Blob Blame History Raw
 * Motif
 * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
 * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
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#ifdef REV_INFO
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: FindObj.c /main/7 1995/07/14 11:32:53 drk $"
  	@(#)FindObj.c	Date:1/22/91
  	Author: TAT
            05/24/90 SJS add to sccs
            08/04/90 SJS let's try some comments

            Looks up the object that matches the object type and instance.
        This object is relative to the widget passed in.

            widget - Xt widget of matching object
            object_type - may be concatenated object type code
            instance - instance of this object_type


            Pointer to object which matches given window id
#include "xislib.h"
#include "mvslib.h"

XisObjectRecord *xisFindObject(widget,object_type,instance)
Widget widget;
int object_type;
int instance;
    XisObjectRecord *object, *tmp_object;
    XisObjectRecord *object_stack[100];
    Boolean in_dir_file_list = False;
    short stack_top = 0;
    int object_type_stack[100];
    int ostack_top = 0;
    int cum_object_type = object_type;
    int tmp, tindx;
    int widget_class_code;

    /* Break up concatenated object. The concatenation is originally done
       by adding together all the object types that describe the object
       we want. (ie. ScrollBar + UpOrLeftRegion). Thus, each piece of
       the sum is taken off and put on the type stack.

    while (cum_object_type > 0) {
        tmp = cum_object_type / xisNumObjectTypes;
        object_type_stack[ostack_top++] =
                                    cum_object_type - tmp * xisNumObjectTypes;
        cum_object_type = tmp;

    /* Find top object with same widget. Use the requested widget as the
       base point to begin searching.

    object = xisFindObjectFromWidget(widget);

    if ((object_type == 0) || (object == NULL)) {

/* Begin Automation Added */

    widget_class_code  = mvsGetClassCode(widget);

/* End Automation Added */

    /* If the object we are looking for is the current one, return it */

    if (object->id.object_type == object_type) {
        if (object->id.instance == instance)

    /* If the current is not the object and there are no children, then
       return NULL */

    if (object->first_child == NULL) {

    /* Perform Depth-First Search Looking for a match to object-instance */
    tindx = ostack_top - 1;
    object = object->first_child;

    while (1) {
        if (object->id.object_type == object_type_stack[tindx]) {
            if (tindx == 0) {
                if (object->id.instance == instance)
                    return object;
/* Begin Automation Added */

   This is an ugly hack. Basically what is up is that a oFileList and
   a oDirList are children of the ScrolledWindow, and not of the
   FileSelectionBox. Beacuse of this when accessing the scrollbar
   regions, they have to be children of the ScrolledWindow not the
   FileSelectionBox. Since FileSelectionBox has two ScrolledWindows
   (and ScrolledLists) there was no way to find out if you were
   looking at the DirList scrollbar regions or the FileList scrollbar

   Fix is to look to see if you are in a scrolledWindow. Then see
   if a FileList or a DirList is a child of the ScrolledWindow,
   if it is then adjust the object_type_stack and look at the rest
   of the children.

	    if (object->id.object_type == oScrolledWindow &&
		object_type != oFileListItem &&
		object_type != oDirListItem &&
		object_type != oFileList1 &&
		object_type != oDirList1 &&
		widget_class_code == mvsXmFileSelectionBoxWidgetClass) {
	        tmp_object = object->first_child;

   Look down the scrolledWindow childrens list to see if you have a
   directory list or filelist  object code 

		while (tmp_object != NULL && ! in_dir_file_list)
			if (tmp_object->id.object_type == 
			    		object_type_stack[tindx - 1])
			    in_dir_file_list = True;
				tmp_object = tmp_object->next_sibling;

   If you have the dirlist of filelist then adjust the object_type
   stack. This will have the effect of ignoring the filelist or
   dirlist and continue looking down the scrolledWindows children
		if (in_dir_file_list)
/* End Automation Added */
            if (object->first_child != NULL) {
                object_stack[stack_top++] = object;
                object = object->first_child;
        if (object->next_sibling != NULL) {
            object = object->next_sibling;
        else {
            object = NULL;
            while (stack_top > 0 && object == NULL) {
                object = object_stack[--stack_top]->next_sibling;
            if (object == NULL)
    } /* End while(1) */


} /* End xisFindObject */