2D};
use floats::{FloatKind, Floats, PlacementInfo};
use flow::{BaseFlow, Flow, FlowClass, ForceNonfloatedFlag};
use flow::{FlowFlags, EarlyAbsolutePositionInfo, GetBaseFlow, OpaqueFlow};
use flow_ref::FlowRef;
use fragment::{CoordinateSystem, Fragment, FragmentBorderBoxIterator, Overflow};
use fragment::FragmentFlags;
use fragment::SpecificFragmentInfo;
use gfx::display_list::OpaqueNode;
use gfx::font::FontMetrics;
use gfx_traits::print_tree::PrintTree;
use layout_debug;
use model::IntrinsicISizesContribution;
use range::{Range, RangeIndex};
use script_layout_interface::wrapper_traits::PseudoElementType;
use std::{fmt, i32, isize, mem};
use std::cmp::max;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::sync::Arc;
use style::computed_values::display::T as Display;
use style::computed_values::overflow_x::T as StyleOverflow;
use style::computed_values::position::T as Position;
use style::computed_values::text_align::T as TextAlign;
use style::computed_values::text_justify::T as TextJustify;
use style::computed_values::white_space::T as WhiteSpace;
use style::logical_geometry::{LogicalRect, LogicalSize, WritingMode};
use style::properties::ComputedValues;
use style::servo::restyle_damage::ServoRestyleDamage;
use style::values::computed::box_::VerticalAlign;
use style::values::generics::box_::VerticalAlign as GenericVerticalAlign;
use style::values::specified::text::TextOverflowSide;
use text;
use traversal::PreorderFlowTraversal;
use unicode_bidi as bidi;

/// `Line`s are represented as offsets into the child list, rather than
/// as an object that "owns" fragments. Choosing a different set of line
/// breaks requires a new list of offsets, and possibly some splitting and
/// merging of TextFragments.
/// A similar list will keep track of the mapping between CSS fragments and
/// the corresponding fragments in the inline flow.
/// After line breaks are determined, render fragments in the inline flow may
/// overlap visually. For example, in the case of nested inline CSS fragments,
/// outer inlines must be at least as large as the inner inlines, for
/// purposes of drawing noninherited things like backgrounds, borders,
/// outlines.
/// N.B. roc has an alternative design where the list instead consists of
/// things like "start outer fragment, text, start inner fragment, text, end inner
/// fragment, text, end outer fragment, text". This seems a little complicated to
/// serve as the starting point, but the current design doesn't make it
/// hard to try out that alternative.
/// Line fragments also contain some metadata used during line breaking. The
/// green zone is the area that the line can expand to before it collides
/// with a float or a horizontal wall of the containing block. The block-start
/// inline-start corner of the green zone is the same as that of the line, but
/// the green zone can be taller and wider than the line itself.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct Line {
    /// A range of line indices that describe line breaks.
    /// For example, consider the following HTML and rendered element with
    /// linebreaks:
    /// ~~~html
    /// <span>I <span>like truffles, <img></span> yes I do.</span>
    /// ~~~
    /// ~~~text
    /// +------------+
    /// | I like     |
    /// | truffles,  |
    /// | +----+     |
    /// | |    |     |
    /// | +----+ yes |
    /// | I do.      |
    /// +------------+
    /// ~~~
    /// The ranges that describe these lines would be:
    /// | [0, 2)   | [2, 3)      | [3, 5)      | [5, 6)   |
    /// |----------|-------------|-------------|----------|
    /// | 'I like' | 'truffles,' | '<img> yes' | 'I do.'  |
    pub range: Range<FragmentIndex>,

    /// The bidirectional embedding level runs for this line, in visual order.
    /// Can be set to `None` if the line is 100% left-to-right.
    pub visual_runs: Option<Vec<(Range<FragmentIndex>, bidi::Level)>>,

    /// The bounds are the exact position and extents of the line with respect
    /// to the parent box.
    /// For example, for the HTML below...
    /// ~~~html
    /// <div><span>I like      truffles, <img></span></div>
    /// ~~~
    /// ...the bounds would be:
    /// ~~~text
    /// +-----------------------------------------------------------+
    /// |               ^                                           |
    /// |               |                                           |
    /// |            origin.y                                       |
    /// |               |                                           |
    /// |               v                                           |
    /// |< - origin.x ->+ - - - - - - - - +---------+----           |
    /// |               |                 |         |   ^           |
    /// |               |                 |  <img>  |  size.block   |
    /// |               I like truffles,  |         |   v           |
    /// |               + - - - - - - - - +---------+----           |
    /// |               |                           |               |
    /// |               |<------ size.inline ------>|               |
    /// |                                                           |
    /// |                                                           |
    /// +-----------------------------------------------------------+
    /// ~~~
    pub bounds: LogicalRect<Au>,

    /// The green zone is the greatest extent from which a line can extend to
    /// before it collides with a float.
    /// ~~~text
    /// +-----------------------+
    /// |:::::::::::::::::      |
    /// |:::::::::::::::::FFFFFF|
    /// |============:::::FFFFFF|
    /// |:::::::::::::::::FFFFFF|
    /// |:::::::::::::::::FFFFFF|
    /// |:::::::::::::::::      |
    /// |    FFFFFFFFF          |
    /// |    FFFFFFFFF          |
    /// |    FFFFFFFFF          |
    /// |                       |
    /// +-----------------------+
    /// === line
    /// ::: green zone
    /// FFF float
    /// ~~~
    pub green_zone: LogicalSize<Au>,

    /// The minimum metrics for this line, as specified by the style.
    pub minimum_metrics: LineMetrics,

    /// The actual metrics for this line.
    pub metrics: LineMetrics,

impl Line {
    fn new(writing_mode: WritingMode, minimum_metrics: &LineMetrics) -> Line {
        Line {
            range: Range::empty(),
            visual_runs: None,
            bounds: LogicalRect::zero(writing_mode),
            green_zone: LogicalSize::zero(writing_mode),
            minimum_metrics: *minimum_metrics,
            metrics: *minimum_metrics,

    /// Returns the new metrics that this line would have if `new_fragment` were added to it.
    /// FIXME(pcwalton): this assumes that the tallest fragment in the line determines the line
    /// block-size. This might not be the case with some weird text fonts.
    fn new_metrics_for_fragment(&self, new_fragment: &Fragment, layout_context: &LayoutContext)
                                -> LineMetrics {
        if !new_fragment.is_vertically_aligned_to_top_or_bottom() {
            let fragment_inline_metrics =
                new_fragment.aligned_inline_metrics(layout_context, &self.minimum_metrics, None);
        } else {

    /// Returns the new block size that this line would have if `new_fragment` were added to it.
    /// `new_inline_metrics` represents the new inline metrics that this line would have; it can
    /// be computed with `new_inline_metrics()`.
    fn new_block_size_for_fragment(&self,
                                   new_fragment: &Fragment,
                                   new_line_metrics: &LineMetrics,
                                   layout_context: &LayoutContext)
                                   -> Au {
        let new_block_size = if new_fragment.is_vertically_aligned_to_top_or_bottom() {
            max(new_fragment.aligned_inline_metrics(layout_context, &self.minimum_metrics, None)
        } else {
        max(self.bounds.size.block, new_block_size)

int_range_index! {
    #[doc = "The index of a fragment in a flattened vector of DOM elements."]
    struct FragmentIndex(isize)

/// Arranges fragments into lines, splitting them up as necessary.
struct LineBreaker {
    /// The floats we need to flow around.
    floats: Floats,
    /// The resulting fragment list for the flow, consisting of possibly-broken fragments.
    new_fragments: Vec<Fragment>,
    /// The next fragment or fragments that we need to work on.
    work_list: VecDeque<Fragment>,
    /// The line we're currently working on.
    pending_line: Line,
    /// The lines we've already committed.
    lines: Vec<Line>,
    /// The index of the last known good line breaking opportunity. The opportunity will either
    /// be inside this fragment (if it is splittable) or immediately prior to it.
    last_known_line_breaking_opportunity: Option<FragmentIndex>,
    /// The current position in the block direction.
    cur_b: Au,
    /// The computed value of the indentation for the first line (`text-indent`, CSS 2.1 § 16.1).
    first_line_indentation: Au,
    /// The minimum metrics for each line, as specified by the line height and font style.
    minimum_metrics: LineMetrics,

impl LineBreaker {
    /// Creates a new `LineBreaker` with a set of floats and the indentation of the first line.
    fn new(float_context: Floats, first_line_indentation: Au, minimum_line_metrics: &LineMetrics)
           -> LineBreaker {
        LineBreaker {
            new_fragments: Vec::new(),
            work_list: VecDeque::new(),
            pending_line: Line::new(float_context.writing_mode, minimum_line_metrics),
            floats: float_context,
            lines: Vec::new(),
            cur_b: Au(0),
            last_known_line_breaking_opportunity: None,
            first_line_indentation: first_line_indentation,
            minimum_metrics: *minimum_line_metrics,

    /// Resets the `LineBreaker` to the initial state it had after a call to `new`.
    fn reset_scanner(&mut self) {
        self.lines = Vec::new();
        self.new_fragments = Vec::new();
        self.cur_b = Au(0);

    /// Reinitializes the pending line to blank data.
    fn reset_line(&mut self) -> Line {
        self.last_known_line_breaking_opportunity = None;
        mem::replace(&mut self.pending_line,
                     Line::new(self.floats.writing_mode, &self.minimum_metrics))

    /// Reflows fragments for the given inline flow.
    fn scan_for_lines(&mut self,
                      flow: &mut InlineFlow,
                      layout_context: &LayoutContext) {

        // Create our fragment iterator.
        debug!("LineBreaker: scanning for lines, {} fragments", flow.fragments.len());
        let mut old_fragments = mem::replace(&mut flow.fragments, InlineFragments::new());
        let old_fragment_iter = old_fragments.fragments.into_iter();

        // TODO(pcwalton): This would likely be better as a list of dirty line
        // indices. That way we could resynchronize if we discover during reflow
        // that all subsequent fragments must have the same position as they had
        // in the previous reflow. I don't know how common this case really is
        // in practice, but it's probably worth handling.
        self.lines = Vec::new();

        // Do the reflow.
        self.reflow_fragments(old_fragment_iter, flow, layout_context);

        // Perform unicode bidirectional layout.
        let para_level = flow.base.writing_mode.to_bidi_level();

        // The text within a fragment is at a single bidi embedding level
        // (because we split fragments on level run boundaries during flow
        // construction), so we can build a level array with just one entry per
        // fragment.
        let levels: Vec<bidi::Level> = self.new_fragments.iter().map(
            |fragment| match fragment.specific {
                SpecificFragmentInfo::ScannedText(ref info) =>,
                _ => para_level

        let mut lines = mem::replace(&mut self.lines, Vec::new());

        // If everything is LTR, don't bother with reordering.
        if bidi::level::has_rtl(&levels) {
            // Compute and store the visual ordering of the fragments within the
            // line.
            for line in &mut lines {
                let range = line.range.begin().to_usize()..line.range.end().to_usize();
                // FIXME: Update to use BidiInfo::visual_runs, as this algorithm needs access to
                // the original text and original BidiClass of its characters.
                let runs = bidi::deprecated::visual_runs(range, &levels);
                line.visual_runs = Some(runs.iter().map(|run| {
                    let start = FragmentIndex(run.start as isize);
                    let len = FragmentIndex(run.len() as isize);
                    (Range::new(start, len), levels[run.start])

        // Place the fragments back into the flow.
        old_fragments.fragments = mem::replace(&mut self.new_fragments, vec![]);
        flow.fragments = old_fragments;
        flow.lines = lines;

    /// Reflows the given fragments, which have been plucked out of the inline flow.
    fn reflow_fragments<'a, I>(&mut self,
                               mut old_fragment_iter: I,
                               flow: &'a InlineFlow,
                               layout_context: &LayoutContext)
        where I: Iterator<Item=Fragment>,
        loop {
            // Acquire the next fragment to lay out from the work list or fragment list, as
            // appropriate.
            let fragment = match self.next_unbroken_fragment(&mut old_fragment_iter) {
                None => break,
                Some(fragment) => fragment,

            // Do not reflow truncated fragments. Reflow the original fragment only.
            let fragment = if fragment.flags.contains(FragmentFlags::IS_ELLIPSIS) {
            } else if let SpecificFragmentInfo::TruncatedFragment(info) = fragment.specific {
            } else {

            // Try to append the fragment.
            self.reflow_fragment(fragment, flow, layout_context);

        if !self.pending_line_is_empty() {
            debug!("LineBreaker: partially full line {} at end of scanning; committing it",

    /// Acquires a new fragment to lay out from the work list or fragment list as appropriate.
    /// Note that you probably don't want to call this method directly in order to be incremental-
    /// reflow-safe; try `next_unbroken_fragment` instead.
    fn next_fragment<I>(&mut self,
                        old_fragment_iter: &mut I)
                        -> Option<Fragment>
        where I: Iterator<Item=Fragment>,

    /// Acquires a new fragment to lay out from the work list or fragment list,
    /// merging it with any subsequent fragments as appropriate. In effect, what
    /// this method does is to return the next fragment to lay out, undoing line
    /// break operations that any previous reflows may have performed. You
    /// probably want to be using this method instead of `next_fragment`.
    fn next_unbroken_fragment<I>(&mut self,
                                 old_fragment_iter: &mut I)
                                 -> Option<Fragment>
        where I: Iterator<Item=Fragment>,
        let mut result = self.next_fragment(old_fragment_iter)?;

        loop {
            let candidate = match self.next_fragment(old_fragment_iter) {
                None => return Some(result),
                Some(fragment) => fragment,

            let need_to_merge = match (&mut result.specific, &candidate.specific) {
                (&mut SpecificFragmentInfo::ScannedText(ref mut result_info),
                 &SpecificFragmentInfo::ScannedText(ref candidate_info)) => {
                    result.margin.inline_end == Au(0) &&
                    candidate.margin.inline_start == Au(0) &&
                    result.border_padding.inline_end == Au(0) &&
                    candidate.border_padding.inline_start == Au(0) &&
                    result_info.selected() == candidate_info.selected() &&
                    Arc::ptr_eq(&, & &&
                _ => false,

            if need_to_merge {

            return Some(result)

    /// Commits a line to the list.
    fn flush_current_line(&mut self) {
        debug!("LineBreaker: flushing line {}: {:?}", self.lines.len(), self.pending_line);
        self.cur_b = self.pending_line.bounds.start.b + self.pending_line.bounds.size.block;

    /// Removes trailing whitespace from the pending line if necessary. This is done right before
    /// flushing it.
    fn strip_trailing_whitespace_from_pending_line_if_necessary(&mut self) {
        if self.pending_line.range.is_empty() {
        let last_fragment_index = self.pending_line.range.end() - FragmentIndex(1);
        let fragment = &mut self.new_fragments[last_fragment_index.get() as usize];

        let old_fragment_inline_size = fragment.border_box.size.inline;


        self.pending_line.bounds.size.inline +=
            fragment.border_box.size.inline - old_fragment_inline_size;

    /// Computes the position of a line that has only the provided fragment. Returns the bounding
    /// rect of the line's green zone (whose origin coincides with the line's origin) and the
    /// actual inline-size of the first fragment after splitting.
    fn initial_line_placement(&self,
                              flow: &InlineFlow,
                              first_fragment: &Fragment,
                              ceiling: Au)
                              -> (LogicalRect<Au>, Au) {
        debug!("LineBreaker: trying to place first fragment of line {}; fragment size: {:?}, \
                splittable: {}",

        // Initially, pretend a splittable fragment has zero inline-size. We will move it later if
        // it has nonzero inline-size and that causes problems.
        let placement_inline_size = if first_fragment.can_split() {
        } else {
            first_fragment.margin_box_inline_size() + self.indentation_for_pending_fragment()

        // Try to place the fragment between floats.
        let line_bounds = self.floats.place_between_floats(&PlacementInfo {
            size: LogicalSize::new(self.floats.writing_mode,
            ceiling: ceiling,
            max_inline_size: flow.base.position.size.inline,
            kind: FloatKind::Left,

        let fragment_margin_box_inline_size = first_fragment.margin_box_inline_size();

        // Simple case: if the fragment fits, then we can stop here.
        if line_bounds.size.inline > fragment_margin_box_inline_size {
            debug!("LineBreaker: fragment fits on line {}", self.lines.len());
            return (line_bounds, fragment_margin_box_inline_size);

        // If not, but we can't split the fragment, then we'll place the line here and it will
        // overflow.
        if !first_fragment.can_split() {
            debug!("LineBreaker: line doesn't fit, but is unsplittable");

        (line_bounds, fragment_margin_box_inline_size)

    /// Performs float collision avoidance. This is called when adding a fragment is going to
    /// increase the block-size, and because of that we will collide with some floats.
    /// We have two options here:
    /// 1) Move the entire line so that it doesn't collide any more.
    /// 2) Break the line and put the new fragment on the next line.
    /// The problem with option 1 is that we might move the line and then wind up breaking anyway,
    /// which violates the standard. But option 2 is going to look weird sometimes.
    /// So we'll try to move the line whenever we can, but break if we have to.
    /// Returns false if and only if we should break the line.
    fn avoid_floats(&mut self,
                    flow: &InlineFlow,
                    in_fragment: Fragment,
                    new_block_size: Au)
                    -> bool {
        debug!("LineBreaker: entering float collision avoider!");

        // First predict where the next line is going to be.
        let (next_line, first_fragment_inline_size) =
        let next_green_zone = next_line.size;

        let new_inline_size = self.pending_line.bounds.size.inline + first_fragment_inline_size;

        // Now, see if everything can fit at the new location.
        if next_green_zone.inline >= new_inline_size && next_green_zone.block >= new_block_size {
            debug!("LineBreaker: case=adding fragment collides vertically with floats: moving \

            self.pending_line.bounds.start = next_line.start;
            self.pending_line.green_zone = next_green_zone;

            debug_assert!(!self.pending_line_is_empty(), "Non-terminating line breaking");
            return true

        debug!("LineBreaker: case=adding fragment collides vertically with floats: breaking line");

    /// Tries to append the given fragment to the line, splitting it if necessary. Commits the
    /// current line if needed.
    fn reflow_fragment(&mut self,
                       mut fragment: Fragment,
                       flow: &InlineFlow,
                       layout_context: &LayoutContext) {
        // Undo any whitespace stripping from previous reflows.
        // Determine initial placement for the fragment if we need to.
        // Also, determine whether we can legally break the line before, or
        // inside, this fragment.
        let fragment_is_line_break_opportunity = if self.pending_line_is_empty() {
            let (line_bounds, _) = self.initial_line_placement(flow, &fragment, self.cur_b);
            self.pending_line.bounds.start = line_bounds.start;
            self.pending_line.green_zone = line_bounds.size;
        } else {
            // In case of Foo<span style="...">bar</span>, the line breaker will
            // set the "suppress line break before" flag for the second fragment.
            // In case of Foo<span>bar</span> the second fragment ("bar") will
            // start _within_ a glyph run, so we also avoid breaking there
            // is_on_glyph_run_boundary does a binary search, but this is ok
            // because the result will be cached and reused in
            // `calculate_split_position` later
            if fragment.suppress_line_break_before() ||
               !fragment.is_on_glyph_run_boundary() {
            } else {

        debug!("LineBreaker: trying to append to line {} \
                (fragment size: {:?}, green zone: {:?}): {:?}",

        // NB: At this point, if `green_zone.inline <
        // self.pending_line.bounds.size.inline` or `green_zone.block <
        // self.pending_line.bounds.size.block`, then we committed a line that
        // overlaps with floats.
        let green_zone = self.pending_line.green_zone;
        let new_line_metrics = self.pending_line.new_metrics_for_fragment(&fragment,
        let new_block_size = self.pending_line.new_block_size_for_fragment(&fragment,
        if new_block_size > green_zone.block {
            // Uh-oh. Float collision imminent. Enter the float collision avoider!
            if !self.avoid_floats(flow, fragment, new_block_size) {

        // Record the last known good line break opportunity if this is one.
        if fragment_is_line_break_opportunity {
            self.last_known_line_breaking_opportunity = Some(self.pending_line.range.end())

        // If we must flush the line after finishing this fragment due to `white-space: pre`,
        // detect that.
        let line_flush_mode = if fragment.white_space().preserve_newlines() {
            if fragment.requires_line_break_afterward_if_wrapping_on_newlines() {
            } else {
        } else {

        // If we're not going to overflow the green zone vertically, we might still do so
        // horizontally. We'll try to place the whole fragment on this line and break somewhere if
        // it doesn't fit.
        let indentation = self.indentation_for_pending_fragment();
        let new_inline_size = self.pending_line.bounds.size.inline +
            fragment.margin_box_inline_size() + indentation;
        if new_inline_size <= green_zone.inline {
            debug!("LineBreaker: fragment fits without splitting");
            self.push_fragment_to_line(layout_context, fragment, line_flush_mode);

        // If the wrapping mode prevents us from splitting, then back up and split at the last
        // known good split point.
        if !fragment.white_space().allow_wrap() {
            debug!("LineBreaker: fragment can't split; falling back to last known good split point");
            self.split_line_at_last_known_good_position(layout_context, fragment, line_flush_mode);

        // Split it up!
        let available_inline_size = green_zone.inline -
                                    self.pending_line.bounds.size.inline -
        let inline_start_fragment;
        let inline_end_fragment;
        let split_result = match fragment.calculate_split_position(available_inline_size,
                                                                   self.pending_line_is_empty()) {
            None => {
                // We failed to split. Defer to the next line if we're allowed to; otherwise,
                // rewind to the last line breaking opportunity.
                if fragment_is_line_break_opportunity {
                    debug!("LineBreaker: fragment was unsplittable; deferring to next line");
                } else {
            Some(split_result) => split_result,

        inline_start_fragment = split_result.inline_start.as_ref().map(|x| {
            fragment.transform_with_split_info(x, split_result.text_run.clone(), true)
        inline_end_fragment = split_result.inline_end.as_ref().map(|x| {
            fragment.transform_with_split_info(x, split_result.text_run.clone(), false)

        // Push the first fragment onto the line we're working on and start off the next line with
        // the second fragment. If there's no second fragment, the next line will start off empty.
        match (inline_start_fragment, inline_end_fragment) {
            (Some(mut inline_start_fragment), Some(mut inline_end_fragment)) => {
                inline_start_fragment.border_padding.inline_end = Au(0);
                if let Some(ref mut inline_context) = inline_start_fragment.inline_context {
                    for node in &mut inline_context.nodes {
                inline_start_fragment.border_box.size.inline += inline_start_fragment.border_padding.inline_start;

                inline_end_fragment.border_padding.inline_start = Au(0);
                if let Some(ref mut inline_context) = inline_end_fragment.inline_context {
                    for node in &mut inline_context.nodes {
                inline_end_fragment.border_box.size.inline += inline_end_fragment.border_padding.inline_end;

            (Some(fragment), None) => {
                self.push_fragment_to_line(layout_context, fragment, line_flush_mode);
            (None, Some(fragment)) => {
                // Yes, this can happen!
            (None, None) => {}

    /// Pushes a fragment to the current line unconditionally, possibly truncating it and placing
    /// an ellipsis based on the value of `text-overflow`. If `flush_line` is `Flush`, then flushes
    /// the line afterward;
    fn push_fragment_to_line(&mut self,
                             layout_context: &LayoutContext,
                             fragment: Fragment,
                             line_flush_mode: LineFlushMode) {
        let indentation = self.indentation_for_pending_fragment();
        if self.pending_line_is_empty() {
            debug_assert!(self.new_fragments.len() <= (isize::MAX as usize));
            self.pending_line.range.reset(FragmentIndex(self.new_fragments.len() as isize),

        // Determine if an ellipsis will be necessary to account for `text-overflow`.
        let available_inline_size = self.pending_line.green_zone.inline -
            self.pending_line.bounds.size.inline - indentation;

        let ellipsis = match (&,
            (&TextOverflowSide::Clip, _) | (_, StyleOverflow::Visible) => None,
            (&TextOverflowSide::Ellipsis, _) => {
                if fragment.margin_box_inline_size() > available_inline_size {
                } else {
            (&TextOverflowSide::String(ref string), _) => {
                if fragment.margin_box_inline_size() > available_inline_size {
                } else {

        if let Some(string) = ellipsis {
            let ellipsis = fragment.transform_into_ellipsis(layout_context, string);
            let truncated = fragment.truncate_to_inline_size(available_inline_size -
            self.push_fragment_to_line_ignoring_text_overflow(truncated, layout_context);
            self.push_fragment_to_line_ignoring_text_overflow(ellipsis, layout_context);
        } else {
            self.push_fragment_to_line_ignoring_text_overflow(fragment, layout_context);

        if line_flush_mode == LineFlushMode::Flush {

    /// Pushes a fragment to the current line unconditionally, without placing an ellipsis in the
    /// case of `text-overflow: ellipsis`.
    fn push_fragment_to_line_ignoring_text_overflow(&mut self,
                                                    fragment: Fragment,
                                                    layout_context: &LayoutContext) {
        let indentation = self.indentation_for_pending_fragment();

        if !fragment.is_inline_absolute() && !fragment.is_hypothetical() {
            self.pending_line.bounds.size.inline = self.pending_line.bounds.size.inline +
                fragment.margin_box_inline_size() + indentation;
            self.pending_line.metrics = self.pending_line.new_metrics_for_fragment(&fragment,
            self.pending_line.bounds.size.block =


    fn split_line_at_last_known_good_position(&mut self,
                                              layout_context: &LayoutContext,
                                              cur_fragment: Fragment,
                                              line_flush_mode: LineFlushMode) {
        let last_known_line_breaking_opportunity =
            match self.last_known_line_breaking_opportunity {
                None => {
                    // No line breaking opportunity exists at all for this line. Overflow.
                    self.push_fragment_to_line(layout_context, cur_fragment, line_flush_mode);
                Some(last_known_line_breaking_opportunity) => last_known_line_breaking_opportunity,

        for fragment_index in (last_known_line_breaking_opportunity.get()..
                               self.pending_line.range.end().get()).rev() {
            debug_assert_eq!(fragment_index, (self.new_fragments.len() as isize) - 1);

        // FIXME(pcwalton): This should actually attempt to split the last fragment if
        // possible to do so, to handle cases like:
        //     (available width)
        //     +-------------+
        //     The alphabet
        //     (<em>abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz</em>)
        // Here, the last known-good split point is inside the fragment containing
        // "The alphabet (", which has already been committed by the time we get to this
        // point. Unfortunately, the existing splitting API (`calculate_split_position`)
        // has no concept of "split right before the last non-whitespace position". We'll
        // need to add that feature to the API to handle this case correctly.

    /// Returns the indentation that needs to be applied before the fragment we're reflowing.
    fn indentation_for_pending_fragment(&self) -> Au {
        if self.pending_line_is_empty() && self.lines.is_empty() {
        } else {

    /// Returns true if the pending line is empty and false otherwise.
    fn pending_line_is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.pending_line.range.length() == FragmentIndex(0)

/// Represents a list of inline fragments, including element ranges.
#[derive(Clone, Serialize)]
pub struct InlineFragments {
    /// The fragments themselves.
    pub fragments: Vec<Fragment>,

impl InlineFragments {
    /// Creates an empty set of inline fragments.
    pub fn new() -> InlineFragments {
        InlineFragments {
            fragments: vec![],

    /// Returns the number of inline fragments.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns true if this list contains no fragments and false if it contains at least one
    /// fragment.
    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

    /// A convenience function to return the fragment at a given index.
    pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> &Fragment {

    /// A convenience function to return a mutable reference to the fragment at a given index.
    pub fn get_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> &mut Fragment {
        &mut self.fragments[index]

unsafe impl ::flow::HasBaseFlow for InlineFlow {}

/// Flows for inline layout.
pub struct InlineFlow {
    /// Data common to all flows.
    pub base: BaseFlow,

    /// A vector of all inline fragments. Several fragments may correspond to one node/element.
    pub fragments: InlineFragments,

    /// A vector of ranges into fragments that represents line positions. These ranges are disjoint
    /// and are the result of inline layout. This also includes some metadata used for positioning
    /// lines.
    pub lines: Vec<Line>,

    /// The minimum metrics for each line, as specified by the line height and font style.
    pub minimum_line_metrics: LineMetrics,

    /// The amount of indentation to use on the first line. This is determined by our block parent
    /// (because percentages are relative to the containing block, and we aren't in a position to
    /// compute things relative to our parent's containing block).
    pub first_line_indentation: Au,

impl InlineFlow {
    pub fn from_fragments(fragments: InlineFragments, writing_mode: WritingMode) -> InlineFlow {
        let mut flow = InlineFlow {
            base: BaseFlow::new(None, writing_mode, ForceNonfloatedFlag::ForceNonfloated),
            fragments: fragments,
            lines: Vec::new(),
            minimum_line_metrics: LineMetrics::new(Au(0), Au(0)),
            first_line_indentation: Au(0),

        if flow.fragments.fragments.iter().any(Fragment::is_unscanned_generated_content) {


    /// Sets fragment positions in the inline direction based on alignment for one line. This
    /// performs text justification if mandated by the style.
    fn set_inline_fragment_positions(fragments: &mut InlineFragments,
                                     line: &Line,
                                     line_align: TextAlign,
                                     indentation: Au,
                                     is_last_line: bool) {
        // Figure out how much inline-size we have.
        let slack_inline_size = max(Au(0), line.green_zone.inline - line.bounds.size.inline);

        // Compute the value we're going to use for `text-justify`.
        if fragments.fragments.is_empty() {
        let text_justify = fragments.fragments[0].style().get_inheritedtext().text_justify;

        // Translate `left` and `right` to logical directions.
        let is_ltr = fragments.fragments[0].style().writing_mode.is_bidi_ltr();
        let line_align = match (line_align, is_ltr) {
            (TextAlign::Left, true) |
            (TextAlign::ServoLeft, true) |
            (TextAlign::Right, false) |
            (TextAlign::ServoRight, false) => TextAlign::Start,
            (TextAlign::Left, false) |
            (TextAlign::ServoLeft, false) |
            (TextAlign::Right, true) |
            (TextAlign::ServoRight, true) => TextAlign::End,
            _ => line_align

        // Set the fragment inline positions based on that alignment, and justify the text if
        // necessary.
        let mut inline_start_position_for_fragment = line.bounds.start.i + indentation;
        match line_align {
            TextAlign::Justify if !is_last_line && text_justify != TextJustify::None => {
                InlineFlow::justify_inline_fragments(fragments, line, slack_inline_size)
            TextAlign::Justify | TextAlign::Start => {}
            TextAlign::Center | TextAlign::ServoCenter => {
                inline_start_position_for_fragment = inline_start_position_for_fragment +
            TextAlign::End => {
                inline_start_position_for_fragment = inline_start_position_for_fragment +
            TextAlign::Left |
            TextAlign::ServoLeft |
            TextAlign::Right |
            TextAlign::ServoRight => unreachable!()

        // Lay out the fragments in visual order.
        let run_count = match line.visual_runs {
            Some(ref runs) => runs.len(),
            None => 1
        for run_idx in 0..run_count {
            let (range, level) = match line.visual_runs {
                Some(ref runs) if is_ltr => runs[run_idx],
                Some(ref runs) => runs[run_count - run_idx - 1], // reverse order for RTL runs
                None => (line.range, bidi::Level::ltr())

            struct MaybeReverse<I> {
                iter: I,
                reverse: bool,

            impl<I: DoubleEndedIterator> Iterator for MaybeReverse<I> {
                type Item = I::Item;

                fn next(&mut self) -> Option<I::Item> {
                    if self.reverse {
                    } else {

                fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

            // If the bidi embedding direction is opposite the layout direction, lay out this
            // run in reverse order.
            let fragment_indices = MaybeReverse {
                iter: range.begin().get()..range.end().get(),
                reverse: level.is_ltr() != is_ltr,

            for fragment_index in fragment_indices {
                let fragment = fragments.get_mut(fragment_index as usize);
                inline_start_position_for_fragment = inline_start_position_for_fragment +

                let border_start = if == is_ltr {
                } else {
                    line.green_zone.inline - inline_start_position_for_fragment
                                           - fragment.margin.inline_end
                                           - fragment.border_box.size.inline
                fragment.border_box = LogicalRect::new(,

                if !fragment.is_inline_absolute() {
                    inline_start_position_for_fragment = inline_start_position_for_fragment +
                        fragment.border_box.size.inline + fragment.margin.inline_end;

    /// Justifies the given set of inline fragments, distributing the `slack_inline_size` among all
    /// of them according to the value of `text-justify`.
    fn justify_inline_fragments(fragments: &mut InlineFragments,
                                line: &Line,
                                slack_inline_size: Au) {
        // Fast path.
        if slack_inline_size == Au(0) {

        // First, calculate the number of expansion opportunities (spaces, normally).
        let mut expansion_opportunities = 0;
        for fragment_index in line.range.each_index() {
            let fragment = fragments.get(fragment_index.to_usize());
            let scanned_text_fragment_info = match fragment.specific {
                SpecificFragmentInfo::ScannedText(ref info) if !info.range.is_empty() => info,
                _ => continue
            let fragment_range = scanned_text_fragment_info.range;

            for slice in {
                expansion_opportunities += slice.glyphs.space_count_in_range(&slice.range)

        if expansion_opportunities == 0 {

        // Then distribute all the space across the expansion opportunities.
        let space_per_expansion_opportunity = slack_inline_size / expansion_opportunities as i32;
        for fragment_index in line.range.each_index() {
            let fragment = fragments.get_mut(fragment_index.to_usize());
            let scanned_text_fragment_info = match fragment.specific {
                SpecificFragmentInfo::ScannedText(ref mut info) if !info.range.is_empty() => info,
                _ => continue
            let fragment_range = scanned_text_fragment_info.range;
            let run = Arc::make_mut(&mut;
            run.extra_word_spacing = space_per_expansion_opportunity;

            // Recompute the fragment's border box size.
            let new_inline_size = run.advance_for_range(&fragment_range);
            let new_size = LogicalSize::new(,
            fragment.border_box = LogicalRect::from_point_size(,

    /// Sets final fragment positions in the block direction for one line.
    fn set_block_fragment_positions(fragments: &mut InlineFragments,
                                    line: &Line,
                                    minimum_line_metrics: &LineMetrics,
                                    layout_context: &LayoutContext) {
        for fragment_index in line.range.each_index() {
            let fragment = fragments.get_mut(fragment_index.to_usize());
            let line_metrics = LineMetrics::for_line_and_fragment(line, fragment, layout_context);
            let inline_metrics = fragment.aligned_inline_metrics(layout_context,

            // Align the top of the fragment's border box with its ascent above the baseline.
            fragment.border_box.start.b = line.bounds.start.b + line_metrics.space_above_baseline -

            // CSS 2.1 § 10.8: "The height of each inline-level box in the line box is
            // calculated. For replaced elements, inline-block elements, and inline-table
            // elements, this is the height of their margin box; for inline boxes, this is their
            // 'line-height'."
            // CSS 2.1 § 10.8.1: "Although margins, borders, and padding of non-replaced elements
            // do not enter into the line box calculation, they are still rendered around inline
            // boxes."
            // Effectively, if the fragment is a non-replaced element (excluding inline-block), we
            // need to align its ascent above the baseline with the top of the *content box*, not
            // the border box. Since the code above has already aligned it to the border box, we
            // simply need to adjust it in this case.
            if !fragment.is_replaced_or_inline_block() {
                fragment.border_box.start.b -= fragment.border_padding.block_start


    /// Computes the minimum metrics for each line. This is done during flow construction.
    /// `style` is the style of the block.
    pub fn minimum_line_metrics(&self, font_context: &mut LayoutFontContext, style: &ComputedValues)
                                -> LineMetrics {

    /// Computes the minimum line metrics for the given fragments. This is typically done during
    /// flow construction.
    /// `style` is the style of the block that these fragments belong to.
    pub fn minimum_line_metrics_for_fragments(fragments: &[Fragment],
                                              font_context: &mut LayoutFontContext,
                                              style: &ComputedValues)
                                              -> LineMetrics {
        // As a special case, if this flow contains only hypothetical fragments, then the entire
        // flow is hypothetical and takes up no space. See CSS 2.1 § 10.3.7.
        if fragments.iter().all(Fragment::is_hypothetical) {
            return LineMetrics::new(Au(0), Au(0))

        let font_style = style.clone_font();
        let font_metrics = text::font_metrics_for_style(font_context, font_style);
        let line_height = text::line_height_from_style(style, &font_metrics);
        let inline_metrics = if fragments.iter().any(Fragment::is_text_or_replaced) {
            InlineMetrics::from_font_metrics(&font_metrics, line_height)
        } else {
            InlineMetrics::new(Au(0), Au(0), Au(0))

        let mut line_metrics = LineMetrics::new(Au(0), MIN_AU);
        let mut largest_block_size_for_top_fragments = Au(0);
        let mut largest_block_size_for_bottom_fragments = Au(0);

        // We use `VerticalAlign::Baseline` here because `vertical-align` must
        // not apply to the inside of inline blocks.
        update_line_metrics_for_fragment(&mut line_metrics,
                                         &mut largest_block_size_for_top_fragments,
                                         &mut largest_block_size_for_bottom_fragments);

        // According to CSS 2.1 § 10.8, `line-height` of any inline element specifies the minimal
        // height of line boxes within the element.
        for inline_context in fragments.iter()
                                       .filter_map(|fragment| fragment.inline_context.as_ref()) {
            for node in &inline_context.nodes {
                let font_style =;
                let font_metrics = text::font_metrics_for_style(font_context, font_style);
                let line_height = text::line_height_from_style(&*, &font_metrics);
                let inline_metrics = InlineMetrics::from_font_metrics(&font_metrics, line_height);

                update_line_metrics_for_fragment(&mut line_metrics,
                                                 &mut largest_block_size_for_top_fragments,
                                                 &mut largest_block_size_for_bottom_fragments);


        line_metrics.space_above_baseline =
                largest_block_size_for_bottom_fragments - max(line_metrics.space_below_baseline,
        line_metrics.space_below_baseline =
                largest_block_size_for_top_fragments - line_metrics.space_above_baseline);

        return line_metrics;

        fn update_line_metrics_for_fragment(line_metrics: &mut LineMetrics,
                                            inline_metrics: &InlineMetrics,
                                            display_value: Display,
                                            vertical_align_value: VerticalAlign,
                                            largest_block_size_for_top_fragments: &mut Au,
                                            largest_block_size_for_bottom_fragments: &mut Au) {
            match (display_value, vertical_align_value) {
                (Display::Inline, GenericVerticalAlign::Top) |
                (Display::Block, GenericVerticalAlign::Top) |
                (Display::InlineFlex, GenericVerticalAlign::Top) |
                (Display::InlineBlock, GenericVerticalAlign::Top) if
                        inline_metrics.space_above_baseline >= Au(0) => {
                    *largest_block_size_for_top_fragments = max(
                        inline_metrics.space_above_baseline + inline_metrics.space_below_baseline)
                (Display::Inline, GenericVerticalAlign::Bottom) |
                (Display::Block, GenericVerticalAlign::Bottom) |
                (Display::InlineFlex, GenericVerticalAlign::Bottom) |
                (Display::InlineBlock, GenericVerticalAlign::Bottom) if
                        inline_metrics.space_below_baseline >= Au(0) => {
                    *largest_block_size_for_bottom_fragments = max(
                        inline_metrics.space_above_baseline + inline_metrics.space_below_baseline)
                _ => *line_metrics = line_metrics.new_metrics_for_fragment(inline_metrics),

    fn update_restyle_damage(&mut self) {
        let mut damage = self.base.restyle_damage;

        for frag in &self.fragments.fragments {

        self.base.restyle_damage = damage;

    fn containing_block_range_for_flow_surrounding_fragment_at_index(&self,
                                                                     fragment_index: FragmentIndex)
                                                                     -> Range<FragmentIndex> {
        let mut start_index = fragment_index;
        while start_index > FragmentIndex(0) &&
                    .fragments[(start_index - FragmentIndex(1)).get() as usize]
                    .is_positioned() {
            start_index = start_index - FragmentIndex(1)

        let mut end_index = fragment_index + FragmentIndex(1);
        while end_index < FragmentIndex(self.fragments.fragments.len() as isize) &&
                self.fragments.fragments[end_index.get() as usize].is_positioned() {
            end_index = end_index + FragmentIndex(1)

        Range::new(start_index, end_index - start_index)

    fn containing_block_range_for_flow(&self, opaque_flow: OpaqueFlow) -> Range<FragmentIndex> {
        match self.fragments.fragments.iter().position(|fragment| {
            match fragment.specific {
                SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineAbsolute(ref inline_absolute) => {
                    OpaqueFlow::from_flow(&*inline_absolute.flow_ref) == opaque_flow
                        ref inline_absolute_hypothetical) => {
                    OpaqueFlow::from_flow(&*inline_absolute_hypothetical.flow_ref) == opaque_flow
                _ => false,
        }) {
            Some(index) => {
                let index = FragmentIndex(index as isize);
            None => {
                // FIXME(pcwalton): This is quite wrong. We should only return the range
                // surrounding the inline fragments that constitute the containing block. But this
                // suffices to get Google looking right.
                           FragmentIndex(self.fragments.fragments.len() as isize))

    pub fn baseline_offset_of_last_line(&self) -> Option<Au> {
        self.last_line_containing_real_fragments().map(|line| {
            line.bounds.start.b + line.bounds.size.block - line.metrics.space_below_baseline

    // Returns the last line that doesn't consist entirely of hypothetical boxes.
    fn last_line_containing_real_fragments(&self) -> Option<&Line> {
        for line in self.lines.iter().rev() {
            if (line.range.begin().get()..line.range.end().get()).any(|index| {
                !self.fragments.fragments[index as usize].is_hypothetical()
            }) {
                return Some(line)

impl Flow for InlineFlow {
    fn class(&self) -> FlowClass {

    fn as_inline(&self) -> &InlineFlow {

    fn as_mut_inline(&mut self) -> &mut InlineFlow {

    fn bubble_inline_sizes(&mut self) {

        let _scope = layout_debug_scope!("inline::bubble_inline_sizes {:x}",

        let writing_mode = self.base.writing_mode;
        for kid in self.base.child_iter_mut() {
            kid.mut_base().floats = Floats::new(writing_mode);


        let mut intrinsic_sizes_for_flow = IntrinsicISizesContribution::new();
        let mut intrinsic_sizes_for_inline_run = IntrinsicISizesContribution::new();
        let mut intrinsic_sizes_for_nonbroken_run = IntrinsicISizesContribution::new();
        for fragment in &mut self.fragments.fragments {
            let intrinsic_sizes_for_fragment = fragment.compute_intrinsic_inline_sizes().finish();
            match {
                WhiteSpace::Nowrap => {
                WhiteSpace::Pre => {

                    // Flush the intrinsic sizes we've been gathering up in order to handle the
                    // line break, if necessary.
                    if fragment.requires_line_break_afterward_if_wrapping_on_newlines() {
                        intrinsic_sizes_for_nonbroken_run = IntrinsicISizesContribution::new();
                        intrinsic_sizes_for_inline_run = IntrinsicISizesContribution::new();
                WhiteSpace::PreWrap |
                WhiteSpace::PreLine => {
                    // Flush the intrinsic sizes we were gathering up for the nonbroken run, if
                    // necessary.
                    intrinsic_sizes_for_nonbroken_run = IntrinsicISizesContribution::new();


                    // Flush the intrinsic sizes we've been gathering up in order to handle the
                    // line break, if necessary.
                    if fragment.requires_line_break_afterward_if_wrapping_on_newlines() {
                        intrinsic_sizes_for_nonbroken_run = IntrinsicISizesContribution::new();
                        intrinsic_sizes_for_inline_run = IntrinsicISizesContribution::new();
                WhiteSpace::Normal => {
                    // Flush the intrinsic sizes we were gathering up for the nonbroken run, if
                    // necessary.
                    intrinsic_sizes_for_nonbroken_run = IntrinsicISizesContribution::new();



            if fragment.is_text_or_replaced() {

        // Flush any remaining nonbroken-run and inline-run intrinsic sizes.

        // Finish up the computation.
        self.base.intrinsic_inline_sizes = intrinsic_sizes_for_flow.finish()

    /// Recursively (top-down) determines the actual inline-size of child contexts and fragments.
    /// When called on this context, the context has had its inline-size set by the parent context.
    fn assign_inline_sizes(&mut self, _: &LayoutContext) {
        let _scope = layout_debug_scope!("inline::assign_inline_sizes {:x}", self.base.debug_id());

        // Initialize content fragment inline-sizes if they haven't been initialized already.
        // TODO: Combine this with `LineBreaker`'s walk in the fragment list, or put this into
        // `Fragment`.

        debug!("InlineFlow::assign_inline_sizes: floats in: {:?}", self.base.floats);

        let inline_size = self.base.block_container_inline_size;
        let container_mode = self.base.block_container_writing_mode;
        let container_block_size = self.base.block_container_explicit_block_size;
        self.base.position.size.inline = inline_size;

            let this = &mut *self;
            for fragment in this.fragments.fragments.iter_mut() {
                fragment.assign_replaced_inline_size_if_necessary(inline_size, container_block_size);

        // If there are any inline-block kids, propagate explicit block and inline
        // sizes down to them.
        let block_container_explicit_block_size = self.base.block_container_explicit_block_size;
        for kid in self.base.child_iter_mut() {
            let kid_base = kid.mut_base();

            kid_base.block_container_inline_size = inline_size;
            kid_base.block_container_writing_mode = container_mode;
            kid_base.block_container_explicit_block_size = block_container_explicit_block_size;

    /// Calculate and set the block-size of this flow. See CSS 2.1 § 10.6.1.
    /// Note that we do not need to do in-order traversal because the children
    /// are always block formatting context.
    fn assign_block_size(&mut self, layout_context: &LayoutContext) {
        let _scope = layout_debug_scope!("inline::assign_block_size {:x}",

        // Divide the fragments into lines.
        // TODO(pcwalton, #226): Get the CSS `line-height` property from the
        // style of the containing block to determine the minimum line block
        // size.
        // TODO(pcwalton, #226): Get the CSS `line-height` property from each
        // non-replaced inline element to determine its block-size for computing
        // the line's own block-size.
        // TODO(pcwalton): Cache the line scanner?
        debug!("assign_block_size_inline: floats in: {:?}", self.base.floats);

        // Assign the block-size and late-computed inline-sizes for the inline fragments.
        for fragment in &mut self.fragments.fragments {

        // Reset our state, so that we handle incremental reflow correctly.
        // TODO(pcwalton): Do something smarter, like Gecko and WebKit?

        // Determine how much indentation the first line wants.
        let mut indentation = if self.fragments.is_empty() {
        } else {

        // Perform line breaking.
        let mut scanner = LineBreaker::new(self.base.floats.clone(),
        scanner.scan_for_lines(self, layout_context);

        // Now, go through each line and lay out the fragments inside.
        let line_count = self.lines.len();
        for (line_index, line) in self.lines.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            // Lay out fragments in the inline direction, and justify them if
            // necessary.
            InlineFlow::set_inline_fragment_positions(&mut self.fragments,
                                                      line_index + 1 == line_count);

            // Compute the final positions in the block direction of each fragment.
            InlineFlow::set_block_fragment_positions(&mut self.fragments,

            // This is used to set the block-start position of the next line in
            // the next iteration of the loop. We're no longer on the first
            // line, so set indentation to zero.
            indentation = Au(0)

        if self.is_absolute_containing_block() {
            // Assign block-sizes for all flows in this absolute flow tree.
            // This is preorder because the block-size of an absolute flow may depend on
            // the block-size of its containing block, which may also be an absolute flow.
            let assign_abs_b_sizes = AbsoluteAssignBSizesTraversal(layout_context.shared_context());
            assign_abs_b_sizes.traverse_absolute_flows(&mut *self);

        self.base.position.size.block = match self.last_line_containing_real_fragments() {
            Some(last_line) => last_line.bounds.start.b + last_line.bounds.size.block,
            None => Au(0),

        self.base.floats = scanner.floats.clone();
        let writing_mode = self.base.floats.writing_mode;

        let containing_block_size = LogicalSize::new(writing_mode,
        self.mutate_fragments(&mut |f: &mut Fragment| {
            match f.specific {
                SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineBlock(ref mut info) => {
                    let block = FlowRef::deref_mut(&mut info.flow_ref);
                    block.mut_base().early_absolute_position_info = EarlyAbsolutePositionInfo {
                        relative_containing_block_size: containing_block_size,
                        relative_containing_block_mode: writing_mode,
                SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineAbsolute(ref mut info) => {
                    let block = FlowRef::deref_mut(&mut info.flow_ref);
                    block.mut_base().early_absolute_position_info = EarlyAbsolutePositionInfo {
                        relative_containing_block_size: containing_block_size,
                        relative_containing_block_mode: writing_mode,
                _ => (),

        self.base.restyle_damage.remove(ServoRestyleDamage::REFLOW_OUT_OF_FLOW | ServoRestyleDamage::REFLOW);
        for fragment in &mut self.fragments.fragments {
            fragment.restyle_damage.remove(ServoRestyleDamage::REFLOW_OUT_OF_FLOW | ServoRestyleDamage::REFLOW);

    fn compute_stacking_relative_position(&mut self, _: &LayoutContext) {
        // First, gather up the positions of all the containing blocks (if any).
        // FIXME(pcwalton): This will get the absolute containing blocks inside `...` wrong in the
        // case of something like:
        //      <span style="position: relative">
        //          Foo
        //          <span style="display: inline-block">...</span>
        //      </span>
        let mut containing_block_positions = Vec::new();
        let container_size = Size2D::new(self.base.block_container_inline_size, Au(0));
        for (fragment_index, fragment) in self.fragments.fragments.iter().enumerate() {
            match fragment.specific {
                SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineAbsolute(_) => {
                    let containing_block_range =
                            FragmentIndex(fragment_index as isize));
                    let first_fragment_index = containing_block_range.begin().get() as usize;
                    debug_assert!(first_fragment_index < self.fragments.fragments.len());
                    let first_fragment = &self.fragments.fragments[first_fragment_index];
                    let padding_box_origin = (first_fragment.border_box -
                        padding_box_origin.to_physical(self.base.writing_mode, container_size));
                SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineBlock(_) if fragment.is_positioned() => {
                    let containing_block_range =
                            FragmentIndex(fragment_index as isize));
                    let first_fragment_index = containing_block_range.begin().get() as usize;
                    debug_assert!(first_fragment_index < self.fragments.fragments.len());
                    let first_fragment = &self.fragments.fragments[first_fragment_index];
                    let padding_box_origin = (first_fragment.border_box -
                        padding_box_origin.to_physical(self.base.writing_mode, container_size));
                _ => {}

        // Then compute the positions of all of our fragments.
        let mut containing_block_positions = containing_block_positions.iter();
        for fragment in &mut self.fragments.fragments {
            let stacking_relative_border_box =
            let stacking_relative_content_box =

            let is_positioned = fragment.is_positioned();
            match fragment.specific {
                SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineBlock(ref mut info) => {
                    let flow = FlowRef::deref_mut(&mut info.flow_ref);
                    let block_flow = flow.as_mut_block();
                    block_flow.base.late_absolute_position_info =

                    let stacking_relative_position = self.base.stacking_relative_position;
                    if is_positioned {
                        let padding_box_origin =;
                                  .stacking_relative_position_of_absolute_containing_block =
                            *padding_box_origin + stacking_relative_position;

                    block_flow.base.stacking_relative_position =

                    // Write the clip in our coordinate system into the child flow. (The kid will
                    // fix it up to be in its own coordinate system if necessary.)
                    block_flow.base.clip = self.base.clip.clone()
                SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineAbsoluteHypothetical(ref mut info) => {
                    let flow = FlowRef::deref_mut(&mut info.flow_ref);
                    let block_flow = flow.as_mut_block();
                    block_flow.base.late_absolute_position_info =

                    block_flow.base.stacking_relative_position =

                    // As above, this is in our coordinate system for now.
                    block_flow.base.clip = self.base.clip.clone()
                SpecificFragmentInfo::InlineAbsolute(ref mut info) => {
                    let flow = FlowRef::deref_mut(&mut info.flow_ref);
                    let block_flow = flow.as_mut_block();
                    block_flow.base.late_absolute_position_info =

                    let stacking_relative_position = self.base.stacking_relative_position;
                    let padding_box_origin =;
                              .stacking_relative_position_of_absolute_containing_block =
                        *padding_box_origin + stacking_relative_position;

                    block_flow.base.stacking_relative_position =

                    // As above, this is in our coordinate system for now.
                    block_flow.base.clip = self.base.clip.clone()
                _ => {}

    fn update_late_computed_inline_position_if_necessary(&mut self, _: Au) {}

    fn update_late_computed_block_position_if_necessary(&mut self, _: Au) {}

    fn collect_stacking_contexts(&mut self, state: &mut StackingContextCollectionState) {

    fn build_display_list(&mut self, state: &mut DisplayListBuildState) {

    fn repair_style(&mut self, _: &ServoArc<ComputedValues>) {}

    fn compute_overflow(&self) -> Overflow {
        let mut overflow = Overflow::new();
        let flow_size = self.base.position.size.to_physical(self.base.writing_mode);
        let relative_containing_block_size =
        for fragment in &self.fragments.fragments {
            overflow.union(&fragment.compute_overflow(&flow_size, &relative_containing_block_size))

    fn iterate_through_fragment_border_boxes(&self,
                                             iterator: &mut FragmentBorderBoxIterator,
                                             level: i32,
                                             stacking_context_position: &Point2D<Au>) {
        // FIXME(#2795): Get the real container size.
        for fragment in &self.fragments.fragments {
            if !iterator.should_process(fragment) {

            let stacking_relative_position = &self.base.stacking_relative_position;
            let relative_containing_block_size =
            let relative_containing_block_mode =

    fn mutate_fragments(&mut self, mutator: &mut FnMut(&mut Fragment)) {
        for fragment in &mut self.fragments.fragments {

    fn contains_positioned_fragments(&self) -> bool {
        self.fragments.fragments.iter().any(|fragment| fragment.is_positioned())

    fn contains_relatively_positioned_fragments(&self) -> bool {
        self.fragments.fragments.iter().any(|fragment| {
   == Position::Relative

    fn generated_containing_block_size(&self, for_flow: OpaqueFlow) -> LogicalSize<Au> {
        let mut containing_block_size = LogicalSize::new(self.base.writing_mode, Au(0), Au(0));
        for index in self.containing_block_range_for_flow(for_flow).each_index() {
            let fragment = &self.fragments.fragments[index.get() as usize];
            if fragment.is_absolutely_positioned() {
            containing_block_size.inline = containing_block_size.inline +
            containing_block_size.block = max(containing_block_size.block,

    fn print_extra_flow_children(&self, print_tree: &mut PrintTree) {
        for fragment in &self.fragments.fragments {
            print_tree.add_item(format!("{:?}", fragment));

impl fmt::Debug for InlineFlow {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
               "{:?}({:x}) {:?}",

pub struct InlineFragmentNodeInfo {
    pub address: OpaqueNode,
    pub style: ServoArc<ComputedValues>,
    pub selected_style: ServoArc<ComputedValues>,
    pub pseudo: PseudoElementType,
    pub flags: InlineFragmentNodeFlags,

bitflags! {
    pub struct InlineFragmentNodeFlags: u8 {
        const FIRST_FRAGMENT_OF_ELEMENT = 0x01;
        const LAST_FRAGMENT_OF_ELEMENT = 0x02;

impl fmt::Debug for InlineFragmentNodeInfo {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:?}", self.flags.bits())

pub struct InlineFragmentContext {
    /// The list of nodes that this fragment will be inheriting styles from,
    /// from the most deeply-nested node out.
    pub nodes: Vec<InlineFragmentNodeInfo>,

impl InlineFragmentContext {
    pub fn new() -> InlineFragmentContext {
        InlineFragmentContext {
            nodes: vec!(),

    pub fn contains_node(&self, node_address: OpaqueNode) -> bool {
        self.nodes.iter().position(|node| node.address == node_address).is_some()

    fn ptr_eq(&self, other: &InlineFragmentContext) -> bool {
        if self.nodes.len() != other.nodes.len() {
            return false
        for (this_node, other_node) in self.nodes.iter().zip(&other.nodes) {
            if this_node.address != other_node.address {
                return false

fn inline_contexts_are_equal(inline_context_a: &Option<InlineFragmentContext>,
                             inline_context_b: &Option<InlineFragmentContext>)
                             -> bool {
    match (inline_context_a, inline_context_b) {
        (&Some(ref inline_context_a), &Some(ref inline_context_b)) => {
        (&None, &None) => true,
        (&Some(_), &None) | (&None, &Some(_)) => false,

/// Ascent and space needed above and below the baseline for a fragment. See CSS 2.1 § 10.8.1.
/// Descent is not included in this structure because it can be computed from the fragment's
/// border/content box and the ascent.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct InlineMetrics {
    /// The amount of space above the baseline needed for this fragment.
    pub space_above_baseline: Au,
    /// The amount of space below the baseline needed for this fragment.
    pub space_below_baseline: Au,
    /// The distance from the baseline to the top of this fragment. This can differ from
    /// `block_size_above_baseline` if the fragment needs some empty space above it due to
    /// line-height, etc.
    pub ascent: Au,

impl InlineMetrics {
    /// Creates a new set of inline metrics.
    pub fn new(space_above_baseline: Au, space_below_baseline: Au, ascent: Au) -> InlineMetrics {
        InlineMetrics {
            space_above_baseline: space_above_baseline,
            space_below_baseline: space_below_baseline,
            ascent: ascent,

    /// Calculates inline metrics from font metrics and line block-size per CSS 2.1 § 10.8.1.
    pub fn from_font_metrics(font_metrics: &FontMetrics, line_height: Au) -> InlineMetrics {
        let leading = line_height - (font_metrics.ascent + font_metrics.descent);

        // Calculating the half leading here and then using leading - half_leading
        // below ensure that we don't introduce any rounding accuracy issues here.
        // The invariant is that the resulting total line height must exactly
        // equal the requested line_height.
        let half_leading = leading.scale_by(0.5);
        InlineMetrics {
            space_above_baseline: font_metrics.ascent + half_leading,
            space_below_baseline: font_metrics.descent + leading - half_leading,
            ascent: font_metrics.ascent,

    /// Returns the sum of the space needed above and below the baseline.
    fn space_needed(&self) -> Au {
        self.space_above_baseline + self.space_below_baseline

#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
enum LineFlushMode {

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct LineMetrics {
    pub space_above_baseline: Au,
    pub space_below_baseline: Au,

impl LineMetrics {
    pub fn new(space_above_baseline: Au, space_below_baseline: Au) -> LineMetrics {
        LineMetrics {
            space_above_baseline: space_above_baseline,
            space_below_baseline: space_below_baseline,

    /// Returns the line metrics that result from combining the line that these metrics represent
    /// with a fragment with the given metrics.
    fn new_metrics_for_fragment(&self, fragment_inline_metrics: &InlineMetrics) -> LineMetrics {
        LineMetrics {
            space_above_baseline: max(self.space_above_baseline,
            space_below_baseline: max(self.space_below_baseline,

    fn for_line_and_fragment(line: &Line, fragment: &Fragment, layout_context: &LayoutContext)
                             -> LineMetrics {
        if !fragment.is_hypothetical() {
            let space_above_baseline = line.metrics.space_above_baseline;
            return LineMetrics {
                space_above_baseline: space_above_baseline,
                space_below_baseline: line.bounds.size.block - space_above_baseline,

        let hypothetical_line_metrics = line.new_metrics_for_fragment(fragment, layout_context);
        let hypothetical_block_size = line.new_block_size_for_fragment(fragment,
        let hypothetical_space_above_baseline = hypothetical_line_metrics.space_above_baseline;
        LineMetrics {
            space_above_baseline: hypothetical_space_above_baseline,
            space_below_baseline: hypothetical_block_size - hypothetical_space_above_baseline,

    /// Returns the sum of the space needed above and below the baseline.
    pub fn space_needed(&self) -> Au {
        self.space_above_baseline + self.space_below_baseline