Blob Blame History Raw
<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
   - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
   - file, You can obtain one at -->

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : This file contains the strings used in aboutdevtools.xhtml,
  -  displayed when going to about:devtools. UI depends on the value of the preference
  -  "devtools.enabled".
  -  "aboutDevtools.enable.*" and "aboutDevtools.newsletter.*" keys are used when DevTools
     are disabled
  -  "aboutDevtools.welcome.*" keys are used when DevTools are enabled
  - -->

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDevtools.headTitle): Text of the title tag for about:devtools -->
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.headTitle "About Developer Tools">

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDevtools.enable.title): Title of the top about:devtools
  -  section displayed when DevTools are disabled. -->
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.enable.title "Enable Firefox Developer Tools">

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDevtools.enable.inspectElementTitle): Title of the top
  -  section displayed when devtools are disabled and the user triggered DevTools by using
  -  the Inspect Element menu item. -->
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.enable.inspectElementTitle "Enable Firefox Developer Tools to use Inspect Element">

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDevtools.enable.inspectElementMessage): Message displayed
  -  when users come from using the Inspect Element menu item. -->
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.enable.inspectElementMessage
          "Examine and edit HTML and CSS with the Developer Tools’ Inspector.">

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDevtools.enable.aboutDebuggingMessage): Message displayed
  -  when users come from about:debugging. -->
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.enable.aboutDebuggingMessage
          "Develop and debug WebExtensions, web workers, service workers and more with Firefox Developer Tools.">

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDevtools.enable.keyShortcutMessage): Message displayed when
  -  users pressed a DevTools key shortcut. -->
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.enable.keyShortcutMessage
          "You activated a Developer Tools shortcut. If that was a mistake, you can close this Tab.">

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDevtools.enable.menuMessage2): Message displayed when users
  -  clicked on a "Enable Developer Tools" menu item. -->
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.enable.menuMessage2
          "Perfect your website’s HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with tools like Inspector and Debugger.">

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDevtools.enable.commonMessage): Generic message displayed for
  -  all possible entry points (keyshortcut, menu item etc…). -->
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.enable.commonMessage
          "Firefox Developer Tools are disabled by default to give you more control over your browser.">

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDevtools.enable.learnMoreLink): Text for the link to
  - displayed in the top section when DevTools
  -  are disabled. -->
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.enable.learnMoreLink "Learn more about Developer Tools">

<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.enable.enableButton "Enable Developer Tools">
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.enable.closeButton2 "Close this Tab">

<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.welcome.title "Welcome to Firefox Developer Tools!">

<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.newsletter.title "Mozilla Developer Newsletter">
<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDevtools.newsletter.message): Subscribe form message.
  -  The newsletter is only available in english at the moment.
  -  See Bug 1415273 for support of additional languages.-->
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.newsletter.message "Get developer news, tricks and resources sent straight to your inbox.">
<!ENTITY "Email">
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.newsletter.privacy.label "I’m okay with Mozilla handling my info as explained in this <a class='external' href=''>Privacy Policy</a>.">
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.newsletter.subscribeButton "Subscribe">
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.newsletter.thanks.title "Thanks!">
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.newsletter.thanks.message "If you haven’t previously confirmed a subscription to a Mozilla-related newsletter you may have to do so. Please check your inbox or your spam filter for an email from us.">

<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.footer.title "Firefox Developer Edition">
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.footer.message "Looking for more than just Developer Tools? Check out the Firefox browser that is built specifically for developers and modern workflows.">

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDevtools.footer.learnMoreLink): Text for the link to
  - displayed in the footer. -->
<!ENTITY  aboutDevtools.footer.learnMoreLink "Learn more">