Blob Blame History Raw
! Motif
! Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
! These libraries and programs are free software; you can
! redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
! Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
! Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
! any later version.
! These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
! they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
! PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
! details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
! License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
! to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
! Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

!Coloring Resources

! Windows, icons, menus

Mwm*activeBackground : IndianRed
Mwm*activeForeground : wheat
Mwm*background :OldLace
Mwm*foreground :IndianRed

! mattes

Mwm*TestWindow1*matteWidth : 10
Mwm*matteBackground : dark sea green
Mwm*matteBottomShadowColor : red
Mwm*matteTopShadowColor : blue
Mwm*matteForeground :black
Mwm*matteTopShadowPixmap : slant_right
Mwm*matteBottomShadowPixmap: slant_left

!Icon Images

Mwm*iconImageBackground :oldlace
Mwm*iconImageBottomShadowColor :LightPink
Mwm*iconImageForeground :lavender
Mwm*iconImageTopShadowColor :black
Mwm*iconPixmap :../bitmaps/mtn.xbm

! Window Decorations

Mwm*transientDecorations : all
Mwm*transientFunctions : all

! Focus Policies

Mwm*autoKeyFocus : False
Mwm*deiconifyKeyFocus : False
Mwm*keyboardFocusPolicy :explicit
Mwm*startupKeyFocus : False
Mwm*TestWindow3*focusAutoRaise : False
Mwm*TestWindow4*focusAutoRaise : True

! Controlling Windows

! bindings

Mwm*buttonBindings : MwmUI3ButtonBindings
Mwm*keyBindings :    MwmUI3KeyBindings

! font

Mwm*fontList : courb24

!Window Menus

Mwm*wMenuButtonClick1 : False
Mwm*wMenuButtonClick2 : False

!Config file

Mwm*configFile : MwmUI3.mwmrc

!Controlling Window Size and Position

! Size Resources

Mwm*limitResize : False
Mwm*resizeBorderWidth :10
Mwm*resizeCursors : True

! Position Resources

Mwm*clientAutoPlace : False
Mwm*interactivePlacement : False
Mwm*showFeedback : all

! Other

Mwm*enableWarp : True

!Configuring icons

Mwm*iconAutoPlace : True
Mwm*iconPlacement : top right
Mwm*iconClick : False
Mwm*iconDecoration :activelabel label image
Mwm*iconPlacementMargin : 50
Mwm*lowerOnIconify :True

!Configuring the icon box

Mwm*useIconBox : True
Mwm*iconBoxTitle : MyIcons
Mwm*iconBoxGeometry : 4x1
Mwm*iconBoxSBDisplayPolicy :vertical

! End of mwm defaults file