Blob Blame History Raw
 * Motif
 * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
 * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
 * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
 * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
 * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
 * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifdef REV_INFO
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: displayUid.c /main/7 1995/07/13 20:30:17 drk $"

   * This a "generic" routine that will display widgets that are
   * created in uil files. This routine assumes that a single
   * Hierarchy will be opened.
   * Syntax - displayUid root_filename or
   * displayUid (and will ask you for the UID root filename)
   * The uid file will be opened and the widget realized.
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_FILES	10
#define MAX_CALLBACK	32
#define MAX_LEN		255

 *  Set the number of CommonPauses for each uil test
#define FOR_REF_CMN_PAUSES   1
#define FOR_REF2_CMN_PAUSES  1
#define FOR_REF3_CMN_PAUSES  1
#define FOR_REF4_CMN_PAUSES  1

#include <testlib.h> 
#include <Mrm/MrmAppl.h>    
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "reasons.h"
  /* Callback routines */
static void exit_test();
static void Report_Callback();
static void popup_popup_menu();
static void ProcessCommandArgs();

static MrmHierarchy	s_MrmHierarchy;
static char		*vec[MAX_FILES];   	
static MrmCode		class;
static char             uidname[MAX_LEN];
static int              num_common_pauses;

static MrmRegisterArg reglist[] = {
  {"exit_test", (caddr_t)exit_test},
  {"Report_Callback", (caddr_t)Report_Callback}

static int reglist_num = (sizeof (reglist) / sizeof (reglist[0]));
static XtActionsRec actions[] = {
  {"popup_popup_menu", (XtActionProc) popup_popup_menu}
static int num_actions = sizeof(actions) / sizeof(XtActionsRec);

Widget  TopManager = NULL;
 *  Main program
int main(argc, argv)
     int argc;
     char **argv;
  Arg arglist[1];
  int i;
   *  Initialize the Mrm
  MrmInitialize ();
   *  Initialize the toolkit.  This call returns the id of the "Shell1"
   *  widget.  The applications "main" widget must be the only child
   *  of this widget.
  CommonTestUilInit(argc, argv);
   *  Process command args - put uid filename into uidname and
   *  determine which uil test is being run.
  XtAddActions(actions, num_actions);
   *  Define the Mrm hierarchy (only 1 file)
  if (MrmOpenHierarchy (1,			    /* number of files	    */
			vec, 			    /* files     	    */
			NULL,			    /* os_ext_list (null)   */
			&s_MrmHierarchy)	    /* ptr to returned id   */
      != MrmSUCCESS) 
      printf ("Can't open hierarchy\n");
   *		Register all Mrm functions
  if (MrmRegisterNames (reglist, reglist_num)
      != MrmSUCCESS)
      printf("Can't register names\n");
   *  Call Mrm to fetch the main widget
  if (MrmFetchWidget (s_MrmHierarchy,
      != MrmSUCCESS)
      printf("Can't fetch interface\n");
   *  Make the Shell1 widget "manage" the main window (or whatever the
   *  the uil defines as the topmost widget).  This will
   *  cause it to be "realized" when the Shell1 widget is "realized"
   *  Realize the Shell1 widget.  This will cause the entire "managed"
   *  widget hierarchy to be displayed

   *  Loop through the correct number CommonPauses for the
   *  particular uil file currently being run.

  for (i = 0; i < num_common_pauses; i++)

  CommonPause();   /* Exit */

   *  Loop and process events

/*	Procedure exit_test()  - called when user had examined test and     */
/*	is ready to exit test. Called via a callback defined in UIL. 	    */

static void exit_test( widget, tag, callback_data )
     Widget  widget;
     char    *tag;
     XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data;
  printf("Test finished -- Exiting....\n");

/* 	Procedure Report_Callback() -					   */
/*	   when called will print to stdout the name of the callback 	   */
/*	   which is contained in tag. It also prints out the reason	   */
/*	   for the callback. This info is found in the CallbackStruct	   */
/*	   and in the header file reasons.h which contains all possible    */
/*	   Reasons in the array REASONS.				   */

static void Report_Callback( widget, tag, callback_data )
     Widget  widget;
     char    *tag;
     XmAnyCallbackStruct *callback_data;
  char *reason;
  int reason_num;
  int num_items;
  int i, j;
  Arg args[5];
  XmString label_string;
  XmString *list_items;
  reason_num = callback_data->reason;
  reason = REASONS[reason_num];
  printf("---- %s callback made ----\n\n", tag);
  printf("---- Reason was %s ----\n", reason);

/*	Procedure fetch() - will extract from a heirarchy the widget ID of  */
/*	the specified widget name.				    	    */

void fetch(widget_index_string,widgetptr)
     char *widget_index_string;
     Widget *widgetptr;
  MrmType class;
  *widgetptr = NULL;
    printf("fetch failed\n");

/*	Procedure popup_popup_menu() - will popup a popupMenu associated   */
/*	with the widget name Popup_Menu					   */

static void popup_popup_menu(widget, event, params, num_params)
     Widget                      widget;
     XButtonPressedEvent *       event;
     char **                     params;
     int                         num_params;
  static Widget fetched;
  XmMenuPosition(fetched, event);  

static void ProcessCommandArgs()


   * Check for uid filename, add uid extension and put into uidname

  if (UserData == NULL)
      printf("Usage: displayUid <uid_filename>\n");
      exit (0);
      strcpy(uidname, UserData);
      strcat(uidname, ".uid");
  printf("---- The uid file to be opened is %s ---- \n", uidname);
  vec[0] = uidname;

   *  Set int value to use the correct number of CommonPauses
   *  NOTE: this section will vary from directory to directory

  if (strcmp(UserData, "ForRef") == 0)
      num_common_pauses = FOR_REF_CMN_PAUSES;
  else if (strcmp(UserData, "ForRef2") == 0)
      num_common_pauses = FOR_REF2_CMN_PAUSES;
  else if (strcmp(UserData, "ForRef3") == 0)
      num_common_pauses = FOR_REF3_CMN_PAUSES;
  else if (strcmp(UserData, "ForRef4") == 0)
      num_common_pauses = FOR_REF4_CMN_PAUSES;
      printf("ERROR: incorrect UserData\n");
      exit (0);