Blob Blame History Raw
# $XConsortium: Container1f.scr /main/4 1995/07/17 20:14:15 drk $
# Motif
# Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
# These libraries and programs are free software; you can
# redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
# Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
# they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
# PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
# to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
# Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

# #) This is the Container1 Test run with option "-I Container1f.Dat -u f".
# C)
# #) The container widget should be displayed in its ANY_ICON view,
#    with an OUTLINE layoutStyle.
# #) Four IconGadgets should be visible in a single column.
#    "IconGad1", "IconGad2" and "IconGad4" should be displayed with a small 
#    ivon view, with the pixmap part displaying a "S" within
#    a black box, and the label part displaying the strings "IconGad1",
#    "IconGad2", "IconGad3" and "IconGad4" next to the pixmap. 
#    The label "IconGad2" should be truncated.
# #) "IconGad3" should be displayed in its large icon view, with the pixmap 
#    part displaying a "L" within a black box, and the label part 
#    displaying the string "IconGad3" below the pixmap.
#    There should also be visible to the left of IconGad3, a
#    pixmap displaying letter "C" with background white and foreground
#    black. This indicates that the item "IconGad3" has child items that
#    are not displayed; in other words, this item is in the collapsedState.
# C)

CompareVisual Container1f

# #) Click BSelect on the collapsedState pixmap "C" displayed to the left
#    of the item "IconGad3".
# #) The pixmap should change to showing the letter "E", indicating that
#    the item "IconGad3" has child items that are displayed; in
#    other words, item "IconGad3" is in the expandedState. Also, this
#    pixmap should have a white foreground and a black background.
# #) Also, you should see 3 more items displayed in their small icon view, 
#    "IconGad31", "IconGad32", and "IconGad33" displayed below IconGad3 and 
#    indented right by 100 pixels. 
# #) The container should resize itself to fit in the new items.
# #) You should also see a message in the term window indicating that
#    a valueChangedCallback has been invoked with the reason
# #) The item "IconGad32" should also have, to its left, a pixmap
#    displaying letter "C" with background white and foreground black,
#    indicating that item "IconGad32" is in a collapsedState, having
#    child items which are not displayed.
# C)

LocatePointer IconGad3 ROutlineBtn
ClickMB Btn1
CompareVisual Container1f
# #) Click BSelect on the collapsedState pixmap "C" displayed to the left
#    of the item "IconGad32".
# #) The pixmap should change to showing the letter "E", indicating that
#    the item "IconGad32" has child items that are displayed; in
#    other words, item "IconGad32" is in the expandedState. Also, this
#    pixmap should have a white foreground and a black background.
# #) Also, you should see 1 more item "IconGad321" displayed in its large
#    icon view below the item "IconGad32" and indented to the right by 100 
#    pixels.
# #) The container should resize itself to fit in the new item.
# #) You should also see a message in the term window indicating that
#    a valueChangedCallback has been invoked with the reason
# #) The item "IconGad321" should also have, to its left, a pixmap
#    displaying letter "C" with background white and foreground black,
#    indicating that item "IconGad321" is in a collapsedState, having
#    child items which are not displayed.
# C)

LocatePointer IconGad32 ROutlineBtn
ClickMB Btn1
CompareVisual Container1f
# #) Click BSelect on the collapsedState pixmap "C" displayed to the left
#    of the item "IconGad321".
# #) The pixmap should change to showing the letter "E", indicating that
#    the item "IconGad321" has child items that are displayed; in
#    other words, item "IconGad321" is in the expandedState. Also, this
#    pixmap should have a white foreground and a black background.
# #) Also, you should see 1 more item "IconGad3211" displayed in its small
#    icon view below the item "IconGad321" and indented to the right by 100 
#    pixels.
# #) The container should resize itself to fit in the new item.
# #) You should also see a message in the term window indicating that
#    a valueChangedCallback has been invoked with the reason
# C)

LocatePointer IconGad321 ROutlineBtn
ClickMB Btn1
CompareVisual Container1f

# #) The selectionTechnique has been specified to be MARQUEE_EXTEND_BOTH.
# #) Press BSelect on "IconGad1"
# #) "IconGad1" should get selected. Also, you should see a marquee
#    rectangle enclosing "IconGad1". You may not notice it immediately,
#    but as soon as you start dragging, you should notice that the
#    marque rectangle is anchored at the top left corner of "IconGad1".
# #) With BSelect pressed, drag the pointer over to the right and bottom
#    of"IconGad32".
# #) While dragging, you should notice that as the pointer moves over an
#    item, that item gets completely enclosed in the marquee rectangle.
# #) When item "IconGad32" is also selected, release BSelect.
# #) The marquee rectangle should disapper.
# #) The items selected should include "IconGad1", "IconGad2", "IconGad3",
#    "IconGad31" and "IconGad32".
# #) You should also see the following message on the term window:
# !)
#       Reason for SelectionCallback: CR_EXTENDED_SELECT
#       Number of items selected: 5
#       Names of items selected: IconGad1 IconGad2 IconGad3 IconGad31 IconGad32
# #) Click BSelect in the background of the Container outside of all the
#    items. All the selected items should get deselected. You should also
#    see the following message in the term window:
# !)
#       Reason for SelectionCallback: CR_EXTENDED_SELECT
#       Number of items selected: 0
#       Names of items selected: 
# C)

LocatePointer IconGad1
PressMB Btn1
CompareVisual Container1f
LocatePointer IconGad2
CompareVisual Container1f
LocatePointer IconGad32
CompareVisual Container1f
ReleaseMB Btn1
CompareVisual Container1f
LocatePointerXYRel Container1f 10 10 
ClickMB Btn1
CompareVisual Container1f
# E)