Blob Blame History Raw
#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined(VMS) && !defined(__alpha)
#define mbstowcs(a,b,n) XiMbstowcs(a,b,n)

#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <Xm/XmP.h>
#include "XmI.h"
#include <Xm/VaSimpleP.h>
#include <Xm/DrawP.h>

#include <Xm/DropDownP.h>

#include <X11/Shell.h>
#include <Xm/ArrowB.h>
#include <Xm/Label.h>
#include <Xm/TextF.h>
#include <Xm/Text.h>
#include <Xm/List.h>
#include <Xm/GrabShellP.h>

#include <Xm/ExtP.h>

#define FIX_1371
#define FIX_1486
#define FIX_1170

#ifdef FIX_1486
#include "MenuShellI.h"

 * NOTE:  I use the same syntax for popup and popdown that Xt Uses. 
 *        so something is "up" if it is on the screen.  With combo
 *        boxes this can often be backwards of how the user thinks,
 *        but it is all internal stuff anyway.
 * Note: most uses are now unposted (up) (doesn't appear) and posted (down)
 *	 (does appear)

#ifndef XmNautoTraversal
#define XmNautoTraversal "autoTraversal"
#define XmCAutoTraversal "AutoTraversal"
#ifndef XmNactivateOnFill
#define XmNactivateOnFill "activateOnFill"
#define XmCActivateOnFill "ActivateOnFill"

#define XmTextFieldGetString(t) \
    ( XmIsTextField(t) ? XmTextFieldGetString(t) : XmTextGetString(t) )

#define XmTextFieldSetString(t,s) \
    ( XmIsTextField(t) ? XmTextFieldSetString(t,s) : XmTextSetString(t,s) )

#define XmTextFieldInsert(t,l,p) \
    ( XmIsTextField(t) ? XmTextFieldInsert(t,l,p) : XmTextInsert(t,l,p) )

#define XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition(t,p) \
    ( XmIsTextField(t) ? XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition(t,p) \
                       : XmTextSetInsertionPosition(t,p) )
/* From GrabShell.c */
#define Events	(EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | ButtonPressMask | \

static void TextButtonPress(Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *, Boolean *);

static char combo_translations[] =
"#override \n\
Ctrl <Key>osfDown:	XiComboListPost()\n\
Ctrl <Key>osfUp:	XiComboListUnpost()\n\
Any <Key>osfCancel:	XiComboListCancel()";

static void Resize(Widget), ChangeManaged(Widget), Destroy(Widget);
static void Initialize(Widget, Widget, ArgList, Cardinal *);
static void GetValuesHook(Widget, ArgList, Cardinal *);
static Boolean SetValues(Widget, Widget, Widget, ArgList, Cardinal *);

static XtGeometryResult GeometryManager(Widget,
					XtWidgetGeometry*, XtWidgetGeometry*);
static XtGeometryResult QueryGeometry(Widget,
				      XtWidgetGeometry *, XtWidgetGeometry *);

static void ClassPartInitialize(WidgetClass);
static void ClassInitialize();
static void ExposeMethod(Widget, XEvent*, Region);

static Boolean ComboBoxParentProcess(Widget wid, XmParentProcessData event);

 * Actions and callbacks.

static void VerifyTextField(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void ModifyVerifyTextField(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void ValueChangedTextField(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void ListSelected(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);

static void ComboUnpost(Widget, XEvent *, String *, Cardinal *);
static void ComboPost(Widget, XEvent *, String *, Cardinal *);
static void ComboCancel(Widget, XEvent *, String *, Cardinal *);

static void SBBtnDownEH (Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *, Boolean *);
static void SBBtnUpEH (Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *, Boolean *);

 * Internal Routines.

static XmDropDownWidget FindComboBox(Widget);

static void PopdownList(Widget);
static void LoseFocusHandler(Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *, Boolean *);
static void RegisterShellHandler(Widget);
static void CreateChildren(Widget, ArgList, Cardinal);
static void CreatePopup(Widget, ArgList, Cardinal);
static void PlaceChildren(Widget, Boolean, Widget);
static void FindDesiredSize(Widget, Widget, Dimension *, Dimension *,
		   XtWidgetGeometry *, XtWidgetGeometry *, XtWidgetGeometry *);
static void GetTextAndLabelWidth(Widget, Dimension, Dimension, Dimension, 
				 Dimension, Dimension *, Dimension *);

static Boolean SetListFromText(Widget, Boolean), SetTextFromList(Widget);
static Boolean PopupList(Widget);


static XtActionsRec actions[] =
    { "XiComboListDown", ComboPost },
    { "XiComboListPost", ComboPost },
    { "XiComboListUp", ComboUnpost },
    { "XiComboListUnpost", ComboUnpost },
    { "XiComboListCancel", ComboCancel },

static XtResource resources[] =
    XmNhorizontalMargin, XmCMargin, XmRHorizontalDimension,
    sizeof(Dimension), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.h_space),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) 2

    XmNverticalMargin, XmCMargin, XmRVerticalDimension,
    sizeof(Dimension), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.v_space),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) 2

    XmNverify, XmCVerify, XmRBoolean,
    sizeof(Boolean), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.verify),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) True

    XmNeditable, XmCEditable, XmRBoolean,
    sizeof(Boolean), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.editable),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) True

    XmNcustomizedCombinationBox, XmCBoolean, XmRBoolean,
    sizeof(Boolean), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.customized_combo_box),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) False

    XmNverifyTextCallback, XmCCallback, XmRCallback,
    sizeof(XtCallbackList), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.verify_text_callback),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL

    XmNupdateTextCallback, XmCCallback, XmRCallback,
    sizeof(XtCallbackList), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.update_text_callback),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL

    XmNupdateShellCallback, XmCCallback, XmRCallback,
    sizeof(XtCallbackList), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.update_shell_callback),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL

    XmNpopupShellWidget, XmCWidget, XmRWidget,
    sizeof(Widget), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.popup_shell),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL

    XmNshowLabel, XmCBoolean, XmRBoolean,
    sizeof(Boolean), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.show_label),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) True

    XmNpopupOffset, XmCPopupOffset, XmRInt,
    sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.popup_offset),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) 15

    XmNpopupCursor, XmCCursor, XmRCursor,
    sizeof(Cursor), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.popup_cursor),
    XmRString, (XtPointer) "left_ptr"

    XmNuseTextField, XmCUseTextField, XmRBoolean,
    sizeof(Boolean), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.use_text_field),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) True

    XmNcomboTranslations, XmCTranslations, XmRTranslationTable,
    sizeof(XtTranslations), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.translations),
    XmRString, (XtPointer) combo_translations

    XmNvisibleItemCount, XmCVisibleItemCount, XmRInt,
    sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.visible_items),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) 5

    XmNnewVisualStyle, XmCNewVisualStyle, XmRBoolean,
    sizeof(Boolean), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.new_visual_style),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer)True

    XmNshadowThickness, XmCShadowThickness, XmRHorizontalDimension,
    sizeof (Dimension), XtOffsetOf(XmManagerRec, manager.shadow_thickness),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) 2

  /* intentionally undocumented feature used by other ICS widgets */
    XmNverifyTextFailedCallback, XmCCallback, XmRCallback,
    sizeof(XtCallbackList), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.verify_text_failed_callback),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL
#ifdef XmNautoTraversal
    XmNautoTraversal, XmCAutoTraversal, XmRBoolean,
    sizeof(Boolean), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.autoTraversal),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) True
#ifdef XmNactivateOnFill
    XmNactivateOnFill, XmCActivateOnFill, XmRInt,
    sizeof(int), XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.activateOnFill),
    XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0


static XmSyntheticResource get_resources[] =
    XmNhorizontalMargin, sizeof(Dimension),
    XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.h_space),
    XmeFromHorizontalPixels, (XmImportProc) XmeToHorizontalPixels
    XmNverticalMargin, sizeof(Dimension),
    XtOffsetOf(XmDropDownRec, combo.v_space),
    XmeFromVerticalPixels, (XmImportProc) XmeToVerticalPixels
#undef offset
XmDropDownClassRec xmDropDownClassRec = {
  { /* core fields */
    /* superclass		*/	(WidgetClass)&xmManagerClassRec,
    /* class_name		*/	"XmDropDown",
    /* widget_size		*/	sizeof(XmDropDownRec),
    /* class_initialize		*/	ClassInitialize,
    /* class_part_initialize	*/	ClassPartInitialize,
    /* class_inited		*/	FALSE,
    /* initialize		*/	Initialize,
    /* initialize_hook		*/	NULL,
    /* realize			*/	XtInheritRealize,
    /* actions			*/	actions,
    /* num_actions		*/	XtNumber(actions),
    /* resources		*/	(XtResource*)resources,
    /* num_resources		*/	XtNumber(resources),
    /* xrm_class		*/	NULLQUARK,
    /* compress_motion		*/	TRUE,
    /* compress_exposure	*/	TRUE,
    /* compress_enterleave	*/	TRUE,
    /* visible_interest		*/	FALSE,
    /* destroy			*/	Destroy,
    /* resize			*/	Resize,
    /* expose			*/	ExposeMethod,
    /* set_values		*/	SetValues,
    /* set_values_hook		*/	NULL,
    /* set_values_almost	*/	XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,
    /* get_values_hook		*/	GetValuesHook,
    /* accept_focus		*/	NULL,
    /* version			*/	XtVersion,
    /* callback_private		*/	NULL,
    /* tm_table			*/	XtInheritTranslations,
    /* query_geometry		*/	(XtGeometryHandler) QueryGeometry,
    /* display_accelerator	*/	XtInheritDisplayAccelerator,
    /* extension		*/	NULL
  {		/* composite_class fields */
    /* geometry_manager   */      GeometryManager,
    /* change_managed     */      ChangeManaged,
    /* insert_child       */      XtInheritInsertChild,			
    /* delete_child       */      XtInheritDeleteChild,			
    /* extension          */      NULL,                                     
  {		/* constraint_class fields */
    /* resource list        */         NULL,
    /* num resources        */         0,	
    /* constraint size      */         0,	
    /* destroy proc         */         NULL,
    /* init proc            */         NULL,				    
    /* set values proc      */         NULL,				       
    /* extension            */         NULL, 
  {		/* manager_class fields */
    /* default translations   */      XtInheritTranslations,	
    /* syn_resources          */      get_resources,
    /* num_syn_resources      */      XtNumber(get_resources),
    /* syn_cont_resources     */      NULL,
    /* num_syn_cont_resources */      0,
    /* parent_process         */      XmInheritParentProcess,
    /* extension	      */      NULL,	
  { /* Combination Box fields */
      NULL                      /* extension          */

WidgetClass xmDropDownWidgetClass = (WidgetClass)&xmDropDownClassRec;


#if defined(VAX) && defined(VMS)
static char * OsiStrncpy( char *s1, char *s2, int len );
static size_t
XiMbstowcs(wchar_t* wcs, char* mbs, size_t n)
    if (wcs)
	memset((char*)wcs, 0, n);
	OsiStrncpy((char*)wcs, mbs, n);
	return((size_t) strlen((char*) wcs));
	return (0);

/* Function:
 *     OsiStrncpy(s1, s2, len)
 * Description:
 *     strncpy() with check for NULL strings
 * Input:
 *     s1     - char * : copy to here
 *     s2     - char * : copy from here
 *     len    - int    : bytes to copy
 * Output:
 *    s1

static char *
OsiStrncpy( char *s1, char *s2, int len )
  if (s2 == NULL) s2 = "";
  if (s1 == NULL) return(NULL);




/*	Function Name: ClassInitialize
 *	Description:   class_initialize method for XmDropDown
 *	Arguments:     none
 *	Returns:       nothing
static void
  /* do nothing */

/*	Function Name: ClassPartInitialize
 *	Description:   class_part_initialize method for XmDropDown
 *	Arguments:     w_class - the widget class.
 *	Returns:       nothing

static void
ClassPartInitialize(WidgetClass w_class)
      _XmFastSubclassInit (w_class, XmDROP_DOWN_BIT);

/*	Function Name: Initialize
 *	Description:   Called to initialize information specific
 *                     to this widget.
 *	Arguments:     req - what was originally requested.
 *                     set - what will be created (our superclassed have
 *                           already mucked with this)
 *                     args, num_args - The arguments passed to 
 *                                      the creation call.
 *	Returns:       none.

static void 
Initialize(Widget req, Widget set, ArgList args, Cardinal * num_args)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) set;
    ArgList f_args;
    Cardinal f_num_args;
    Dimension desired_height, desired_width;

    XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) = XmDropDown_POSTED;
    XmDropDown_old_text(cbw) = NULL;
    XmDropDown_doActivate(cbw) = False;
    XmDropDown_inValueChanged(cbw) = False;

    cbw->combo.hsb = NULL;
    cbw->combo.vsb = NULL;

    _XmFilterArgs(args, *num_args, xm_std_filter, &f_args, &f_num_args);

    CreateChildren(set, f_args, f_num_args);

    if (!XmDropDown_customized_combo_box(cbw))
	CreatePopup(set, f_args, f_num_args);


    if (!XmDropDown_editable(cbw)) {
      VerifyTextField(NULL, (XtPointer) cbw, (XtPointer) NULL);
      XtAddEventHandler(XmDropDown_text(cbw), ButtonPressMask,
			False, TextButtonPress, NULL);

     * Override the bad things that XmManager is doing to me.
    if ((req->core.height == 0) || (req->core.width == 0))
        XtWidgetGeometry arrow_geom, text_geom, label_geom;
        FindDesiredSize(set, NULL, &desired_width, &desired_height,
			&label_geom, &text_geom, &arrow_geom);
    if (req->core.height == 0)
      set->core.height = desired_height;
    else set->core.height = req->core.height;
    if (req->core.width == 0)
      set->core.width =  desired_width;
    else set->core.width = req->core.width;

    XtFree((char *) f_args);

/*	Function Name: Resize
 *	Description:   Called when this widget has been resized.
 *	Arguments:     w - Extended List Widget to realize.
 *	Returns:       none.

static void 
Resize(Widget w)
    if (XtIsRealized(w)) XClearWindow(XtDisplay(w), XtWindow(w));
    PlaceChildren(w, False, NULL);

static void
GetValuesHook(Widget w, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
    XmDropDownWidget 	cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;
    XrmQuark			visible_quark;
    int 			i;

    visible_quark = XrmStringToQuark(XmNvisibleItemCount);

    for (i = 0; i < ((int) *num_args); i++)
	if (visible_quark == XrmStringToQuark(args[i].name))
	    XtVaGetValues(XmDropDown_list(cbw), args[i].name, args[i].value, NULL);


/*	Function Name: SetValues
 *	Description:   Called when some widget data needs to be modified on-
 *                     the-fly.
 *	Arguments:     current - the current (old) widget values.
 *                     request - before superclassed have changed things.
 *                     set - what will acutally be the new values. 
 *                     args, num_args - the arguments in the list.
 *	Returns:       none

static Boolean 
SetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget set,
	  ArgList args, Cardinal * num_args)
    Boolean                place_children = False;
    XmDropDownWidget old_cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) current,
                           set_cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) set;
    ArgList                f_args;
    Cardinal               f_num_args;

    Boolean		   retval = False;

     * Pass filtered setvalues requests down to children.
    _XmFilterArgs(args, *num_args, xm_std_filter, &f_args, &f_num_args);
    if( !XmDropDown_customized_combo_box(set_cbw) )
	 * It is possible that the new combo box does not have a list
	 * associated with it because if the old value for the
	 * resource "XmNcustomizedCombinationBox" is True.  If this is
	 * the case then we need to build a popup list for the new
	 * combo box.

	if( XmDropDown_customized_combo_box(old_cbw) &&
	    !XmDropDown_popup_shell(set_cbw) )
	     * It turns out that we need to create a new popup list
	     * for this widget so lets go ahead and do it.

	    CreatePopup (set, f_args, f_num_args);
	XtSetValues(XmDropDown_list(set_cbw), f_args, f_num_args);
    /* make it Create/Get only */
    if( XmDropDown_use_text_field(set_cbw) != XmDropDown_use_text_field(old_cbw) )
	XmDropDown_use_text_field(set_cbw) = XmDropDown_use_text_field(old_cbw);

    _XmSetValuesOnChildren(set, f_args, f_num_args);

    if (XmDropDown_editable(set_cbw) != XmDropDown_editable(old_cbw)){
      if (!XmDropDown_editable(set_cbw)) 
	XtAddEventHandler(XmDropDown_text(set_cbw), ButtonPressMask, False,
			  TextButtonPress, NULL);
	XtRemoveEventHandler(XmDropDown_text(set_cbw), ButtonPressMask, False,
			     TextButtonPress, NULL);

    if ((XmDropDown_h_space(set_cbw) != XmDropDown_h_space(old_cbw)) ||
	(XmDropDown_v_space(set_cbw) != XmDropDown_v_space(old_cbw))) 
	place_children = True;
    if (XmDropDown_popup_shell(set_cbw) != XmDropDown_popup_shell(old_cbw)) {
	if (!XmDropDown_customized_combo_box(old_cbw)) {
	     * Non custom box, I created it, so I should destroy it.


    /* note! the following causes a size change in the XmDropDown. It
    ** could be possible to redefine the visuals so that this isn't the case,
    ** though. As is, the effect is that the widget changes size when the 
    ** resource changes. By itself, this isn't a problem -- it changes back 
    ** when the resource is flipped the other way. But when used with a
    ** manager widget whose geometry management is the equivalent of 
    ** XmRESIZE_GROW, the XmDropDown will not shrink back down in size.
    if (XmDropDown_new_visual_style(set_cbw) != XmDropDown_new_visual_style(old_cbw))
	Arg targs[4]; 
	int tn = 0;
		/* ArrowB doesn't track this information itself; it draws
		** itself minus its highlightThickness
		Dimension width, height;
		tn = 0;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNwidth, &width); tn++;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNheight, &height); tn++;
		tn = 0;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNwidth, width - 4); tn++;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNheight, height - 4); tn++;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); tn++;
		tn = 0;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); tn++;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNshadowThickness, 0); tn++;
		Dimension width, height;
		tn = 0;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNwidth, &width); tn++;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNheight, &height); tn++;
		tn = 0;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNwidth, width + 4); tn++;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNheight, height + 4); tn++;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNhighlightThickness, 2); tn++;

		tn = 0;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNhighlightThickness, 2); tn++;
		XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNshadowThickness, 2); tn++;
	retval = True;	/* for shadows */

    if (XmDropDown_show_label(set_cbw) != XmDropDown_show_label(old_cbw))
	retval = True;
	if (XmDropDown_show_label(old_cbw))
    XtFree((char *) f_args);

#ifdef FIX_1170
    if (XtIsSensitive((Widget)set_cbw) != XtIsSensitive((Widget)old_cbw))
	retval = True;

    if (place_children)
	/* figure out the new geometry needed */
    	XtWidgetGeometry arrow_geom, text_geom, label_geom;
    	FindDesiredSize(set, NULL, &(set->core.width), &(set->core.height), 
		    &label_geom, &text_geom, &arrow_geom);

    /* Fix for CR03893, not resizing once the */
    /* label width is modified                */

/*	Function Name: QueryGeometry
 *	Description:   Called when my parent wants to know what size
 *                     I would like to be.
 *	Arguments:     w - the widget to check.
 *                     indended - constriants imposed by the parent.
 *                     preferred - what I would like.
 *	Returns:       See Xt Manual.
static XtGeometryResult 
QueryGeometry(Widget w,XtWidgetGeometry *intended, XtWidgetGeometry *preferred)
    XtWidgetGeometry arrow_geom, text_geom, label_geom;
    FindDesiredSize(w, NULL, &(preferred->width), &(preferred->height), 
		    &label_geom, &text_geom, &arrow_geom);

    return(_XmHWQuery(w, intended, preferred));

/*	Function Name: Destroy
 *	Description: Called when the widget dies.
 *	Arguments: w - the widget.
 *	Returns: none.

static void
Destroy(Widget w)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;
    XtFree((char *) XmDropDown_old_text(cbw));

 * Semi - Public Routines for child management.

/*	Function Name: GeometryManager
 *	Description:   handles requests from children for a size change.
 *	Arguments:     child - the child to change.
 *                     request - the geometry that the child wants.
 *                     return - what we will allow if this is an almost.
 *	Returns:       status.

static XtGeometryResult
GeometryManager(Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry * request, 
		XtWidgetGeometry * result)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) XtParent(w);
    Dimension c_width, c_height, old_width, old_height, r_width, r_height;
    XtGeometryResult ret_val;
    XtWidgetGeometry arrow_geom, text_geom, label_geom;
    Boolean w_req = request->request_mode & CWWidth;
    Boolean h_req = request->request_mode & CWHeight;

    if (!(w_req || h_req)) return(XtGeometryNo);
    old_width = w->core.width;
    old_height = w->core.height;

    if (w_req)
	w->core.width = request->width;

    if (h_req)
	w->core.height = request->height;

    FindDesiredSize((Widget) cbw, w, &c_width, &c_height, 
		    &label_geom, &text_geom, &arrow_geom);

    _XmRequestNewSize((Widget) cbw, True, 
       c_width, c_height, &r_width, &r_height);

    if (c_height == r_height) {
	Dimension arrow_width, text_width, label_width, tbw, lbw;

	result->height = w->core.height;

	if (XmDropDown_show_label(cbw)) {
	    label_width = label_geom.width;
	    lbw = label_geom.border_width;
	else {
	    label_width = 0;
	    lbw = 0;

	text_width = text_geom.width;
	tbw = text_geom.border_width;

	arrow_width = arrow_geom.width + 2 * arrow_geom.border_width;

	GetTextAndLabelWidth((Widget) cbw, r_width, arrow_width, lbw, tbw,
			     &text_width, &label_width);

	if ((text_width != 1) && 
	    ((label_width != 1) || XmDropDown_show_label(cbw))) 
	    if (w == XmDropDown_text(cbw)) 
		result->width = text_width;
	    else if (w == XmDropDown_label(cbw)) 
		result->width = label_width;
		result->width = w->core.width;
	else {
	    result->width = old_width;
	result->request_mode = CWWidth | CWHeight;

    if ((!h_req || (result->height == request->height)) &&
	(!w_req || (result->width == request->width))) 
	if (request->request_mode & XtCWQueryOnly)
	    ret_val = XtGeometryYes;
	else {
	    /* PlaceChildren((Widget) cbw, True, w); */
	    _XmRequestNewSize((Widget) cbw, False, 
		      c_width, c_height, &r_width, &r_height);
    else if ((!h_req || (result->height == request->height)) ||
	     (!w_req || (result->width == request->width))) 
	ret_val = XtGeometryAlmost;
        ret_val = XtGeometryNo;

    w->core.height = old_height;
    w->core.width = old_width;


/*	Function Name: ChangeManaged
 *	Description:   When a management change has occured...
 *	Arguments:     w - the combination box widget.
 *	Returns:       none.

static void
ChangeManaged(Widget w)
	PlaceChildren(w, True, NULL);
	PlaceChildren(w, False, NULL);
    XmeNavigChangeManaged(w);	/* for Motif navigation */

 *      Function Name: ExposeMethod
 *      Description:   Handles redisplay
 *      Arguments:     w - the combobox
 *                     event - The expose event in question
 *                     r - The region to be exposed
static void
ExposeMethod(Widget wid, XEvent *event, Region r)
    Dimension x, y, w, h;
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget)wid;
    Widget text  = XmDropDown_text(cbw);
    Widget arrow = XmDropDown_arrow(cbw);


    if (LayoutIsRtoLM(cbw))
	x = arrow->core.x - arrow->core.border_width -
	x = text->core.x - text->core.border_width -

    y = text->core.y - text->core.border_width -

    w = text->core.width + arrow->core.width +
	2*(text->core.border_width + arrow->core.border_width) +

    h = text->core.height + 2*text->core.border_width +

    XmeDrawShadows(XtDisplay(cbw), XtWindow(cbw),
		   x, y, w, h,

 * Actions and Callbacks.
#ifdef FIX_1446
/*	Function Name: CheckUnpost
 *	Description:   This is called when the arrow button is armed.
 *	Arguments:     w - the arrow button widget.
 *                     combo_ptr - the combination box pointer.
 *                     info_ptr - a pointer to the arrow button info.
 *	Returns:       none.
static void
CheckUnpost(Widget w, XtPointer combo_ptr, XtPointer info_ptr)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) combo_ptr;
    XmArrowButtonCallbackStruct *arrow = (XmArrowButtonCallbackStruct *) info_ptr;
	XmGrabShellWidget gs = (XmGrabShellWidget) XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw) ;
	if (gs && arrow && arrow->event->xbutton.time == gs->grab_shell.unpost_time)
		XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) = XmDropDown_AFTER_UNPOST;
/*	Function Name: ArrowClicked
 *	Description:   This is called when the arrow button is selected.
 *	Arguments:     w - the arrow button widget.
 *                     combo_ptr - the combination box pointer.
 *                     info_ptr - a pointer to the arrow button info.
 *	Returns:       none.

static void
ArrowClicked(Widget w, XtPointer combo_ptr, XtPointer info_ptr)
    XmDropDownWidget      cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) combo_ptr;
    Arg                         args[10];
    Cardinal                    num_args;
    Boolean                     is_unposted, success = True;
    XmAnyCallbackStruct         cbdata;
    XmArrowButtonCallbackStruct *arrow = (XmArrowButtonCallbackStruct*)
     * Do Nothing... 
    if (XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) == XmDropDown_IN_PROGRESS)

#ifdef FIX_1446
	if (XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) == XmDropDown_AFTER_UNPOST ) {
		XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) = XmDropDown_POSTED;
     * DANGER:  Do not return early from this function w/o setting
     *          XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) back to either XmDropDown_UNPOSTED or XmDropDown_POSTED or
     *          the combo box will never be able to pop up or down its
     *          list.
     *          You have been warned!             CP 9/8/93.

    if (XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) == XmDropDown_UNPOSTED)
	is_unposted = True;
    else /*  (XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) == XmDropDown_POSTED) */
	is_unposted = False;

    XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) = XmDropDown_IN_PROGRESS;

    if (is_unposted) {
#ifndef FIX_1371
	if (!XmIsGrabShell(XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw)))
	    PopdownList((Widget) cbw);

	if (!XmDropDown_customized_combo_box(cbw))
	    (void) SetTextFromList((Widget) cbw);

	cbdata.reason = XmCR_UPDATE_TEXT;
	cbdata.event = (arrow == NULL ? NULL : arrow->event);
	XtCallCallbackList((Widget) cbw, XmDropDown_update_text_callback(cbw),
			   (XtPointer) &cbdata);
    else {
	if ((success = PopupList((Widget) cbw)) == True)
	    cbdata.reason = XmCR_UPDATE_SHELL;
	    cbdata.event = (arrow == NULL ? NULL : arrow->event);
	    XtCallCallbackList((Widget) cbw, XmDropDown_update_shell_callback(cbw),
			       (XtPointer) &cbdata);
	     * Save the old text in case the user cancels.
	    XtFree((char *) XmDropDown_old_text(cbw));
	    XmDropDown_old_text(cbw) = XmTextFieldGetString(XmDropDown_text(cbw));
	    if (!XmDropDown_customized_combo_box(cbw) &&
		!SetListFromText((Widget) cbw, False) &&
		XmTextFieldSetString(XmDropDown_text(cbw), "");

     * 'success' will only be False if Popuplist failed.

    if (success)
	num_args = 0;
	XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNarrowDirection, 
		 is_unposted ? XmARROW_DOWN : XmARROW_UP); num_args++;
	XtSetValues(w, args, num_args);

     * If we were up, we are now down, and visa-versa.

    if (is_unposted)
	XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) = XmDropDown_POSTED;
	XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) = XmDropDown_UNPOSTED;

#ifdef FIX_1446
/*	Function Name: PopdownDone
 *	Description:   This is called when the popup_shell is poped down.
 *	Arguments:     w - the popup_shell widget.
 *                     combo_ptr - the combination box pointer.
 *                     info_ptr - a pointer to the popup_shell info.
 *	Returns:       none.


static void
PopdownDone(Widget w, XtPointer combo_ptr, XtPointer info_ptr)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) combo_ptr;

    ArrowClicked(XmDropDown_arrow(cbw), (XtPointer) cbw, NULL);

/*	Function Name: CheckExtensions
 *	Description:   Verifies that the extension is of the correct
 *                     format, with correct version number and 
 *                     record type
 *	Arguments:     combo - XmDropDownWidgetClass
 *	Returns:       returns a valid extension as a 
 *                     XmDropDownClassPartExtension pointer

static XmDropDownClassPartExtension *
CheckExtensions( XmDropDownWidgetClass combo )
  XmDropDownClassPartExtension *ret_extension=NULL, *extension;

  extension= (XmDropDownClassPartExtension *)(combo->combo_class.extension);

  while ((ret_extension == NULL) && (extension != NULL)){
    if ((extension->record_type == NULLQUARK) && 
	(extension->version == XmDropDownExtensionVersion)) {
      ret_extension = (XmDropDownClassPartExtension *)extension;
    extension=(XmDropDownClassPartExtension *)extension->next_extension;

  return( ret_extension );


/*	Function Name: IsTextOK
 *	Description:   This is called to verify the text field.
 *	Arguments:     w - the text field widget.
 *                     combo_ptr - the combination box pointer.
 * UNUSED              info_ptr - a pointer to the arrow button info.
 *	Returns:       none.

static Boolean
IsTextOK(XmDropDownWidget cbw)
	Boolean isOK = True;
	XmDropDownClassPartExtension *addition;

	addition = CheckExtensions( (XmDropDownWidgetClass)XtClass(cbw) );
	if (addition && addition->verify) {
		char *text = XmTextFieldGetString(XmDropDown_text(cbw));
		/* let the subclass verify the string with the application */
		isOK = (*addition->verify)((Widget)cbw, text);
	} else {
		isOK = SetListFromText((Widget) cbw, True);
	return isOK;

/*	Function Name: VerifyTextField
 *	Description:   This is called to verify the text field.
 *	Arguments:     w - the text field widget.
 *                     combo_ptr - the combination box pointer.
 * UNUSED              info_ptr - a pointer to the arrow button info.
 *	Returns:       none.

static void
VerifyTextField(Widget w, XtPointer combo_ptr, XtPointer info_ptr)
  XmDropDownWidget     cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) combo_ptr;
  XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct *field = (XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct*) info_ptr;
  XmAnyCallbackStruct        cbdata;
  Boolean		     allowTraverse = True;

  if (!XmDropDown_customized_combo_box(cbw))
      if (XmDropDown_verify(cbw) && !IsTextOK(cbw)) 
	   * Check to see if the extension is there
	  XmDropDownClassPartExtension *addition;
	  addition =
	  cbdata.reason = XmCR_VERIFY_TEXT_FAILED;
	  cbdata.event = (field == NULL ? NULL : field->event);
			     (XtPointer) &cbdata);
	  /* otherwise we handle the error; again must let the subclass 
	  ** know the string has been updated -- in response to the user's
	  ** input although not to that value -- to some other value
	  if (!XmDropDown_editable(cbw)) {
	      /* it is not clear how this case can be reached but fill it out
	      ** for completeness
	      XmListSelectPos(XmDropDown_list(cbw), 1, False);
	      SetTextFromList((Widget) cbw);
	      if (addition && addition->update) 
		  char *text = XmTextFieldGetString(XmDropDown_text(cbw));
	      XmTextFieldSetString(XmDropDown_text(cbw), "");
	      if (addition && addition->update)
      /* else blindly accept the value */
	      XmDropDownClassPartExtension *addition =
		  CheckExtensions( (XmDropDownWidgetClass)XtClass(cbw) );
	      if (addition && addition->update) 
		      char *text = XmTextFieldGetString(XmDropDown_text(cbw));
  if (w != NULL)
      cbdata.reason = XmCR_VERIFY_TEXT;
      cbdata.event = (field == NULL ? NULL : field->event);
      XtCallCallbackList((Widget) cbw,
			 (XtPointer) &cbdata);
  if(!XmDropDown_doActivate(cbw)) {
      /* here if we were NOT called from the autofill code */
      if(field == NULL || field->reason != XmCR_ACTIVATE) {
	  allowTraverse = False;
  if(allowTraverse && XmDropDown_autoTraversal(cbw)) {
      (void) XmProcessTraversal((Widget)cbw, XmTRAVERSE_NEXT_TAB_GROUP);

/*	Function Name: ModifyVerifyTextField
 *	Description:   This is called to check if text field is filled so
 *			we can autotraverse
 *	Arguments:     w - the text field widget.
 *                     combo_ptr - the combination box pointer.
 * UNUSED              info_ptr - a pointer to the arrow button info.
 *	Returns:       none.

static void
ModifyVerifyTextField(Widget w, XtPointer combo_ptr, XtPointer info_ptr)
    XmDropDownWidget     cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) combo_ptr;
    XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct *field = (XmTextVerifyCallbackStruct*) info_ptr;

    if (XmDropDown_activateOnFill(cbw) <= 0) return;
    if(field == NULL || field->event == NULL ||
       field->event->type != KeyPress) return;
    /* printf("Text m/v callback, cur/new/start/end = %d %d %d %d\n",
     * field->currInsert, field->newInsert, field->startPos, field->endPos);

    /* No make sure we are inserting a single character at the end */
    if(field->currInsert != field->endPos) return;
    if(field->currInsert != field->startPos) return;
    if(field->text->length != 1) return;
    if(field->currInsert + 1 == XmDropDown_activateOnFill(cbw)) {
	XmDropDown_doActivate(cbw) = True;

/*	Function Name: ValueChangedTextField
 *	Description:   Called after value is changed, checks doActivate flag
 * 			to see if we should try traversal
 *	Arguments:     w - the text field widget.
 *                     combo_ptr - the combination box pointer.
 * UNUSED              info_ptr - a pointer to the arrow button info.
 *	Returns:       none.

static void
ValueChangedTextField(Widget w, XtPointer combo_ptr, XtPointer info_ptr)
    XmDropDownWidget     cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) combo_ptr;
    if(XmDropDown_inValueChanged(cbw)) return;
    XmDropDown_inValueChanged(cbw) = True;
    if(XmDropDown_doActivate(cbw)) {
	VerifyTextField(NULL, (XtPointer) cbw, (XtPointer) info_ptr);
	/* We clear this AFTER the call, because it is used to
	 * check inside VerifyText if we should do an autoTraversal
	 * or not
	XmDropDown_doActivate(cbw) = False;
    XmDropDown_inValueChanged(cbw) = False;

/*	Function Name: ListSelected
 *	Description:   Called when the popdown list is selected.
 *	Arguments:     w - the list widget.
 *                     cbw_ptr - pointer to the combination box.
 *                     list_data_ptr - data from the list widget.
 *	Returns:       none.

static void
ListSelected(Widget w, XtPointer cbw_ptr, XtPointer list_data_ptr)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) cbw_ptr;
    XmListCallbackStruct *list_data;

    list_data = (XmListCallbackStruct *) list_data_ptr;

    if ((list_data->reason == XmCR_BROWSE_SELECT) &&
	((list_data->event == NULL) ||
	 ((list_data->event->xany.type != ButtonPress) &&
	  (list_data->event->xany.type != ButtonRelease))))
	 * Do not popup list is browse select mode.
	if (!XmDropDown_customized_combo_box(cbw))	
	    (void) SetTextFromList((Widget) cbw);


     * Same thing happens as when the arrow is clicked.

#ifndef FIX_1446
    ArrowClicked(XmDropDown_arrow(cbw), (XtPointer) cbw, NULL);

/*	Function Name: ShellButtonEvent
 *	Description: Called when a button press is passed to the shell
 *                   from the grab that was activated.
 *	Arguments: w - the shell widget.
 *                 cbw_ptr - the combo box widget pointer.
 *                 event - the event that caused this action.
 *                 junk - *** UNUSED.
 *	Returns: none.
 * NOTE: Because this is popped up spring loaded we get all events
 * 	 that are delivered, so we need to not pop this down if we clicked
 *       on the arrow (the arrow click is handled by the arrow button)
 *       or if we click in the popped up combo box widget.

static void
ShellButtonEvent(Widget w, XtPointer cbw_ptr, XEvent *event, Boolean *dispatch)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) cbw_ptr;
    Widget event_widget;

  switch (event->type)
    case ButtonRelease:
      if (cbw->combo.scrolling)
	*dispatch = cbw->combo.scrolling = FALSE;

    case ButtonPress:
      /* Press & release in the scrollbar shouldn't popdown the list. */
      if ((cbw->combo.vsb &&
	   XtIsRealized(cbw->combo.vsb) &&
	   (event->xbutton.window == XtWindow(cbw->combo.vsb))) ||
	  (cbw->combo.hsb &&
	   XtIsRealized(cbw->combo.hsb) &&
	   (event->xbutton.window == XtWindow(cbw->combo.hsb))))
	cbw->combo.scrolling = TRUE;

      /* This shouldn't happen. */

    /* TODO: move the following into the switch statement above */
    if (event->xany.type != ButtonPress) {
	if ((event->xany.type == ButtonRelease) &&
		XtCallActionProc(XmDropDown_list(cbw), "ListEndSelect",
				 event, NULL, 0);

    event_widget = XtWindowToWidget(event->xany.display, event->xany.window);

    if (event_widget == XmDropDown_arrow(cbw)) 
    else if ((event_widget == XmDropDown_text(cbw)) && !XmDropDown_editable(cbw))
	TextButtonPress(event_widget, NULL, event, dispatch);
    else {
	Widget event_shell = event_widget; 

	while (!XtIsShell(event_shell))
	    event_shell = XtParent(event_shell);

	if ( (event_shell == (Widget) XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw)) &&
	    (event_widget != (Widget) XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw))) 
   if (XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) != XmDropDown_POSTED)	/* in case this popup shell is used for more than one combobox */
    	ArrowClicked(XmDropDown_arrow(cbw), cbw_ptr, NULL);

/*	Function Name: LoseFocusHandler
 *	Description: This function is called whenever the shell loses focus
 *                   in this case we should bring down the list.
 *	Arguments: w - the shell widget.
 *                 cbw_ptr - the combo box widget pointer.
 *                 event - the event that caused this action.
 *                 junk - *** UNUSED ***.
 *	Returns: none.


static void
LoseFocusHandler(Widget w, XtPointer cbw_ptr, XEvent *event, Boolean *junk)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) cbw_ptr;
    XFocusChangeEvent *fevent = &(event->xfocus);

    if ((event->xany.type != FocusOut) || (XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) != XmDropDown_UNPOSTED) ||
	(fevent->detail == NotifyInferior))

#ifndef FIX_1446
    ArrowClicked(XmDropDown_arrow(cbw), cbw_ptr, NULL);

/*	Function Name: ComboUnpost
 *	Description:   Called when the user wants to remove the list from the
 *                     screen.
 *	Arguments:     w - a child widget of the combo box.
 *                     event - the event that caused this action.
 *                     params, num_params - action routine parameters.
 *	Returns:       none.

static void
ComboUnpost(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = FindComboBox(w);

    if (cbw == NULL)

    if (XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) == XmDropDown_UNPOSTED) 
	ArrowClicked(XmDropDown_arrow(cbw), (XtPointer) cbw, NULL);

/*	Function Name: ComboPost
 *	Description:   Called when the user wants to show the list on the
 *                     screen.
 *	Arguments:     w - a child widget of the combo box.
 *                     event - the event that caused this action.
 *                     params, num_params - action routine parameters.
 *	Returns:       none.

static void
ComboPost(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = FindComboBox(w);

    if (cbw == NULL)

    if (XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) != XmDropDown_UNPOSTED) 
	ArrowClicked(XmDropDown_arrow(cbw), (XtPointer) cbw, NULL);

/*	Function Name: ComboCancel
 *	Description:   Called when the user wants to remove the list from the
 *                     screen, but not update the text.
 *	Arguments:     w - a child widget of the combo box.
 *                     event - the event that caused this action.
 *                     params, num_params - action routine parameters.
 *	Returns:       none.

static void
ComboCancel(Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
    Arg args[10];
    Cardinal num_args;
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = FindComboBox(w);

    if ((cbw == NULL) || XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) != XmDropDown_UNPOSTED)

    if (!XmIsGrabShell((Widget)cbw))
        PopdownList((Widget) cbw);
    XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) = XmDropDown_POSTED; /* List is now down (not visible). */

    num_args = 0;
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNarrowDirection,	XmARROW_DOWN); num_args++;
    XtSetValues(XmDropDown_arrow(cbw), args, num_args);

    if (XmDropDown_old_text(cbw) != NULL) {
	XmTextFieldSetString(XmDropDown_text(cbw), XmDropDown_old_text(cbw));
	XtFree((char *) XmDropDown_old_text(cbw));
	XmDropDown_old_text(cbw) = NULL;

 * Internal routines.

/*	Function Name: FindComboBox
 *	Description: Finds the combo box given any one of its descendants.
 *	Arguments: w - any descendant of the combo box.
 *	Returns: the combo box widget or NULL.

static XmDropDownWidget
FindComboBox(Widget w)
    while (!XtIsSubclass(w, xmDropDownWidgetClass)) {
	if ((w = XtParent(w)) == NULL)
    return((XmDropDownWidget) w);
/*	Function Name: RegisterShellHandler
 *	Description: Registers an event handler on the shell.
 *	Arguments: w - the combo box widget.
 *	Returns: none.

static void
RegisterShellHandler(Widget w)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;

    if (XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw) == NULL)

     * Don't register the translations if it's a customized shell; the
     * actions referenced won't be there!
     * This, of course, means that any actions specified in this
     * translation table won't ever get called for a customized shell...
    if(!XmDropDown_customized_combo_box(cbw)) {

		      ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask, False,
		      ShellButtonEvent, (XtPointer) w);

/*	Function Name: PlaceChildren
 *	Description:   Places and sizes the children.
 *	Arguments:     w - the combo box widget.
 *                     allow_resize - allow the combo box to attempt a resize.
 *                     child - Do not query this child for a width, just
 *                             use its default size.
 *	Returns:       none
static void
PlaceChildren(Widget w, Boolean allow_resize, Widget child)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;
    Dimension width, height, rwidth, rheight, child_height;
    Dimension text_width, label_width, label_bw;
    Dimension shadow;
    Position label_x, arrow_x, text_x;
    XtWidgetGeometry arrow_geom, label_geom, text_geom;
    Widget label = NULL;
    Widget text = XmDropDown_text(cbw);
    Widget arrow = XmDropDown_arrow(cbw);

    FindDesiredSize(w, child, &width, &height, 
		    &label_geom, &text_geom, &arrow_geom);

    if (XmDropDown_show_label(cbw)) 
	label = XmDropDown_label(cbw);
	label_width = label_geom.width;
	label_bw = label_geom.border_width;
	label_width = 0;
	label_bw = 0;

    text_width = text_geom.width;

    if (allow_resize) 
	_XmRequestNewSize(w, False, width, height, &rwidth, &rheight);
	rwidth = w->core.width;
	rheight = w->core.height;

    if (width != rwidth) 
	Dimension arrow_width = arrow_geom.width + 2 * arrow_geom.border_width;
	GetTextAndLabelWidth(w, rwidth, arrow_width, 
			     label_bw, text_geom.border_width,
			     &text_width, &label_width);

    child_height = rheight - 2 * XmDropDown_v_space(cbw);
    if (LayoutIsRtoLM(cbw)) {
	arrow_x = XmDropDown_h_space(cbw);
	label_x = (rwidth - (label_width + 2 * label_geom.border_width) \
	       - XmDropDown_h_space(cbw));
	text_x = label_x - text_width - 2*text_geom.border_width;
    } else {
	label_x = XmDropDown_h_space(cbw);
	arrow_x = (rwidth - (arrow_geom.width + 2 * arrow_geom.border_width) \
	       - XmDropDown_h_space(cbw));
	text_x = label_width + 2*label_geom.border_width + \
    if (XmDropDown_show_label(cbw)) 
	if (!LayoutIsRtoLM(cbw))
	    text_x += XmDropDown_h_space(cbw);
	    text_x -= XmDropDown_h_space(cbw);
	text_geom.border_width = 0;

    XmDropDown_text_x(cbw) = text_x;
    if ( XmDropDown_new_visual_style(cbw) ) 
	shadow        = cbw->manager.shadow_thickness;
	child_height -= 2 * shadow;
	if (LayoutIsRtoLM(cbw))
	    arrow_x      += shadow;
	    text_x       -= shadow;
	    arrow_x      -= shadow;
	    text_x       += shadow;
	shadow = 0;

     * Now resize the widgets
    if (XmDropDown_show_label(cbw)) 
	_XmConfigureWidget(label, label_x, /* XmDropDown_h_space(cbw), */
			   child_height - 2 * label_geom.border_width,

    _XmConfigureWidget(text, text_x,
		       XmDropDown_v_space(cbw) + shadow, 
		       text_width, child_height - 2 * text_geom.border_width, 

    _XmConfigureWidget(arrow, arrow_x,
		       XmDropDown_v_space(cbw) + shadow,
		       child_height - 2 * arrow_geom.border_width,


/*	Function Name: GetTextAndLabelWidth
 *	Description:   Finds the size for both the text and label widgets.
 *	Arguments:     w - the combo box.
 *                     combo_width - the new size of the combo box.
 *                     arrow_width - the new width of the arrow button.
 *                     lbw, tbw - the border widths of the label
 *                                and text widgets.
 *                     text_width, label_width - The desired size of the
 *      RETURNED                                 text and label is passed in,
 *                                               and the new sizes are returned
 *	Returns:       none

static void
GetTextAndLabelWidth(Widget w, Dimension combo_width, Dimension arrow_width, 
		     Dimension lbw, Dimension tbw, 
		     Dimension *text_width, Dimension *label_width)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;
    int text_and_label;

    text_and_label = combo_width - (arrow_width + 2 * (lbw + tbw));
    text_and_label -= 3 * XmDropDown_h_space(cbw);

    if (XmDropDown_show_label(cbw)) 
	text_and_label -= XmDropDown_h_space(cbw);

    if (XmDropDown_new_visual_style(cbw)) 
	text_and_label -= 2 * cbw->manager.shadow_thickness;
	text_and_label += XmDropDown_h_space(cbw);

    if (text_and_label >= (int) (*text_width + *label_width)) 
	*text_width = text_and_label - *label_width;
     * We need to shrink each a bit. 
	if ( text_and_label < 2 ) 
	    *text_width = *label_width = 1;

	*text_width = ((int)(*text_width * text_and_label)/
		       (int)(*text_width + *label_width));

	*label_width = text_and_label - *text_width;

    if (*text_width < 1)
	*text_width = 1;

    if ((*label_width < 1) && (XmDropDown_show_label(cbw))) 
	*label_width = 1;

/*	Function Name: FindDesiredSize
 *	Description:   Finds the desired size of the combination box.
 *	Arguments:     w - the combo box.
 *      RETURNED       width_ret, height_ret - The desired size.
 *	Returns:       none
static void
FindDesiredSize(Widget w, Widget child, 
		Dimension * width_ret, Dimension * height_ret,
		XtWidgetGeometry * label, XtWidgetGeometry * text,
		XtWidgetGeometry * arrow)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;
    Dimension shadow;
    int label_width, text_width, arrow_width, h_space;
    if ( !XmDropDown_show_label(cbw) ) 
	label->width = 0;
	label->height = 0;
	label->border_width = 0;
    else if ( child != XmDropDown_label(cbw) ) {
	(void) XtQueryGeometry(XmDropDown_label(cbw), NULL, label);
	label->width = child->core.width;
	label->height = child->core.height;
	label->border_width = child->core.border_width; 
    if ( child != XmDropDown_text(cbw) ) 
	(void) XtQueryGeometry(XmDropDown_text(cbw), NULL, text);
	text->width = child->core.width;
	text->height = child->core.height;
	text->border_width = child->core.border_width;

    if ( child != XmDropDown_arrow(cbw) ) 
	(void) XtQueryGeometry(XmDropDown_arrow(cbw), NULL, arrow);
	arrow->width = child->core.width;
	arrow->height = child->core.height;
	arrow->border_width = child->core.border_width;

    label_width = label->width + 2 * label->border_width;
    text_width = text->width + 2 * text->border_width;
    arrow_width = arrow->width + 2 * arrow->border_width;
    h_space = 3 * XmDropDown_h_space(cbw);
    *width_ret = (Dimension )(label_width + text_width \
			      + arrow_width + h_space);

    if ( XmDropDown_show_label(cbw) )
	*width_ret += XmDropDown_h_space(cbw);

    if ( XmDropDown_new_visual_style(cbw) ) 
	shadow = cbw->manager.shadow_thickness;
	*width_ret += 2 * shadow;
	*width_ret -= XmDropDown_h_space(cbw);
	shadow = 0;

    *height_ret = 0;
    ASSIGN_MAX(*height_ret, label->height + 2 * label->border_width);
    ASSIGN_MAX(*height_ret, text->height + \
	       2 * text->border_width + 2 * shadow);

     * can't use arrow sizes in the specification; 
     * it has no query_geometry procedure
     * ASSIGN_MAX(*height_ret, arrow->height + 2 * arrow->border_width
     * + 2 * shadow);

    *height_ret += 2 * XmDropDown_v_space(cbw);


/*	Function Name: CreateChildren
 *	Description:   Creates all normal children for the Combo Box.
 *	Arguments:     w - the combo box.
 *                     args, num_args - the args to create this widget with.
 *	Returns:       none.
 * NOTE(DKB:03/07/96): 
 *	This function used to only created the needed children, i.e. if
 *      show label was False the label was not created, and the popup list
 *	was never created. This was changed due to the fact that this widget
 *	uses a resources pass-through method thus if the widgets are not
 *	created at initialization all resources that should be pass-through
 *	to those widgets are lost.
static void
CreateChildren(Widget w, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;
    Arg largs[10];
    Cardinal num_largs;
    Arg      targs[10], *merge;
    Cardinal tn = 0;

    XmDropDown_label(cbw) = XtCreateWidget("label", xmLabelWidgetClass, 
				      w, args, num_args);
    XtVaSetValues(XmDropDown_label(cbw), XmNtraversalOn, False, NULL);

     * If we are supposed to show this label lets manage the widget.
    if( XmDropDown_show_label(cbw) ) 

    if( XmDropDown_use_text_field(cbw) )
	tn = 0;
	    XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNshadowThickness, 0); tn++;
	    XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); tn++;
	    XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNshadowThickness, 2); tn++;
	    XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNhighlightThickness, 2); tn++;
	merge = XtMergeArgLists(args, num_args, targs, tn);
	XmDropDown_text(cbw) =
	    XtCreateManagedWidget("text", xmTextFieldWidgetClass,
				  w, merge, num_args+tn);
	tn = 0;
	    XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNshadowThickness, 0); tn++;
	    XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); tn++;
	    XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNshadowThickness, 2); tn++;
	    XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNhighlightThickness, 2); tn++;
	XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNeditMode, XmSINGLE_LINE_EDIT); tn++;
	XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNrows, 1); tn++;
	XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNwordWrap, False); tn++;
	XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNscrollHorizontal, False); tn++;
	XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNscrollVertical, False); tn++;

	merge = XtMergeArgLists(args, num_args, targs, tn);

	XmDropDown_text(cbw) = XtCreateManagedWidget("text", xmTextWidgetClass,
						w, merge, num_args + tn);
    XtAddCallback(XmDropDown_text(cbw), XmNlosingFocusCallback, 
		  VerifyTextField, (XtPointer) cbw);
    XtAddCallback(XmDropDown_text(cbw), XmNactivateCallback,
		  VerifyTextField, (XtPointer) cbw);
    XtAddCallback(XmDropDown_text(cbw), XmNmodifyVerifyCallback,
		  ModifyVerifyTextField, (XtPointer) cbw);
    XtAddCallback(XmDropDown_text(cbw), XmNvalueChangedCallback,
		  ValueChangedTextField, (XtPointer) cbw);


	tn = 0;
        XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); tn++;
        XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNshadowThickness, 2); tn++;
	merge = XtMergeArgLists(args, num_args, targs, tn);
	XmDropDown_arrow(cbw) =
	    XtCreateManagedWidget("arrow", xmArrowButtonWidgetClass,
				  w, merge, num_args+tn);
	    tn = 0;
	    XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNshadowThickness, 2); tn++;
	    XtSetArg(targs[tn], XmNhighlightThickness, 2); tn++;
	    XmDropDown_arrow(cbw) =
		    XtCreateManagedWidget("arrow", xmArrowButtonWidgetClass,
				  w, args, num_args);
    num_largs = 0;
    XtSetArg(largs[num_largs], XmNarrowDirection, XmARROW_DOWN); num_largs++;
    XtSetValues(XmDropDown_arrow(cbw), largs, num_largs);


    XtAddCallback(XmDropDown_arrow(cbw), XmNactivateCallback, 
		  ArrowClicked, (XtPointer) w);

#ifdef FIX_1446
    XtAddCallback(XmDropDown_arrow(cbw), XmNarmCallback, CheckUnpost, (XtPointer) w);
 * To deal with the problem, SBBtnDownEH will do an XtGrabPointer
 * to transfer the grab to the scrollbar and SBBtnUpEH will cause
 * the grab to return to the grab shell.

static void
SBBtnDownEH(Widget    w, 
	    XtPointer client_data, 
	    XEvent   *event, 
	    Boolean  *cont)	/* unused */
  XmGrabShellWidget shell = (XmGrabShellWidget) client_data;

  XtGrabPointer(w, False, Events | PointerMotionMask | ButtonMotionMask,
		GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
		None, shell->grab_shell.cursor, event->xbutton.time);
static void
SBBtnUpEH(Widget    w,		/* unused */
	  XtPointer client_data, 
	  XEvent   *event, 
	  Boolean  *cont)	/* unused */
  XmGrabShellWidget shell = (XmGrabShellWidget) client_data;

  /* Note that this regrab to the grab shell will need to be changed
   * if the kind of grab that the grabshell imposes changes.
  XtGrabPointer((Widget) shell, shell->grab_shell.owner_events, 
		shell->grab_shell.grab_style, GrabModeAsync,
		None, shell->grab_shell.cursor, event->xbutton.time);
  if (shell->grab_shell.grab_style == GrabModeSync)
    XAllowEvents(XtDisplay(shell), SyncPointer, event->xbutton.time);

/*	Function Name: CreatePopup
 *	Description:   Create the popup shell that contains the list.
 *	Arguments:     w - the combo box.
 *                     args, num_args - the number of arguments in the list.
 *	Returns:       none.

static void
CreatePopup(Widget w, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;
    Arg *new_list, largs[10];
    Cardinal num_largs;
    Widget sb;

    num_largs = 0;
    XtSetArg(largs[num_largs], XmNoverrideRedirect, True); num_largs++;
    XtSetArg(largs[num_largs], XmNsaveUnder, True); num_largs++;
    XtSetArg(largs[num_largs], XmNallowShellResize, True); num_largs++;
    XtSetArg(largs[num_largs], XmNancestorSensitive, True); num_largs++;
    XtSetArg(largs[num_largs], XmNownerEvents, True), num_largs++;
    XtSetArg(largs[num_largs], XmNgrabStyle, GrabModeSync), num_largs++;
    new_list = XtMergeArgLists(args, num_args, largs, num_largs);
    XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw) = XtCreatePopupShell("popupShell", 
						xmGrabShellWidgetClass, w,
						num_largs + num_args);
    XtFree((char *) new_list);

#ifdef FIX_1446
   	XtAddCallback(XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw), XmNpopdownCallback, PopdownDone , (XtPointer) w);
     * Set the visible item count of the list child widget
    num_largs = 0;
    XtSetArg(largs[num_largs], XmNvisibleItemCount,
	     XmDropDown_visible_items(cbw)); num_largs++;
    new_list = XtMergeArgLists(args, num_args, largs, num_largs);
    XmDropDown_list(cbw) = XmCreateScrolledList(XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw), "list",
					   new_list, num_args + num_largs);

    XtFree((char *) new_list);

    XtAddCallback(XmDropDown_list(cbw), XmNdefaultActionCallback,
		  ListSelected, (XtPointer) cbw);

    XtAddCallback(XmDropDown_list(cbw), XmNsingleSelectionCallback,
		  ListSelected, (XtPointer) cbw);

    XtAddCallback(XmDropDown_list(cbw), XmNbrowseSelectionCallback,
		  ListSelected, (XtPointer) cbw);


    num_largs = 0;
    XtSetArg(largs[num_largs], XmNhorizontalScrollBar, &(cbw->combo.hsb)), num_largs++;
    XtSetArg(largs[num_largs], XmNverticalScrollBar, &(cbw->combo.vsb)), num_largs++;
    XtGetValues(XtParent(XmDropDown_list(cbw)), largs, num_largs);

    sb = cbw->combo.vsb;
    if (sb != (Widget) NULL) {
	XtInsertEventHandler(sb, ButtonPressMask, False, SBBtnDownEH,
			       (XtPointer) XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw), XtListHead);
	XtInsertEventHandler(sb, ButtonReleaseMask, False, SBBtnUpEH,
			       (XtPointer) XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw), XtListHead);

    sb = cbw->combo.hsb;
    if (sb != (Widget) NULL) {
	  XtInsertEventHandler(sb, ButtonPressMask, False, SBBtnDownEH,
			       (XtPointer) XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw), XtListHead);
	  XtInsertEventHandler(sb, ButtonReleaseMask, False, SBBtnUpEH,
			       (XtPointer) XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw), XtListHead);

/*	Function Name: PopdownList
 *	Description:   Pops down the list of choices.
 *	Arguments:     w - the combo box.
 *	Returns:       none

static void
PopdownList(Widget w)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;

#ifdef FIX_1371
	Widget gs = XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw);
  	if (gs && XmIsGrabShell(gs) && (XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) != XmDropDown_POSTED))
	XtCallActionProc(gs, "GrabShellPopdown", NULL, NULL, 0);
    if (XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw) != NULL) {
	XSetInputFocus(XtDisplay(w), XmDropDown_focus_owner(cbw),
	 * The order is important here to keep from generating Xt Errors.
	if (!XmIsGrabShell(XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw)))
	XtUngrabKeyboard(w, XtLastTimestampProcessed(XtDisplay(w)));
    else {
	XmeWarning(w, XmNnoComboShellMsg);

static void
TextButtonPress(Widget w , XtPointer client, XEvent *event, Boolean *go_on)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = FindComboBox(w);

    if (cbw == NULL)

     * It is debatable whether or not we should eat this event.  For now,
     * we'll let it continue.
#ifdef notdef
    *go_on = False;

    if (event->xany.type == ButtonPress)  {
	if (XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) == XmDropDown_POSTED)  {
	    (void)ComboPost( w, NULL, NULL, NULL );
	    XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) = XmDropDown_BEGIN_POPUP_FROM_TEXT;
	else if (XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) == XmDropDown_UNPOSTED) {
	    (void)ComboUnpost( w, NULL, NULL, NULL );
	else if (XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) == XmDropDown_BEGIN_POPUP_FROM_TEXT)
	    XmDropDown_list_state(cbw) = XmDropDown_UNPOSTED;

/*	Function Name: PopupList
 *	Description:   Pops up the list of choices.
 *	Arguments:     w - the combo box.
 *	Returns:       True if sucessful.

static Boolean
PopupList(Widget w)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;
    Widget shell = XmDropDown_popup_shell(cbw);
    Position x, y, temp;
    Dimension width;
    int ret, scr_width, scr_height;
    Arg args[10];
    Cardinal num_args;

    if (shell == NULL) {
	XmeWarning(w, XmNnoComboShellMsg);

    XtTranslateCoords(w, 0, XtHeight(w), &x, &y);

    num_args = 0;

    if (LayoutIsRtoLM(w))
    temp = XmDropDown_arrow(cbw)->core.x + XmDropDown_popup_offset(cbw);
    temp = XmDropDown_text_x(cbw) + XmDropDown_popup_offset(cbw);
    x += temp;

    if (!XmDropDown_customized_combo_box(cbw)) {
	width = (cbw->core.width - temp -
	XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNwidth, width); num_args++;
	width = XtWidth(shell);

     * Now that we know where on the screen we want to display the popup
     * we have to make sure that it will fit on the screen. What we
     * do here is check if y + height and x + width are still on the
     * screen. If now we decrease x and/or until the popup would be on
     * the screen. As a last check we make sure that x and y are >= 0.
     * Lets start by getting the width and height of the screen.
    scr_width = WidthOfScreen(XtScreen(shell));
    scr_height = HeightOfScreen(XtScreen(shell));

    if( (int)(y + XtHeight(shell)) > scr_height )
	Position tmp;
	XtTranslateCoords(w, 0, 0, &tmp, &y);
	y -= ((int)XtHeight(shell));
    if( y < 0 ) y = 0;
    if( (int)(x + width) > scr_width )
	x = scr_width - ((int)width);
    if( x < 0 ) x = 0;

    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNx, x); num_args++;
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNy, y); num_args++;
    XtSetValues(shell, args, num_args);
     * Because of an Xt bug, we need to cal the shell widget's resize
     * proc ourselves.

        /* THIS WAS -
        XtWidgetProc resize;

        resize = *(XtClass(shell)->core_class.resize);

        (*resize) (shell);

    if (!XmIsGrabShell(shell))
		   &(XmDropDown_focus_owner(cbw)), &(XmDropDown_focus_state(cbw)));

     * If we are in pointer root mode it is possible that the pointer is
     * over our popup so that when it is popped up we have the focus.
     * if we later do a XSetInputFocus a lose focus will be delivered
     * to us and pop us down.  I have solved this problem by temporarily
     * setting the keyboard focus to the combo box's window and then
     * popping up the window and setting the focus to us.  This keeps
     * us from losing the focus.
     * Keyboard events could be lost, but until the window comes up we
     * don't know where the events will be delivered anyway so this is
     * no worse than just settting the input focus to our window.
     * A Sync. popup may solve this problem, but it is not too big a deal.
     * Chris D. Peterson

    if (!XmIsGrabShell(shell))
        XSetInputFocus(XtDisplay(shell), XtWindow((Widget) cbw), RevertToParent, 
		   XtLastTimestampProcessed(XtDisplay(w)) - 1);

#ifdef FIX_1486

    if (!XmIsGrabShell(shell)) {
        ret = XtGrabPointer(shell, True,
			ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask,
			GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, 

        if (ret != GrabSuccess) {

	     * We could not popup the list, this is because somehow things
	     * got so slow that we were not allowed to grab the server.
	     * In this case I will fail silently and the user can try again.

        XtAddGrab(XmDropDown_arrow(cbw), False, False);

         * Since this is an override redirect window we know that no one
         * will get in the way of thisX SetInputFocus Event.

		   XtWindow(shell), RevertToParent, CurrentTime);		   


/*	Function Name: SetListFromText
 *	Description:   Makes the list highlights match the text widget.
 *	Arguments:     w - the combo box widget.
 *                     no_action - just check to see if this would succeed.
 *	Returns:       True if each item was found, or the text widget is
 *                     empty.

static Boolean
SetListFromText(Widget w, Boolean no_action)
    Arg args[10];
    Cardinal num_args;
    int count = 0, vcount, tcount;
    XrmValue to, from;
    XmStringTable table, tptr;
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;
    String ptr = XmTextFieldGetString(XmDropDown_text(cbw));
    XmStringTable sel_table;
    Boolean error = False;
    unsigned char policy;
    XmDropDownClassPartExtension *addition;

    if (ptr != NULL) {
	int num_items;

	addition = CheckExtensions((XmDropDownWidgetClass)XtClass(cbw));
	if (addition && addition->setListFromText)
	    return (*addition->setListFromText)(w, XmDropDown_text(cbw),

	num_args = 0;
	XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNitemCount, &num_items); num_args++;
	XtGetValues(XmDropDown_list(cbw), args, num_args);
	 * Strlen can be used here because we are attempting to find the
	 * number of bytes in the string not the number of i18n characters.

	from.size = sizeof(char) * (strlen(ptr) + 1);
	from.addr = ptr;
	to.size = sizeof(XmStringTable);
	to.addr = (XtPointer) &table;
	XtConvertAndStore(XmDropDown_list(cbw), XmRString, &from, 
			  XmRXmStringTable, &to);

	 * If the text field contains "", the table will be NULL
	if (table != NULL)  {
	    for(tptr = table, count = 0; *tptr != NULL ; tptr++) count++; 
	    sel_table = (XmStringTable) XtMalloc(sizeof(XmString) * count);
	    for(tptr = table, count = 0; *tptr != NULL ; tptr++) {
		if (XmListItemExists(XmDropDown_list(cbw), *tptr))
		    sel_table[count++] = *tptr;
		else {
		    error = TRUE;
		sel_table = NULL;

	XtFree((char *) ptr);
    else {
	count = 0;
	sel_table = NULL;

    if (!no_action)

     * If single select and there is more than one element in 
     * the list, then we have an error.

    num_args = 0;
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNselectionPolicy, &policy); num_args++;
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNvisibleItemCount, &vcount); num_args++;
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNitemCount, &tcount); num_args++;
    XtGetValues(XmDropDown_list(cbw), args, num_args);

    if ((((policy == XmSINGLE_SELECT) || 
	  (policy == XmBROWSE_SELECT)) && (count > 1)) || error) 
    	XtFree((char *) sel_table);

    num_args = 0;
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNselectedItems, sel_table); num_args++;
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNselectedItemCount, count); num_args++;
    XtSetValues(XmDropDown_list(cbw), args, num_args);
     * Makes the first selected item the first item in the list.
    if (count > 0) {
	int *pos_list, num, pos = 0;

	XmListGetMatchPos(XmDropDown_list(cbw), sel_table[0], &pos_list, &num);

	if (num > 0) {
	    pos = pos_list[0] - vcount/2;
	    if (pos < 1)
		pos = 1;
	    else if (pos > (tcount - vcount + 1))
		pos = tcount - vcount + 1;

	    XtFree((char *) pos_list);
	XmListSetPos(XmDropDown_list(cbw), pos);

    XtFree((char *) sel_table);


/*	Function Name: SetTextFromList
 *	Description:   Makes the text strings matched the elements 
 *                     highlighted in the list.
 *	Arguments:     w - the combo box widget.
 *	Returns:       True if each item was found, or the text widget is
 *                     empty.

static Boolean
SetTextFromList(Widget w)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;
    Arg args[10];
    Cardinal num_args;    
    XmStringTable items;
    int count;
    unsigned char policy;
    register int i, text_loc;
    XmDropDownClassPartExtension *addition;

    addition = CheckExtensions( (XmDropDownWidgetClass)XtClass(cbw) );
    if (addition && addition->setTextFromList)
	return (*addition->setTextFromList)(w,XmDropDown_text(cbw),

    num_args = 0;
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNselectedItems, &items); num_args++;
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNselectedItemCount, &count); num_args++;
    XtSetArg(args[num_args], XmNselectionPolicy, &policy); num_args++;
    XtGetValues(XmDropDown_list(cbw), args, num_args);

    if ((policy == XmMULTIPLE_SELECT) || (policy == XmEXTENDED_SELECT) ||
	(count > 0))
	XmTextFieldSetString(XmDropDown_text(cbw), "");

    text_loc = 0;
    i = 0;
    while (i < count) {
	register int len;
	String ptr;
	wchar_t temp[BUFSIZ];

        ptr = XmStringUnparse(items[i], NULL, XmCHARSET_TEXT, XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT,
                NULL, 0, XmOUTPUT_ALL);

	if (mbstowcs(NULL, ptr, 0) == (ssize_t)(-1)) {
	    XmeWarning((Widget) cbw, XmNstringGetFailedMsg);

	 * There must be a better way to do a strlen for I18N text.

	len = (int) mbstowcs(temp, ptr, BUFSIZ);
	XmTextFieldInsert(XmDropDown_text(cbw), text_loc, ptr);
	XtFree((char *) ptr);
	text_loc += len;
	if (++i >= count)
	XmTextFieldInsert(XmDropDown_text(cbw), text_loc, ",");

    XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition(XmDropDown_text(cbw), 0);

 * Public Routines.

/*	Function Name: XmDropDownGetValue
 *	Description:   Retreives the value from the combo box.
 *	Arguments:     w - the combination box.
 *	Returns:       The value in the text widget.

XmDropDownGetValue(Widget w)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;
    String ptr;


    ptr = XmTextFieldGetString(XmDropDown_text(cbw));

    return ptr;

/*	Function Name: XmCreateDropDown
 *	Description: Creation Routine for UIL and ADA.
 *	Arguments: parent - the parent widget.
 *                 name - the name of the widget.
 *                 args, num_args - the number and list of args.
 *	Returns: The created widget.

XmCreateDropDown(Widget parent, String name,
		      ArgList args, Cardinal num_args)
    return(XtCreateWidget(name, xmDropDownWidgetClass,
			  parent, args, num_args));

        Widget parent,
        char *name,
    register Widget w;
    va_list var;
    int count;
    count = XmeCountVaListSimple(var);

    Va_start(var, name);
    w = XmeVLCreateWidget(name, 
                         parent, False, 
                         var, count);
    return w;

        Widget parent,
        char *name,
    Widget w = NULL;
    va_list var;
    int count;
    Va_start(var, name);
    count = XmeCountVaListSimple(var);
    Va_start(var, name);
    w = XmeVLCreateWidget(name, 
                         parent, True, 
                         var, count);
    return w;

/*      Function Name:  XmDropDownGetLabel
 *      Description:    Returns the "label" child of the XmDropDown
 *      Arguments:      w - The XmDropDown Widget
 *      Returns:        The specified child of the XmDropDown

Widget XmDropDownGetLabel(Widget w)
    if(!XtIsSubclass(w, xmDropDownWidgetClass))
	return NULL;
    return XmDropDown_label(w);

/*      Function Name:  XmDropDownGetArrow
 *      Description:    Returns the "arrow" child of the XmDropDown
 *      Arguments:      w - The XmDropDown Widget
 *      Returns:        The specified child of the XmDropDown

Widget XmDropDownGetArrow(Widget w)
    if(!XtIsSubclass(w, xmDropDownWidgetClass))
	return NULL;
    return XmDropDown_arrow(w);

/*      Function Name:  XmDropDownGetText
 *      Description:    Returns the "text" child of the XmDropDown
 *      Arguments:      w - The XmDropDown Widget
 *      Returns:        The specified child of the XmDropDown

Widget XmDropDownGetText(Widget w)
    if(!XtIsSubclass(w, xmDropDownWidgetClass))
	return NULL;
    return XmDropDown_text(w);

/*      Function Name:  XmDropDownGetList
 *      Description:    Returns the "list" child of the XmDropDown
 *      Arguments:      w - The XmDropDown Widget
 *      Returns:        The specified child of the XmDropDown

Widget XmDropDownGetList(Widget w)
    if(!XtIsSubclass(w, xmDropDownWidgetClass))
	return NULL;
    return XtNameToWidget(w, "*list");

/*      Function Name:  XmDropDownGetChild
 *      Description:    Returns the child widget id of the XmDropDown
 *      Arguments:      w - The XmDropDown Widget
 *      Returns:        The specified child of the XmDropDown

Widget XmDropDownGetChild(Widget w, int num)
    XmDropDownWidget cbw = (XmDropDownWidget) w;
    Widget child;


    if(!XtIsSubclass(w, xmDropDownWidgetClass))
	return NULL;

    switch (num) 
	    child = XmDropDown_label(w);
	    child = XmDropDown_text(w);
	    child = XmDropDown_arrow(w);
	    child = XmDropDown_list(w);
	    child = NULL;

    return child;

/* aliases for deprecated functions of XmComboBox2 */
extern WidgetClass xmCombinationBox2WidgetClass XM_ALIAS(xmDropDownWidgetClass);
String XmCombinationBox2GetValue(Widget) XM_ALIAS(XmDropDownGetValue);
Widget XmCreateCombinationBox2(Widget, char *, ArgList, Cardinal) XM_ALIAS(XmCreateDropDown);
Widget XmVaCreateCombinationBox2(Widget, char *, ...) XM_ALIAS(XmVaCreateDropDown);
Widget XmVaCreateManagedCombinationBox2(Widget, char *, ...) XM_ALIAS(XmVaCreateManagedDropDown);
Widget XmCombinationBox2GetLabel(Widget) XM_ALIAS(XmDropDownGetLabel);
Widget XmCombinationBox2GetArrow(Widget) XM_ALIAS(XmDropDownGetArrow);
Widget XmCombinationBox2GetText(Widget) XM_ALIAS(XmDropDownGetText);
Widget XmCombinationBox2GetList(Widget) XM_ALIAS(XmDropDownGetList);
Widget XmCombinationBox2GetChild(Widget, int) XM_ALIAS(XmDropDownGetChild);
extern XmDropDownClassRec xmCombinationBox2ClassRec XM_ALIAS(xmDropDownClassRec);