Blob Blame History Raw

extern crate error_chain;

fn smoke_test_1() {
    error_chain! {
        types {
            Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt, Result;

        links { }

        foreign_links { }

        errors { }

fn smoke_test_2() {
    error_chain! {
        types { }

        links { }

        foreign_links { }

        errors { }

fn smoke_test_3() {
    error_chain! {
        links { }

        foreign_links { }

        errors { }

fn smoke_test_4() {
    error_chain! {
        links { }

        foreign_links { }

        errors {
            HttpStatus(e: u32) {
                description("http request returned an unsuccessful status code")
                display("http request returned an unsuccessful status code: {}", e)

fn smoke_test_5() {
    error_chain! {
        types { }

        links { }

        foreign_links { }

        errors {
            HttpStatus(e: u32) {
                description("http request returned an unsuccessful status code")
                display("http request returned an unsuccessful status code: {}", e)

fn smoke_test_6() {
    error_chain! {
        errors {
            HttpStatus(e: u32) {
                description("http request returned an unsuccessful status code")
                display("http request returned an unsuccessful status code: {}", e)

fn smoke_test_7() {
    error_chain! {
        types { }

        foreign_links { }

        errors {
            HttpStatus(e: u32) {
                description("http request returned an unsuccessful status code")
                display("http request returned an unsuccessful status code: {}", e)

fn smoke_test_8() {
    error_chain! {
        types { }

        links { }
        links { }

        foreign_links { }
        foreign_links { }

        errors {

fn order_test_1() {
    error_chain! { types { } links { } foreign_links { } errors { } };

fn order_test_2() {
    error_chain! { links { } types { } foreign_links { } errors { } };

fn order_test_3() {
    error_chain! { foreign_links { }  links { }  errors { } types { } };

fn order_test_4() {
    error_chain! { errors { } types { } foreign_links { } };

fn order_test_5() {
    error_chain! { foreign_links { } types { }  };

fn order_test_6() {
    error_chain! {
        links { }

        errors {
            HttpStatus(e: u32) {
                description("http request returned an unsuccessful status code")
                display("http request returned an unsuccessful status code: {}", e)

        foreign_links { }

fn order_test_7() {
    error_chain! {
        links { }

        foreign_links { }

        types {
            Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt, Result;

fn order_test_8() {
    error_chain! {
        links { }

        foreign_links { }
        foreign_links { }

        types {
            Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt, Result;

fn empty() {

#[cfg(feature = "backtrace")]
fn has_backtrace_depending_on_env() {
    use std::process::Command;
    use std::path::Path;

    let cmd_path = if cfg!(windows) {
    } else {
    let mut cmd = Command::new(cmd_path);

    assert_eq!(cmd.status().unwrap().code().unwrap(), 0);

    cmd.env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "0");
    assert_eq!(cmd.status().unwrap().code().unwrap(), 0);

    // RUST_BACKTRACE set to anything but 0
    cmd.env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "yes");
    assert_eq!(cmd.status().unwrap().code().unwrap(), 1);

    cmd.env("RUST_BACKTRACE", "1");
    assert_eq!(cmd.status().unwrap().code().unwrap(), 1);

fn chain_err() {
    use std::fmt;

    error_chain! {
        foreign_links {
        errors {

    let _: Result<()> = Err(fmt::Error).chain_err(|| "");
    let _: Result<()> = Err(Error::from_kind(ErrorKind::Test)).chain_err(|| "");

/// Verify that an error chain is extended one by `Error::chain_err`, with
/// the new error added to the end.
fn error_chain_err() {
    error_chain! {
        errors {

    let base = Error::from(ErrorKind::Test);
    let ext = base.chain_err(|| "Test passes");

    if let Error(ErrorKind::Msg(_), _) = ext {
        // pass
    } else {
        panic!("The error should be wrapped. {:?}", ext);

fn links() {
    mod test {

    error_chain! {
        links {
            Test(test::Error, test::ErrorKind);

mod foreign_link_test {

    use std::fmt;

    // Note: foreign errors must be `pub` because they appear in the
    // signature of the public foreign_link_error_path
    pub struct ForeignError {
        cause: ForeignErrorCause,

    impl ::std::error::Error for ForeignError {
        fn description(&self) -> &'static str {
            "Foreign error description"

        fn cause(&self) -> Option<&::std::error::Error> {

    impl fmt::Display for ForeignError {
        fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            write!(formatter, "Foreign error display")

    pub struct ForeignErrorCause {}

    impl ::std::error::Error for ForeignErrorCause {
        fn description(&self) -> &'static str {
            "Foreign error cause description"

        fn cause(&self) -> Option<&::std::error::Error> {

    impl fmt::Display for ForeignErrorCause {
        fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            write!(formatter, "Foreign error cause display")

    error_chain! {
            Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt, Result;
        links {}
        foreign_links {
        errors {}

    fn display_underlying_error() {
        let chained_error = try_foreign_error().err().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", ForeignError { cause: ForeignErrorCause {} }),
                   format!("{}", chained_error));

    fn finds_cause() {
        let chained_error = try_foreign_error().err().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", ForeignErrorCause {}),
                   format!("{}", ::std::error::Error::cause(&chained_error).unwrap()));

    fn iterates() {
        let chained_error = try_foreign_error().err().unwrap();
        let mut error_iter = chained_error.iter();
        assert!(!format!("{:?}", error_iter).is_empty());
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", ForeignError { cause: ForeignErrorCause {} }),
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", ForeignErrorCause {}),
        assert_eq!(format!("{:?}", None as Option<&::std::error::Error>),

    fn try_foreign_error() -> Result<()> {
        Err(ForeignError { cause: ForeignErrorCause {} })?;

mod attributes_test {
    use std::io;

    mod inner {

    error_chain! {
        types {
            Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt, Result;

        links {
            Inner(inner::Error, inner::ErrorKind) #[cfg(not(test))];

        foreign_links {
            Io(io::Error) #[cfg(not(test))];

        errors {
            AnError {


fn with_result() {
    error_chain! {
        types {
            Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt, Result;
    let _: Result<()> = Ok(());

fn without_result() {
    error_chain! {
        types {
            Error, ErrorKind, ResultExt;
    let _: Result<(), ()> = Ok(());

fn documentation() {
    mod inner {

    error_chain! {
        links {
            Inner(inner::Error, inner::ErrorKind) #[doc = "Doc"];
        foreign_links {
            Io(::std::io::Error) #[doc = "Doc"];
        errors {
            /// Doc

mod multiple_error_same_mod {
    error_chain! {
        types {
            MyError, MyErrorKind, MyResultExt, MyResult;

mod allow_dead_code {

// Make sure links actually work!
fn rustup_regression() {
    error_chain! {
        links {
            Download(error_chain::mock::Error, error_chain::mock::ErrorKind);

        foreign_links { }

        errors {
            LocatingWorkingDir {
                description("could not locate working directory")

fn error_patterns() {
    error_chain! {
        links { }

        foreign_links { }

        errors { }

    // Tuples look nice when matching errors
    match Error::from("Test") {
        Error(ErrorKind::Msg(_), _) => {},
        _ => {},

fn error_first() {
    error_chain! {
        errors {
            LocatingWorkingDir {
                description("could not locate working directory")

        links {
            Download(error_chain::mock::Error, error_chain::mock::ErrorKind);

        foreign_links { }

fn bail() {
    error_chain! {
        errors { Foo }

    fn foo() -> Result<()> {

    fn bar() -> Result<()> {

    fn baz() -> Result<()> {
        bail!("{}", "baz")

fn ensure() {
    error_chain! {
        errors { Bar }

    fn foo(x: u8) -> Result<()> {
        ensure!(x == 42, ErrorKind::Bar);


/// Since the `types` declaration is a list of symbols, check if we
/// don't change their meaning or order.
fn types_declarations() {
    error_chain! {
        types {
            MyError, MyErrorKind, MyResultExt, MyResult;


    let err: Result<(), ::std::io::Error> = Ok(());
    MyResultExt::chain_err(err, || "").unwrap();

    let _: MyResult<()> = Ok(());

/// Calling chain_err over a `Result` containing an error to get a chained error
/// and constructing a MyError directly, passing it an error should be equivalent.
fn rewrapping() {

    use std::env::VarError::{self, NotPresent, NotUnicode};

    error_chain! {
        foreign_links {

        types {
            MyError, MyErrorKind, MyResultExt, MyResult;

    let result_a_from_func: Result<String, _> = Err(VarError::NotPresent);
    let result_b_from_func: Result<String, _> = Err(VarError::NotPresent);

    let our_error_a = result_a_from_func.map_err(|e| match e {
        NotPresent => MyError::with_chain(e, "env var wasn't provided"),
        NotUnicode(_) => MyError::with_chain(e, "env var was bork文字化ã"),

    let our_error_b = result_b_from_func.or_else(|e| match e {
        NotPresent => Err(e).chain_err(|| "env var wasn't provided"),
        NotUnicode(_) => Err(e).chain_err(|| "env var was bork文字化ã"),

    assert_eq!(format!("{}", our_error_a.unwrap_err()),
               format!("{}", our_error_b.unwrap_err()));


fn comma_in_errors_impl() {
    error_chain! {
        links { }

        foreign_links { }

        errors {
            HttpStatus(e: u32) {
                description("http request returned an unsuccessful status code"),
                display("http request returned an unsuccessful status code: {}", e)

fn trailing_comma_in_errors_impl() {
    error_chain! {
        links { }

        foreign_links { }

        errors {
            HttpStatus(e: u32) {
                description("http request returned an unsuccessful status code"),
                display("http request returned an unsuccessful status code: {}", e),