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/* $XConsortium: geoTattler.c /main/4 1995/07/15 21:13:42 drk $ */
 * Motif
 * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
 * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
 * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
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#include "IntrinsicI.h"      /* for the class_name field */
#include "VarargsI.h"        /* for _GeoPrintTrace */
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>  /* XtRBoolean .. */
#include "geoTattler.h"

 GeoTattler API:
  if those lines are found in the resource database:

    myapp*draw.XmScale.geoTattler: ON


    all the XmScale children of the widget named draw,
    all the XmScrollBars,
    the widget named exit_button in any XmRowColumn

   will return True to the function _GeoIsTattled(), and will generate
   outlined trace in stdout.


typedef struct {   Boolean   geo_tattler ;} GeoDataRec ;

static XtResource geo_resources[] = {
    { XtNgeoTattler, XtCGeoTattler, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
      XtOffsetOf(GeoDataRec, geo_tattler), 
      XtRImmediate, (caddr_t) False }

/* Now define a simple cache mechanism to be used in the main function */

typedef struct _GeoTatCache
   Widget widget;
   String widget_name;
   String class_name;
   Boolean is_geotattled ;
   struct _GeoTatCache * next;
} GeoTatCache;

static GeoTatCache * geotat_cache = NULL;

  This function return True is the widget is already in the cache,
  False otherwise. It also return the current value if True */
#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
_GeoIsCached (Widget widget, Boolean* is_geotattled)
_GeoIsCached (widget, is_geotattled)
Widget widget;
Boolean * is_geotattled ;
    register GeoTatCache * cache_ptr;
    for (cache_ptr = geotat_cache; cache_ptr; cache_ptr = cache_ptr->next) {
	if ((cache_ptr->widget == widget) &&
	    (strcmp (cache_ptr->widget_name, XtName(widget)) == 0)  &&
	    (strcmp (cache_ptr->class_name, XtClassName(widget)) == 0)) {
	    /* if something found return its state and True */

	    *is_geotattled = cache_ptr->is_geotattled ;
	    return (True);
    return (False);

   This function looks for a widget in the cache and if found, assigns
   a new value for the is_geotattled field 
   It is used for dynamic change (e.g. editres stuff) */
#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
_GeoChangeCache (Widget widget, Boolean geo_tat)
_GeoChangeCache (widget, geo_tat)
Widget widget;
Boolean geo_tat ;
    register GeoTatCache * cache_ptr;

    for (cache_ptr = geotat_cache; cache_ptr; cache_ptr = cache_ptr->next) {
	if ((cache_ptr->widget == widget) &&
	    (strcmp (cache_ptr->widget_name, XtName(widget)) == 0)  &&
	    (strcmp (cache_ptr->class_name, XtClassName(widget)) == 0)) {
	    /* if something found, change the value */

	    cache_ptr->is_geotattled = geo_tat;
	    return ;
    return ;

   This function adds an entry in the cache, based on the given widget
   and bool */

#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
_GeoCache (Widget widget, Boolean geo_tat)
_GeoCache (widget, geo_tat)
Widget widget;
Boolean geo_tat ;
    register GeoTatCache * cache_ptr;

    /* create a new entry in the geo cache */

    cache_ptr = XtNew (GeoTatCache);
    cache_ptr->next = geotat_cache;
    geotat_cache = cache_ptr;

    /* fill it, please, regular */

    cache_ptr->widget = widget ;
    cache_ptr->widget_name = XtNewString(XtName(widget));
    cache_ptr->class_name = XtNewString(XtClassName(widget));
    cache_ptr->is_geotattled = geo_tat ;

  This function uses XtGetSubresources to find out if a widget
  needs to be geo-spied by the caller.
  Since XtGetSubresources is expensive, it also uses a cache. */

#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
_GeoIsTattled (Widget widget)
_GeoIsTattled (widget)
Widget widget;
    GeoDataRec geo_data ;
    Boolean is_geotattled, cach ;

       /* First check for a matching widget  */
    if (_GeoIsCached (widget, &is_geotattled)) return is_geotattled ;

       /* no widget found in the cache, look in the database and cache */
    XtGetSubresources(widget, (XtPointer)&geo_data,
                      (String)NULL, (String)NULL, 
		      geo_resources, XtNumber(geo_resources), 
		      NULL, 0);
       /* add in the cache */
    _GeoCache(widget, geo_data.geo_tattler) ;

    return geo_data.geo_tattler;

}  /* _GeoIsTattled */

  Trace stuff now */

static n_tab = 0 ;

#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
_GeoTabTrace (void)
_GeoTabTrace ()
    n_tab ++ ;

#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
_GeoUnTabTrace (void)
_GeoUnTabTrace ()
    n_tab -- ;

#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
_GeoPrintTab (void)
_GeoPrintTab ()
    int i ;

    for (i=0; i<n_tab; i++) printf("     ");

#if NeedVarargsPrototypes
_GeoPrintTrace (Widget widget, ...)
_GeoPrintTrace (widget, va_alist)
Widget widget;
    va_list args;
    char *fmt;

    if (_GeoIsTattled(widget)) {
	Va_start(args, widget);
	fmt = va_arg(args, char *);
	_GeoPrintTab ();
	(void) vprintf(fmt, args);