Blob Blame History Raw
 * Motif
 * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
 * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
 * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
 * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
 * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
 * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifdef REV_INFO
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$TOG: TextOut.c /main/41 1999/08/12 11:37:30 vipin $"
#include <config.h>

/* (c) Copyright 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY */
 *  (c) Copyright 1995 FUJITSU LIMITED
 *  This is source code modified by FUJITSU LIMITED under the Joint
 *  Development Agreement for the CDEnext PST.
 *  This is unpublished proprietary source code of FUJITSU LIMITED

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <Xm/XmosP.h>
#include <X11/Shell.h>
#include <X11/Vendor.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <Xm/AccColorT.h>
#include <Xm/AtomMgr.h>
#include <Xm/Display.h>
#include <Xm/DrawP.h>
#include <Xm/NavigatorT.h>
#include <Xm/ScrollBar.h>
#include <Xm/ScrollFrameT.h>
#include <Xm/ScrolledWP.h>
#include <Xm/TextStrSoP.h>
#include <Xm/TraitP.h>
#include "BaseClassI.h"
#include "ImageCachI.h"
#include "MessagesI.h"
#include "ScreenI.h"
#include "ScrollFramTI.h"
#include "TextI.h"
#include "TextInI.h"
#include "TextOutI.h"
#include "TraversalI.h"
#include "XmI.h"
#include <Xm/PrintSP.h>         /* for XmIsPrintShell */
#ifdef USE_XFT
#include "XmRenderTI.h"
#include <Xm/XmP.h>

#define MSG1	_XmMMsgTextOut_0000
#define MSG2	_XmMMsgTextF_0001
#define MSG3	_XmMMsgTextF_0002
#define MSG4	_XmMMsgTextF_0003

#define XmDYNAMIC_BOOL        ((Boolean) (255))

/********    Static Function Declarations    ********/

static void SliderMove(Widget w,
		       XtPointer closure,
		       XtPointer call_data);
static void _XmTextDrawShadow(XmTextWidget tw);
static void SetFullGC(XmTextWidget tw,
                        GC gc);
static void GetRect(XmTextWidget tw,
		    XRectangle *rect);
static void SetMarginGC(XmTextWidget tw,
			  GC gc);
static void SetNormGC(XmTextWidget tw,
                        GC gc,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
                        int change_stipple,
                        int stipple);
                        Boolean change_stipple,
                        Boolean stipple);
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */

#ifdef FIX_1381
static void SetShadowGC(XmTextWidget tw,
		       GC gc);
static void InvertImageGC(XmTextWidget tw);
static void SetInvGC(XmTextWidget tw,
		       GC gc);
static int _FontStructFindWidth(XmTextWidget tw,
				int x,
				XmTextBlock block,
				int from,
				int to);
static int FindWidth(XmTextWidget tw,
		     int x,
		     XmTextBlock block,
		     int from,
		     int to);
static XmTextPosition XYToPos(XmTextWidget tw,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
			      int x,
			      int y);
                              Position x,
                              Position y);
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
static Boolean PosToXY(XmTextWidget tw,
		       XmTextPosition position,
		       Position *x,
		       Position *y);
static XtGeometryResult TryResize(XmTextWidget tw,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
				  int width,
				  int height);
                                  Dimension width,
                                  Dimension height);
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
static int CountLines(XmTextWidget tw,
		      XmTextPosition start,
		      XmTextPosition end);
static void TextFindNewWidth(XmTextWidget tw,
			     Dimension *widthRtn);
static void TextFindNewHeight(XmTextWidget tw,
			      XmTextPosition position,
			      Dimension *heightRtn);
static void CheckForNewSize(XmTextWidget tw,
			    XmTextPosition position);
static XtPointer OutputBaseProc(Widget tw,
				XtPointer client_data);
static Boolean MeasureLine(XmTextWidget tw,
			   LineNum line,
			   XmTextPosition position,
			   XmTextPosition *nextpos,
			   LineTableExtra *extra);
static void Draw(XmTextWidget tw,
		 LineNum line,
		 XmTextPosition start,
		 XmTextPosition end,
		 XmHighlightMode highlight);
static OnOrOff CurrentCursorState(XmTextWidget tw);
static void PaintCursor(XmTextWidget tw);
static void ChangeHOffset(XmTextWidget tw,
			  int newhoffset,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
			  int redisplay_hbar);
                          Boolean redisplay_hbar);
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
static void ChangeVOffset(XmTextWidget tw,
                          int newvoffset,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
                          int redisplay_vbar);
                          Boolean redisplay_vbar);
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
static void DrawInsertionPoint(XmTextWidget tw,
			       XmTextPosition position,
			       OnOrOff onoroff);
static void MakePositionVisible(XmTextWidget tw,
				XmTextPosition position);
static void BlinkInsertionPoint(XmTextWidget tw);
static Boolean MoveLines(XmTextWidget tw,
			 LineNum fromline,
			 LineNum toline,
			 LineNum destline);
static void OutputInvalidate(XmTextWidget tw,
			     XmTextPosition position,
			     XmTextPosition topos,
			     long delta);
static void RefigureDependentInfo(XmTextWidget tw);
static void SizeFromRowsCols(XmTextWidget tw,
			     Dimension *width,
			     Dimension *height);
static Boolean LoadFontMetrics(XmTextWidget tw);
static void LoadGCs(XmTextWidget tw,
		    Pixel background,
		    Pixel foreground);
static void MakeIBeamOffArea(XmTextWidget tw,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
			     int width,
			     int height);
                        Dimension width,
                        Dimension height);
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
static Pixmap FindPixmap(Screen *screen,
			 char *image_name,
			 Pixel foreground,
			 Pixel background,
			 int depth);
static void MakeIBeamStencil(XmTextWidget tw,
			     int line_width);
static void MakeAddModeCursor(XmTextWidget tw,
			      int line_width);
static void MakeCursors(XmTextWidget tw);
static void OutputGetValues(Widget wid,
			    ArgList args,
			    Cardinal num_args);
static Boolean CKCols(ArgList args,
		      Cardinal num_args);
static Boolean CKRows(ArgList args,
		      Cardinal num_args);
static Boolean OutputSetValues(Widget oldw,
			       Widget reqw,
			       Widget new_w,
			       ArgList args,
			       Cardinal *num_args);
static void NotifyResized(Widget w,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
			  int o_create);
                          Boolean o_create);
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
static void HandleTimer(XtPointer closure,
                        XtIntervalId *id);
static void HandleFocusEvents(Widget w,
			      XtPointer closure,
			      XEvent *event,
			      Boolean *cont);
static void HandleGraphicsExposure(Widget w,
				   XtPointer closure,
				   XEvent *event,
				   Boolean *cont);
static void OutputRealize(Widget w,
			  XtValueMask *valueMask,
			  XSetWindowAttributes *attributes);
static void OutputDestroy(Widget w);
static void RedrawRegion(XmTextWidget tw,
			 int x,
			 int y,
			 int width,
			 int height);
static void OutputExpose(Widget w,
			 XEvent *event,
			 Region region);
static void GetPreferredSize(Widget widget,
			     Dimension *width,
			     Dimension *height);
static void HandleVBarButtonRelease(Widget w,
				    XtPointer closure,
				    XEvent *event,
				    Boolean *cont);
static void HandleHBarButtonRelease(Widget w,
				    XtPointer closure,
				    XEvent *event,
				    Boolean *cont);
static int _FontStructFindHeight(XmTextWidget tw,
				 int x,
				 XmTextBlock block,
				 int from,
				 int to);
static int FindHeight(XmTextWidget tw,
		      int x,
		      XmTextBlock block,
		      int from,
		      int to);
static Boolean _FontStructPerCharExtents(XmTextWidget tw,
				     char *str,
				     int length,
				     XCharStruct *overall);
static Boolean SetXOCOrientation(XmTextWidget tw,
				 XOC om,
				 XOrientation orientation);

static void CursorPosVisDefault( 
                        Widget widget,
                        int offset,
                        XrmValue *value) ;

/********    End Static Function Declarations    ********/

#define EraseInsertionPoint(tw)\
					   tw->text.cursor_position, off)

#define TextDrawInsertionPoint(tw)\
					   tw->text.cursor_position, on)

static XmTextWidget posToXYCachedWidget = NULL;
static XmTextPosition posToXYCachedPosition;
static Position posToXYCachedX;
static Position posToXYCachedY;

static XtResource output_resources[] =
      XmNfontList, XmCFontList, XmRFontList, sizeof(XmFontList),
      XtOffsetOf(OutputDataRec, fontlist),
      XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)NULL

      XmNrenderTable, XmCRenderTable, XmRRenderTable, sizeof(XmRenderTable),
      XtOffsetOf(OutputDataRec, rendertable),
      XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)NULL

      XmNwordWrap, XmCWordWrap, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
      XtOffsetOf(struct _OutputDataRec, wordwrap),
      XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) False

      XmNblinkRate, XmCBlinkRate, XmRInt, sizeof(int),
      XtOffsetOf(struct _OutputDataRec, blinkrate),
      XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) 500

      XmNcolumns, XmCColumns, XmRShort, sizeof(short),
      XtOffsetOf(struct _OutputDataRec, columns),
      XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0

      XmNrows, XmCRows, XmRShort, sizeof(short),
      XtOffsetOf(struct _OutputDataRec, rows),
      XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0

      XmNresizeWidth, XmCResizeWidth, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
      XtOffsetOf(struct _OutputDataRec, resizewidth),
      XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) False

      XmNresizeHeight, XmCResizeHeight, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
      XtOffsetOf(struct _OutputDataRec, resizeheight),
      XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) False

      XmNscrollVertical, XmCScroll, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
      XtOffsetOf(struct _OutputDataRec, scrollvertical),
      XmRImmediate,(XtPointer) True

      XmNscrollHorizontal, XmCScroll, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
      XtOffsetOf(struct _OutputDataRec, scrollhorizontal),
      XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) True

      XmNscrollLeftSide, XmCScrollSide, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
      XtOffsetOf(struct _OutputDataRec, scrollleftside),
      XmRImmediate,(XtPointer) XmDYNAMIC_BOOL

      XmNscrollTopSide, XmCScrollSide, XmRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
      XtOffsetOf(struct _OutputDataRec, scrolltopside),
      XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) False

      XmNcursorPositionVisible, XmCCursorPositionVisible, XmRBoolean,
      XtOffsetOf(struct _OutputDataRec, cursor_position_visible),
      XmRCallProc, (XtPointer) CursorPosVisDefault



 * CursorPosVisDefault
static void 
        Widget widget,
        int offset,		/* unused */
        XrmValue *value )
      static Boolean cursor_pos_vis ;
      Widget print_shell ;

      value->addr = (XPointer) &cursor_pos_vis;
      print_shell = widget ;
      while(print_shell && !XmIsPrintShell(print_shell)) 
	  print_shell = XtParent(print_shell);    

      if (print_shell) cursor_pos_vis = False ;
      else             cursor_pos_vis = True ;

_XmTextFreeContextData(Widget w,		/* unused */
		       XtPointer clientData,
		       XtPointer callData)	/* unused */
  XmTextContextData ctx_data = (XmTextContextData) clientData;
  Display *display = DisplayOfScreen(ctx_data->screen);
  XtPointer data_ptr;
  if (XFindContext(display, (Window) ctx_data->screen,
		   ctx_data->context, (char **) &data_ptr)) {
    if (ctx_data->type != '\0') {
      if (data_ptr)
	XtFree((char *) data_ptr);
    XDeleteContext (display, (Window) ctx_data->screen, ctx_data->context);
  XtFree ((char *) ctx_data);

 * To make TextOut a true "Object" this function should be a class function. *
static void 
_XmTextDrawShadow(XmTextWidget tw)
  if (XtIsRealized((Widget)tw)) {
    if (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness > 0)
      XmeDrawShadows (XtDisplay (tw), XtWindow (tw),
		      tw->core.width -
		      2 * tw->primitive.highlight_thickness,
		      tw->core.height -
		      2 * tw->primitive.highlight_thickness,
    if (tw->primitive.highlighted) {   
      (*(((XmPrimitiveWidgetClass) XtClass((Widget)tw))
    } else {   
      (*(((XmPrimitiveWidgetClass) XtClass((Widget)tw))

_XmTextResetClipOrigin(XmTextWidget tw,
		       XmTextPosition position,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
		       int clip_mask_reset)
                       Boolean clip_mask_reset)
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  int x, y;
  Position x_pos, y_pos;
  if (!XtIsRealized((Widget)tw)) return;
  if (!PosToXY(tw, tw->text.cursor_position, &x_pos, &y_pos)) return;
  x = (int) x_pos; y = (int) y_pos;
  x -=(data->cursorwidth >> 1) + 1;
  y = (y + data->font_descent) - data->cursorheight;
  XSetTSOrigin(XtDisplay((Widget)tw), data->imagegc, x, y);

static void 
SetFullGC(XmTextWidget tw,
	    GC gc)
  XRectangle ClipRect;
  ClipRect.x = tw->primitive.highlight_thickness +
  ClipRect.y = tw->primitive.highlight_thickness +
  ClipRect.width = tw->core.width - (2 *(tw->primitive.highlight_thickness +
  ClipRect.height = tw->core.height - (2 *(tw->primitive.highlight_thickness +
  XSetClipRectangles(XtDisplay(tw), gc, 0, 0, 
		     &ClipRect, 1, Unsorted);

static void 
GetRect(XmTextWidget tw,
        XRectangle *rect)
  Dimension margin_width = tw->text.margin_width +
    tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
  Dimension margin_height = tw->text.margin_height +
    tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
  if (margin_width < tw->core.width)
    rect->x = margin_width;
    rect->x = tw->core.width;
  if (margin_height < tw->core.height)
    rect->y = margin_height;
    rect->y = tw->core.height;
  if ((int) (2 * margin_width) < (int) tw->core.width)
    rect->width = (int) tw->core.width - (2 * margin_width);
    rect->width = 0;
  if ((int) (2 * margin_height) < (int) tw->core.height)
    rect->height = (int) tw->core.height - (2 * margin_height);
    rect->height = 0;

static void 
SetMarginGC(XmTextWidget tw,
	      GC gc)
  XRectangle ClipRect;
  GetRect(tw, &ClipRect);
#ifdef USE_XFT
  if (tw->text.output->data->use_xft)
    _XmXftSetClipRectangles(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw), 0, 0, &ClipRect, 1);
  XSetClipRectangles(XtDisplay(tw), gc, 0, 0, &ClipRect, 1,

 * To make TextOut a true "Object" this function should be a class function. *
 * Set new clipping rectangle for text widget.  This is
 * done on each focus in event since the text widgets
 * share the same GC.
_XmTextAdjustGC(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  unsigned long valueMask = (GCForeground | GCBackground);
  XGCValues values;
  if (!XtIsRealized((Widget)tw)) return;
  SetMarginGC(tw, data->gc);
  /* Restore cached text gc to state correct for this instantiation */
  if (data->gc) {
    values.foreground = tw->primitive.foreground ^ tw->core.background_pixel;
    values.background = 0;
    XChangeGC(XtDisplay(tw), data->gc, valueMask, &values);

static void 
SetNormGC(XmTextWidget tw,
	    GC gc,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
	    int change_stipple,
	    int stipple)
            Boolean change_stipple,
	    Boolean stipple)
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
  unsigned long valueMask = (GCForeground | GCBackground);
  XGCValues values;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  values.foreground = tw->primitive.foreground;
  values.background = tw->core.background_pixel;
  if (change_stipple) {
    valueMask |= GCFillStyle;
    if (stipple) {
#ifdef FIX_1381
		/*generally gray insensitive foreground (instead stipple)*/
		values.foreground = _XmAssignInsensitiveColor((Widget)tw);
	    values.fill_style = FillSolid;
      values.fill_style = FillStippled;
      valueMask |= GCStipple;
      values.stipple = data->stipple_tile;

    } else 
      values.fill_style = FillSolid;
  XChangeGC(XtDisplay(tw), gc, valueMask, &values);

#ifdef FIX_1381
static void
SetShadowGC(XmTextWidget tf, GC gc)
  unsigned long valueMask = (GCForeground | GCBackground);
  XGCValues values;

  /*generally light gray insensitive foreground (instead stipple)*/
  values.foreground = tf->primitive.top_shadow_color;
  values.background = tf->core.background_pixel;

  values.fill_style = FillSolid;

  XChangeGC(XtDisplay(tf), gc, valueMask, &values);

static void 
InvertImageGC(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;

  data->have_inverted_image_gc = !data->have_inverted_image_gc;

static void
SetInvGC(XmTextWidget tw,
	   GC gc)
  unsigned long valueMask = (GCForeground | GCBackground);
  XGCValues values;
  values.foreground = tw->core.background_pixel;
  values.background = tw->primitive.foreground;
  XChangeGC(XtDisplay(tw), gc, valueMask, &values);

static int 
_FontStructFindWidth(XmTextWidget tw,
		     int x,    /* Starting position (needed for tabs) */
		     XmTextBlock block,
		     int from, /* How many bytes in to start measuring */
		     int to)   /* How many bytes in to stop measuring */
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  XFontStruct *font = data->font;
  char *ptr;
  unsigned char c;
  int i, csize; 
  int result = 0;
  if (tw->text.char_size != 1) {
    int dummy;
    XCharStruct overall;
    for (i = from, ptr = block->ptr + from; i < to; i +=csize, ptr += csize) {
      csize = mblen(ptr, tw->text.char_size);
      csize = *ptr ? 1 : 0;
      if (csize <= 0) break;
      c = (unsigned char) *ptr;
      if (csize == 1) {
	if (c == '\t') {
	  result += (data->tabwidth -
		     ((x + result - data->leftmargin) % data->tabwidth));
	} else {
	  if (font->per_char && (c >= font->min_char_or_byte2 && 
				 c <= font->max_char_or_byte2))
	    result += font->per_char[c - font->min_char_or_byte2].width;
	    result += font->min_bounds.width;
      } else {
        if (_XmIsISO10646(XtDisplay(tw), data->font)) {
          size_t ucsstr_len = 0;
          XChar2b *ucsstr = _XmUtf8ToUcs2(ptr, csize, &ucsstr_len);
          XTextExtents16(data->font, ucsstr, ucsstr_len,
			&dummy, &dummy, &dummy, &overall);
        } else
	  XTextExtents(data->font, ptr, csize, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy,
	result += overall.width;
  } else {
    for (i=from, ptr = block->ptr + from; i<to; i++, ptr++) {
      c = (unsigned char) *ptr;
      if (c == '\t')
	result += (data->tabwidth -
		   ((x + result - data->leftmargin) % data->tabwidth));
      /* %%% Do something for non-printing? */
      else {
	if (font->per_char) {
	  if (c >= font->min_char_or_byte2 && c <= font->max_char_or_byte2)
	    result += font->per_char[c - font->min_char_or_byte2].width;
	  else if (font->default_char >= font->min_char_or_byte2 &&
		   font->default_char <= font->max_char_or_byte2)
	    result += font->per_char[font->default_char - 
	    result += font->min_bounds.width;
	} else
	  result += font->min_bounds.width;
  return result;

static int 
FindWidth(XmTextWidget tw,
	  int x,                  /* Starting position (needed for tabs) */
	  XmTextBlock block,
	  int from,               /* How many bytes in to start measuring */
	  int to)                 /* How many bytes in to stop measuring */
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  char *ptr;
  unsigned char c;
  int result = 0;
  int tmp;
  int csize = 1;
  int i;
  if (!data->use_fontset && !data->use_xft)
  if (!data->use_fontset)
    return _FontStructFindWidth(tw, x, block, from, to);
  if (to > block->length)
    to = block->length;
  if (from > to) {
    tmp = to;
    to = from;
    from = tmp;
  if (to == from || to == 0) return 0;
  if (tw->text.char_size != 1) {
    for (i = from, ptr = block->ptr + from; i < to; i +=csize, ptr += csize) {
      csize = mblen(ptr, tw->text.char_size);
      csize = *ptr ? 1 : 0;
      if (csize <= 0) break;
      c = (unsigned char) *ptr;
      if (csize == 1 && c == '\t')
	result += (data->tabwidth -
		   ((x + result - data->leftmargin) % data->tabwidth));
#ifdef USE_XFT
        if (data->use_xft) {
	  XGlyphInfo	ext;
	  XftTextExtentsUtf8(XtDisplay(tw), ((XftFont*)data->font),
	                  (FcChar8*)ptr, csize, &ext);
	  result += ext.xOff;
	} else
	result += XmbTextEscapement((XFontSet)data->font, ptr, csize);
  } else { /* no need to pay for mblen if we know all chars are 1 byte */
    for (i = from, ptr = block->ptr + from; i < to; i++, ptr++) {
      c = (unsigned char) *ptr;
      if (c == '\t')
	result += (data->tabwidth -
		   ((x + result - data->leftmargin) % data->tabwidth));
#ifdef USE_XFT
        if (data->use_xft) {
	  XGlyphInfo	ext;
	  XftTextExtentsUtf8(XtDisplay(tw), ((XftFont*)data->font),
	                  (FcChar8*)ptr, 1, &ext);
	  result += ext.xOff;
	} else
	result += XmbTextEscapement((XFontSet)data->font, ptr, 1);
  return result;

static int 
_FontStructFindHeight(XmTextWidget tw,
		     int y,    /* Starting position (needed for tabs) */
		     XmTextBlock block,
		     int from, /* How many bytes in to start measuring */
		     int to)   /* How many bytes in to stop measuring */
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  XFontStruct *font = data->font;
  char *ptr = NULL;
  unsigned char c;
  int i = 0, csize = 0;
  int result = 0;
  XCharStruct overall;
  if (tw->text.char_size != 1) {
    for (i = from, ptr = block->ptr + from; i < to; i +=csize, ptr += csize) {
      csize = mblen(ptr, tw->text.char_size);
      if (csize <= 0) break;
      if (csize == 1 && (unsigned char)*ptr == '\t') {
	  result += (data->tabheight -
		     ((y + result - data->topmargin) % data->tabheight));
      } else {
	_FontStructPerCharExtents(tw, ptr, csize, &overall);
	result += overall.ascent + overall.descent;
  } else {
    for (i=from, ptr = block->ptr + from; i<to; i++, ptr++) {
      c = (unsigned char) *ptr;
      if ((unsigned char) *ptr == '\t') {
	result += (data->tabheight -
		   ((y + result - data->topmargin) % data->tabheight));
      } else {
	_FontStructPerCharExtents(tw, ptr, 1, &overall);
	result += overall.ascent + overall.descent;
  return result;

#ifdef USE_XFT
static int 
_XftFindHeight(XmTextWidget tw,
		     int y,    /* Starting position (needed for tabs) */
		     XmTextBlock block,
		     int from, /* How many bytes in to start measuring */
		     int to)   /* How many bytes in to stop measuring */
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  XftFont *font = (XftFont*)data->font;
  char *ptr = NULL;
  unsigned char c;
  int i = 0, csize = 0;
  int result = 0;
  XGlyphInfo ext;
  if (tw->text.char_size != 1) {
    for (i = from, ptr = block->ptr + from; i < to; i +=csize, ptr += csize) {
      csize = mblen(ptr, tw->text.char_size);
      if (csize <= 0) break;
      if (csize == 1 && (unsigned char)*ptr == '\t') {
	  result += (data->tabheight -
		     ((y + result - data->topmargin) % data->tabheight));
      } else {
	XftTextExtentsUtf8(XtDisplay(tw), font, (FcChar8*)ptr, csize, &ext);
	result += ext.yOff;
  } else {
    for (i=from, ptr = block->ptr + from; i<to; i++, ptr++) {
      c = (unsigned char) *ptr;
      if ((unsigned char) *ptr == '\t') {
	result += (data->tabheight -
		   ((y + result - data->topmargin) % data->tabheight));
      } else {
	XftTextExtentsUtf8(XtDisplay(tw), font, (FcChar8*)ptr, 1, &ext);
	result += ext.yOff;
  return result;

static int 
FindHeight(XmTextWidget tw,
	  int y,                  /* Starting position (needed for tabs) */
	  XmTextBlock block,
	  int from,               /* How many bytes in to start measuring */
	  int to)                 /* How many bytes in to stop measuring */
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  char *ptr = NULL;
  unsigned char c;
  int result = 0;
  int tmp = 0;
  int csize = 1;
  int i = 0;
  XOrientation orient;
#ifdef USE_XFT
  if (data->use_xft)
    return _XftFindHeight(tw, y, block, from, to);

  if (!data->use_fontset)
    return _FontStructFindHeight(tw, y, block, from, to);
  if (to > block->length)
    to = block->length;
  if (from > to) {
    tmp = to;
    to = from;
    from = tmp;
  if (to == from || to == 0) return 0;
  if(data->use_fontset == True) {
    XGetOCValues((XOC)data->font, XNOrientation, &orient, NULL);
    SetXOCOrientation(tw, (XOC)data->font, XOMOrientation_TTB_RTL);
  if (tw->text.char_size != 1) {
    for (i = from, ptr = block->ptr + from; i < to; i +=csize, ptr += csize) {
      csize = mblen(ptr, tw->text.char_size);
      if (csize <= 0) break;
      c = (unsigned char) *ptr;
      if (csize == 1 && c == '\t')
	result += (data->tabheight -
		   ((y + result - data->topmargin) % data->tabheight));
	result += XmbTextEscapement((XFontSet)data->font, ptr, csize);
  } else { /* no need to pay for mblen if we know all chars are 1 byte */
    for (i = from, ptr = block->ptr + from; i < to; i++, ptr++) {
      c = (unsigned char) *ptr;
      if (c == '\t')
	result += (data->tabheight -
		   ((y + result - data->topmargin) % data->tabheight));
	result += XmbTextEscapement((XFontSet)data->font, ptr, 1);
  if(data->use_fontset == True) {
    SetXOCOrientation(tw, (XOC)data->font, orient);
  return result;

/* Semi-public routines. */

static XmTextPosition 
XYToPos(XmTextWidget tw,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
        int x,
        int y)
        Position x,
        Position y)
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  LineTableExtra extra = (LineTableExtra)NULL;
  int i = 0, width = 0, lastwidth = 0, length = 0;
  int height = 0, lastheight = 0;
  int num_chars = 0;
  int num_bytes = 0;
  LineNum line = 0;
  XmTextPosition start, end, laststart;
  XmTextBlockRec block;
  int delta = 0;
  start = end = laststart = 0;
    y += data->voffset;
    /* take care of negative x case */
    if (data->linewidth) {
      int rightedge = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width - data->rightmargin;
      if (x > rightedge) {
	delta = ((int)(rightedge - x - 1)/ (int) data->linewidth) + 1;
	x = rightedge;
      line = (rightedge - x) / (int)(data->linewidth);
    if (line > _XmTextNumLines(tw)) line = _XmTextNumLines(tw);
    _XmTextLineInfo(tw, line, &start, &extra);
    if (start == PASTENDPOS)
      return (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, 0,
					XmSELECT_ALL, XmsdRight, 1, False);
    _XmTextLineInfo(tw, line+1, &end, &extra);
    end = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, end,
				     XmSELECT_POSITION, XmsdLeft, 1, True);
    height = lastheight = data->topmargin;
    if (start >= end && !delta) return start;
    /* if original y was negative, we need to find new laststart */
    if (delta && start > 0) {
      end = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, start,
                                       XmSELECT_POSITION, XmsdLeft, 1, True);
      start = _XmTextFindScroll(tw, start, delta);
    do {
      laststart = start;
      start = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source, start,
					       end, &block);
      length = block.length;
      if ((int)tw->text.char_size > 1) {
	for (i = num_chars = 0, num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, 
	     i < length && height < y && num_bytes >= 0; 
	     i += num_bytes, num_chars++, 
	     num_bytes = mblen(&block.ptr[i], (int)tw->text.char_size)) {
	  lastheight = height;
	  height += FindHeight(tw, height, &block, i, i + num_bytes);
	i = num_chars;
      } else {
	for (i=0; i<length && height < y; i++) {
	  lastheight = height;
	  height += FindHeight(tw, height, &block, i, i+1);
    } while (height < y && start < end && laststart != end);
    if (abs(lastheight - y) < abs(height - y)) i--;
  } else {
  x += data->hoffset;
  y -= data->topmargin;
  /* take care of negative y case */
  if (data->lineheight) {
    if (y < 0) {
      delta = ((int)(y + 1)/ (int) data->lineheight) - 1;
      y = 0;
    line = y / (int) data->lineheight;
  if (line > _XmTextNumLines(tw)) line = _XmTextNumLines(tw);
  _XmTextLineInfo(tw, line, &start, &extra);
  if (start == PASTENDPOS)
    return (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, 0,
					XmSELECT_ALL, XmsdRight, 1, False);
  _XmTextLineInfo(tw, line+1, &end, &extra);
  end = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, end,
				     XmSELECT_POSITION, XmsdLeft, 1, True);
  width = lastwidth = data->leftmargin;
  if (start >= end && !delta) return start;
  /* if original y was negative, we need to find new laststart */
  if (delta && start > 0) {
    end = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, start,
                                       XmSELECT_POSITION, XmsdLeft, 1, True);
    start = _XmTextFindScroll(tw, start, delta);
  do {
    laststart = start;
    start = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source, start,
					       end, &block);
    length = block.length;
    if ((int)tw->text.char_size > 1) {
      for (i = num_chars = 0,
	   num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size);
	   num_bytes = *block.ptr ? 1 : 0;
	   i < length && width < x && num_bytes >= 0; 
	   i += num_bytes, num_chars++, 
	   num_bytes = mblen(&block.ptr[i], (int)tw->text.char_size)) {
	   num_bytes = block.ptr[i] ? 1 : 0) {
	lastwidth = width;
	width += FindWidth(tw, width, &block, i, i + num_bytes);
      i = num_chars;
    } else {
      for (i=0; i<length && width < x; i++) {
	lastwidth = width;
	width += FindWidth(tw, width, &block, i, i+1);
  } while (width < x && start < end && laststart != end);
  if (abs(lastwidth - x) < abs(width - x)) i--;
  return (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, laststart,
				      XmSELECT_POSITION, (i < 0) ?
				      XmsdLeft : XmsdRight, abs(i), True);

 * To make TextOut a true "Object" this function should be a class function. *
_XmTextShouldWordWrap(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  return (ShouldWordWrap(data, tw));

 * To make TextOut a true "Object" this function should be a class function. *
_XmTextScrollable(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
    return (data->scrollhorizontal && XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw)));
    return (data->scrollvertical && XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw)));

static Boolean 
PosToXY(XmTextWidget tw,
        XmTextPosition position,
        Position *x,
        Position *y)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  LineNum line;
  XmTextPosition linestart;
  LineTableExtra extra;
  XmTextBlockRec block;
  Position local_x, local_y;
    if (tw == posToXYCachedWidget && position == posToXYCachedPosition) {
      *x = posToXYCachedX;
      *y = posToXYCachedY;
      return True;

    line = _XmTextPosToLine(tw, position);
    if (line == NOLINE || line >= data->number_lines) return False;
    local_y = data->topmargin;
    local_x = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
	 (data->rightmargin + line * data->linewidth +
	  data->linewidth * 0.5);
    _XmTextLineInfo(tw, line, &linestart, &extra);
    while (linestart < position) {
      linestart = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source,
						   linestart, position, 
      local_y += FindHeight(tw, local_y, &block, 0, block.length);
    local_y -= data->voffset;
  } else {
  if (tw == posToXYCachedWidget && position == posToXYCachedPosition) {
    *x = posToXYCachedX;
    *y = posToXYCachedY;
    return True;

  line = _XmTextPosToLine(tw, position);
  if (line == NOLINE || line >= data->number_lines) return False;
  local_y = data->topmargin + line * data->lineheight + data->font_ascent;
  local_x = data->leftmargin;
  _XmTextLineInfo(tw, line, &linestart, &extra);
  while (linestart < position) {
    linestart = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source,
						   linestart, position, 
    local_x += FindWidth(tw, local_x, &block, 0, block.length);
  local_x -= data->hoffset;
  posToXYCachedWidget = tw;
  posToXYCachedPosition = position;
  posToXYCachedX = local_x;
  posToXYCachedY = local_y;
  *x = local_x;
  *y = local_y;
  return True;

 * To make TextOut a true "Object" this function should be a class function. *
_XmTextFindLineEnd(XmTextWidget tw,
		   XmTextPosition position,
		   LineTableExtra *extra)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  XmTextPosition lastChar, lineEnd, nextLeft, nextBreak, lastBreak, oldpos;
  XmTextPosition startpos = 0;
  XmTextBlockRec block;
  int x, lastX, goalwidth, length, i;
  int y, lastY, goalheight;
  int num_bytes = 0;
  lastChar = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, position,
					  XmSELECT_LINE, XmsdRight, 1, False);
  lastBreak = startpos = position;
    y = lastY = data->topmargin;
    goalheight = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height - data->bottommargin;
    while (position < lastChar) {
      nextLeft = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, position,
                                            XmSELECT_WHITESPACE, XmsdRight,
                                            1, False);
      nextBreak = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, nextLeft,
					     XmSELECT_WHITESPACE, XmsdRight,
					     1, True);
      while (position < nextLeft) {
	position = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source,
						    position, nextLeft, 
	length = block.length;
	y += FindHeight(tw, y, &block, 0, block.length);
	if (y > goalheight) {
	  if (lastBreak > startpos) {
	    if (lastY <= goalheight) /* word wrap is being performed */
		return lastBreak;
	    y = lastY;
	    oldpos = position = lastBreak;
	    while (y > goalheight && position > startpos) {
	      oldpos = position;
	      position = (*tw->text.source->Scan)
	        (tw->text.source, position, XmSELECT_POSITION,
	         XmsdLeft, 1, True);
	      (void) (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)
	        (tw->text.source, position, oldpos, &block);
	      num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, 
	      /* Pitiful error handling, but what else can you do? */
	      if (num_bytes < 0) num_bytes = 1;
	      y -= FindHeight(tw, y, &block, 0, num_bytes);
	    if (extra) {
	      *extra = (LineTableExtra)
	        XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(LineTableExtraRec));
	      (*extra)->wrappedbychar = True;
	      (*extra)->width = 0;
	    return oldpos; /* Allows one whitespace char to appear */
	    /* partially off the edge. */
	  if (extra) {
	    *extra = (LineTableExtra)
	      XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(LineTableExtraRec));
	    (*extra)->wrappedbychar = True;
	    (*extra)->width = 0;
	  if ((int)tw->text.char_size == 1) {
	    for (i=length - 1; i>=0 && y > goalheight; i--) {
	      y -= FindHeight(tw, y, &block, i, i + 1);
	      position = 
					     XmsdLeft, 1, True);
	    return position;
	  } else {
	    char tmp_cache[200];
	    wchar_t * tmp_wc;
	    Cardinal tmp_wc_size;
	    char tmp_char[MB_LEN_MAX];
	    int num_chars = 0;
	    XmTextBlockRec mini_block;
	    /* If 16-bit data, convert the char* to wchar_t*... this
	     * allows us to scan backwards through the text one
	     * character at a time.  Without wchar_t, we would have
	     * to continually scan from the start of the string to
	     * find the byte offset of character n-1. 
	    mini_block.ptr = tmp_char;
	    num_chars = _XmTextCountCharacters(block.ptr, block.length);
	    tmp_wc_size = (num_chars + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t);
	    tmp_wc = (wchar_t *) XmStackAlloc(tmp_wc_size, tmp_cache);
	    num_chars = mbstowcs(tmp_wc, block.ptr, num_chars);
	    if (num_chars > 0) {
	      for (i = num_chars - 1; i >= 0 && y > goalheight; i--) {
		mini_block.length = wctomb(mini_block.ptr, tmp_wc[i]);
		if (mini_block.length < 0) mini_block.length = 0;
		y -= FindHeight(tw, y, &mini_block,
			        0, mini_block.length);
		position = 
					       XmsdLeft, 1, True);
	    XmStackFree((char*)tmp_wc, tmp_cache);
	  } /* end multi-byte handling */
	  return position;
      while (position < nextBreak) {
	position = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source,
						      position, nextBreak,
	length = block.length;
	y += FindHeight(tw, y, &block, 0, block.length);
      lastBreak = nextBreak;
      lastY = y;
  } else {
  x = lastX = data->leftmargin;
  goalwidth = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width - data->rightmargin;
  while (position < lastChar) {
    nextLeft = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, position,
                                            XmSELECT_WHITESPACE, XmsdRight,
                                            1, False);
    nextBreak = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, nextLeft,
					     XmSELECT_WHITESPACE, XmsdRight,
					     1, True);
    while ((position < nextLeft) ||
	   (nextBreak == lastChar && position < nextBreak)) {
      if (position < nextLeft)
        position = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source,
						    position, nextLeft, 
        position = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source,
						    position, nextBreak, 
      length = block.length;
      x += FindWidth(tw, x, &block, 0, block.length);
      if (x > goalwidth) {
	if (lastBreak > startpos) {
	  if (lastX <= goalwidth) /* word wrap is being performed */
	      return lastBreak;
	  x = lastX;
	  oldpos = position = lastBreak;
	  while (x > goalwidth && position > startpos) {
	    oldpos = position;
	    position = (*tw->text.source->Scan)
	      (tw->text.source, position, XmSELECT_POSITION,
	       XmsdLeft, 1, True);
	    (void) (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)
	      (tw->text.source, position, oldpos, &block);
	    num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size);
	    num_bytes = *block.ptr ? 1 : 0;
	    /* Pitiful error handling, but what else can you do? */
	    if (num_bytes < 0) num_bytes = 1;
	    x -= FindWidth(tw, x, &block, 0, num_bytes);
	  if (extra) {
	    *extra = (LineTableExtra)
	      XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(LineTableExtraRec));
	    (*extra)->wrappedbychar = True;
	    (*extra)->width = 0;
	  return oldpos; /* Allows one whitespace char to appear */
	  /* partially off the edge. */
	if (extra) {
	  *extra = (LineTableExtra)
	    XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(LineTableExtraRec));
	  (*extra)->wrappedbychar = True;
	  (*extra)->width = 0;
	if ((int)tw->text.char_size == 1) {
	  for (i=length - 1; i>=0 && x > goalwidth; i--) {
	    x -= FindWidth(tw, x, &block, i, i + 1);
	    position = 
					   XmsdLeft, 1, True);
	  return position;
	} else {
	  char tmp_cache[200];
	  wchar_t * tmp_wc;
	  Cardinal tmp_wc_size;
	  char tmp_char[MB_LEN_MAX];
	  int num_chars = 0;
	  XmTextBlockRec mini_block;
	  /* If 16-bit data, convert the char* to wchar_t*... this
	   * allows us to scan backwards through the text one
	   * character at a time.  Without wchar_t, we would have
	   * to continually scan from the start of the string to
	   * find the byte offset of character n-1. 
	  mini_block.ptr = tmp_char;
	  num_chars = _XmTextCountCharacters(block.ptr, block.length);
	  tmp_wc_size = (num_chars + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t);
	  tmp_wc = (wchar_t *) XmStackAlloc(tmp_wc_size, tmp_cache);
	  num_chars = mbstowcs(tmp_wc, block.ptr, num_chars);
	  if (num_chars > 0) {
	    for (i = num_chars - 1; i >= 0 && x > goalwidth; i--) {
	      mini_block.length = wctomb(mini_block.ptr, tmp_wc[i]);
	      if (mini_block.length < 0) mini_block.length = 0;
              x -= FindWidth(tw, x, &mini_block,
			     0, mini_block.length);
	      position = 
					     XmsdLeft, 1, True);
	  XmStackFree((char*)tmp_wc, tmp_cache);
	} /* end multi-byte handling */
	return position;
    while (position < nextBreak) {
      position = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source,
						    position, nextBreak,
      length = block.length;
      x += FindWidth(tw, x, &block, 0, block.length);
    lastBreak = nextBreak;
    lastX = x;
  lineEnd = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, lastChar,
					 XmSELECT_LINE, XmsdRight, 1, True);
  if (lineEnd != lastChar) return lineEnd;
  else return PASTENDPOS;

static XtGeometryResult 
TryResize(XmTextWidget tw,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
	  int width,
	  int height)
          Dimension width,
          Dimension height)
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
  XtGeometryResult result;
  Dimension origwidth = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width;
  Dimension origheight = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height;
  XtWidgetGeometry request, reply;
  if (origwidth != width) {
    request.request_mode = CWWidth;
    request.width = width;
  } else
    request.request_mode = (XtGeometryMask)0;
  if (origheight != height) {
    request.request_mode |= CWHeight;
    request.height = height;
  /* requesting current size */
  if (request.request_mode == (XtGeometryMask)0) return XtGeometryNo;
  result = XtMakeGeometryRequest(tw->text.inner_widget, &request, &reply);
  if (result == XtGeometryAlmost) {
    if (request.request_mode & CWWidth)
      request.width = reply.width;
    if (request.request_mode & CWHeight)
      request.height = reply.height;
    result = XtMakeGeometryRequest(tw->text.inner_widget, &request,
    if (result == XtGeometryYes) {
      result = XtGeometryNo;
      if (((request.request_mode & CWWidth) && reply.width != origwidth) ||
	  ((request.request_mode & CWHeight) && reply.height != origheight))
	result = XtGeometryYes;
    return result;
  if (result == XtGeometryYes) {
    /* Some brain damaged geometry managers return XtGeometryYes and
       don't change the widget's size. */
    if (((request.request_mode & CWWidth) &&
	 tw->text.inner_widget->core.width != width) ||
	((request.request_mode & CWHeight) &&
	 tw->text.inner_widget->core.height != height) ||
	((request.request_mode == (CWWidth & CWHeight)) &&
	 (tw->text.inner_widget->core.width == origwidth &&
	  tw->text.inner_widget->core.height == origheight)))
      result = XtGeometryNo;
  return result;

_XmRedisplayHBar(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  int value, sliderSize, maximum, new_sliderSize;
  XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
  XmNavigatorTrait nav_trait;

  if (!(data->scrollhorizontal && XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw))) ||
      data->suspend_hoffset || tw->text.disable_depth != 0 ||
      tw->core.being_destroyed || data->hbar == NULL)
  ChangeHOffset(tw, data->hoffset, False); /* Makes sure that hoffset is 
						  still reasonable. */
  new_sliderSize = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width
    - (data->leftmargin + data->rightmargin);
  if (new_sliderSize < 1) new_sliderSize = 1;
  if (new_sliderSize > data->scrollwidth) new_sliderSize = data->scrollwidth;
  nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavSliderSize|NavMaximum;
  nav_trait = (XmNavigatorTrait)
    XmeTraitGet((XtPointer)XtClass(data->hbar), XmQTnavigator);
  if (nav_trait) {
    nav_trait->getValue(data->hbar, &nav_data);
    maximum = nav_data.maximum.x;
    sliderSize = nav_data.slider_size.x;
    value = nav_data.value.x;

  } else
  if ((maximum != data->scrollwidth || 
       value != data->hoffset || 
       sliderSize != new_sliderSize) &&
      !(sliderSize == maximum && new_sliderSize == data->scrollwidth)) {
    data->ignorehbar = True;
    nav_data.value.x = data->hoffset;
    nav_data.minimum.x = 0;
    nav_data.maximum.x = data->scrollwidth;
    nav_data.slider_size.x = new_sliderSize;
    nav_data.increment.x = 0;   /* increments stay at current values */
    nav_data.page_increment.x = new_sliderSize;
    nav_data.dimMask = NavigDimensionX;
    nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavMinimum|NavMaximum|
    _XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent((Widget)tw), &nav_data, True); 
    data->ignorehbar = False;

_XmRedisplayVBar(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  int value = 0, sliderSize = 0, maximum = 0, new_sliderSize = 0;
  XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
  XmNavigatorTrait nav_trait;

  if (!(data->scrollvertical && XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw))) ||
      data->suspend_voffset || tw->text.disable_depth != 0 ||
      tw->core.being_destroyed || data->vbar == NULL)
  ChangeVOffset(tw, data->voffset, False); /* Makes sure that voffset is 
						  still reasonable. */
  new_sliderSize = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height
    - (data->topmargin + data->bottommargin);
  if (new_sliderSize < 1) new_sliderSize = 1;
  if (new_sliderSize > data->scrollheight) new_sliderSize = data->scrollheight;
  nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavSliderSize|NavMaximum;
  nav_trait = (XmNavigatorTrait)
    XmeTraitGet((XtPointer)XtClass(data->vbar), XmQTnavigator);
  if (nav_trait) {
    nav_trait->getValue(data->vbar, &nav_data);
    maximum = nav_data.maximum.y;
    sliderSize = nav_data.slider_size.y;
    value = nav_data.value.y;

  } else
  if ((maximum != data->scrollheight || 
       value != data->voffset || 
       sliderSize != new_sliderSize) &&
      !(sliderSize == maximum && new_sliderSize == data->scrollheight)) {
    data->ignorehbar = True;
    nav_data.value.y = data->voffset;
    nav_data.minimum.y = 0;
    nav_data.maximum.y = data->scrollheight;
    nav_data.slider_size.y = new_sliderSize;
    nav_data.increment.y = 0;   /* increments stay at current values */
    nav_data.page_increment.y = new_sliderSize;
    nav_data.dimMask = NavigDimensionY;
    nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavMinimum|NavMaximum|
    _XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent((Widget)tw), &nav_data, True); 
    data->ignorehbar = False;

static int 
CountLines(XmTextWidget tw,
	   XmTextPosition start,
	   XmTextPosition end)
  register XmTextLineTable line_table;
  register unsigned int t_index;
  register unsigned int max_index = 0;
  int numlines = 0;
  line_table = tw->text.line_table;
  t_index = tw->text.table_index;
  max_index = tw->text.total_lines - 1;
  /* look forward to find the current record */
  if (line_table[t_index].start_pos < (unsigned int) start) {
    while (t_index <= max_index &&
	   line_table[t_index].start_pos < (unsigned int) start) t_index++;
  } else {
    /* look backward to find the current record */
    while (t_index &&
	   line_table[t_index].start_pos > (unsigned int) start) t_index--;
  while(line_table[t_index].start_pos < (unsigned int) end) {
  return (numlines);

_XmChangeVSB(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  int local_total;
  int new_size;
  XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
  if (tw->text.disable_depth != 0) return;
  if (tw->core.being_destroyed) return;
  if (!tw->text.top_character) tw->text.top_line = 0;
    tw->text.top_line = _XmTextGetTableIndex(tw, tw->text.top_character);
  if (tw->text.top_line > tw->text.total_lines)
    tw->text.top_line = tw->text.total_lines;
  if (tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines >
    local_total = tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines;
    local_total = tw->text.total_lines;
  if (data->vbar) {
    if (local_total >= tw->text.number_lines)
      new_size = tw->text.number_lines;
      new_size = local_total;
    if (new_size + tw->text.top_line > local_total)
      new_size = local_total - tw->text.top_line;
    data->ignorevbar = True;
    nav_data.value.y = tw->text.top_line;
    nav_data.minimum.y = 0;
    nav_data.maximum.y = local_total;
    nav_data.slider_size.y = new_size;
    nav_data.increment.y = 0;   /* increments stay at current values */
    nav_data.page_increment.y = (data->number_lines > 1)?
      (data->number_lines - 1): 1;
    nav_data.dimMask = NavigDimensionY;
    nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavMinimum|NavMaximum|
    _XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent((Widget)tw), &nav_data, True);
    data->ignorevbar = False;

_XmChangeHSB(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  int local_total = 0;
  int new_size = 0;
  XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
  int offset = 0;
  if (tw->text.disable_depth != 0) return;
  if (tw->core.being_destroyed) return;
  if (!tw->text.top_character) tw->text.top_line = 0;
    tw->text.top_line = _XmTextGetTableIndex(tw, tw->text.top_character);
  if (tw->text.top_line > tw->text.total_lines)
    tw->text.top_line = tw->text.total_lines;
  if (tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines >
    local_total = tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines;
    local_total = tw->text.total_lines;
  if (data->hbar) {
    if (local_total >= tw->text.number_lines)
      new_size = tw->text.number_lines;
      new_size = local_total;
    if (new_size + tw->text.top_line > local_total)
      new_size = local_total - tw->text.top_line;
    data->ignorehbar = True;
    offset = local_total - (tw->text.number_lines + tw->text.top_line);
    nav_data.value.x = tw->text.top_line;
    nav_data.minimum.x = 0;
    nav_data.maximum.x = local_total;
    nav_data.slider_size.x = new_size;
    nav_data.increment.x = 0;   /* increments stay at current values */
    nav_data.page_increment.x = (data->number_lines > 1)?
      (data->number_lines - 1): 1;
    nav_data.dimMask = NavigDimensionX;
    nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavMinimum|NavMaximum|
    _XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent((Widget)tw), &nav_data, True);
    data->ignorehbar = False;

static void 
TextFindNewWidth(XmTextWidget tw,
		 Dimension *widthRtn)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  XmTextPosition start;
  Dimension newwidth;
  newwidth = 0;
    XmTextPosition first_position = 0;
    LineTableExtra extra;

    newwidth = (int)(tw->text.total_lines * data->linewidth) +
		data->leftmargin + data->rightmargin;
    _XmTextLineInfo(tw, (LineNum) 0, &start, &extra);
    if (start > 0) {
      first_position = (*tw->text.source->Scan)
	(tw->text.source, start,
	 XmSELECT_ALL, XmsdLeft, 1, True);
      if (start > first_position) {
	_XmTextSetTopCharacter((Widget)tw, start);
  } else {
  if (data->resizeheight && tw->text.total_lines > data->number_lines) {
    int i;
    XmTextPosition linestart, position;
    Dimension text_width;
    XmTextBlockRec block;
    i = _XmTextGetTableIndex(tw, tw->text.top_character);
    for (linestart = tw->text.top_character;
	 i + 1 < tw->text.total_lines; i++) {
      text_width = data->leftmargin;
      position = tw->text.line_table[i + 1].start_pos - 1;
      while (linestart < position) {
	linestart = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)
	  (tw->text.source, linestart, position, &block);
	text_width += FindWidth(tw, text_width, &block, 0, block.length);
      text_width += data->rightmargin;
      if (text_width > newwidth) newwidth = text_width;
    text_width = data->leftmargin;
    position = tw->text.last_position;
    while (linestart < position) {
      linestart = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)
	(tw->text.source, linestart, position, &block);
      text_width += FindWidth(tw, text_width, &block, 0, block.length);
    text_width += data->rightmargin;
    if (text_width > newwidth) newwidth = text_width;
  } else {
    LineNum l;
    LineTableExtra extra;
    for (l = 0; l < data->number_lines; l++) {
      _XmTextLineInfo(tw, l, &start, &extra);
      if (extra && newwidth < extra->width) newwidth = extra->width;
  *widthRtn = newwidth;

static void 
TextFindNewHeight(XmTextWidget tw,
		  XmTextPosition position, /* unused */
		  Dimension *heightRtn)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  XmTextPosition first_position, start;
  LineTableExtra extra;
  Dimension newheight = 0;

    if (data->resizeheight && tw->text.total_lines > data->number_lines) {
      int i;
      XmTextPosition linestart, pos;
      Dimension text_height;
      XmTextBlockRec block;
      i = _XmTextGetTableIndex(tw, tw->text.top_character);
      for (linestart = tw->text.top_character;
	   i + 1 < tw->text.total_lines; i++) {
	text_height = data->topmargin;
	pos = tw->text.line_table[i + 1].start_pos - 1;
	while (linestart < pos) {
	  linestart = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)
	    (tw->text.source, linestart, pos, &block);
	  text_height += FindHeight(tw, text_height, &block, 0, block.length);
	text_height += data->bottommargin;
	if (text_height > newheight) newheight = text_height;
      text_height = data->topmargin;
      pos = tw->text.last_position;
      while (linestart < pos) {
	linestart = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)
	  (tw->text.source, linestart, pos, &block);
	text_height += FindHeight(tw, text_height, &block, 0, block.length);
      text_height += data->bottommargin;
      if (text_height > newheight) newheight = text_height;
    } else {
      LineNum l;
      LineTableExtra extra;
      for (l = 0; l < data->number_lines; l++) {
	_XmTextLineInfo(tw, l, &start, &extra);
	if (extra && newheight < extra->width) newheight = extra->width;
    *heightRtn = newheight;
  } else {
  *heightRtn = tw->text.total_lines * data->lineheight +
    data->topmargin + data->bottommargin;
  _XmTextLineInfo(tw, (LineNum) 0, &start, &extra);
  if (start > 0) {
    first_position = (*tw->text.source->Scan)
      (tw->text.source, start,
       XmSELECT_ALL, XmsdLeft, 1, True);
    if (start > first_position) {
      _XmTextSetTopCharacter((Widget)tw, start);

static void 
CheckForNewSize(XmTextWidget tw,
		XmTextPosition position)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  Dimension newwidth, newheight;
    if (data->scrollhorizontal &&
	XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw)) &&
  } else {
  if (data->scrollvertical &&
      XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw)) &&
  if (tw->text.in_resize || tw->text.in_expose) {
      if (data->scrollvertical &&
	  XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw))) {
	TextFindNewHeight(tw, position, &newheight);
	newheight -= (data->bottommargin + data->topmargin);
	if (newheight != data->scrollheight &&
	    !data->suspend_voffset) {
	  if (newheight) data->scrollheight = newheight;
	  else data->scrollheight = 1;
    } else {
    if (data->scrollhorizontal &&
	XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw))) {
      TextFindNewWidth(tw, &newwidth);
      newwidth -= (data->rightmargin + data->leftmargin);
      if (newwidth != data->scrollwidth &&
	  !data->suspend_hoffset) {
	if (newwidth) data->scrollwidth = newwidth;
	else data->scrollwidth = 1;
  } else {
      if (data->resizeheight  || 
	  (data->scrollvertical &&
	  TextFindNewHeight(tw, position, &newheight);
	  if (data->scrollvertical &&
	      newheight -= (data->bottommargin + data->topmargin);
	      if (newheight != data->scrollheight &&
		  !data->suspend_voffset) {
	        if (newheight) data->scrollheight = newheight;
	        else data->scrollheight = 1;
	      newheight = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height;
	    } else if (newheight < data->minheight) newheight = data->minheight;
	} else newheight = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height;
      newwidth = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width;
      if (data->resizewidth) {
	TextFindNewWidth(tw, &newwidth);
	if (newwidth < data->minwidth) newwidth = data->minwidth;
    } else {
    if (data->resizewidth  || 
	(data->scrollhorizontal &&
	TextFindNewWidth(tw, &newwidth);
	if (data->scrollhorizontal &&
	    newwidth -= (data->rightmargin + data->leftmargin);
	    if (newwidth != data->scrollwidth &&
		!data->suspend_hoffset) {
	      if (newwidth) data->scrollwidth = newwidth;
	      else data->scrollwidth = 1;
	    newwidth = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width;
	  } else if (newwidth < data->minwidth) newwidth = data->minwidth;
      } else newwidth = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width;
    newheight = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height;
     if (data->resizeheight
       && !(data->scrollvertical &&
       XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent((Widget)tw))) ) {
      TextFindNewHeight(tw, position, &newheight);
      if (newheight < data->minheight) newheight = data->minheight;
    if ((newwidth != tw->text.inner_widget->core.width ||
	 newheight != tw->text.inner_widget->core.height)) {
      if (tw->text.in_setvalues) {
	tw->core.width = newwidth;
	tw->core.height = newheight;
      } else {
	if (TryResize(tw, newwidth, newheight) == XtGeometryYes)
	  NotifyResized((Widget) tw, False);
	  tw->text.needs_refigure_lines = False;

static XtPointer
OutputBaseProc(Widget widget,
	       XtPointer client_data)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) widget;
  XtPointer ret_val;

  ret_val = (XtPointer) tw->text.output;
  return ret_val;

_XmTextOutputGetSecResData(XmSecondaryResourceData *secResDataRtn)
  XmSecondaryResourceData secResData = XtNew(XmSecondaryResourceDataRec);
  _XmTransformSubResources(output_resources, XtNumber(output_resources),
  secResData->name = NULL;
  secResData->res_class = NULL;
  secResData->client_data = NULL;
  secResData->base_proc = OutputBaseProc;
  *secResDataRtn = secResData;

 * To make TextOut a true "Object" this function should be a class function. *
_XmTextGetNumberLines(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  return (data->number_lines);

 * To make TextOut a true "Object" this function should be a class function. *
/* This routine is used to control foreground vs. background when moving
 * cursor position.  It ensures that when cursor position is changed
 * between "inside the selection" and "outside the selection", that the
 * correct foreground and background are used when "painting" the cursor
 * through the IBeam stencil.
_XmTextMovingCursorPosition(XmTextWidget	tw,
			    XmTextPosition	position)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  _XmHighlightRec 	*hl_list = tw->text.highlight.list;
  int			i;
  for (i = tw->text.highlight.number - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    if (position >= hl_list[i].position)
  if (position == hl_list[i].position) {
    if (data->have_inverted_image_gc)
  } else if (hl_list[i].mode != XmHIGHLIGHT_SELECTED) {
    if (data->have_inverted_image_gc)
  } else if (!data->have_inverted_image_gc) {

static Boolean 
MeasureLine(XmTextWidget tw,
	    LineNum line,
	    XmTextPosition position,
	    XmTextPosition *nextpos,
	    LineTableExtra *extra)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  XmTextPosition temp, last_position;
  XmTextBlockRec block;
  Dimension width = 0;
  Dimension height = 0;
  posToXYCachedWidget = NULL;
  if (extra) *extra = NULL;
  if (line >= data->number_lines) {
    if (data->resizewidth || data->resizeheight ||
	((data->scrollvertical || data->scrollhorizontal) &&
	 XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw)))) {
      CheckForNewSize(tw, position);
  if (nextpos) {
    if (position == PASTENDPOS) {
      *nextpos = last_position = PASTENDPOS;
    } else {
      if (ShouldWordWrap(data, tw)) {
	*nextpos = _XmTextFindLineEnd(tw, position, extra);
      } else {
	last_position = (*tw->text.source->Scan)
	   position, XmSELECT_LINE,
	   XmsdRight, 1, False);
	*nextpos = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source,
						last_position, XmSELECT_LINE,
						XmsdRight, 1, True);
	if (*nextpos == last_position)
	  *nextpos = PASTENDPOS;
	  if (extra && (data->resizeheight || 
		        (data->scrollvertical && 
		         XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw))))) {
	    (*extra) = (LineTableExtra)
	      XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(LineTableExtraRec));
	    (*extra)->wrappedbychar = False;
	    height = data->topmargin;
	    temp = position;
	    while (temp < last_position) {
	      temp = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)
		(tw->text.source, temp, last_position, &block);
	      height += FindHeight(tw, (Position) width, &block,
			           0, block.length);
	    (*extra)->width = height + data->bottommargin;
	} else {
	if (extra && (data->resizewidth || 
		      (data->scrollhorizontal && 
		       XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw))))) {
	  (*extra) = (LineTableExtra)
	    XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(LineTableExtraRec));
	  (*extra)->wrappedbychar = False;
	  width = data->leftmargin;
	  temp = position;
	  while (temp < last_position) {
	    temp = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)
	      (tw->text.source, temp, last_position, &block);
	    width += FindWidth(tw, (Position) width, &block,
			       0, block.length);
	  (*extra)->width = width + data->rightmargin;
      if (*nextpos == position)
	*nextpos = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source,
						position, XmSELECT_POSITION,
						XmsdRight, 1, True);
  return (True);

static Boolean
_FontStructPerCharExtents(XmTextWidget tw,
			  char *str,
			  int length,
			  XCharStruct *overall)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  XFontStruct *font = data->font;
  unsigned char c;
  int dummy;

  memset((char *)overall, 0x00, sizeof(XCharStruct));

    return False;

  if(length <= 0 || str == (char *) NULL)
    return True;

  if(tw->text.char_size != 1) {
    if(length == 1) {
      c = (unsigned char) *str;
      if(c == '\t') {
	return True;
      } else {
	if(font->per_char && (c >= font->min_char_or_byte2 &&
			      c <= font->max_char_or_byte2)) {
	  overall->lbearing =
			font->per_char[c - font->min_char_or_byte2].lbearing;
	  overall->rbearing =
			font->per_char[c - font->min_char_or_byte2].rbearing;
	  overall->width = font->per_char[c - font->min_char_or_byte2].width;
	} else {
	  overall->lbearing = font->min_bounds.lbearing;
	  overall->rbearing = font->min_bounds.rbearing;
	  overall->width = font->min_bounds.width;
	overall->ascent = font->max_bounds.ascent;
	overall->descent = font->max_bounds.descent;
    } else {
      if (_XmIsISO10646(XtDisplay(tw), data->font)) {
        size_t ucsstr_len = 0;
        XChar2b *ucsstr = _XmUtf8ToUcs2(str, length, &ucsstr_len);
        XTextExtents16(data->font, ucsstr, ucsstr_len,
			&dummy, &dummy, &dummy, overall);
      } else
        XTextExtents(data->font, str, length, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy, overall);
  } else {
    c = (unsigned char) *str;
    if(c == '\t') {
      return True;
    } else {
      if(font->per_char) {
	if(c >= font->min_char_or_byte2 && c <= font->max_char_or_byte2) {
	  overall->lbearing =
			font->per_char[c - font->min_char_or_byte2].lbearing;
	  overall->rbearing =
			font->per_char[c - font->min_char_or_byte2].rbearing;
	  overall->width = font->per_char[c - font->min_char_or_byte2].width;
	} else if (font->default_char >= font->min_char_or_byte2 &&
		 font->default_char <= font->max_char_or_byte2) {
	  overall->lbearing = font->per_char[font->default_char -
	  overall->rbearing = font->per_char[font->default_char -
	  overall->width = font->per_char[font->default_char -
	} else {
	  overall->lbearing = font->min_bounds.lbearing;
	  overall->rbearing = font->min_bounds.rbearing;
	  overall->width = font->min_bounds.width;
      } else {
	overall->lbearing = font->min_bounds.lbearing;
	overall->rbearing = font->min_bounds.rbearing;
	overall->width = font->min_bounds.width;
      overall->ascent = font->max_bounds.ascent;
      overall->descent = font->max_bounds.descent;
  return True;;

static void 
Draw(XmTextWidget tw,
     LineNum line,
     XmTextPosition start,
     XmTextPosition end,
     XmHighlightMode highlight)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  XmTextPosition linestart, nextlinestart;
  LineTableExtra extra;
  XmTextBlockRec block;
  int x, y, length, newx, i;
  int num_bytes = 0;
  int text_border;
  int rightedge = (((int)tw->text.inner_widget->core.width) -
		   data->rightmargin) + data->hoffset;
  Boolean stipple = False;
  int width, height;
  int rec_width = 0;
  int rec_height = 0;
  Boolean cleartoend, cleartobottom;
  XmHighlightMode endhighlight = highlight;
  int bottomedge = (((int)tw->text.inner_widget->core.height) -
		     data->bottommargin) + data->voffset;
  int win_width = 0;
  int newy = 0;
  int charheight = data->font_ascent + data->font_descent;
  if (!XtIsRealized((Widget) tw)) return;
  _XmTextLineInfo(tw, line+1, &nextlinestart, &extra);
  _XmTextLineInfo(tw, line, &linestart, &extra);
  if (!XtIsSensitive((Widget)tw)) stipple = True;
  if (linestart == PASTENDPOS) {
    start = end = nextlinestart = PASTENDPOS;
    cleartoend = cleartobottom = True;
  } else if (nextlinestart == PASTENDPOS) {
    nextlinestart = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, 0,
						 XmSELECT_ALL, XmsdRight, 1, 
    cleartoend = cleartobottom = (end >= nextlinestart);
    if (start >= nextlinestart) 
      endhighlight = highlight = XmHIGHLIGHT_NORMAL;
    else if (cleartoend) 
      endhighlight = XmHIGHLIGHT_NORMAL;
  } else {
    cleartobottom = False;
    cleartoend = (end >= nextlinestart);
    if (cleartoend && (!extra || !extra->wrappedbychar))
      end = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, nextlinestart, 
					 XmSELECT_POSITION, XmsdLeft, 1, True);
  if (XmDirectionMatch(XmPrim_layout_direction(tw),
    y = data->topmargin;
    x = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
	(data->rightmargin + line * data->linewidth +
	 (int)(data->linewidth * 0.5));
    while (linestart < start && x <= rightedge) {
      linestart = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source,
						 linestart, start, &block);
      y += FindHeight(tw, y, &block, 0, block.length);
  } else {
    y = data->topmargin + line * data->lineheight + data->font_ascent;
    x = data->leftmargin;
    while (linestart < start && x <= rightedge) {
      linestart = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source,
						   linestart, start, &block);
      x += FindWidth(tw, x, &block, 0, block.length);
    XOrientation orient = 0;
    newy = y;
    if(data->use_fontset == True) {
      XGetOCValues((XOC)data->font, XNOrientation, &orient, NULL);
      SetXOCOrientation(tw, (XOC)data->font, XOMOrientation_TTB_RTL);
    while (start < end && y <= bottomedge) {
      start = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source, start,
					     end, &block);
      if ((int)tw->text.char_size == 1) num_bytes = 1;
      else {
	num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size);
	if (num_bytes < 1) num_bytes = 1;
      while (block.length > 0) {
	while (num_bytes == 1 && block.ptr[0] == '\t') {
	  newy = y;
	  while (block.length > 0 && num_bytes == 1 &&
	         newy - data->voffset < data->topmargin) {
	    height = FindHeight(tw, newy, &block, 0, 1);
	    newy += height;
	    if (newy - data->voffset < data->topmargin) {
	      y = newy;
	      if ((int)tw->text.char_size != 1) { 
		/* check if we've got mbyte char */
		num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, 
		if (num_bytes < 1) num_bytes = 1;
	  if (block.length <= 0 || num_bytes != 1 || 
	      block.ptr[0] != '\t') break;
	  height = FindHeight(tw, y, &block, 0, 1);
	  if (highlight == XmHIGHLIGHT_SELECTED)
	    SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, False, False);
	    SetInvGC(tw, data->gc);
	  SetFullGC(tw, data->gc);
	  if (((y - data->voffset) + height) >
	      (int)(tw->text.inner_widget->core.height - data->bottommargin))
	    rec_height = (tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
		          data->bottommargin) - (y - data->voffset);
	    rec_height = height;
	  if (x - (int)(data->linewidth * 0.5) < data->leftmargin)
	    rec_width = (tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
			 data->rightmargin) - x;
	    rec_width = data->linewidth;
		         XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc, 
		         x - (data->linewidth * 0.5), y - data->voffset,
		         rec_width, rec_height);
	  SetMarginGC(tw, data->gc);
	    if (highlight == XmHIGHLIGHT_SELECTED)
	      SetInvGC(tw, data->gc);
	      SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, False, False);
		      XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc, 
		      x + (int)(data->linewidth * 0.5) - 1, y - data->voffset,
		      (int)(x + data->linewidth * 0.5) - 1,
		      ((y - data->voffset) + height) - 1);
	  y += height;
	  if ((int)tw->text.char_size != 1) {
	    num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size);
	    /* crummy error handling, but ... */
	    if (num_bytes < 0) num_bytes = 1;
	  if (block.length <= 0) break;
        if ((int)tw->text.char_size == 1) {
	  for (length = 0; length < block.length; length++) {
	    if (block.ptr[length] == '\t') break;
        } else {
	  for (length = 0, num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, 
	       length < block.length; 
	       num_bytes = mblen(&block.ptr[length], 
			         (int)tw->text.char_size)) {
	    if ((num_bytes == 1) && block.ptr[length] == '\t') break;
	    if (num_bytes == 0) break;
	    if (num_bytes < 0) num_bytes = 1;
	    length += num_bytes;
        if (length <= 0) break;
        newy = y;
        while (length > 0 && newy + charheight < data->topmargin) {
	  newy += FindHeight(tw, newy, &block, 0, 1);
	  if ((int)tw->text.char_size == 1) {
	    if (newy + charheight < data->topmargin) {
	      y = newy;
	  } else {
	    if (newy + charheight < data->topmargin) {
	      num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size);
	      if (num_bytes < 0) num_bytes = 1;
	      length -= num_bytes;
	      block.length -= num_bytes;
	      block.ptr += num_bytes;
	      y = newy;
        if (length == 0) continue;
        newy = y + FindHeight(tw, y, &block, 0, length);
        if (newy > bottomedge) {
	  newy = y;
	  if ((int)tw->text.char_size == 1) {
	    for (i=0; i < length && (newy - data->voffset) <= bottomedge; i++) {
	      newy += FindHeight(tw, newy, &block, i, i+1);
	  } else {
	    for (i=0, num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size); 
	         i < length && (newy - data->voffset) <= bottomedge &&
		 num_bytes > 0;
	         i += num_bytes, num_bytes = mblen(&block.ptr[i], 
	      newy += FindHeight(tw, newy, &block, i, i + num_bytes);
	  length = i;
	  start = end; /* Force a break out of the outer loop. */
	  block.length = length; /* ... and out of the inner loop. */
        if (highlight == XmHIGHLIGHT_SELECTED) {
	  /* Draw the inverse background, then draw the text over it */
	  SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, False, False);
	  SetFullGC(tw, data->gc);
	  if (((y - data->voffset) + (newy - y)) >
	      (int) tw->text.inner_widget->core.height - data->bottommargin)
	    rec_height = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
	      (y - data->voffset) - data->bottommargin;
	    rec_height = newy - y;
	  if (x + (int)(data->linewidth * 0.5) < data->leftmargin)
	    rec_width = x + (tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
	    rec_width = data->linewidth;
		         data->gc, x - (int)(data->linewidth * 0.5),
		         y - data->voffset, rec_width, rec_height);
	  SetInvGC(tw, data->gc);
	  SetMarginGC(tw, data->gc);
	  if (data->use_fontset) {
			  (XFontSet) data->font, data->gc, 
			  x, y - data->voffset, block.ptr, length);
#ifdef USE_XFT
	  } else if (data->use_xft) {
	    _XmXftDrawString2(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
			      data->gc, (XftFont*) data->font, 1,
			      x, y - data->voffset, block.ptr, length);
	  } else {
	    int len = 0, csize = 0, wx = 0, orig_x = 0, orig_y = 0;
	    char *p = NULL;
	    XCharStruct overall;

	    wx = x - data->hoffset;
	    orig_y = y - data->voffset;
	    for(len = length, p = block.ptr ; len > 0 && p ;
		len-= csize, p += csize) {
	      csize = mblen(p, (int)tw->text.char_size);

	      _FontStructPerCharExtents(tw, p, csize, &overall);

	      orig_x = wx - (int)((overall.rbearing - overall.lbearing) >> 1) -
	      orig_y += overall.ascent;
	      if (_XmIsISO10646(XtDisplay(tw), data->font)) {
	        size_t ucsstr_len = 0;
		XChar2b *ucsstr = _XmUtf8ToUcs2(p, csize, &ucsstr_len);
		XDrawString16(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
				data->gc, orig_x, orig_y, ucsstr, ucsstr_len);
	      } else
			  XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc,
			  orig_x, orig_y, p, csize);

	      orig_y += overall.descent;
        } else {
	  SetInvGC(tw, data->gc);
	  if (newy > y) {
	    if (x + (int)(data->linewidth * 0.5) < data->leftmargin)
	      rec_width = x + (tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
	      rec_width = data->linewidth;
			   data->gc, x - (int)(data->linewidth * 0.5),
			   y - data->voffset, rec_width, newy - y);
	  SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, True, stipple);
	  if (data->use_fontset) {
	    int wx, wy;

	    wx = x - data->hoffset;
#ifdef FIX_1381
	    if (stipple)
	        /*Draw shadow for insensitive text*/
	        SetShadowGC(tw, data->gc);
	        (XFontSet) data->font, data->gc,
	        wx+1, y - data->voffset+1, block.ptr, length);
	        SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, True, stipple);

			  (XFontSet) data->font, data->gc, 
			  wx, y - data->voffset, block.ptr, length);
#ifdef USE_XFT
	  } else if (data->use_xft) {
#ifdef FIX_1381
	    if (stipple)
	        /*Draw shadow for insensitive text*/
	        SetShadowGC(tw, data->gc);
	        _XmXftDrawString2(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
			  data->gc, (XftFont*) data->font, 1,
			  x - data->hoffset+1, y - data->voffset+1,
			  block.ptr, length);
	        SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, True, stipple);

	    _XmXftDrawString2(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
			      data->gc, (XftFont*) data->font, 1,
			      x - data->hoffset, y - data->voffset,
			      block.ptr, length);
	  } else {
	    int len = 0, csize = 0, wx = 0, orig_x = 0, orig_y = 0;
	    char *p = NULL;
	    XCharStruct overall;
	    wx = x - data->hoffset;
	    orig_y = y - data->voffset;
	    for(len = length, p = block.ptr ; len > 0 && p ;
		len-= csize, p += csize) {
	      csize = mblen(p, (int)tw->text.char_size);

	      _FontStructPerCharExtents(tw, p, csize, &overall);
	      orig_x = wx - (int)((overall.rbearing - overall.lbearing) >> 1) -
	      orig_y += overall.ascent;
	      if (_XmIsISO10646(XtDisplay(tw), data->font)) {
	        size_t ucsstr_len = 0;
		XChar2b *ucsstr = _XmUtf8ToUcs2(p, csize, &ucsstr_len);
#ifdef FIX_1381
		if (stipple)
		  /*Draw shadow for insensitive text*/
		  SetShadowGC(tw, data->gc);
		  XDrawString16(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
		  		data->gc, orig_x+1, orig_y+1, ucsstr, ucsstr_len);
		  SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, True, stipple);
		XDrawString16(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
				data->gc, orig_x, orig_y, ucsstr, ucsstr_len);
	      } else {
#ifdef FIX_1381
		if (stipple)
		  /*Draw shadow for insensitive text*/
		  SetShadowGC(tw, data->gc);
		  		XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc,
		  		orig_x+1, orig_y+1, p, csize);
		  SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, True, stipple);
			  XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc,
			  orig_x, orig_y, p, csize);
	      orig_y += overall.descent;
	  if (stipple) SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, True, !stipple);
        if (highlight == XmHIGHLIGHT_SECONDARY_SELECTED)
	  XDrawLine(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
		    data->gc, x + (int)(data->linewidth * 0.5) - 1,
		    y - data->voffset,
		    x + (int)(data->linewidth * 0.5) - 1,
		    (newy - data->voffset) - 1);
        y = newy;
        block.length -= length;
        block.ptr += length;
        if ((int)tw->text.char_size != 1) {
	  num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size);
	  if (num_bytes < 1) num_bytes = 1;
    if(data->use_fontset == True) {
      SetXOCOrientation(tw, (XOC)data->font, orient);
  } else {
  newx = x;
  while (start < end && x <= rightedge) {
    start = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)(tw->text.source, start,
					       end, &block);
    if ((int)tw->text.char_size == 1) num_bytes = 1;
    else {
      num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size);
      if (num_bytes < 1) num_bytes = 1;
      num_bytes = 1;
    while (block.length > 0) {
      while (num_bytes == 1 && block.ptr[0] == '\t') {
	newx = x;
	while (block.length > 0 && num_bytes == 1 &&
	       newx - data->hoffset < data->leftmargin) {
	  width = FindWidth(tw, newx, &block, 0, 1);
	  newx += width;
	  if (newx - data->hoffset < data->leftmargin) {
	    x = newx;
	    if ((int)tw->text.char_size != 1) { 
	      /* check if we've got mbyte char */
	      num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size);
	      if (num_bytes < 1) num_bytes = 1;
	      num_bytes = 1;
	if (block.length <= 0 || num_bytes != 1 || 
	    block.ptr[0] != '\t') break;
	width = FindWidth(tw, x, &block, 0, 1);
	if (highlight == XmHIGHLIGHT_SELECTED)
	  SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, False, False);
	  SetInvGC(tw, data->gc);
	SetFullGC(tw, data->gc);
	if ((int) ((x - data->hoffset) + width) >
	    (int) (tw->text.inner_widget->core.width - data->rightmargin))
	  rec_width = (tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
		       data->rightmargin) - (x - data->hoffset);
	  rec_width = width;
	if ((int) (y + data->font_descent) >
	    (int) (tw->text.inner_widget->core.height - data->bottommargin))
	  rec_height = (tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
			data->bottommargin) - y;
	  rec_height = data->font_ascent + data->font_descent;
		       XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc, 
		       x - data->hoffset, y - data->font_ascent,
		       rec_width, rec_height);
	SetMarginGC(tw, data->gc);
	  if (highlight == XmHIGHLIGHT_SELECTED)
	    SetInvGC(tw, data->gc);
	    SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, False, False);
		    XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc, 
		    x - data->hoffset, y,
		    ((x - data->hoffset) + width) - 1, y);
	x += width;
	if ((int)tw->text.char_size != 1) {
	  num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size);
	  /* crummy error handling, but ... */
	  if (num_bytes < 0) num_bytes = 1;
	  num_bytes = *block.ptr ? 1 : 0;
	if (block.length <= 0) break;
      if ((int)tw->text.char_size == 1) {
	for (length = 0; length < block.length; length++) {
	  if (block.ptr[length] == '\t') break;
      } else {
	for (length = 0,
             num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size); 
	     num_bytes = *block.ptr ? 1 : 0;
	     length < block.length; 
	     num_bytes = mblen(&block.ptr[length], (int)tw->text.char_size)) {
	     num_bytes = block.ptr[length] ? 1 : 0) {
	  if ((num_bytes == 1) && block.ptr[length] == '\t') break;
	  if (num_bytes == 0) break;
	  if (num_bytes < 0) num_bytes = 1;
	  length += num_bytes;
      if (length <= 0) break;
      newx = x;
      while (length > 0 && newx - data->hoffset < data->leftmargin) {
	newx += FindWidth(tw, newx, &block, 0, 1);
	if ((int)tw->text.char_size == 1) {
	  if (newx - data->hoffset < data->leftmargin) {
	    x = newx;
	} else {
	  if (newx - data->hoffset < data->leftmargin) {
	    num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size);
	    if (num_bytes < 0) num_bytes = 1;
	    num_bytes = *block.ptr ? 1 : 0;
	    length -= num_bytes;
	    block.length -= num_bytes;
	    block.ptr += num_bytes;
	    x = newx;
      if (length == 0) continue;
      newx = x + FindWidth(tw, x, &block, 0, length);
      if (newx > rightedge) {
	newx = x;
	if ((int)tw->text.char_size == 1) {
	  for (i=0; i < length && newx <= rightedge; i++) {
	    newx += FindWidth(tw, newx, &block, i, i+1);
	} else {
	  for (i=0,
	       num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size); 
	       num_bytes = *block.ptr ? 1 : 0;
	       i < length && newx <= rightedge && num_bytes > 0; 
	       i += num_bytes,
	       num_bytes = mblen(&block.ptr[i], (int)tw->text.char_size))
	       num_bytes = block.ptr[i] ? 1 : 0)
	    newx += FindWidth(tw, newx, &block, i, i + num_bytes);
	length = i;
	start = end; /* Force a break out of the outer loop. */
	block.length = length; /* ... and out of the inner loop. */
      if (highlight == XmHIGHLIGHT_SELECTED) {
	/* Draw the inverse background, then draw the text over it */
	SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, False, False);
	SetFullGC(tw, data->gc);
	if ((int) ((x - data->hoffset) + (newx - x)) >
	    (int) (tw->text.inner_widget->core.width - data->rightmargin))
	  rec_width = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
	    (x - data->hoffset) - data->rightmargin;
	  rec_width = newx - x;
	if ((int) (y + data->font_descent) >
	    (int) (tw->text.inner_widget->core.height - data->bottommargin))
	  rec_height = (tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
			data->bottommargin) - (y - data->font_ascent);
	  rec_height = data->font_ascent + data->font_descent;
		       data->gc, x - data->hoffset,
		       y - data->font_ascent, rec_width, rec_height);
	SetInvGC(tw, data->gc);
	SetMarginGC(tw, data->gc);
	if (data->use_fontset) {
			(XFontSet) data->font, data->gc, 
			x - data->hoffset, y, block.ptr, length);
#ifdef USE_XFT
	} else if (data->use_xft) {
	  _XmXftDrawString2(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
			    data->gc, (XftFont*) data->font, 1,
			    x - data->hoffset, y, block.ptr, length);
	} else {
	  if (_XmIsISO10646(XtDisplay(tw), data->font)) {
	    size_t ucsstr_len = 0;
	    XChar2b *ucsstr = _XmUtf8ToUcs2(block.ptr, length, &ucsstr_len);
	    XDrawString16(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
				data->gc, x - data->hoffset, y, ucsstr,
	  } else
		      data->gc, x - data->hoffset, y, 
		      block.ptr, length);
      } else {
	SetInvGC(tw, data->gc);
	if (newx > x) {
	  if ((int) (y + data->font_descent) >
	      (int) (tw->text.inner_widget->core.height - data->bottommargin))
	    rec_height = (tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
			  data->bottommargin) - (y - data->font_ascent);
	    rec_height = data->font_ascent + data->font_descent;
			 data->gc, x - data->hoffset,
			 y - data->font_ascent, newx - x, 
	SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, True, stipple);
	if (data->use_fontset) {
#ifdef FIX_1381
	  if (stipple)
	      /*Draw shadow for insensitive text*/
	      SetShadowGC(tw, data->gc);
	      (XFontSet) data->font, data->gc,
	      x - data->hoffset+1, y+1, block.ptr, length);
	      SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, True, stipple);
			(XFontSet) data->font, data->gc, 
			x - data->hoffset, y, block.ptr, length);
#ifdef USE_XFT
	} else if (data->use_xft) {
#ifdef FIX_1381
	  if (stipple)
	      /*Draw shadow for insensitive text*/
	      SetShadowGC(tw, data->gc);
	      _XmXftDrawString2(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
	      data->gc, (XftFont*) data->font, 1,
	      x - data->hoffset+1, y+1, block.ptr, length);
	      SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, True, stipple);
	  _XmXftDrawString2(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
			    data->gc, (XftFont*) data->font, 1,
			    x - data->hoffset, y, block.ptr, length);
	} else {
	  if (_XmIsISO10646(XtDisplay(tw), data->font)) {
	    size_t ucsstr_len = 0;
	    XChar2b *ucsstr = _XmUtf8ToUcs2(block.ptr, length, &ucsstr_len);
#ifdef FIX_1381
	    if (stipple)
	        /*Draw shadow for insensitive text*/
	        SetShadowGC(tw, data->gc);
	        XDrawString16(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
	        data->gc, x - data->hoffset+1, y+1, ucsstr,
	        SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, True, stipple);

	    XDrawString16(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
				data->gc, x - data->hoffset, y, ucsstr,
	  } else
#ifdef FIX_1381
	    if (stipple)
	        /*Draw shadow for insensitive text*/
	        SetShadowGC(tw, data->gc);
	        XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc,
	        x - data->hoffset+1, y+1, block.ptr, length);
		SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, True, stipple);
		      XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc,
		      x - data->hoffset, y, block.ptr, length);
	if (stipple) SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, True, !stipple);
      if (highlight == XmHIGHLIGHT_SECONDARY_SELECTED)
	XDrawLine(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
		  data->gc, x - data->hoffset, y, 
		  (newx - data->hoffset) - 1, y);
      x = newx;
      block.length -= length;
      block.ptr += length;
      if ((int)tw->text.char_size != 1) {
	num_bytes = mblen(block.ptr, (int)tw->text.char_size);
	if (num_bytes < 1) num_bytes = 1;
        num_bytes = 1;
  /* clear top margin */
    text_border = tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
    if (data->topmargin - text_border > 0 && x < rightedge + text_border)
      XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
		 x - (int) (data->linewidth * 0.5)-1, text_border,
		 rightedge - x + (int) (data->linewidth * 0.5),
		 data->topmargin - text_border, FALSE);
    if (cleartoend) {
      y -= data->voffset;
      if (y > ((int)tw->text.inner_widget->core.height)- data->bottommargin)
	y = ((int)tw->text.inner_widget->core.height)- data->bottommargin;
      if (y < data->topmargin)
	y = data->topmargin;
      height = ((int)tw->text.inner_widget->core.height) - y -
      if (height > 0 && data->linewidth > 0) {
	if (endhighlight == XmHIGHLIGHT_SELECTED)
	  SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, False, False);
	  SetInvGC(tw, data->gc);
	SetFullGC(tw, data->gc);
	if ((int) (x - (data->linewidth * 0.5)) < data->leftmargin)
	  rec_width = x + (data->linewidth * 0.5) - data->leftmargin;
	  rec_width = data->linewidth;
		       XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc,
		       x - (int)(data->linewidth * 0.5), y, rec_width, height);
	SetMarginGC(tw, data->gc);
    if (cleartobottom) {
      y = data->topmargin;
      width = x - (data->linewidth * 0.5) - data->leftmargin;
      height = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
	       (data->topmargin + data->bottommargin);
      if (width > 0 && height > 0)
	XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
		   data->leftmargin, y, width, height, False);
  } else {
  /* clear left margin */
  text_border = tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
  if (data->leftmargin - text_border > 0 && (int) (y + data->font_descent) > 0)
    XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
	       text_border, text_border, data->leftmargin - text_border,
	       y + data->font_descent - text_border, False);
  if (cleartoend) {
    x -= data->hoffset;
    if (x > ((int)tw->text.inner_widget->core.width)- data->rightmargin)
      x = ((int)tw->text.inner_widget->core.width)- data->rightmargin;
    if (x < data->leftmargin)
      x = data->leftmargin;
    width = ((int)tw->text.inner_widget->core.width) - x -
    if (width > 0 && data->lineheight > 0) {
      if (endhighlight == XmHIGHLIGHT_SELECTED)
	SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, False, False);
	SetInvGC(tw, data->gc);
      SetFullGC(tw, data->gc);
      if ((int) (y + data->font_descent) >
	  (int) (tw->text.inner_widget->core.height - data->bottommargin))
	rec_height = (tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
		      data->bottommargin) - (y - data->font_ascent);
	rec_height = data->font_ascent + data->font_descent;
		     XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc, x, 
		     y - data->font_ascent, width, rec_height);
      SetMarginGC(tw, data->gc);
  if (cleartobottom) {
    x = data->leftmargin;
    width = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
      (data->rightmargin + data->leftmargin);
    height = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
      ((y + data->font_descent) + data->bottommargin);
    if (width > 0 && height > 0)
      XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
		 x, y + data->font_descent, width, height, False);
  /* Before exiting, force PaintCursor to refresh its save area */
  data->refresh_ibeam_off = True;

static OnOrOff 
CurrentCursorState(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  if (data->cursor_on < 0) return off;
  if (data->blinkstate == on || !XtIsSensitive((Widget)tw))
    return on;
  return off;

 * All the info about the cursor has been figured; draw or erase it.
static void 
PaintCursor(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  Position x, y;
  if (!data->cursor_position_visible) return;
  if (!tw->text.input->data->overstrike)
    x = data->insertx - (data->cursorwidth >> 1) - 1;
  else {
    int pxlen;
    XmTextBlockRec block;
    XmTextPosition cursor_pos = tw->text.cursor_position;
    x = data->insertx;
    (void) (*tw->text.source->ReadSource) (tw->text.source,
					       cursor_pos, cursor_pos+1,
    pxlen = FindWidth(tw, x, &block, 0, block.length);
    if (pxlen > (int) data->cursorwidth)
      x += (short) (pxlen - data->cursorwidth) >> 1;
  y = data->inserty + data->font_descent - data->cursorheight;
  /* If time to paint the I Beam... first capture the IBeamOffArea, then draw
   * the I Beam. */
  if ((tw->text.top_character <= tw->text.cursor_position) &&
      (tw->text.cursor_position <= tw->text.bottom_position)) {
	int cursor_width = data->cursorwidth;
	int cursor_height = data->cursorheight;
    if (data->refresh_ibeam_off == True) { /* get area under IBeam first */
      /* Fill is needed to realign clip rectangle with gc */
      XFillRectangle(XtDisplay((Widget)tw), XtWindow((Widget)tw),
		     data->save_gc, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      XCopyArea(XtDisplay((Widget)tw), XtWindow((Widget)tw),
		data->ibeam_off, data->save_gc, x, y, data->cursorwidth,
		data->cursorheight, 0, 0);
      data->refresh_ibeam_off = False;
    /* redraw cursor, being very sure to keep it within the bounds of the 
    ** text area, not spilling into the highlight area
    if ((data->cursor_on >= 0) && (data->blinkstate == on)) {
	  if (x + data->cursorwidth > tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -     
		tw->primitive.shadow_thickness -   
	     cursor_width = (tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -              
			(tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +          
			tw->primitive.highlight_thickness)) - x;   
#ifdef FIX_1501
	  if ( cursor_width > 0 && cursor_height > 0 ) {
	    if (!XtIsSensitive((Widget)tw)) {
		SetShadowGC(tw, data->imagegc);
		XFillRectangle(XtDisplay((Widget)tw), XtWindow((Widget)tw),
					data->imagegc, x + 1, y + 1,
					(unsigned int )cursor_width,
					(unsigned int )cursor_height);

	  if ( cursor_width > 0 && cursor_height > 0 )
		XFillRectangle(XtDisplay((Widget)tw), XtWindow((Widget)tw),  
			data->imagegc, x, y, 
			(unsigned int )cursor_width,          
			(unsigned int )cursor_height);                        
#ifdef FIX_1501
    } else {
        Position src_x = 0;                                                     
        if (x + data->cursorwidth > tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -    
                            tw->primitive.shadow_thickness -                 
                            tw->primitive.highlight_thickness) {            
          cursor_width = (tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -               
                                 (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +           
                                 tw->primitive.highlight_thickness)) - x;   
         else if (x < tw->primitive.highlight_thickness +                   
                                 tw->primitive.shadow_thickness) {          
             cursor_width = data->cursorwidth -                                 
                                 (tw->primitive.highlight_thickness +       
                                 tw->primitive.shadow_thickness - x);        
             src_x = data->cursorwidth - cursor_width;                          
             x = tw->primitive.highlight_thickness +                        
        if (y + data->cursorheight > tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -    
                                 (tw->primitive.highlight_thickness +        
                                 tw->primitive.shadow_thickness)) {         
          cursor_height = data->cursorheight -                                   
                                 ((y + data->cursorheight) -                    
                                 (tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -       
                                 (tw->primitive.highlight_thickness +        
           if (cursor_width > 0 && cursor_height > 0)
              XCopyArea(XtDisplay((Widget)tw), data->ibeam_off,                 
                     XtWindow((Widget)tw), data->save_gc, src_x, 0,         
                     (unsigned int)cursor_width, 
 		    (unsigned int)cursor_height, x, y);

static void 
ChangeHOffset(XmTextWidget tw,
	      int newhoffset,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
	      int redisplay_hbar)
              Boolean redisplay_hbar)
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  int delta;
  int width = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width;
  int height = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height;
  int innerwidth = width - (data->leftmargin + data->rightmargin);
  int innerheight = height - (data->topmargin + data->bottommargin);

  if (ShouldWordWrap(data, tw) || data->suspend_hoffset) return;

  if ((data->scrollhorizontal &&
       XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw))) &&
      data->scrollwidth - innerwidth < newhoffset)
    newhoffset = data->scrollwidth - innerwidth;

  if (newhoffset < 0) newhoffset = 0;
  if (newhoffset == data->hoffset) return;

  delta = newhoffset - data->hoffset;
  data->hoffset = newhoffset;

  posToXYCachedWidget = NULL;
  if (XtIsRealized((Widget)tw)) {
    SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, False, False);
    if (delta < 0) {
      if (width > 0 && innerheight > 0) {
	XCopyArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
		  XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc,
		  data->leftmargin, data->topmargin, width, innerheight,
		  data->leftmargin - delta, data->topmargin);
	/* clear left margin + delta change */
	if ((int) (data->leftmargin - delta -
	     (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
	      tw->primitive.highlight_thickness)) < innerwidth)
	  XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw),
		     tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
		     data->topmargin, data->leftmargin -
		     (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
		      tw->primitive.highlight_thickness) - delta,
		     innerheight, False);
	/* clear right margin */
	if ((int) (data->rightmargin-
	    (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
	     tw->primitive.highlight_thickness)) > 0)
	  XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw),
		     data->leftmargin + innerwidth, data->topmargin,
		     data->rightmargin -
		     (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
      RedrawRegion(tw, data->leftmargin, 0, -delta, height);
    } else {
      if (innerwidth - delta > 0 && innerheight > 0) {
	XCopyArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
		  XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc,
		  data->leftmargin + delta, data->topmargin,
		  innerwidth - delta, innerheight,
		  data->leftmargin, data->topmargin);
	/* clear right margin + delta change */
	XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw),
		   data->leftmargin + innerwidth - delta, data->topmargin,
		   delta + data->rightmargin -
		   (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
		   innerheight, False);
	/* clear left margin */
	if (data->leftmargin - (int)(tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
	    > 0)
	  XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw),
		     tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
		     data->topmargin, data->leftmargin -
		     (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
		     innerheight, False);
      } else {
	/* clear all text */
	XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw),
		   tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
		   width - 2 *(tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
      RedrawRegion(tw, width - data->rightmargin - delta, 0,
		   delta, height);
  if (redisplay_hbar) _XmRedisplayHBar(tw);

static void 
ChangeVOffset(XmTextWidget tw,
	      int newvoffset,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
	      int redisplay_vbar)
              Boolean redisplay_vbar)
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  int delta = 0;
  int width = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width;
  int height = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height;
  int innerwidth = width - (data->leftmargin + data->rightmargin);
  int innerheight = height - (data->topmargin + data->bottommargin);

  if (ShouldWordWrap(data, tw) || data->suspend_voffset) return;

  if ((data->scrollvertical &&
       XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw))) &&
      data->scrollheight - innerheight < newvoffset)
    newvoffset = data->scrollheight - innerheight;

  if (newvoffset < 0) newvoffset = 0;
  if (newvoffset == data->voffset) return;

  delta = newvoffset - data->voffset;
  data->voffset = newvoffset;

  posToXYCachedWidget = NULL;
  if (XtIsRealized((Widget)tw)) {
    SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, False, False);
    if (delta < 0) {
      if (height > 0 && innerwidth > 0) {
	XCopyArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
		  XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc,
		  data->leftmargin, data->topmargin, innerwidth, height,
		  data->leftmargin, data->topmargin - delta);
	/* clear top margin + delta change */
	if ((int) (data->topmargin -
	     (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
	      tw->primitive.highlight_thickness) - delta) < innerheight)
	  XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw),
		     tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
		     innerwidth, data->topmargin -
		     (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
		     tw->primitive.highlight_thickness) - delta, False);
	/* clear right margin */
	if ((int) data->topmargin -
	    (int) (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
		   tw->primitive.highlight_thickness) > 0)
	  XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw),
		     data->leftmargin, data->topmargin + innerheight,
		     innerwidth, data->bottommargin -
		     (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
      RedrawRegion(tw, 0, data->topmargin, width, -delta);
    } else {
      if (innerheight - delta > 0 && innerwidth > 0) {
	XCopyArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
		  XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc,
			   data->leftmargin, data->topmargin + delta,
			   innerwidth, innerheight - delta,
			   data->leftmargin, data->topmargin);
	/* clear bottom margin + delta change */
	XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw),
		   data->topmargin + innerheight - delta,
		   delta + data->bottommargin -
		   (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
	/* clear top margin */
	if (data->topmargin - (int)(tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
	    > 0)
	  XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw),
		     tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
		     data->topmargin -
		     (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
      } else {
	/* clear all text */
	XClearArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw),
		   tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
		   height - 2 *(tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
      RedrawRegion(tw, 0, height - data->bottommargin - delta,
		   width, delta);
  if (redisplay_vbar) _XmRedisplayVBar(tw);

static void 
DrawInsertionPoint(XmTextWidget tw,
		   XmTextPosition position,
		   OnOrOff onoroff)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  if (onoroff == on) {
    data->cursor_on +=1;
    if (data->blinkrate == 0 || !data->hasfocus)
      data->blinkstate = on;
  } else {
    if ((data->blinkstate == on) && data->cursor_on == 0)
      if (data->blinkstate == CurrentCursorState(tw) &&
	  XtIsRealized((Widget)tw)) {
	data->blinkstate = off;  /* Toggle blinkstate to off */
	data->cursor_on -= 1; /* must be done before PaintCursor */
      } else
	data->cursor_on -= 1;
      data->cursor_on -= 1;
  if (data->cursor_on < 0 || !XtIsRealized((Widget)tw))
  if (PosToXY(tw, position, &data->insertx, &data->inserty))

static void 
MakePositionVisible(XmTextWidget tw,
		    XmTextPosition position)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  Position x, y;
  LineNum line_num;

  if (!ShouldWordWrap(data, tw) && PosToXY(tw, position, &x, &y)) {
      if (y <= data->topmargin) {
	if (tw->text.edit_mode == XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT) {
	  if (position == tw->text.bottom_position)
	    position = MAX(position - data->rows/2, 0);
	} else {
	  line_num = _XmTextGetTableIndex(tw, position);
	  if (position == tw->text.bottom_position ||
	      (line_num < tw->text.total_lines && 
	       position == tw->text.line_table[line_num+1].start_pos - 1))
	    position = 
	      MAX(position - (int) data->rows/2,
		  line_num ? (int) (tw->text.line_table[line_num].start_pos) :
	(void)PosToXY(tw, position, &x, &y);

      y += data->voffset;
      if (y - data->voffset < data->topmargin) {
	ChangeVOffset(tw, y - data->topmargin, True);
      } else if (y - data->voffset >
	         ((Position) (tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
			      data->bottommargin))) {
        ChangeVOffset(tw, (int) (y) -
		      (int) (tw->text.inner_widget->core.height) +
		      (int) (data->bottommargin), True);
    } else {
    if (x <= data->leftmargin) {
      if (tw->text.edit_mode == XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT) {
	if (position == tw->text.bottom_position)
	  position = MAX(position - data->columns/2, 0);
      } else {
	line_num = _XmTextGetTableIndex(tw, position);
	if (position == tw->text.bottom_position ||
	    (line_num < tw->text.total_lines && 
	     position == tw->text.line_table[line_num+1].start_pos - 1))
	  position = 
	    MAX(position - data->columns/2,
                line_num ? (int) (tw->text.line_table[line_num].start_pos) : 0);
      (void)PosToXY(tw, position, &x, &y);

    x += data->hoffset;
    if (x - data->hoffset < data->leftmargin) {
      ChangeHOffset(tw, x - data->leftmargin, True);
    } else if (x - data->hoffset >
	       ((Position) (tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
			    data->rightmargin))) {
      ChangeHOffset(tw, (int) (x) -
		    (int) (tw->text.inner_widget->core.width) +
		    (int) (data->rightmargin), True);

static void 
BlinkInsertionPoint(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  if ((data->cursor_on >=0) && 
      data->blinkstate == CurrentCursorState(tw) &&
      XtIsRealized((Widget)tw)) {
    /* Toggle blink state */
    if (data->blinkstate == on) data->blinkstate = off;
    else data->blinkstate = on;

static Boolean 
MoveLines(XmTextWidget tw,
	  LineNum fromline,
	  LineNum toline,
	  LineNum destline)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  if (!XtIsRealized((Widget) tw)) return False;
  SetNormGC(tw, data->gc, False, False);
  SetFullGC(tw, data->gc);
    XCopyArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
	      XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc,
	      tw->text.inner_widget->core.width - data->rightmargin -
	      (Position)data->linewidth * (toline + 1),
	      tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
	      (Position)data->linewidth * (toline - fromline + 1),
	      tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
	      2 * (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
	      tw->text.inner_widget->core.width - data->rightmargin -
	      (Position)data->linewidth *
	      (destline + toline - fromline + 1),
	      tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
  } else {
  XCopyArea(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget),
	    XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget), data->gc,
	    tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
	    (Position) data->lineheight * fromline + data->topmargin,
	    tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
	    2 * (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
	    data->lineheight * (toline - fromline + 1),
	    tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
	    (Position) data->lineheight * destline + data->topmargin);
  SetMarginGC(tw, data->gc);
  return True;

static void 
OutputInvalidate(XmTextWidget tw,
		 XmTextPosition position,
		 XmTextPosition topos,
		 long delta)
  posToXYCachedWidget = NULL;

static void 
RefigureDependentInfo(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  data->columns = data->number_lines;
    data->rows = (short)(((int) tw->core.height -
			   (data->topmargin + data->bottommargin))
			  / (int) (data->font_ascent + data->font_descent));

    if (data->rows <= 0)
      data->rows = 1;
  } else {
  data->rows = data->number_lines;
  data->columns = (short)(((int) tw->core.width -
			   (data->leftmargin + data->rightmargin))
			  / (data->averagecharwidth));
  if (data->columns <= 0)
    data->columns = 1;

static void 
SizeFromRowsCols(XmTextWidget tw,
		 Dimension *width,
		 Dimension *height)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  short lines = 0;
  if (tw->text.edit_mode == XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT)
    lines = 1;
  else {
      lines = data->columns_set;
      lines = data->rows_set;
    *width = (Dimension) ((lines * data->linewidth) +
			  data->leftmargin + data->rightmargin);
    *height = (Dimension) ((data->rows_set *
			    (data->font_ascent + data->font_descent)) +
			   data->topmargin + data->bottommargin);
    if (tw->text.source->data->length > 0 && data->resizeheight)  {
      XmTextPosition nextpos;
      LineTableExtra extra = NULL;
      Boolean past_end = False;
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < tw->text.number_lines && !past_end; i++) {
	past_end = !MeasureLine(tw, i, tw->text.line[i].start, 
				&nextpos, &extra);
	if (extra) {
	  if (extra->width > *height) 
	    *height = extra->width;
	  XtFree((char *)extra);
  } else {
  *width = (Dimension) ((data->columns_set * data->averagecharwidth) +
			data->leftmargin + data->rightmargin);
  if (tw->text.source->data->length > 0 && data->resizewidth)  {
    XmTextPosition nextpos;
    LineTableExtra extra = NULL;
    Boolean past_end = False;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < tw->text.number_lines && !past_end; i++) {
      past_end = !MeasureLine(tw, i, tw->text.line[i].start, 
			      &nextpos, &extra);
      if (extra) {
	if (extra->width > *width) 
	  *width = extra->width;
	XtFree((char *)extra);
  *height = (Dimension) ((lines * data->lineheight) +
                         data->topmargin + data->bottommargin);


static Boolean 
LoadFontMetrics(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  XmFontContext context;
  XmFontListEntry next_entry;
  XmFontType type_return = XmFONT_IS_FONT;
  XtPointer tmp_font;
  Boolean have_font_struct = False;
  Boolean have_font_set = False;
#ifdef USE_XFT
  Boolean have_xft_font = False;
  XFontSetExtents *fs_extents;
  XFontStruct *font = NULL;
  unsigned long width = 0;
  char* font_tag = NULL;
  if (!XmFontListInitFontContext(&context, data->fontlist))
    XmeWarning((Widget) tw, MSG3);
  do {
    next_entry = XmFontListNextEntry(context);
    if (next_entry
      && (tmp_font = XmFontListEntryGetFont(next_entry, &type_return))) {
      if (type_return == XmFONT_IS_FONTSET) {
	font_tag = XmFontListEntryGetTag(next_entry);
	if (!have_font_set) { /* this saves the first fontset found, just in
			      * case we don't find a default tag set.
	  data->use_fontset = True;
#ifdef USE_XFT
	  data->use_xft = False;
	  data->font = (XFontStruct *)tmp_font;
	  have_font_struct = True; /* we have a font set, so no need to
				    * consider future font structs */
	  have_font_set = True;    /* we have a font set. */
	  if (!strcmp(XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, font_tag)) {
	    if (font_tag) XtFree(font_tag);
	    break; /* Break out!  We've found the one we want. */
	} else if (!strcmp(XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, font_tag)) {
	  data->font = (XFontStruct *)tmp_font;
	  have_font_set = True;    /* we have a font set. */
	  if (font_tag) XtFree(font_tag);
	  break; /* Break out!  We've found the one we want. */
	if (font_tag) XtFree(font_tag);
      } else if (type_return == XmFONT_IS_FONT && !have_font_struct) {
	data->use_fontset = False;
#ifdef USE_XFT
	data->use_xft = False;
	/* save the first one in case no font set is found */
	data->font = (XFontStruct*)tmp_font;
	data->use_fontset = False;
	have_font_struct = True;
#ifdef USE_XFT
      } else if (type_return == XmFONT_IS_XFT && !have_xft_font) {
	data->use_fontset = False;
	data->use_xft = True;
	have_xft_font = True;
	data->font = (XFontStruct*)tmp_font;
  } while(next_entry != NULL);

  if (!have_font_struct && !have_font_set && !have_xft_font) {
  if (!have_font_struct && !have_font_set) {
    XmeWarning ((Widget)tw, MSG4); /* fontlist without font null entry cause 
				  core dump */
    return False;
  if(data->use_fontset) {
    fs_extents = XExtentsOfFontSet((XFontSet)data->font);
    if (XmDirectionMatch(XmPrim_layout_direction(tw),
      width = (unsigned long)fs_extents->max_ink_extent.width;
    } else {
      width = (unsigned long)fs_extents->max_logical_extent.width;
    /* max_logical_extent.y is number of pixels from origin to top of
     * rectangle (i.e. y is negative) */
    data->font_ascent = -fs_extents->max_logical_extent.y;
    data->font_descent = fs_extents->max_logical_extent.height +
#ifdef USE_XFT
  } else if (data->use_xft) {
    width = ((XftFont*)data->font)->max_advance_width;
    data->font_ascent = ((XftFont*)data->font)->ascent;
    data->font_descent = ((XftFont*)data->font)->descent;
  } else {
    font = data->font;
    data->font_ascent = font->max_bounds.ascent;
    data->font_descent = font->max_bounds.descent;
    if (XmDirectionMatch(XmPrim_layout_direction(tw),
	  width = font->max_bounds.rbearing - font->max_bounds.lbearing;
    } else {
      if ((!XGetFontProperty(font, XA_QUAD_WIDTH, &width)) || width == 0) {
	if (font->per_char && font->min_char_or_byte2 <= '0' &&
	    font->max_char_or_byte2 >= '0')
	  width = font->per_char['0' - font->min_char_or_byte2].width;
	  width = font->max_bounds.width;
  if (XmDirectionMatch(XmPrim_layout_direction(tw),
    if (width <= 0) width = 1;
    data->linewidth = width;
    data->averagecharwidth = (int) width;
    data->tabheight = (int)(8 * (data->font_ascent + data->font_descent));
  } else {
    data->lineheight = data->font_descent + data->font_ascent;
    if (width <= 0) width = 1;
    data->averagecharwidth = (int) width; /* This assumes there will be no
					   truncation */
    if (data->use_fontset) {
	data->tabwidth = 8 * XmbTextEscapement((XFontSet)data->font, "0", 1);
	/* Check if tabwidth was not calculated correctly */
	if (data->tabwidth == 0)
	    data->tabwidth = (int)(8 * width);
    } else {
	data->tabwidth = (int)(8 * width); /* This assumes there will be no
					      truncation */
  return True;

static Boolean 
SetXOCOrientation(XmTextWidget tw,
        XOC oc,
        XOrientation orientation)
  XOM om;
  XOMOrientation orients;
  int i = 0;

    return False;

  om = XOMOfOC(oc);
  if(om) {
    if(!XGetOMValues(om, XNQueryOrientation, &orients, NULL)) {
      for (i = 0 ; i < orients.num_orientation ; i++) {
	if(orients.orientation[i] == orientation) {
	  if(XSetOCValues(oc, XNOrientation, orientation, NULL)!=NULL)
	    return False;
    } else return False;
  } else return False;

  return True;

static void 
LoadGCs(XmTextWidget tw,
        Pixel background,
        Pixel foreground)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  XGCValues values;
  unsigned long valueMask = (GCFunction | GCForeground | GCBackground | 
  unsigned long dynamicMask = GCClipMask;
  unsigned long unusedMask = GCClipXOrigin | GCClipYOrigin | GCFont;
   *Get GC for saving area under cursor.
  values.function = GXcopy;
  values.foreground = tw->primitive.foreground;
  values.background = tw->core.background_pixel;
  values.graphics_exposures = (Bool) False;
  if (data->save_gc != NULL)
    XtReleaseGC((Widget) tw, data->save_gc);
  data->save_gc = XtAllocateGC((Widget) tw, tw->core.depth, valueMask,
			       &values, dynamicMask, unusedMask);
   * Get GC for drawing text.
  if (!data->use_fontset && !data->use_xft) {
  if (!data->use_fontset) {
    valueMask |= GCFont;
    values.font = data->font->fid;
  values.graphics_exposures = (Bool) True;
  values.foreground = foreground ^ background;
  values.background = 0;
  if (data->gc != NULL)
    XtReleaseGC((Widget) tw, data->gc);
  dynamicMask |= GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFillStyle | GCStipple;
  data->gc = XtAllocateGC((Widget) tw, tw->core.depth, valueMask,
			  &values, dynamicMask, 0);
  /* Create a temporary GC - change it later in MakeIBeamStencil */
  valueMask |= GCStipple | GCFillStyle;
  values.graphics_exposures = (Bool) False;
  values.stipple = data->stipple_tile;
  values.fill_style = FillStippled;
  if (data->imagegc != NULL)
    XtReleaseGC((Widget) tw, data->imagegc);
  dynamicMask |= (GCTileStipXOrigin | GCTileStipYOrigin | GCFunction);
  data->imagegc = XtAllocateGC((Widget) tw, tw->core.depth,
			       valueMask, &values, dynamicMask, 0);

static void
MakeIBeamOffArea(XmTextWidget tw,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
		 int width,
		 int height)
                 Dimension width,
                 Dimension height)
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  Display *dpy = XtDisplay(tw);
  Screen  *screen = XtScreen((Widget)tw);
  /* Create a pixmap for storing the screen data where the I-Beam will
   * be painted */
  data->ibeam_off = XCreatePixmap(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(screen), width,
				  height, tw->core.depth);
  data->refresh_ibeam_off = True;

static Pixmap 
    Screen *screen,
    char *image_name,
    Pixel foreground,
    Pixel background,
    int depth )
    XmAccessColorDataRec acc_color_rec;

    acc_color_rec.foreground = foreground;
    acc_color_rec.background = background;
    acc_color_rec.top_shadow_color = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXEL;
    acc_color_rec.bottom_shadow_color = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXEL;
    acc_color_rec.select_color = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXEL;
    acc_color_rec.highlight_color = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXEL;
    return  _XmGetColoredPixmap(screen, image_name, 
				&acc_color_rec, depth, True);

static void
MakeIBeamStencil(XmTextWidget tw,
		 int line_width)
  Screen *screen = XtScreen((Widget)tw);
  char pixmap_name[64];
  XGCValues values;
  unsigned long valueMask;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  sprintf(pixmap_name, "_XmText_%d_%d", data->cursorheight, line_width);
  data->cursor = FindPixmap(screen, pixmap_name, 1, 0, 1);
  if (data->cursor == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP) {
    Display *dpy = XtDisplay(tw);
    XSegment segments[3];
    /* Create a pixmap for the I-Beam stencil */
    data->cursor = XCreatePixmap(dpy, XtWindow(tw), data->cursorwidth,
				 data->cursorheight, 1);
    values.foreground = 0;
    values.line_width = 0;
    values.fill_style = FillSolid;
    values.function = GXcopy;
    valueMask = GCForeground | GCLineWidth | GCFillStyle | GCFunction;
    XChangeGC(dpy, data->cursor_gc, valueMask, &values);

    XFillRectangle(dpy, data->cursor, data->cursor_gc, 0, 0, data->cursorwidth,
    /* Change the GC for use in "cutting out" the I-Beam shape */
    values.foreground = 1;
    values.line_width = line_width;
    XChangeGC(dpy, data->cursor_gc, GCForeground | GCLineWidth, &values);
    /* Draw the segments of the I-Beam */
      /* 1st segment is the left vertical line of the cursor */
      segments[0].x1 = 1;
      segments[0].y1 = line_width - 1;
      segments[0].x2 = 1;
      segments[0].y2 = data->cursorheight - 1;

      /* 2nd segment is the right vertical line of the cursor */
      segments[1].x1 = data->cursorwidth - 1;
      segments[1].y1 = line_width - 1;
      segments[1].x2 = data->cursorwidth - 1;
      segments[1].y2 = data->cursorheight - 1;

      /* 3rd segment is the horizontal line of the cursor */
      segments[2].x1 = 0;
      segments[2].y1 = data->cursorheight >> 1;
      segments[2].x2 = data->cursorwidth;
      segments[2].y2 = data->cursorheight >> 1;
    } else {
    /* 1st segment is the top horizontal line of the 'I' */
    segments[0].x1 = 0;
    segments[0].y1 = line_width - 1;
    segments[0].x2 = data->cursorwidth;
    segments[0].y2 = line_width - 1;
    /* 2nd segment is the bottom horizontal line of the 'I' */
    segments[1].x1 = 0;
    segments[1].y1 = data->cursorheight - 1;
    segments[1].x2 = data->cursorwidth;
    segments[1].y2 = data->cursorheight - 1;
    /* 3rd segment is the vertical line of the 'I' */
    segments[2].x1 = data->cursorwidth >> 1;
    segments[2].y1 = line_width;
    segments[2].x2 = data->cursorwidth >> 1;
    segments[2].y2 = data->cursorheight - 1;
    /* Draw the segments onto the cursor */
    XDrawSegments(dpy, data->cursor, data->cursor_gc, segments, 3);
    /* Install the cursor for pixmap caching */
    (void) _XmCachePixmap(data->cursor, screen, pixmap_name, 1, 0,
			    1, data->cursorwidth, data->cursorheight);
  valueMask = (GCForeground | GCBackground | GCStipple |
  if (tw->text.input->data->overstrike) {
    values.background = values.foreground = 
      tw->core.background_pixel ^ tw->primitive.foreground;
  } else {
    values.foreground = tw->primitive.foreground;
    values.background = tw->core.background_pixel;
  values.stipple = data->cursor;
  values.fill_style = FillStippled;
  XChangeGC(XtDisplay(tw), data->imagegc, valueMask, &values);

 /* The IBeam Stencil must have already been created before this routine
  * is called.
static void 
MakeAddModeCursor(XmTextWidget tw,
		  int line_width)
  Screen *screen = XtScreen((Widget)tw);
  char pixmap_name[64];
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  sprintf(pixmap_name, "_XmText_AddMode_%d_%d",
  data->add_mode_cursor = FindPixmap(screen, pixmap_name, 1, 0, 1);
  if (data->add_mode_cursor == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP) {
    XtGCMask  valueMask;
    XGCValues values;
    Display *dpy = XtDisplay((Widget)tw);
    data->add_mode_cursor =  XCreatePixmap(dpy, XtWindow((Widget)tw),
					   data->cursorheight, 1);
    values.function = GXcopy;
    valueMask = GCFunction;
    XChangeGC(dpy, data->cursor_gc, valueMask, &values);

    XCopyArea(dpy, data->cursor, data->add_mode_cursor, data->cursor_gc, 0, 0,
	      data->cursorwidth, data->cursorheight, 0, 0);
    valueMask = (GCTile | GCFillStyle | GCForeground |
		 GCBackground | GCFunction | GCTileStipXOrigin);
    values.function = GXand;
    values.tile = data->stipple_tile;
    values.fill_style = FillTiled;
    values.ts_x_origin = -1;
    values.foreground = tw->primitive.foreground;
    values.background = tw->core.background_pixel;
    XChangeGC(XtDisplay((Widget)tw), data->cursor_gc, valueMask, &values);
    XFillRectangle(dpy, data->add_mode_cursor, data->cursor_gc,
		   0, 0, data->cursorwidth, data->cursorheight);
    /* Install the pixmap for pixmap caching */
    _XmCachePixmap(data->add_mode_cursor, screen, pixmap_name, 1, 0,
		     1, data->cursorwidth, data->cursorheight);

static void 
MakeCursors(XmTextWidget tw)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  Screen *screen = XtScreen(tw);
  int line_width = 1;
  int oldwidth = data->cursorwidth; 
  int oldheight = data->cursorheight;
  if (!XtIsRealized((Widget) tw)) return;
    data->cursorwidth = data->averagecharwidth;
    data->cursorheight = 5;

    /* setup parameters to make a thicker I-Beam */
    if (data->cursorwidth > 19) {
      line_width = 2;
  } else {
  data->cursorwidth = 5;
  data->cursorheight = data->font_ascent + data->font_descent;
  /* setup parameters to make a thicker I-Beam */
  if (data->cursorheight > 19) {
    line_width = 2;
  if (data->cursor == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP ||
      data->add_mode_cursor == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP ||
      data->ibeam_off == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP ||
      oldheight != data->cursorheight || oldwidth != data->cursorwidth) {

    if (data->cursor_gc == NULL) {
      unsigned long valueMask = 0;
      XGCValues values;
      unsigned long dynamicMask = 
	GCForeground | GCLineWidth | GCTile | GCFillStyle | 
	GCBackground | GCFunction | GCTileStipXOrigin;

      data->cursor_gc = XtAllocateGC((Widget)tw, 1, valueMask, &values,
				     dynamicMask, 0);

    /* Remove old ibeam_off pixmap */
    if (data->ibeam_off != XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP)
      XFreePixmap(XtDisplay((Widget)tw), data->ibeam_off);
    /* Remove old insert stencil */
    if (data->cursor != XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP)
      (void) XmDestroyPixmap(screen, data->cursor);
    /* Remove old add mode cursor */
    if (data->add_mode_cursor != XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP)
      (void) XmDestroyPixmap(screen, data->add_mode_cursor);
    /* Create area in which to save text located underneath I beam */
    MakeIBeamOffArea(tw, MAX((int) data->cursorwidth,
                             (int) data->cursorheight >> 1),
    /* Create a new i-beam stencil */
    MakeIBeamStencil(tw, line_width);
    /* Create a new add_mode cursor */
    MakeAddModeCursor(tw, line_width);
  if (tw->text.input->data->overstrike)
    data->cursorwidth = data->cursorheight >> 1;

static void 
OutputGetValues(Widget w,
		ArgList args,
		Cardinal num_args)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) w;
  XtGetSubvalues((XtPointer) tw->text.output->data, output_resources,
		 XtNumber(output_resources), args, num_args);

static Boolean
CKCols(ArgList args,
       Cardinal num_args)
  register ArgList arg;
  for (arg = args; num_args != 0; num_args--, arg++) {
    if (strcmp(arg->name, XmNcolumns) == 0) return(True);

static Boolean
CKRows(ArgList args,
       Cardinal num_args)
  register ArgList arg;
  for (arg = args; num_args != 0; num_args--, arg++) {
    if (strcmp(arg->name, XmNrows) == 0) return(True);

static Boolean 
OutputSetValues(Widget oldw,
		Widget reqw,
		Widget new_w,
		ArgList args,
		Cardinal *num_args)
#define CK(fld) (newdata->fld != data->fld)
#define CP(fld) (data->fld = newdata->fld)
  XmTextWidget oldtw = (XmTextWidget) oldw;
  XmTextWidget newtw = (XmTextWidget) new_w;
  OutputData data = newtw->text.output->data;
  OutputDataRec newdatarec;
  OutputData newdata = &newdatarec;
  Boolean needgcs = False;
  Boolean newsize = False;
  Boolean o_redisplay = False;
  Dimension new_width = newtw->core.width;/* save in case something changes */
  Dimension new_height = newtw->core.height;/* these values during SetValues*/
  XPoint xmim_point;
  XRectangle xmim_area;
  Arg im_args[17];
  Cardinal n = 0;

  *newdata = *data;
  XtSetSubvalues((XtPointer) newdata, output_resources,
		 XtNumber(output_resources), args, *num_args);
  if (newtw->core.background_pixel != oldtw->core.background_pixel) {
    needgcs = True;
  if (newtw->primitive.foreground != oldtw->primitive.foreground) {
    needgcs = True;
  if (CK(fontlist) || CK(rendertable)) {
    if (CK(rendertable)) {
      if (newdata->rendertable == NULL)
	newdata->fontlist = XmeGetDefaultRenderTable(new_w, XmTEXT_FONTLIST);
	newdata->fontlist = XmRenderTableCopy(newdata->rendertable, NULL, 0);
    } else if (CK(fontlist)) {
      if (newdata->fontlist == NULL)
	newdata->fontlist = XmeGetDefaultRenderTable(new_w, XmTEXT_FONTLIST);
	newdata->fontlist = XmRenderTableCopy(newdata->fontlist, NULL, 0);
    newdata->rendertable = newdata->fontlist;
    if(! LoadFontMetrics(newtw)) {
      newdata->fontlist = XmeGetDefaultRenderTable(new_w, XmTEXT_FONTLIST);
      newdata->rendertable = newdata->fontlist;
    /* We want to be able to connect to an IM if XmNfontList has changed. */
    if (newtw->text.editable) {
      newtw->text.editable = False;
      XmTextSetEditable(new_w, True);

      if (data->vbar) {
	XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
	int new_sliderSize = 0;

	data->ignorevbar = True;
	new_sliderSize = newtw->text.inner_widget->core.height
	  - (data->topmargin + data->bottommargin);
	if (new_sliderSize < 1) new_sliderSize = 1;
	if (new_sliderSize > data->scrollheight) 
	  new_sliderSize = data->scrollheight;
	nav_data.value.y = data->voffset;
	nav_data.minimum.y = 0;
	nav_data.maximum.y = data->scrollheight;
	nav_data.slider_size.y = new_sliderSize;
	nav_data.increment.y = data->font_ascent + data->font_descent;  
	nav_data.page_increment.y = 0;
	nav_data.dimMask = NavigDimensionY;
	nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavMinimum|NavMaximum|
	_XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent(new_w), &nav_data, True); 
	data->ignorevbar = False;
    } else {
    if (data->hbar) {
      XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
      int new_sliderSize;

      data->ignorehbar = True;
      new_sliderSize = newtw->text.inner_widget->core.width
	- (data->leftmargin + data->rightmargin);
      if (new_sliderSize < 1) new_sliderSize = 1;
      if (new_sliderSize > data->scrollwidth) 
	new_sliderSize = data->scrollwidth;
      nav_data.value.x = data->hoffset;
      nav_data.minimum.x = 0;
      nav_data.maximum.x = data->scrollwidth;
      nav_data.slider_size.x = new_sliderSize;
      nav_data.increment.x = data->averagecharwidth;  
      nav_data.page_increment.x = 0;
      nav_data.dimMask = NavigDimensionX;
      nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavMinimum|NavMaximum|
      _XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent(new_w), &nav_data, True); 
      data->ignorehbar = False;
    o_redisplay = True;
    needgcs = True;
    newsize = True;
  if (data->fontlist != oldtw->text.output->data->fontlist ||
      newtw->core.background_pixel != oldtw->core.background_pixel ||
      newtw->primitive.foreground != oldtw->primitive.foreground) {
    XtSetArg(im_args[n], XmNbackground, newtw->core.background_pixel); n++;
    XtSetArg(im_args[n], XmNforeground, newtw->primitive.foreground); n++;
    XtSetArg(im_args[n], XmNfontList, data->fontlist); n++;
  /* Don't word wrap, have multiple row or have vertical scrollbars
     if editMode is single_line */
  if (newtw->text.edit_mode != oldtw->text.edit_mode) {
    if (newtw->text.edit_mode == XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT)
	newdata->rows = 1;
      if (newtw->text.edit_mode == XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT) {
	if (data->hbar) XtUnmanageChild(data->hbar);
      } else {
	if (data->hbar) XtManageChild(data->hbar);
      if (newtw->text.edit_mode == XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT) {
        if (data->vbar) XtUnmanageChild(data->vbar);
      } else {
        if (data->vbar) XtManageChild(data->vbar);
    } else {
      if (data->hbar) XtManageChild(data->hbar);
      if (newtw->text.edit_mode != XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT) {
          if (data->vbar) XtManageChild(data->vbar);
      } else {
          if (data->vbar) XtUnmanageChild(data->vbar);
    o_redisplay = True;
  /*  what is called margin, in this code, is composed of margin, shadow, and
      highlight.   Previously, only margin was accomodated.   This addition
      may not be very clever, but it blends in with the rest of the way this
      code works.
  if (newtw->text.margin_width != oldtw->text.margin_width ||
      newtw->text.margin_height != oldtw->text.margin_height ||
      newtw->primitive.shadow_thickness !=
      oldtw->primitive.shadow_thickness ||
      newtw->primitive.highlight_thickness !=
      data->leftmargin = data->rightmargin = newtw->text.margin_width +
	newtw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
      data->topmargin = data->bottommargin = newtw->text.margin_height +
	newtw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
      o_redisplay = True;
      newsize = True;
  if (CK(wordwrap)) {
      /* If we are turning on wrapping, we don't want any horiz. offset */
      if (!data->wordwrap) ChangeVOffset(newtw, 0, True);
      if (data->vbar) {
	if (newdata->wordwrap) {
	  XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
	  data->ignorevbar = True;
	  nav_data.value.y = 0;
	  nav_data.minimum.y = 0;
	  nav_data.maximum.y = 1;
	  nav_data.slider_size.y = 1;
	  nav_data.increment.y = 0;  
	  nav_data.page_increment.y = 0;
	  nav_data.dimMask = NavigDimensionY;
	  nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavMinimum|NavMaximum|
	  _XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent(new_w), &nav_data, True); 
	  data->ignorevbar = False;
	  data->voffset = 0;
	} else {
    } else {
    /* If we are turning on wrapping, we don't want any horiz. offset */
    if (!data->wordwrap) ChangeHOffset(newtw, 0, True);
    if (data->hbar) {
      if (newdata->wordwrap) {
	XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
	data->ignorehbar = True;
	nav_data.value.x = 0;
	nav_data.minimum.x = 0;
	nav_data.maximum.x = 1;
	nav_data.slider_size.x = 1;
	nav_data.increment.x = 0;  
	nav_data.page_increment.x = 0;
	nav_data.dimMask = NavigDimensionX;
	nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavMinimum|NavMaximum|
	_XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent(new_w), &nav_data, True); 
	data->ignorehbar = False;
	data->hoffset = 0;
      } else {
    _XmTextRealignLineTable(newtw, NULL, 0, 0, 0, PASTENDPOS);
    /* If we've just turned off wrapping, get new top_character by scanning */
    /* left from the current top character until we find a new line. */
    if (!oldtw->text.output->data->wordwrap) {
      if (data->resizeheight)
	newtw->text.top_character = newtw->text.new_top = 0;
      else {
	newtw->text.top_character = (*newtw->text.source->Scan)
	  (newtw->text.source, newtw->text.top_character,
	   XmSELECT_LINE, XmsdLeft, 1, False);
	newtw->text.new_top = newtw->text.top_character;
    if (newtw->text.top_character)
      newtw->text.top_line = CountLines(newtw, 0,
    o_redisplay = True;
  if (data->hasfocus && XtIsSensitive((Widget)newtw) && CK(blinkrate)) {
    if (newdata->blinkrate == 0) {
      data->blinkstate = on;
      if (data->timerid) {
	data->timerid = (XtIntervalId)0;
    } else if (data->timerid == (XtIntervalId)0) {
      data->timerid =
			(unsigned long) newdata->blinkrate,
			HandleTimer, (XtPointer) newtw);
  if (needgcs) {
    LoadGCs(newtw, newtw->core.background_pixel,
    if (XtIsRealized(new_w)) {
    o_redisplay = True;
  if (newdata->rows <= 0) {
    XmeWarning(new_w, MSG1);
    newdata->rows = data->rows;
  if (newdata->columns <= 0) {
    XmeWarning(new_w, MSG2);
    newdata->columns = data->columns;
  /* Process arglist to verify the a value is being set */
  if (CKCols(args, *num_args))
    data->columns_set = newdata->columns_set = newdata->columns;
  /* Process arglist to verify the a value is being set */
  if (CKRows(args, *num_args))
    data->rows_set = newdata->rows_set = newdata->rows;
  if (!(new_width != oldtw->core.width &&
	new_height != oldtw->core.height)) {
    if (CK(columns) || CK(rows) || newsize) {
      Dimension width, height;
      SizeFromRowsCols(newtw, &width, &height);
	if (new_width == oldtw->core.width) 
	  newtw->core.width = width;
	data->minwidth = newtw->core.width;
	if (new_height == oldtw->core.height) {
	  newtw->core.height = height;
	  data->minheight = 
	    (Dimension)((data->rows_set *
			(data->font_ascent + data->font_descent)) +
			 data->topmargin + data->bottommargin);
	} else {
	  data->minheight = new_height;
      } else {
      if (new_width == oldtw->core.width) {
	newtw->core.width = width;
	data->minwidth = 
	  (Dimension)((data->columns_set * data->averagecharwidth) +
		      data->leftmargin + data->rightmargin);
      } else {
	data->minwidth = new_width;
      if (new_height == oldtw->core.height) 
	newtw->core.height = height;
      data->minheight = newtw->core.height;
      o_redisplay = True;
  } else {
    newtw->core.width = new_width;
    data->minwidth = new_width;
    newtw->core.height = new_height;
    data->minheight = new_height;
  PosToXY(newtw, newtw->text.cursor_position, &xmim_point.x, &xmim_point.y);
  (void)_XmTextGetDisplayRect((Widget)newtw, &xmim_area);
  XtSetArg(im_args[n], XmNbackgroundPixmap,
  XtSetArg(im_args[n], XmNspotLocation, &xmim_point); n++;
  XtSetArg(im_args[n], XmNarea, &xmim_area); n++;
  XtSetArg(im_args[n], XmNlineSpace, newdata->lineheight); n++;
  XmImSetValues(new_w, im_args, n);
  return (o_redisplay);
#undef CK
#undef CP

static void 
NotifyResized(Widget w,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
	      int o_create)
              Boolean o_create)
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) w;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  Boolean resizewidth = data->resizewidth;
  Boolean resizeheight = data->resizeheight;
  XmTextPosition linestart = 0;
  XmTextPosition position;
  XPoint xmim_point;
  XRectangle xmim_area;
  int n;
  XmTextBlockRec block;
  Arg args[10];
  data->resizewidth = data->resizeheight = False;
    data->number_lines = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
      data->leftmargin - data->rightmargin;
    if (data->number_lines < (int) data->linewidth || !data->linewidth)
      data->number_lines = 1;
      data->number_lines /= (int) data->linewidth;
    if (tw->text.top_character)
      tw->text.top_line = CountLines(tw, 0,
    if (tw->text.total_lines >= data->number_lines &&
	   (tw->text.total_lines - tw->text.top_line) < data->number_lines)
		tw->text.top_line = tw->text.total_lines - data->number_lines;
      tw->text.new_top = tw->text.line_table[tw->text.top_line].start_pos;
  } else {
  data->number_lines = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
    data->topmargin - data->bottommargin;
  if (data->number_lines < (int) data->lineheight || !data->lineheight)
    data->number_lines = 1;
    data->number_lines /= (int) data->lineheight;
  if (tw->text.top_character)
    tw->text.top_line = CountLines(tw, 0,
    if (tw->text.total_lines >= data->number_lines &&
	   (tw->text.total_lines - tw->text.top_line) < data->number_lines)
		tw->text.top_line = tw->text.total_lines - data->number_lines;
    tw->text.new_top = tw->text.line_table[tw->text.top_line].start_pos;
  if (data->vbar)
      int local_total, new_size;
      XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
#ifdef FIX_1396      
      int new_voffset = 0;
	new_size = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height
	  - (data->topmargin + data->bottommargin);
	if (new_size < 1) new_size = 1;
	if (new_size > data->scrollheight) new_size = data->scrollheight;
#ifdef FIX_1396      
        new_voffset = data->voffset;
        if (new_voffset > data->scrollheight - new_size)
    	    new_voffset = data->scrollheight - new_size;
	data->ignorevbar = True;
#ifdef FIX_1396
	nav_data.value.y = new_voffset;
	nav_data.value.y = data->voffset;
	nav_data.minimum.y = 0;
	nav_data.maximum.y = data->scrollheight;
	nav_data.slider_size.y = new_size;
	nav_data.page_increment.y = new_size;
      } else {
      data->ignorevbar = True;
      if (tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines >
	local_total = tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines;
	local_total = tw->text.total_lines;
      if (local_total >= tw->text.number_lines)
	new_size = tw->text.number_lines;
	new_size = local_total;
      if (new_size + tw->text.top_line > local_total)
	new_size = local_total - tw->text.top_line;

      nav_data.value.y = tw->text.top_line;
      nav_data.minimum.y = 0;
      nav_data.maximum.y = local_total;
      nav_data.slider_size.y = new_size;
      nav_data.page_increment.y = (data->number_lines > 1)?
	(data->number_lines - 1): 1;
      nav_data.dimMask = NavigDimensionY;
      nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavMinimum|NavMaximum|
      _XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent((Widget)tw), &nav_data, True);
      data->ignorevbar = False;
  if (data->hbar)
      XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
      int new_size = 0;
      int local_total = 0;
#ifdef FIX_1396
      int new_hoffset = 0;      
	data->ignorehbar = True;
	if (tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines >
	  local_total = tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines;
	  local_total = tw->text.total_lines;
	if (local_total >= tw->text.number_lines)
	  new_size = tw->text.number_lines;
	  new_size = local_total;
	if (new_size + tw->text.top_line > local_total)
	  new_size = local_total - tw->text.top_line;

	nav_data.value.x = tw->text.top_line;
	nav_data.minimum.x = 0;
	nav_data.maximum.x = local_total;
	nav_data.slider_size.x = new_size;
	nav_data.page_increment.x = (data->number_lines > 1)?
	  (data->number_lines - 1): 1;
      } else {
      new_size = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width
	- (data->leftmargin + data->rightmargin);
      if (new_size < 1) new_size = 1;
      if (new_size > data->scrollwidth) new_size = data->scrollwidth;
#ifdef FIX_1396      
      new_hoffset = data->hoffset;
      if (new_hoffset > data->scrollwidth - new_size)
        new_hoffset = data->scrollwidth - new_size;
      data->ignorehbar = True;
#ifdef FIX_1396
      nav_data.value.x = new_hoffset;
      nav_data.value.x = data->hoffset;
      nav_data.minimum.x = 0;
      nav_data.maximum.x = data->scrollwidth;
      nav_data.slider_size.x = new_size;
      nav_data.page_increment.x = new_size;
      nav_data.dimMask = NavigDimensionX;
      nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavMinimum|NavMaximum|
      _XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent((Widget)tw), &nav_data, True); 
      data->ignorehbar = False;
  if (resizewidth)
    data->columns_set = data->columns;
  if (resizeheight)
    data->rows_set = data->rows;
  if (XtIsRealized(w)) {
    XClearWindow(XtDisplay(tw), XtWindow(tw->text.inner_widget));
    data->refresh_ibeam_off = True;
  if (!o_create)              /* False only if called from OutputCreate */
    _XmTextInvalidate(tw, (XmTextPosition) 0, (XmTextPosition) 0,
  /* the new size grew enough to include new text */

  if (XmDirectionMatch(XmPrim_layout_direction(tw),
    if (tw->text.edit_mode == XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT) {
      /* this assumes only one line of text! (linestart = 0) */
      ChangeVOffset(tw, 0, True);
      int text_height = data->topmargin; /* to make tab calculation correct */
      int new_height = tw->core.height - (data->topmargin + data->bottommargin);
      position = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, linestart,
					      XmSELECT_LINE, XmsdRight,
					      1, False);
      while (linestart < position) {
	linestart = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource) (tw->text.source,
						        linestart, position,
	text_height += FindHeight(tw, text_height, &block, 0, block.length);
      text_height -= data->topmargin;
      if (text_height - new_height < data->voffset) {
	/* space top over */
	if (text_height - new_height >= 0)
	  ChangeVOffset(tw, text_height - new_height, True);
	  ChangeVOffset(tw, 0, True);
      if (tw->text.auto_show_cursor_position) {
	MakePositionVisible(tw, tw->text.cursor_position);
    } else _XmRedisplayVBar(tw);
  } else {
  if (tw->text.edit_mode == XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT) {
    /* this assumes only one line of text! (linestart = 0) */
    ChangeHOffset(tw, 0, True);
    int text_width = data->leftmargin; /* to make tab calculation correct */
    int new_width = tw->core.width - (data->leftmargin + data->rightmargin);
    position = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, linestart,
					    XmSELECT_LINE, XmsdRight,
					    1, False);
    while (linestart < position) {
      linestart = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource) (tw->text.source,
				      linestart, position, &block);
      text_width += FindWidth(tw, text_width, &block, 0, block.length);
    text_width -= data->leftmargin;
    if (text_width - new_width < data->hoffset) {
      /* space left over */
      if (text_width - new_width >= 0)
	ChangeHOffset(tw, text_width - new_width, True);
	ChangeHOffset(tw, 0, True);
    if (tw->text.auto_show_cursor_position) {
      MakePositionVisible(tw, tw->text.cursor_position);
  } else _XmRedisplayHBar(tw);
  data->resizewidth = resizewidth;
  data->resizeheight = resizeheight;
  if (XtIsRealized(w))
  /* Text is now rediplayed at the correct location, so force the tw to
   * refresh the putback area.
  data->refresh_ibeam_off = True;
  /* Somehow we need to let the input method know that the window has
   * changed size (for case of over-the-spot).  Try telling it that
   * the cursor position has changed and hopefully it will re-evaluate
   * the position/visibility/... of the pre-edit window.
  PosToXY(tw, tw->text.cursor_position, &xmim_point.x, &xmim_point.y);
  (void)_XmTextGetDisplayRect((Widget)tw, &xmim_area);
  n = 0;
  XtSetArg(args[n], XmNspotLocation, &xmim_point); n++;
  XtSetArg(args[n], XmNarea, &xmim_area); n++;
  XmImSetValues(w, args, n);

static void 
HandleTimer(XtPointer closure,
	    XtIntervalId *id)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) closure;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  if (data->blinkrate != 0)
    data->timerid =
      XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext((Widget) tw),
		      (unsigned long)data->blinkrate,
		      HandleTimer, (XtPointer) closure);
  if (data->hasfocus && XtIsSensitive((Widget)tw)) BlinkInsertionPoint(tw);

 * To make TextOut a True "Object" this function should be a class function. *
_XmTextChangeBlinkBehavior(XmTextWidget tw,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
			   int newvalue)
                           Boolean newvalue)
#endif /* NeedWidePrototypes */
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  if (newvalue) {
    if (data->blinkrate != 0 && data->timerid == (XtIntervalId)0)
      data->timerid =
	XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext((Widget) tw),
			(unsigned long)data->blinkrate,
			HandleTimer, (XtPointer) tw);
    data->blinkstate = on;
  } else {
    if (data->timerid)
    data->timerid = (XtIntervalId)0;


static void
HandleFocusEvents(Widget w,
		  XtPointer closure,
		  XEvent *event,
		  Boolean *cont)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) w;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  Boolean newhasfocus = data->hasfocus;
  XmAnyCallbackStruct cb;
  XPoint xmim_point;
  XRectangle xmim_area;
  Arg  args[10];
  int  n = 0;
  PosToXY(tw, tw->text.cursor_position, &xmim_point.x, &xmim_point.y);
  (void)_XmTextGetDisplayRect((Widget)tw, &xmim_area);
  switch (event->type) {
  case FocusIn:
    if (event->xfocus.send_event && !(newhasfocus)) {
      cb.reason = XmCR_FOCUS;
      cb.event = event;
      XtCallCallbackList (w, tw->text.focus_callback, (Opaque) &cb);
      newhasfocus = True;
      n = 0;
      XtSetArg(args[n], XmNspotLocation, &xmim_point); n++;
      XtSetArg(args[n], XmNarea, &xmim_area); n++;
      XmImSetFocusValues(w, args, n);
  case FocusOut:
    if (event->xfocus.send_event && newhasfocus) {
      newhasfocus = False;
  case EnterNotify:
    if ((_XmGetFocusPolicy(w) != XmEXPLICIT) && !(newhasfocus) &&
	event->xcrossing.focus &&
	(event->xcrossing.detail != NotifyInferior)) {
      cb.reason = XmCR_FOCUS;
      cb.event = event;
      XtCallCallbackList (w, tw->text.focus_callback, (Opaque) &cb);
      newhasfocus = True;
      n = 0;
      XtSetArg(args[n], XmNspotLocation, &xmim_point); n++;
      XtSetArg(args[n], XmNarea, &xmim_area); n++;
      XmImSetFocusValues(w, args, n);
  case LeaveNotify:
    if ((_XmGetFocusPolicy(w) != XmEXPLICIT) && newhasfocus &&
	event->xcrossing.focus &&
	(event->xcrossing.detail != NotifyInferior)) {
      newhasfocus = False;
  if (newhasfocus != data->hasfocus) {
    if (newhasfocus && XtIsSensitive((Widget)tw)) {
      data->hasfocus = newhasfocus;
      data->blinkstate = off;
      _XmTextChangeBlinkBehavior(tw, True);
    } else {
      _XmTextChangeBlinkBehavior(tw, False);
      data->hasfocus = newhasfocus;
      data->blinkstate = on;

static void 
HandleGraphicsExposure(Widget w,
		       XtPointer closure,
		       XEvent *event,
		       Boolean *cont)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) w;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  if (event->xany.type == GraphicsExpose) {
    XGraphicsExposeEvent *xe = (XGraphicsExposeEvent *) event;
    if (data->exposehscroll != 0) {
      xe->x = 0;
      xe->width = tw->core.width;
    if (data->exposevscroll != 0) {
      xe->y = 0;
      xe->height = tw->core.height;
    RedrawRegion(tw, xe->x, xe->y, xe->width, xe->height);
    if (xe->count == 0) {
      if (data->exposehscroll) data->exposehscroll--;
      if (data->exposevscroll) data->exposevscroll--;
  if (event->xany.type == NoExpose) {
    if (data->exposehscroll) data->exposehscroll--;
    if (data->exposevscroll) data->exposevscroll--;

static void 
OutputRealize(Widget w,
	      XtValueMask *valueMask,
	      XSetWindowAttributes *attributes)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) w;
  XtCreateWindow(w, (unsigned int) InputOutput, (Visual *) CopyFromParent,
		 *valueMask, attributes);

static void 
OutputDestroy(Widget w)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) w;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  if (data->timerid)
  XtRemoveEventHandler((Widget) tw->text.inner_widget,
		       False, HandleFocusEvents, NULL);
  XtRemoveEventHandler((Widget) tw->text.inner_widget,
		       (EventMask) 0, True, HandleGraphicsExposure,
  XtReleaseGC(w, data->imagegc);
  XtReleaseGC(w, data->gc);
  XtReleaseGC(w, data->save_gc);
  XtReleaseGC(w, data->cursor_gc);
  if (data->add_mode_cursor != XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP)
    (void) XmDestroyPixmap(XtScreen(tw), data->add_mode_cursor);
  if (data->cursor != XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP)
    (void) XmDestroyPixmap(XtScreen(tw), data->cursor);
  if (data->ibeam_off != XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP)
    XFreePixmap(XtDisplay((Widget)tw), data->ibeam_off);
  XtFree((char *)data);
  XtFree((char *)tw->text.output);
  posToXYCachedWidget = NULL;

static void 
RedrawRegion(XmTextWidget tw,
	     int x,
	     int y,
	     int width,
	     int height)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  int i;
  XmTextPosition first, last;

    for (i = x; i < (int) (x + width + data->linewidth); i += data->linewidth) {
      first = XYToPos(tw, i, y);
      last = XYToPos(tw, i, y + height);
      first = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, first,
					   XmsdLeft, 1, True);
      last = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, last,
					  XmsdRight, 1, True);
      _XmTextMarkRedraw(tw, first, last);
  } else {
  for (i = y; i < (int) (y + height + data->lineheight);
              i += data->lineheight) {
    first = XYToPos(tw, x, i);
    last = XYToPos(tw, x + width, i);
    first = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, first,
					 XmsdLeft, 1, True);
    last = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source, last,
					XmsdRight, 1, True);
    _XmTextMarkRedraw(tw, first, last);

static void 
OutputExpose(Widget w,
	     XEvent *event,
	     Region region)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) w;
  XExposeEvent *xe = (XExposeEvent *) event;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  Boolean erased_cursor = False;
  int old_number_lines = data->number_lines;
  Arg im_args[10];
  XRectangle xmim_area;
  XPoint xmim_point;
  int n = 0;
  Boolean font_may_have_changed = False;
  int offset = 0;
  if (tw->text.in_setvalues) {
    /* Get here via SetValues.  Force x,y of IM and clip origin for
     * I-beam in case font changed.
    tw->text.in_setvalues = False;
    font_may_have_changed = True;
  if (event->xany.type != Expose)
  if (XtIsSensitive(w) && data->hasfocus)
    _XmTextChangeBlinkBehavior(tw, False);
    data->number_lines = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
      data->leftmargin - data->rightmargin;
    if (data->number_lines < (int) data->linewidth || !data->linewidth)
      data->number_lines = 1;
      data->number_lines /= (int) data->linewidth;
    if (data->hbar && old_number_lines != data->number_lines)
	int local_total, new_size;
	XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
	data->ignorehbar = True;
	if (tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines >
	  local_total = tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines;
	  local_total = tw->text.total_lines;
	if (local_total >= tw->text.number_lines)
	  new_size = tw->text.number_lines;
	  new_size = local_total;
	if (new_size + tw->text.top_line > local_total)
	  new_size = local_total - tw->text.top_line;

        offset = local_total - (tw->text.number_lines + tw->text.top_line);
	nav_data.value.x = offset;
	nav_data.minimum.x = 0;
	nav_data.maximum.x = local_total;
	nav_data.slider_size.x = new_size;
	nav_data.page_increment.x = (data->number_lines > 1)?
	  (data->number_lines - 1): 1;
	nav_data.dimMask = NavigDimensionX;
	nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavMinimum|NavMaximum|
	_XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent((Widget)tw), &nav_data, True);
	data->ignorehbar = False;
  } else {
  data->number_lines = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
    data->topmargin - data->bottommargin;
  if (data->number_lines < (int) data->lineheight || !data->lineheight)
    data->number_lines = 1;
    data->number_lines /= (int) data->lineheight;
  if (data->vbar && old_number_lines != data->number_lines)
      int local_total, new_size;
      XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
      data->ignorevbar = True;
      if (tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines >
	local_total = tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines;
	local_total = tw->text.total_lines;
      if (local_total >= tw->text.number_lines)
	new_size = tw->text.number_lines;
	new_size = local_total;
      if (new_size + tw->text.top_line > local_total)
	new_size = local_total - tw->text.top_line;

      nav_data.value.y = tw->text.top_line;
      nav_data.minimum.y = 0;
      nav_data.maximum.y = local_total;
      nav_data.slider_size.y = new_size;
      nav_data.page_increment.y = (data->number_lines > 1)?
	(data->number_lines - 1): 1;
      nav_data.dimMask = NavigDimensionY;
      nav_data.valueMask = NavValue|NavMinimum|NavMaximum|
      _XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent((Widget)tw), &nav_data, True);
      data->ignorevbar = False;
  if (!data->handlingexposures) {
    _XmTextDisableRedisplay(tw, False);
    data->handlingexposures = True;
  if (data->exposehscroll != 0) {
    xe->x = 0;
    xe->width = tw->core.width;
  if (data->exposevscroll != 0) {
    xe->y = 0;
    xe->height = tw->core.height;
  if (xe->x == 0 && xe->y == 0 && xe->width == tw->core.width &&
      xe->height == tw->core.height)
    _XmTextMarkRedraw(tw, (XmTextPosition)0, 9999999);
  else {
    if (!erased_cursor)
      RedrawRegion(tw, xe->x, xe->y, xe->width, xe->height);
  _XmTextInvalidate(tw, (XmTextPosition) tw->text.top_character,
		    (XmTextPosition) tw->text.top_character, NODELTA);
  data->handlingexposures = False;
  /* If the expose happened because of SetValues, the font may have changed.
   * At this point, RefigureLines has run and the tw is relayed out.
   * So it is safe to calculate the x,y position of the cursor to pass
   * to the IM.  And we can reset the clip origin so that the I-Beam will
   * be drawn correctly.
  if (font_may_have_changed) {
    PosToXY(tw, tw->text.cursor_position, &xmim_point.x,
    (void)_XmTextGetDisplayRect((Widget)tw, &xmim_area);
    XtSetArg(im_args[n], XmNspotLocation, &xmim_point); n++;
    XtSetArg(im_args[n], XmNarea, &xmim_area); n++;
    XmImSetValues(w, im_args, n);
  if ((data->cursor_on < 0) || (data->blinkstate == off))
    data->refresh_ibeam_off = True;
  if (XtIsSensitive((Widget)tw) && data->hasfocus)
    _XmTextChangeBlinkBehavior(tw, True);

static void 
GetPreferredSize(Widget w,
		 Dimension *width,
		 Dimension *height)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) w;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  SizeFromRowsCols(tw, width, height);
  if (data->resizewidth) {
    TextFindNewWidth(tw, width);
    if (*width < data->minwidth) *width = data->minwidth;
  if (data->resizeheight) {
    TextFindNewHeight(tw, PASTENDPOS, height);
    if (*height < data->minheight) *height = data->minheight;

  if (*width == 0) *width = 1;
  if (*height == 0) *height = 1;

static void 
HandleVBarButtonRelease(Widget w,
			XtPointer closure,
			XEvent *event,
			Boolean *cont)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) closure;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  data->suspend_hoffset = False;
  XmTextScroll((Widget) tw, 0);

static void 
HandleHBarButtonRelease(Widget w,
			XtPointer closure,
			XEvent *event,
			Boolean *cont)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) closure;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  data->suspend_voffset = False;
  XmTextScroll((Widget) tw, 0);

 *  SliderMove	
 *  Callback for the value changes of navigators.
static void
SliderMove(Widget w,
	   XtPointer closure,
	   XtPointer cd)
  /* w is a navigator tw */
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) closure;
  XmNavigatorDataRec nav_data;
  int offset, n;
  XPoint xmim_point;
  XRectangle xmim_area;
  Arg args[10];
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  int local_total = 0;
  int new_top = 0;
  /* get the navigator information using the trait getValue since I
     cannot use a callback struct */
  nav_data.valueMask = NavValue;
  ((XmNavigatorTrait)XmeTraitGet((XtPointer) XtClass(w), XmQTnavigator))
    ->getValue(w, &nav_data);
  /* look at the kind of navigator and make the appropriate update */
  if (!data->ignorehbar && (nav_data.dimMask & NavigDimensionX)) {
      data->suspend_voffset = True;
      tw->text.hsbar_scrolling = True;
      if (tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines > tw->text.total_lines)
	local_total = tw->text.top_line + tw->text.number_lines;
	local_total = tw->text.total_lines;
      new_top = local_total - nav_data.value.x - tw->text.number_lines;
      offset = nav_data.value.x - tw->text.top_line;
      tw->text.top_line = nav_data.value.x;
      XmTextScroll((Widget)tw, offset);
      tw->text.hsbar_scrolling = False;
    } else {
    offset = nav_data.value.x;
    ChangeHOffset(tw, offset, False);
    PosToXY(tw, tw->text.cursor_position, &xmim_point.x, &xmim_point.y);
    (void)_XmTextGetDisplayRect((Widget)tw, &xmim_area);
    n = 0;
    XtSetArg(args[n], XmNarea, &xmim_area); n++;
    XtSetArg(args[n], XmNspotLocation, &xmim_point); n++;
    XmImSetValues(w, args, n);
    data->suspend_voffset = False;
  if (!data->ignorevbar && (nav_data.dimMask & NavigDimensionY)) {
      offset = nav_data.value.y;
      ChangeVOffset(tw, offset, False);
    } else {
    data->suspend_hoffset = True;
    tw->text.vsbar_scrolling = True;
    offset = nav_data.value.y - tw->text.top_line;
    tw->text.top_line = nav_data.value.y;
    XmTextScroll((Widget)tw, offset);
    tw->text.vsbar_scrolling = False;
    PosToXY(tw, tw->text.cursor_position, &xmim_point.x, &xmim_point.y);
    (void)_XmTextGetDisplayRect((Widget)tw, &xmim_area);
    n = 0;
    XtSetArg(args[n], XmNarea, &xmim_area); n++;
    XtSetArg(args[n], XmNspotLocation, &xmim_point); n++;
    XmImSetValues(w, args, n);
    data->suspend_hoffset = False;

    /* now update the other navigator value */
    _XmSFUpdateNavigatorsValue(XtParent((Widget)tw), &nav_data, False);


/* Public routines. */

 * To make TextOut a True "Object" this function should be a class function. *
_XmTextOutputCreate(Widget wid,
		    ArgList args,
		    Cardinal num_args)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) wid;
  Output output;
  OutputData data;
  Dimension width, height;
  XmScrollFrameTrait scrollFrameTrait;
  tw->text.output = output = (Output)
    XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(OutputRec));
  output->data = data = (OutputData)
    XtMalloc((unsigned) sizeof(OutputDataRec));
  XtGetSubresources(wid, (XtPointer)data, NULL, NULL, output_resources,
		    XtNumber(output_resources), args, num_args);
  if (output->data->scrollleftside == XmDYNAMIC_BOOL) {
    if (XmDirectionMatch(XmPrim_layout_direction(tw),
      output->data->scrollleftside = True;
      output->data->scrollleftside = False;

  output->XYToPos = XYToPos;
  output->PosToXY = PosToXY;
  output->MeasureLine = MeasureLine;
  output->Draw = Draw;
  output->DrawInsertionPoint = DrawInsertionPoint;
  output->MakePositionVisible = MakePositionVisible;
  output->MoveLines = MoveLines;
  output->Invalidate = OutputInvalidate;
  output->GetPreferredSize = GetPreferredSize;
  output->GetValues = OutputGetValues;
  output->SetValues = OutputSetValues;
  output->realize = OutputRealize;
  output->destroy = OutputDestroy;
  output->resize = NotifyResized;
  output->expose = OutputExpose;
  data->insertx = data->inserty = -99;
  data->suspend_hoffset = False;
  data->hoffset = 0;
  data->scrollwidth = 1;
  data->exposehscroll = data->exposevscroll = False;
  data->stipple_tile = _XmGetInsensitiveStippleBitmap((Widget) tw);
  data->add_mode_cursor = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP;
  data->ibeam_off = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP;
  data->cursor = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP;
  data->timerid = (XtIntervalId)0;
  data->font = NULL;
  data->scrollheight = 1;
  data->voffset = 0;
  data->suspend_voffset = False;

  /* copy over the fontlist/rendertable */
  /* Final result stored in fontlist since that's what the rest of the 
   * code is expecting, but rendertable takes precedence since that's the 
   * model for 2.0.
  if ((data->fontlist == NULL) && (data->rendertable == NULL)) {
    data->fontlist =
      XmRenderTableCopy(XmeGetDefaultRenderTable(wid, XmTEXT_FONTLIST),
			NULL, 0);
  else if (data->rendertable != NULL)
    data->fontlist = XmRenderTableCopy(data->rendertable, NULL, 0);
  else data->fontlist = XmRenderTableCopy(data->fontlist, NULL, 0);
  if(!LoadFontMetrics(tw)) {
    data->fontlist = XmRenderTableCopy(
		       XmeGetDefaultRenderTable(wid, XmTEXT_FONTLIST), NULL, 0);
  data->rendertable = data->fontlist;
  data->cursorwidth = 5;
  data->cursorheight = data->font_ascent + data->font_descent;
  tw->text.inner_widget = wid;
  data->leftmargin = data->rightmargin = tw->text.margin_width +
    tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
  data->topmargin = data->bottommargin = tw->text.margin_height +
    tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
  /* Don't word wrap, have multiple row or have vertical scrollbars
     if editMode is single_line */
  if (tw->text.edit_mode == XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT) {
      data->columns = 1;
      data->rows = 1;
  /* Don't grow in width if word wrap is on */
  if (tw->text.edit_mode != XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT &&
      data->wordwrap) {
        data->resizeheight = False;
        data->resizewidth = False;
  if (data->rows <= 0) {
    if (data->rows < 0)
      XmeWarning(wid, MSG1);

      data->rows = 20;
      data->rows = 1;
  if (data->columns <= 0) {
    if (data->columns < 0)
      XmeWarning(wid, MSG2);

      data->columns = 1;
      data->columns = 20;
  /* Initialize columns_set and rows_set for Query Geometry.  Also
   * used in SizeFromRowsCols().
  data->columns_set = data->columns;
  data->rows_set = data->rows;
  SizeFromRowsCols(tw, &width, &height);
  if (tw->core.width == 0)
    tw->core.width = width;
  if (tw->core.height == 0)
    tw->core.height = height;
  /* initialize number_lines before RefigureDependentInfo() */
    data->number_lines = tw->text.inner_widget->core.width -
      data->leftmargin - data->rightmargin;
    if (data->number_lines < (int) data->linewidth || !data->linewidth)
      data->number_lines = 1;
      data->number_lines /= (int) data->linewidth;
  } else {
  data->number_lines = tw->text.inner_widget->core.height -
    data->topmargin - data->bottommargin;
  if (data->number_lines < (int) data->lineheight || !data->lineheight)
    data->number_lines = 1;
    data->number_lines /= (int) data->lineheight;
  if (tw->core.height != height || tw->core.width != width)
  /* reset columns_set and rows_set after RefigureDependentInfo() */
  data->columns_set = data->columns;
  data->rows_set = data->rows;
  data->prevW = tw->core.width;
  data->prevH = tw->core.height;
  data->minwidth = tw->core.width;
  data->minheight = tw->core.height;
  data->imagegc = NULL;
  data->gc = NULL;
  data->save_gc = NULL;
  data->cursor_gc = NULL;
  data->has_rect = False;
  LoadGCs(tw, tw->core.background_pixel,
   * Now look at our parent and see if it's a non inited ScrollFrame. 
   * If it is, create the navigators 
   * and set up all the scrolling stuff using the trait.
  scrollFrameTrait = (XmScrollFrameTrait) 
    XmeTraitGet((XtPointer) XtClass(wid->core.parent), XmQTscrollFrame);
  if (scrollFrameTrait != NULL &&
      !(scrollFrameTrait -> getInfo (wid->core.parent, NULL, NULL, NULL))) {
    int n;
    Arg arglist[30];
    Arg swarglist[1];

      set up the default move callback, so that our navigator gets
      associated nicely by the scrollFrame */
    scrollFrameTrait -> init (wid->core.parent, SliderMove, wid);
    if (data->scrollhorizontal) {
      data->resizewidth = False;
      data->ignorehbar = False;
      n = 0;
      /* Force to use pixels for shadowThickness */
      XtSetArg(arglist[n], XmNunitType, XmPIXELS); n++;
      XtSetArg(arglist[n], XmNshadowThickness,
	       tw->primitive.shadow_thickness); n++;

      XtSetArg(arglist[n], XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL); n++;
      XtSetArg(arglist[n], XmNtraversalOn, False); n++;
      XtSetArg(arglist[n], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); n++;
      data->hbar = XmCreateScrollBar(XtParent(tw), "HorScrollBar",
				     arglist, n);
	if (tw->text.edit_mode != XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT)

	XtAddEventHandler(data->hbar, (EventMask)ButtonReleaseMask,
			  False, HandleHBarButtonRelease, (Opaque)tw);
      } else
    } else data->hbar = NULL;
    if (data->scrollvertical) {
      data->resizeheight = False;
      data->ignorevbar = False;
      n = 0;
      /* Force to use pixels for shadowThickness */
      XtSetArg(arglist[n], XmNunitType, XmPIXELS); n++;
      XtSetArg(arglist[n], XmNshadowThickness,
	       tw->primitive.shadow_thickness); n++;

      XtSetArg(arglist[n], XmNorientation, XmVERTICAL); n++;
      XtSetArg(arglist[n], XmNtraversalOn, False); n++;
      XtSetArg(arglist[n], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); n++;
      data->vbar = XmCreateScrollBar(XtParent(tw), 
				     "VertScrollBar", arglist, n);
      } else {
	if (tw->text.edit_mode != XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT)

	XtAddEventHandler(data->vbar, (EventMask)ButtonReleaseMask,
			  False, HandleVBarButtonRelease, (Opaque)tw);
    } else data->vbar = NULL;
    /* Tell scrolled window parent where to put the scrollbars */
    if (data->scrollleftside) {
      if (data->scrolltopside)
	XtSetArg(swarglist[0], XmNscrollBarPlacement, XmTOP_LEFT);
	XtSetArg(swarglist[0], XmNscrollBarPlacement, XmBOTTOM_LEFT);
    } else {
      if (data->scrolltopside)
	XtSetArg(swarglist[0], XmNscrollBarPlacement, XmTOP_RIGHT);
	XtSetArg(swarglist[0], XmNscrollBarPlacement, XmBOTTOM_RIGHT);
    XtSetValues(tw->core.parent, swarglist, 1);
  } else {
    data->vbar = NULL;
    data->hbar = NULL;
    if (XmIsScrolledWindow(XtParent(tw)) &&
	 == XmCONSTANT)) {
      data->scrollhorizontal = False;
      data->scrollvertical = False;
      data->resizewidth = True;
      data->resizeheight = True;
  data->hasfocus = False;
  data->blinkstate = on;
  data->cursor_on = 0;
  data->refresh_ibeam_off = True;
  data->have_inverted_image_gc = False;
  data->handlingexposures = False;
  XtAddEventHandler((Widget) tw->text.inner_widget,
		    (EventMask) FocusChangeMask|EnterWindowMask|
		    False, HandleFocusEvents, (Opaque)NULL);
  XtAddEventHandler((Widget) tw->text.inner_widget,
		    (EventMask) 0, True, HandleGraphicsExposure,

 * To make TextOut a True "Object" this function should be a class function. *
_XmTextGetBaselines(Widget w,
		    Dimension ** baselines,
		    int *line_count)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) w;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  Dimension *base_array;
  int i;
  *line_count = data->number_lines;
  base_array = (Dimension *)XtMalloc((sizeof(Dimension) * (*line_count)));
  for (i = 0; i < *line_count; i++) {
    base_array[i] = data->topmargin + i * data->lineheight +
  *baselines = base_array;
  return (True);

 * To make TextOut a True "Object" this function should be a class function. *
_XmTextGetDisplayRect(Widget w,
		      XRectangle * display_rect)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) w;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  (*display_rect).x = data->leftmargin;
  (*display_rect).y = data->topmargin;
  (*display_rect).width = tw->core.width -
    (data->leftmargin + data->rightmargin);
  (*display_rect).height = data->number_lines * data->lineheight;

 * To make TextOut a true "Object" this function should be a class function. *
_XmTextMarginsProc(Widget w,
		   XmBaselineMargins *margins_rec)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) w;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  if (margins_rec->get_or_set == XmBASELINE_SET) {
    data->topmargin = margins_rec->margin_top +
      tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
    posToXYCachedWidget = NULL;
  } else {
    margins_rec->margin_top = data->topmargin -
      (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
    margins_rec->margin_bottom = data->bottommargin -
      (tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
    margins_rec->text_height =  data->font_ascent + data->font_descent;
    margins_rec->shadow = tw->primitive.shadow_thickness;
    margins_rec->highlight = tw->primitive.highlight_thickness;
    margins_rec->margin_height = 0;

 * To make TextOut a True "Object" this function should be a class function. *
_XmTextChangeHOffset(XmTextWidget tw,
		     int length)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  Dimension margin_width = tw->text.margin_width +
    tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
  int new_offset = data->hoffset;
  XmTextPosition nextpos;
  XmTextPosition last_position;
  XmTextPosition temp;
  int inner_width, width, i;
  int text_width = 0;
  int new_text_width;
  XmTextBlockRec block;

  /* subtract margins from the offset: Fixes CR 3187 */
  length += (length < 0 ? (2 * margin_width) : - (2 * margin_width));
  new_offset += length;
  for (i = 0; i < tw->text.number_lines; i++) {
    last_position = (*tw->text.source->Scan) (tw->text.source,
						  XmsdRight, 1, False);
    nextpos = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source,
					   last_position, XmSELECT_LINE,
					   XmsdRight, 1, True);
    if (nextpos == last_position)
      nextpos = PASTENDPOS;
    width = data->leftmargin;
    temp = tw->text.line[i].start;
    while (temp < last_position) {
      temp = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)
	(tw->text.source, temp, last_position, &block);
      width += FindWidth(tw, (Position) width, &block,
			 0, block.length);
    new_text_width = width - data->leftmargin;
    if (new_text_width > text_width) text_width = new_text_width;
  inner_width = tw->core.width - (2 * margin_width);
  if (new_offset >= text_width - inner_width)
    new_offset = text_width - inner_width;
  ChangeHOffset(tw, new_offset, True);

 * To make TextOut a True "Object" this function should be a class function. *
_XmTextChangeVOffset(XmTextWidget tw,
		     int length)
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  Dimension margin_height = tw->text.margin_height +
    tw->primitive.shadow_thickness +
  int new_offset = data->voffset;
  XmTextPosition nextpos = 0;
  XmTextPosition last_position = 0;
  XmTextPosition temp = 0;
  int inner_height = 0, height = 0, i = 0;
  int text_height = 0;
  int new_text_height = 0;
  XmTextBlockRec block;

  /* subtract margins from the offset: Fixes CR 3187 */
  length += (length < 0 ? (2 * margin_height) : - (2 * margin_height));
  new_offset += length;
  for (i = 0; i < tw->text.number_lines; i++) {
    last_position = (*tw->text.source->Scan) (tw->text.source,
						  XmsdRight, 1, False);
    nextpos = (*tw->text.source->Scan)(tw->text.source,
					   last_position, XmSELECT_LINE,
					   XmsdRight, 1, True);
    if (nextpos == last_position)
      nextpos = PASTENDPOS;
    height = data->topmargin;
    temp = tw->text.line[i].start;
    while (temp < last_position) {
      temp = (*tw->text.source->ReadSource)
	(tw->text.source, temp, last_position, &block);
      height += FindHeight(tw, (Position) height, &block,
			   0, block.length);
    new_text_height = height - data->topmargin;
    if (new_text_height > text_height) text_height = new_text_height;
  inner_height = tw->core.height - (2 * margin_height);
  if (new_offset >= text_height - inner_height)
    new_offset = text_height - inner_height;
  ChangeVOffset(tw, new_offset, True);

 * To make TextOut a true "Object" this function should be a class function. *
_XmTextToggleCursorGC(Widget w)
  XmTextWidget tw = (XmTextWidget) w;
  OutputData data = tw->text.output->data;
  InputData i_data = tw->text.input->data;
  XGCValues values;
  unsigned long valueMask;
  Pixmap stipple = XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP;

  if (!XtIsRealized((Widget)tw)) return;
  SetFullGC(tw, data->imagegc);
  _XmTextResetClipOrigin(tw, tw->text.cursor_position, False);
#ifdef FIX_1501
  if (!XtIsSensitive((Widget)tw)) {
    valueMask = GCForeground|GCBackground|GCFillStyle|GCStipple|GCFunction;
    values.foreground = _XmAssignInsensitiveColor((Widget)tw);
    values.background = tw->core.background_pixel;
    values.fill_style = FillStippled;

    if (i_data->overstrike) {
      if (data->stipple_tile == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP) return;
      values.stipple = data->stipple_tile;
      values.function = GXxor;
    } else {
      if (data->cursor == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP) return;
      values.stipple = data->cursor;
      values.function = GXcopy;
  } else {
  if (i_data->overstrike) {
    valueMask = GCFillStyle|GCFunction|GCForeground|GCBackground;
    if (XtIsSensitive(w) && !tw->text.add_mode &&
	(data->hasfocus || _XmTextHasDestination(w)))
      values.fill_style = FillSolid;
    else {
      valueMask |= GCStipple;
      values.fill_style = FillStippled;
      values.stipple = data->stipple_tile;
    values.foreground = values.background =
      tw->primitive.foreground ^ tw->core.background_pixel;
    values.function = GXxor;
  } else {
    valueMask = GCStipple;
    if (XGetGCValues(XtDisplay(tw), data->imagegc, 
		     valueMask, &values))
      stipple = values.stipple;
    valueMask = GCFillStyle|GCFunction|GCForeground|GCBackground;
    if (XtIsSensitive(w) && !tw->text.add_mode &&
	(data->hasfocus || _XmTextHasDestination(w))) {
      if (stipple != data->cursor) {
	values.stipple = data->cursor;
	valueMask |= GCStipple;
    } else
      if (stipple != data->add_mode_cursor) {
	values.stipple = data->add_mode_cursor;
	valueMask |= GCStipple;
    if (tw->text.input->data->overstrike) {
      values.background = values.foreground = 
	tw->core.background_pixel ^ tw->primitive.foreground;
    } else if (data->have_inverted_image_gc) {
      values.background = tw->primitive.foreground;
      values.foreground = tw->core.background_pixel;
    } else {
      values.foreground = tw->primitive.foreground;
      values.background = tw->core.background_pixel;
    values.fill_style = FillStippled;
    values.function = GXcopy;
#ifdef FIX_1501

  XSetClipMask(XtDisplay(tw), data->save_gc, None);
  XChangeGC(XtDisplay(tw), data->imagegc, valueMask, &values);