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/* $XConsortium: /main/2 1996/07/15 14:29:50 drk $ */
                Building the Motif QA Test Suite (QATS)

    To build the QATS you must first extract the tape into a staging area. 
    When you have done this, you should have two files: tests (a directory)
    and README (this file). The following build process assumes that you have
    already built Motif 2.0 and you still have the build tree in a build area
    designated by $MOTIF_TOP.

    To build the QATS execute the following steps:

        1) Remove the tests directory in your Motif build tree.
                % rm -rf $MOTIF_TOP/tests

        2) Move the extracted tests directory from the QATS tape into
           your Motif build tree.

                % mv ./tests $MOTIF_TOP
        3) Modify site.def in the config directory of your Motif
           build tree. Add the following line:

                #define AUTOMATION Yes

           you should add this line inside the block selected by
           #ifdef AfterVendorCF.

        4) From the top of your Motif tree execute:

               If you are building against installed X11R5,

                  % make testsMakefile IMAKE_DEFINES=-DUseInstalled


                  % make testsMakefile

           This will create the proper Makefile in $MOTIF_TOP/tests.

        5) Build the Makefiles in the tests directory.

                % cd tests
                % make Makefiles

        6) Build the QATS test libraries (you MUST build these directories
           before you build ANY test).

                % cd $MOTIF_TOP/tests/Auto ; make
                % cd $MOTIF_TOP/tests/Manual ; make

           After these libraries are built, you can build any test for
           Automation or for Manual mode.

    For more information on building tests, see the README file in 