Blob Blame History Raw
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#include "VTableBuilder.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterfaceThunk(IUnknown* aThis,
                                                     REFIID aIid,
                                                     void** aOutInterface) {
  void** table = (void**)aThis;
  IUnknown* real = (IUnknown*)table[1];
  return real->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(real, aIid, aOutInterface);

static ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRefThunk(IUnknown* aThis) {
  void** table = (void**)aThis;
  IUnknown* real = (IUnknown*)table[1];
  return real->lpVtbl->AddRef(real);

static ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE ReleaseThunk(IUnknown* aThis) {
  void** table = (void**)aThis;
  IUnknown* real = (IUnknown*)table[1];
  return real->lpVtbl->Release(real);

IUnknown* BuildNullVTable(IUnknown* aUnk, uint32_t aVtblSize) {
  void** table;

  if (aVtblSize < 3) {
    return NULL;

  // We need to allocate slots for two additional pointers: The |lpVtbl|
  // pointer, as well as |aUnk| which is needed to get |this| right when
  // something calls through one of the IUnknown thunks.
  table = calloc(aVtblSize + 2, sizeof(void*));

  table[0] = &table[2];  // |lpVtbl|, points to the first entry of the vtable
  table[1] = aUnk;       // |this|
  // Now the actual vtable entries for IUnknown
  table[2] = &QueryInterfaceThunk;
  table[3] = &AddRefThunk;
  table[4] = &ReleaseThunk;
  // Remaining entries are NULL thanks to calloc zero-initializing everything.

  return (IUnknown*)table;

void DeleteNullVTable(IUnknown* aUnk) { free(aUnk); }