Blob Blame History Raw
 * Motif
 * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
 * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
 * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
 * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
 * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
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#ifdef REV_INFO
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$TOG: Dog.c /main/7 1997/05/02 10:11:08 dbl $"

*  Dog.c - Dog widget source file

#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <Xm/XmP.h>
#include <Xm/DrawP.h>
#include "DogP.h"

#ifdef USING_UIL
#include <Mrm/MrmAppl.h>
#endif /* USING_UIL */

#include ""
#include ""
#include ""

#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(x,y)        ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))

#define WagTime(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,wag_time, int)
#define BarkTime(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,bark_time, int)
#define BarkCallback(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,bark_callback,XtCallbackList)
#define UpPixmap(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,up_pixmap,Pixmap)
#define DownPixmap(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,down_pixmap,Pixmap)
#define BarkPixmap(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,bark_pixmap,Pixmap)
#define CurrPixmap(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,curr_pixmap,Pixmap)
#define CurrPx(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,curr_px,int)
#define Wagging(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,wagging,Boolean)
#define Barking(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,barking,Boolean)
#define DrawGC(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,draw_GC,GC)
#define PixmapX(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,pixmap_x,Position)
#define PixmapY(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,pixmap_y,Position)
#define DrawX(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,draw_x,Position)
#define DrawY(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,draw_y,Position)
#define DrawWidth(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,draw_width,Dimension)
#define DrawHeight(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,draw_height,Dimension)
#define CurrWidth(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,curr_width,Dimension)
#define CurrHeight(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,curr_height,Dimension)
#define HighlightThickness(w) \
#define ShadowThickness(w) \
#define Foreground(w)	XmField(w,offsets,XmPrimitive,foreground,Pixel)
#define Highlighted(w) XmField(w,offsets,XmPrimitive,highlighted,Boolean)
#define TopShadowGC(w) XmField(w,offsets,XmPrimitive,top_shadow_GC,GC)
#define BottomShadowGC(w) XmField(w,offsets,XmPrimitive,bottom_shadow_GC,GC)
#define BackgroundPixel(w) XmField(w,offsets,Core,background_pixel,Pixel)
#define Width(w) XmField(w,offsets,Core,width,Dimension)
#define Height(w) XmField(w,offsets,Core,height,Dimension)
#define WagId(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,wagId,XtIntervalId)
#define BarkId(w) XmField(w,offsets,Dog,barkId,XtIntervalId)

#define SetPixmap(w, px, pixmap, width, height) \
    CurrPx(w) = px; CurrPixmap(w) = pixmap; \
    CurrWidth(w) = width; CurrHeight(w) = height

#define MakePixmap(b,wd,ht) \
    XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(XtDisplay(w),RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(w)), \
    (char *)(b), (wd), (ht), Foreground(w), BackgroundPixel(w), \

static void ClassInitialize();
static void Initialize();
static void Redisplay();
static void Resize();
static void Destroy();
static Boolean SetValues();
static XtGeometryResult QueryGeometry();

static void bark_dog();
static void end_bark();
static void start_wag();
static void stop_wag();
static void do_wag();
static void create_GC();
static void create_pixmaps();
static void destroy_pixmaps();

static char defaultTranslations[] =
   "<Btn1Down>:         Bark()\n\
    ~Shift<Btn2Down>:   StartWag()\n\
    Shift<Btn2Down>:    StopWag()\n\
    <Key>Return:        Bark()\n\
    Ctrl <Key>Return:   Bark()\n\
    <Key>osfActivate:   Bark()\n\
    <Key>space:         Bark()\n\
    Ctrl <Key>space:    Bark()\n\
    <Key>osfSelect:     Bark()\n\
    <Key>W:             StartWag()\n\
    <Key>S:             StopWag()\n\
    <Key>osfHelp:       PrimitiveHelp()";

static XtActionsRec actionsList[] = {
    { "Bark", (XtActionProc) bark_dog},
    { "StartWag", (XtActionProc) start_wag},
    { "StopWag", (XtActionProc) stop_wag}

static XmPartResource resources[] = {
    {DogNwagTime, DogCWagTime, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
	XmPartOffset(Dog,wag_time), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t)100},
    {DogNbarkTime, DogCBarkTime, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
	XmPartOffset(Dog,bark_time), XmRImmediate, (caddr_t)1000},
    {DogNbarkCallback, XtCCallback, XtRCallback, sizeof(caddr_t),
	XmPartOffset(Dog,bark_callback), XtRCallback, NULL}

DogClassRec dogClassRec = {
    {                                   /* core_class fields    */
    (WidgetClass) &xmPrimitiveClassRec, /* superclass           */
    "Dog",                              /* class_name           */
    sizeof(DogPart),                    /* widget_size          */
    ClassInitialize,                    /* class_initialize     */
    NULL,                               /* class_part_initialize*/
    False,                              /* class_inited         */
    Initialize,                         /* initialize           */
    NULL,                               /* initialize_notify    */
    XtInheritRealize,                   /* realize              */
    actionsList,                        /* actions              */
    XtNumber(actionsList),              /* num_actions          */
    (XtResourceList)resources,          /* resources            */
    XtNumber(resources),                /* num_resources        */
    NULLQUARK,                          /* xrm_class            */
    True,                               /* compress_motion      */
    True,                               /* compress_exposure    */
    True,                               /* compress_enterleave  */
    False,                              /* visible_interest     */
    Destroy,                            /* destroy              */
    Resize,                             /* resize               */
    Redisplay,                          /* expose               */
    SetValues,                          /* set_values           */
    NULL,                               /* set_values_hook      */
    XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,           /* set_values_almost    */
    NULL,                               /* get_values_hook      */
    NULL,                               /* accept_focus         */
    XtVersionDontCheck,                 /* version              */
    NULL,                               /* callback_private     */
    defaultTranslations,                /* tm_table             */
    QueryGeometry,                      /* query_geometry       */
    NULL,                               /* disp accelerator     */
    NULL                                /* extension            */
    {				        /* primitive_class record */
    XmInheritWidgetProc,               	/* border_highlight     */
    XmInheritWidgetProc,               	/* border_unhighlight   */
    XtInheritTranslations,       	/* translations         */
    bark_dog,                           /* arm_and_activate     */
    NULL,   	    			/* syn resources        */
    0,					/* num syn_resources    */
    NULL,                             	/* extension            */
    {					/* dog_class record     */
    NULL,                             	/* extension            */

externaldef(dogwidgetclass) WidgetClass dogWidgetClass =
						(WidgetClass) &dogClassRec;

static XmOffsetPtr offsets; /* Part Offset table for XmResolvePartOffsets */

 * DogCreate - Convenience routine, used by Uil/Mrm.

Widget DogCreate(parent, name, arglist, nargs)
    Widget parent;
    char *name;
    Arg *arglist;
    int nargs;
    return(XtCreateWidget (name, dogWidgetClass, parent, arglist, nargs));

#ifdef USING_UIL
 * DogMrmInitialize - register Dog widget class with Mrm

int DogMrmInitialize()
    return(MrmRegisterClass (MrmwcUnknown, "Dog" , "DogCreate",	DogCreate,
#endif /* USING_UIL */

 * _DogDrawPixmap - draw the current pixmap

void _DogDrawPixmap(dw)
    DogWidget dw;
    Widget w = (Widget) dw;

    if (XtIsRealized(w)) {
		PixmapX(w), PixmapY(w),
		DrawWidth(w), DrawHeight(w),
		DrawX(w), DrawY(w));

 * _DogPosition(w) - position the current pixmap

void _DogPosition(w)
    DogWidget w;
    Dimension margin = ShadowThickness(w) + HighlightThickness(w);

    if (CurrWidth(w) < MAX(Width(w) - 2 * margin,0)) {
	PixmapX(w) = 0;
	DrawX(w) = Width(w)/2 - CurrWidth(w)/2;
	DrawWidth(w) = CurrWidth(w);
    else {
	PixmapX(w) = (CurrWidth(w) - (Width(w) - 2 * margin))/2;
	DrawX(w) = margin;
	DrawWidth(w) = Width(w) - 2 * margin;

    if (CurrHeight(w) < MAX(Height(w) - 2 * margin,0)) {
	PixmapY(w)= 0;
	DrawY(w) = Height(w)/2 - CurrHeight(w)/2;
	DrawHeight(w) = CurrHeight(w);
    else {
	PixmapY(w) = (CurrHeight(w) - (Height(w) - 2 * margin))/2;
	DrawY(w) = margin;
	DrawHeight(w) = Height(w) - 2 * margin;

 * Class methods

static void ClassInitialize()
    XmResolvePartOffsets(dogWidgetClass, &offsets);

static void create_GC(w)
    DogWidget w;
    XGCValues       values;
    XtGCMask        valueMask;

    valueMask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures;
    values.foreground = Foreground(w);
    values.background = BackgroundPixel(w);
    values.graphics_exposures = False;
    DrawGC(w) = XtGetGC((Widget)w,valueMask,&values);

static void create_pixmaps(w)
    DogWidget w;
    UpPixmap(w) = MakePixmap(up_bits, up_width, up_height);
    DownPixmap(w) = MakePixmap(down_bits, down_width, down_height);
    BarkPixmap(w) = MakePixmap(bark_bits, bark_width, bark_height);

static void Initialize(request, new)
    DogWidget request;
    DogWidget new;
    if (Width(request) == 0)
	Width(new) = MAX(MAX(up_width, down_width),bark_width) +
    if (Height(request) == 0)
	Height(new) = MAX(MAX(up_height, down_height),bark_height) +
    SetPixmap(new, DownPx, DownPixmap(new), down_width, down_height);
    Wagging(new) = False;
    Barking(new) = False;
    WagId(new) = 0;
    BarkId(new) = 0;


static void destroy_pixmaps(w)
    DogWidget w;
    XFreePixmap (XtDisplay(w), UpPixmap(w));
    XFreePixmap (XtDisplay(w), DownPixmap(w));
    XFreePixmap (XtDisplay(w), BarkPixmap(w));

static void Destroy(w)
    DogWidget w;
    XtReleaseGC ((Widget)w, DrawGC(w));

    if (WagId(w) != 0)
                XtRemoveTimeOut( WagId(w));
    if (BarkId(w) != 0)
                XtRemoveTimeOut( BarkId(w));

    XtRemoveAllCallbacks ((Widget)w, DogNbarkCallback);

static void Resize(w)
    DogWidget w;

static Boolean DifferentBackground(w, p)
     Widget w;
     Widget p;
  if (XmIsPrimitive(w) && XmIsManager(p)) 
      Pixel w_bg, p_bg;
      Pixmap w_px, p_px;
      XtVaGetValues(w, XmNbackground, &w_bg, XmNbackgroundPixmap, &w_px, NULL);
      XtVaGetValues(p, XmNbackground, &p_bg, XmNbackgroundPixmap, &p_px, NULL);
      return ((w_bg == p_bg) && (w_px == p_px));
  return (False);

static void Redisplay(w, event, region)
    Widget w;
    XEvent *event;
    Region region;
    if (XtIsRealized(w)) {
	XmeDrawShadows(XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w),
		       TopShadowGC(w), BottomShadowGC(w), 
		       HighlightThickness(w), HighlightThickness(w),
		       Width(w) - 2 * HighlightThickness(w),
		       Height(w) - 2 * HighlightThickness(w),

	if (Highlighted(w))
	   (*((DogWidgetClass)XtClass(w)) ->
	else if (DifferentBackground ((Widget)w, XtParent (w)))
	   (*((DogWidgetClass)XtClass(w)) ->


static Boolean SetValues(current, request, new)
    DogWidget current;
    DogWidget request;
    DogWidget new;

    Boolean redraw = False;

    if (ShadowThickness(new) != ShadowThickness(current) ||
	HighlightThickness(new) != HighlightThickness(current)) {
	redraw = True;
    if (Foreground(new) != Foreground(current) ||
        BackgroundPixel(new) != BackgroundPixel(current)) {
	XtReleaseGC ((Widget)current, DrawGC(current));
	switch (CurrPx(new)) {
	    case(UpPx) : 
	    case(DownPx) : 
	    case(BarkPx) : 
	redraw = True;
    return (redraw);

static XtGeometryResult QueryGeometry (w, intended, reply)
    DogWidget w;
    XtWidgetGeometry *intended;
    XtWidgetGeometry *reply;
    reply->request_mode = 0;

    if (intended->request_mode & (~(CWWidth | CWHeight)) != 0)
        return (XtGeometryNo);

    reply->request_mode = (CWWidth | CWHeight);
    reply->width = MAX(MAX(down_width,up_width),bark_width) +
    reply->height = MAX(MAX(down_height,up_height),bark_height) +

    if (reply->width != intended->width ||
	reply->height != intended->height ||
	intended->request_mode != reply->request_mode)
	return (XtGeometryAlmost);
    else {
	reply->request_mode = 0;
	return (XtGeometryYes);
 * Widget actions

static void bark_dog(w, event)
    DogWidget w;
    XEvent *event;
    XmProcessTraversal((Widget)w, XmTRAVERSE_CURRENT);
    XtCallCallbacks ((Widget)w, DogNbarkCallback, NULL);
    if (Barking(w) == True) return;
    Barking(w) = True;
    BarkId(w) = XtAppAddTimeOut (XtWidgetToApplicationContext((Widget)w),
                BarkTime(w), end_bark, w);

static void end_bark(w, t)
    DogWidget w;
    XtIntervalId *t;
    Barking(w) = False;
    BarkId(w) = 0;
    if (Wagging(w) == True)
        WagId(w) = XtAppAddTimeOut(XtWidgetToApplicationContext((Widget)w),
                        WagTime(w), do_wag, w);


static void start_wag(w, event)
    DogWidget w;
    XEvent *event;
    XmProcessTraversal((Widget)w, XmTRAVERSE_CURRENT);
    if (Wagging(w) == True) return;
    Wagging(w) = True;
    if (Barking(w) == True) return;
    WagId(w) = XtAppAddTimeOut (XtWidgetToApplicationContext((Widget)w),
                WagTime(w), do_wag, w);

static void stop_wag(w, event)
    DogWidget w;
    XEvent *event;
    XmProcessTraversal((Widget)w, XmTRAVERSE_CURRENT);
    Wagging(w) = False;
    if (WagId(w) != 0)
                XtRemoveTimeOut( WagId(w));
    WagId(w) = 0;


static void do_wag(w, t)
    XtPointer w;
    XtIntervalId *t;
    DogWidget dw = (DogWidget)w;

    if (Barking(dw) == True) return;
    if (Wagging(dw) == False) return;
    switch(CurrPx(dw)) {
    XtAppAddTimeOut (XtWidgetToApplicationContext((Widget)dw),
		     WagTime(dw), do_wag, dw);