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/* $XConsortium: README /main/3 1996/07/15 14:10:29 drk $ */

                           XmdTextEditor v2.0

* This demo only works with Motif 2.0.  It does not work with Motif 2.1. *

XmdTextEditor is a primitive text editor, based on Motif 2.0's XmCSText
widget, which makes use of its XmNsource resource to allow multiple views
on the same underlying text.  In addition it uses the rendition features
of XmString to allow the modification of the rendition of pieces of text,
and the conversion functions of XmString to read and write different file
formats.  This version of XmdTextEditor will work only with Motif 2.0.

The View menu includes

   Split Pane -- to add a new independently scrollable view of the text

   Remove Pane -- to remove a designated pane

   One Pane -- to remove all panes except the designated pane

The designated pane is determined in the following way:

   -- Using an explicit focus policy, it is the last view which had focus
   -- Using a pointer focus policy, it is the last view which the
         user interacted with.

The Renditions menu provides a limited set of commands for changing the
font and color of text and for underlining or striking through it.

XmdTextEditor is also an example of how to write code that is as independent
of other layers as possible.  The various files have the following roles:

	file.c -- code to read, write, and remove files.  Hides
                  any OS/filesystem dependencies.

	app.c -- Uses file.c to provide all the code to manipulate
                 files and their related buffers.
                 This is all toolkit-dependent.

	tk.c --  Isolates dependencies on the Xm toolkit.

                 The first half of the file provides utility routines
                 and a toolkit-independent (but application-specific)
                 interface that can be used by the toolkit-independent
                 dialogue layer of the application.

                 The second half of the file defines all the callback
                 routines and registers the callbacks in Mrm. 
			  Many of these simply update state internal
                 to this layer; others perform additional actions.  Where
                 those actions unambiguously correspond to toolkit-specific
                 action, routines defined in the first half of the file are
                 called.  Otherwise, an upcall is made to the toolkit-
                 independent dialogue layer to decide what to do.

	dlg.c -- This code manages the dialogue with the user.  By
                 using tk.c, it is toolkit-independent.
	texteditor.c -- Used to initialize the application and instantiates
                 widget hierarchies.  Hides the use of UIL and Mrm from the
                 rest of the application.

	textedit.uil -- Contains the descriptions of the widget hierarchy of
			  the application, and descriptions of menu items and
			  widgets to be fetched later.  It includes strings.uil and

	strings.uil -- Contains applications specific strings to be localized.

In addition, XmdTextEditor uses a standardized uil include file,
demos/lib/uil/menus.uih, to generate it's initial set of style-guide
compliant menus.  The initialization code in texteditor.c then unmanages
unneeded menu items and fetches and manages additional menu items from
textedit.uil.  menus.uih itself includes menu_strings.uih which allows easy
localization of menu strings, and menu_cbs.uih which allows the addition of
non-standard callbacks to menu items.

Additional Translations

   Users familiar with emacs may want to add the following translations
   to their .Xdefaults files:

*XmText.translations: #override\n\
    Mod1<Btn3Down>:	scroll-cursor-vertically()\n\
  Mod1<Btn3Motion>:	scroll-cursor-vertically()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>a:	beginning-of-line()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>b:	backward-character()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>d:	delete-next-character()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>e:	end-of-line()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>f:	forward-character()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>g:	beep()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>h:	delete-previous-character()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>i:	cut-primary()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>j:	newline-and-indent()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>k:	set-anchor() end-of-line() key-select() cut-clipboard()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>l:	redraw-display()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>m:	newline()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>n:	next-line()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>o:	newline-and-backup()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>p:	previous-line()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>v:	next-page()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>w:	cut-clipboard()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>y:	paste-clipboard()\n\
	Ctrl<Key>z:	scroll-one-line-up()\n\
	Mod1<Key>b:	backward-word()\n\
	Mod1<Key>d:	delete-next-word()\n\
	Mod1<Key>f:	forward-word()\n\
	Mod1<Key>h:	delete-previous-word()\n\
	Mod1<Key>i:	copy-primary()\n\
	Mod1<Key>k:	delete-to-end-of-line()\n\
	Mod1<Key>v:	previous-page()\n\
	Mod1<Key>w:	copy-clipboard()\n\
	Mod1<Key>z:	scroll-one-line-down()\n\
	Mod1 Shift<Key>greater:	end-of-file()\n\
	Mod1<Key>less:	beginning-of-file()\n\
	Mod1<Key>]:	forward-paragraph()\n\
	Mod1<Key>[:	backward-paragraph()

Known Bugs

   Moving and removing files is not currently implemented.  The following
menu items are not implemented:  Print, Print Setup..., Close, Undo, Repeat,
Select All, Deselect All, and all the Help menu items.  Changing the
rendition of text contained within another rendition change can sometimes
cause renditions to "bleed" into the following text.  Changing the rendition
of a line selected by a triple-click will cause all lines until the next
rendition change to also get the selected rendition.

Missing Features

Zillions of features could be added (and would need to be added) to make
this a truly usable text editor rather than a demo.  In particular, WYSIWYG
editing and saving of XmdHelp Markup format is not supported and the
selection of renditions is limited.

Have fun!

	W. Scott Meeks