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  <title>Test for Bug 1378586</title>
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<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 1378586</a>


// We need to clear our nesting level periodically.  We do this by firing
// a postMessage() to get a runnable on the event loop without any setTimeout()
// nesting.
function clearNestingLevel() {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    window.addEventListener('message', function onMessage() {
      window.removeEventListener('message', onMessage);
    postMessage('done', '*');

function delayByTimeoutChain(iterations) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    let count = 0;
    function tick() {
      count += 1;
      if (count >= iterations) {
      setTimeout(tick, 0);
    setTimeout(tick, 0);

function delayByInterval(iterations) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    let count = 0;
    function tick() {
      count += 1;
      if (count >= iterations) {
    setInterval(tick, 0);

// Use a very long clamp delay to make it easier to measure the change
// in automation.  Some of our test servers are very slow and noisy.
const clampDelayMS = 10000;

// We expect that we will clamp on the 5th callback.  This should
// be the same for both setTimeout() chains and setInterval().
const expectedClampIteration = 5;

async function runTests() {
  // Things like pushPrefEnv() can use setTimeout() internally which may give
  // us a nesting level.  Clear the nesting level to start so this doesn't
  // confuse the test.
  await clearNestingLevel();

  // Verify a setTimeout() chain clamps correctly
  let start =;
  await delayByTimeoutChain(expectedClampIteration);
  let stop =;
  let delta = stop - start;

  ok(delta >= clampDelayMS, "setTimeout() chain clamped: " + stop + " - " + start + " = " + delta);
  ok(delta < (2*clampDelayMS), "setTimeout() chain did not clamp twice");

  await clearNestingLevel();

  // Verify setInterval() clamps correctly
  start =;
  await delayByInterval(expectedClampIteration);
  stop =;
  delta = stop - start;

  ok(delta >= clampDelayMS, "setInterval() clamped: " + stop + " - " + start + " = " + delta);
  ok(delta < (2*clampDelayMS), "setInterval() did not clamp twice");

  await clearNestingLevel();

  // Verfy a setTimeout() chain will continue to clamp past the first
  // expected iteration.
  const expectedDelay = (1 + expectedClampIteration) * clampDelayMS;

  start =;
  await delayByTimeoutChain(2 * expectedClampIteration);
  stop =;
  delta = stop - start;

  ok(delta >= expectedDelay, "setTimeout() chain continued to clamp: " + stop + " - " + start + " = " + delta);

  await clearNestingLevel();

  // Verfy setInterval() will continue to clamp past the first expected
  // iteration.
  start =;
  await delayByTimeoutChain(2 * expectedClampIteration);
  stop =;
  delta = stop - start;

  ok(delta >= expectedDelay, "setInterval() continued to clamp: " + stop + " - " + start + " = " + delta);


// It appears that it's possible to get unlucky with time jittering and fail this test.
// If start is jittered upwards, everything executes very quickly, and delta has
// a very high midpoint, we may have taken between 10 and 10.002 seconds to execute; but
// it will appear to be 9.998. Turn off jitter (and add logging) to test this.
SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ 'set': [
  ["dom.min_timeout_value", clampDelayMS],
  ["privacy.resistFingerprinting.reduceTimerPrecision.jitter", false],
  ]}, runTests);
