Blob Blame History Raw
/* $TOG: panner.c /main/6 1997/03/31 13:38:32 dbl $ */
 * Motif
 * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
 * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
 * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
 * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
 * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
 * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
 * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
 * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <X11/Xmd.h>
#include <Xm/TransferP.h>
#include <Xm/AtomMgr.h>
#include <Xm/CascadeB.h>
#include <Xm/DrawingA.h>
#include <Xm/Frame.h>
#include <Xm/MainW.h>
#include <Xm/MessageB.h>
#include <Xm/Notebook.h>
#include <Xm/PushB.h>
#include <Xm/RowColumn.h>
#include <Xm/SelectioB.h>
#include <Xm/XmStrDefs.h>

#define LOCAL			0
#define PAN_FORMAT		8
#define PAN_SIZE		9
#define COLOR_COUNT             20

String fallback[] = {
  "Panner.mappedWhenManaged:		FALSE",
  "Panner.width:			325",
  "Panner.height:			290",

  "Panner*frame.marginWidth:		7",
  "Panner*frame.marginHeight:		7",
  "Panner*notebook.firstPageNumber:	0",

  "Panner*tab.shadowThickness:		1",

  "Panner*canvas.background:		grey40",
  "Panner*canvas.foreground:		yellow",

  /* Menu entry definitions */
  "Panner*cascade1.labelString:		File",
  "Panner*cascade2.labelString:		Display",
  "Panner*cascade3.labelString:		Help",

  "Panner*b1.labelString:		Quit",
  "Panner*b2.labelString:		Update",
  "Panner*b3.labelString:		New Display...",

  "Panner*promptDlog*selectionLabelString: Display name:",

Panner Demo\\n-----------\\nGrab and move dashed box to pan display.\\n\
Use 'New Display...' command to add another display.\\n\
Select displays from tabs in the notebook.",

The panner window is not pinned!\\n\
Add the line:\\n\\n    \"Mwm*Panner*ClientPinned: True\"\\n\\n\
to your .Xdefaults file and restart Mwm.",


typedef struct _PannerInfoRec {
  Display      *display;
  Screen       *screen;
  Widget        shell;
  Widget        utmShell; 	/* drawing area used for UTM */
  Widget        canvas;
  int           thumbX, thumbY;
  unsigned int  thumbW, thumbH;
  int           lastEventX, lastEventY;
  Atom		WM;		/* need selections on the correct display */
  Atom		WM_PAN;
  Atom		WM_GOTO;
  Atom		WM_PAN_POS;
} PannerInfoRec;

typedef struct _PanPostion {
  long x;
  long y;
} PanPosition;

typedef enum { MENU_QUIT, MENU_UPDATE, MENU_NEW, MENU_HELP } MenuFunction;
typedef enum { UNKNOWN, VERIFYING, VERIFIED } PinState;

 * globals.
XtAppContext   app;
unsigned short DSP;		/* index of active display */
Widget         notebook;
GC             thumbGC, canvasGC;
XContext       context;
PannerInfoRec *pInfoList;
unsigned long  cells[COLOR_COUNT];
PinState       pinnedState = UNKNOWN;
int            origX, origY;

#ifdef X_ONLY
Boolean        LOCK = False;


static void      OpenNewDisplay(String, Widget, PannerInfoRec *);
static void      UpdatePannerCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void      ChangePageCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void      DoAddDisplayCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void      DestinationCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void      DoneMoveScreenCB (Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer);
static void      WatchForWindowPanning (Display *dsp);
static void      HandlePropertyChange (XEvent *event);
static void      UpdatePannerView (PannerInfoRec *pInfoList, int remoteDsp);
static void      DrawWindows (PannerInfoRec *);
static void      DrawThumb (PannerInfoRec *);
static void      SetupColorsAndGCs();
static GC        GetXorGC (Widget);
static GC        GetCanvasGC (Widget);
static void      SetWindowColor (PannerInfoRec *, int);
static void      TranslateCoordinates (PannerInfoRec *,
				       int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int,
				       int*,int*,unsigned int*,unsigned int*);
static int       IgnoreError (Display *dsp, XErrorEvent *event);
static void      StartTracking (Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *, Boolean *);
static void      DoTracking (Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *, Boolean *);
static void      StopTracking (Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *, Boolean *);
static void      MoveScreen (PannerInfoRec *, int, int, Time);
static XtPointer PackCARD32 (XtPointer, CARD32);
static XtPointer PackCARD16 (XtPointer, CARD16);
static XtPointer PackCARD8 (XtPointer, CARD8);
static void      CreateMenuBar (Widget parent);
static void      MenuCB (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData);
static void      DoUpdatePanner ();
static void      DoAddDisplay ();
static void      DoHelp ();
static void      DoQuit ();
static void      CheckPinnedState ();
static void      ShowPinStateWarning ();
static void      HandleInitialExpose (Widget, XtPointer, XEvent *, Boolean *);

 |                             main                               |
main (int argc, char** argv)
  Widget mainWin, frame;
  XEvent event;

  pInfoList = (PannerInfoRec *) XtMalloc(sizeof(PannerInfoRec) *
  for (DSP = 0;  DSP < MAX_DISPLAY_COUNT;  DSP++)
    pInfoList[DSP].display = NULL;
  XtSetLanguageProc(NULL, (XtLanguageProc) NULL, NULL); 

  pInfoList[LOCAL].shell   = XtVaOpenApplication(&app, "Panner", NULL, 0,
					       &argc, argv, 
                                               sessionShellWidgetClass, NULL);
  pInfoList[LOCAL].display = XtDisplay(pInfoList[LOCAL].shell);

  mainWin = XmCreateMainWindow(pInfoList[LOCAL].shell, "mainWin", NULL, 0);

  frame     = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("frame", xmFrameWidgetClass, mainWin,
  notebook  = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("notebook", xmNotebookWidgetClass, frame,


  context  = XUniqueContext ();
  OpenNewDisplay(/*$DISPLAY*/NULL, notebook, pInfoList);


  XtAddCallback(notebook, XmNpageChangedCallback, ChangePageCB, pInfoList);
  XtAddEventHandler(notebook, ExposureMask, False, HandleInitialExpose, NULL);

  for (;;)
      XtAppNextEvent(app, &event);

      if (event.type == PropertyNotify)



 |                        OpenNewDisplay                          |
 | - Get new display connection to named display.                 |
 | - If display name is not NULL, create shell on the display.    |
 | - Fill in correct record in pInfoList.                         |
static void
     String         displayName,
     Widget         notebook,
     PannerInfoRec *pInfoList)
  int             newDsp = 0;
  int             argc = 0;
  char          **argv = NULL;
  Dimension       canvasW, canvasH;
  char            selectionName[40];
  PannerInfoRec  *pInfo;
  Widget          tab;
  XmString        tabName;
  XtCallbackList  cbList;

   * If NULL, then the display's already been created.
  if (displayName != NULL)
      XtVaGetValues(notebook, XmNlastPageNumber, &newDsp,
		    XmNpageChangedCallback, &cbList, NULL);

      if ((pInfoList[newDsp].display = XOpenDisplay(displayName)) == NULL)
	  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Can't open display \"%s\".\n", displayName);

      XtDisplayInitialize(app, pInfoList[newDsp].display, "panner", "Panner",
			  NULL, 0, &argc, argv);

      /* create an unmapped shell on the remote display */
      pInfoList[newDsp].shell =
	XtVaAppCreateShell( "panner", "Panner", applicationShellWidgetClass,
			   XmNmappedWhenManaged, False, NULL);

   * For UTM to work, there must be a drawing area or UTM saavy
   * widget.
   *  We must set-up a destination callback function that
   *  does the actual transfer of the parameter info to Mwm.
    = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("utmShell", xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass,
			      XmNmappedWhenManaged, False,
  XtAddCallback(pInfoList[newDsp].utmShell, XmNdestinationCallback,
		DestinationCB, &(pInfoList[newDsp]));

   * Initialize the correct record in the pInfoList.
  pInfoList[newDsp].screen = XtScreen(pInfoList[newDsp].shell);

   * setup handler to watch when Mwm changes the root property.
   * first store some data on the root window.
	       (XPointer)(long)newDsp); /* store index into panner info. */

   * Add another page to the notebook.
   * First must set size correctly.

		 XmNwidth, &canvasW, XmNheight, &canvasH, NULL);
    = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("canvas", xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass, notebook,
			      XmNchildType, XmPAGE,
			      XmNpageNumber, newDsp,
			      XmNwidth, canvasW,
			      XmNheight, canvasH,
  XtAddCallback(pInfoList[newDsp].canvas, XmNexposeCallback, UpdatePannerCB,

  if (displayName == NULL)
    tabName = XmStringCreate("LOCAL",XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG);
    tabName = XmStringCreate(displayName,XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG);
  tab = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("tab", xmPushButtonWidgetClass, notebook,
				XmNlabelString, tabName,
				XmNchildType, XmMAJOR_TAB, NULL);

  pInfoList[newDsp].thumbW = INIT_SCREEN_WIDTH;
  pInfoList[newDsp].thumbH = pInfoList[newDsp].thumbW *
                             HeightOfScreen(pInfoList[newDsp].screen) /
  XtVaGetValues(pInfoList[newDsp].canvas, XmNwidth,  &canvasW,
		                          XmNheight, &canvasH, NULL);
  pInfoList[newDsp].thumbX = (int)canvasW/2 - (int)pInfoList[newDsp].thumbW/2;
  pInfoList[newDsp].thumbY = (int)canvasH/2 - (int)pInfoList[newDsp].thumbH/2;
  /* Setup the atoms needed to communicate with Mwm. Check screen number! */
  sprintf(selectionName, WM_SELECTION_FORMAT,
  pInfoList[newDsp].WM         = XmInternAtom(pInfoList[newDsp].display,
					      selectionName, False);
  pInfoList[newDsp].WM_PAN     = XmInternAtom(pInfoList[newDsp].display,
					      "_MOTIF_WM_PAN", False);
  pInfoList[newDsp].WM_GOTO    = XmInternAtom(pInfoList[newDsp].display,
					      "_MOTIF_WM_GOTO", False);
  pInfoList[newDsp].WM_PAN_POS = XmInternAtom(pInfoList[newDsp].display,
					      "_MOTIF_WM_PAN_POSITION", False);

  XtAddEventHandler(pInfoList[newDsp].canvas, ButtonPressMask, False,
		    StartTracking, (XtPointer)&pInfoList[newDsp]);

/*========================== CALLBACKS ==========================*/

 |                        UpdatePannerCB                          |
static void
UpdatePannerCB (
     Widget    w,
     XtPointer clientData,
     XtPointer callData)
  XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *cb = (XmDrawingAreaCallbackStruct *)callData;
  PannerInfoRec *pInfoList = (PannerInfoRec *)clientData;

  if (cb->reason == XmCR_EXPOSE)
      XExposeEvent *event = (XExposeEvent *)cb->event;

      /* Last expose event received - do the drawing. */
      if (event->count == 0)
	UpdatePannerView(pInfoList, DSP);

     * Update button pressed.
    UpdatePannerView(pInfoList, DSP);

 |                         ChangePageCB                           |
 | Invoked just prior to notebook page change. Any drawing here   |
 | would be lost.                                                 |
static void
ChangePageCB (
     Widget    w,
     XtPointer clientData,
     XtPointer callData)
  PannerInfoRec            *pInfoList = (PannerInfoRec *)clientData;
  XmNotebookCallbackStruct *nbData    = (XmNotebookCallbackStruct *)callData;
  int  pageNumber;

  pageNumber = nbData->page_number;
  if ((pageNumber >= MAX_DISPLAY_COUNT) ||
      (pInfoList[pageNumber].display == NULL))
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - bad display index. (%d).\n", pageNumber);
      DSP = pageNumber;

 |                        DoAddDisplayCB                          |
static void
DoAddDisplayCB (
     Widget    w,
     XtPointer clientData,
     XtPointer callData)
  XmSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *cb = (XmSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *)callData;
  PannerInfoRec *pInfoList = (PannerInfoRec *)clientData;
  char          *dspName;           /* Free when done. */
  String         appName, appClass; /* Don't free - owned by Xt. */

  XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(pInfoList[LOCAL].display, &appName, &appClass);
  XmStringGetLtoR(cb->value, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &dspName);

  OpenNewDisplay(dspName, notebook, pInfoList);
  if (dspName) XtFree(dspName);

 |                         DestinationCB                          |
 | This function gets invoked by UTM when a sink has been estab-  |
 | lished and a request initiated against another selection.  The |
 | purpose here is to set-up the parameters and pass them to the  |
 | owner of the selection.  The parameter data has already been   |
 | allocated in the MoveScreen() function.                        |
 | clientData holds the pannerInfoRec corresponding to the right  |
 | display.                                                       |
static void
DestinationCB (
     Widget w,
     XtPointer clientData,
     XtPointer callData)
  XmDestinationCallbackStruct *dcs = (XmDestinationCallbackStruct *)callData;
  PannerInfoRec *pInfo = (PannerInfoRec *)clientData;
  Atom target;

   * Pass the data to free in the clientData field.
   * location_data points to the param data. This was set in
   * MoveScreen().

  /* FIRST - setup the parameters to pass. */
			  dcs->location_data,   /* pointer to param data. */
			  PAN_SIZE,		/* should be calculated. */
			  dcs->selection);	/* type - don't care. */

  /* LAST - Make the transfer. */
		  pInfo->WM_PAN,	/* target for conversion. */
		  DoneMoveScreenCB,	/* CB proc invoked when done. */
		  dcs->location_data,	/* clientData - to be freed. */

 |                       DoneMoveScreenCB                         |
static void
DoneMoveScreenCB (
     Widget w,
     XtPointer clientData,
     XtPointer callData)
   * Conversion completed. Safe to free param data.

  XtFree((char *)clientData);

/*=========================== PAN-HANDLING ==========================*/

 |                     WatchForWindowPanning                      |
static void
WatchForWindowPanning (Display *dsp)
  XWindowAttributes attr;
  Window rwin     = DefaultRootWindow(dsp);

  /* Watch whenever the window manager's panning position changes. */
  /* Mwm stores the position in properties on the root window.     */
  /* This is stored in the _MOTIF_WM_PAN_POSITION property.        */

  XGetWindowAttributes(dsp, rwin, &attr);

  if (! (attr.your_event_mask & PropertyChangeMask))
    XSelectInput(dsp, rwin, attr.your_event_mask | PropertyChangeMask);

 |                     HandlePropertyChange                       |
 | This routine checks the property changed and if its the right  |
 | property, grab the new panning position.                       |
static void
HandlePropertyChange (XEvent *event)
  XPropertyEvent *propEvent = (XPropertyEvent *)event;
  int             iDsp;

  /* Get the correct info record stored with the context manager. */
  if (XFindContext(propEvent->display, propEvent->window, context,

  /* check if this is the right one. Othersize, we'll update when another
   * display changes.
  if (propEvent && propEvent->atom != pInfoList[iDsp].WM_PAN_POS)

  /* if the display doesn't match the current one, then punt. */
  if (iDsp == DSP)
      if (pinnedState == VERIFIED)
	UpdatePannerView(pInfoList, iDsp);
	  Window        rWin, child;
	  int           x, y, newX, newY;
	  unsigned int  width, height, bWidth, depth;

	  /* Get position of the top-level shell */
	  XGetGeometry(pInfoList[LOCAL].display, XtWindow(pInfoList[LOCAL].shell),
		       &rWin, &x, &y, &width, &height, &bWidth, &depth);

				rWin, x, y, &newX, &newY, &child);
	  if ((newX == origX) && (newY == origY))
	    pinnedState = VERIFIED;

#ifdef X_ONLY
  LOCK = False;

/*============================ DRAWING ===========================*/

 |                         UpdatePannerView                       |
static void
UpdatePannerView (
     PannerInfoRec *pInfoList,
     int remoteDsp)
	     0, 0, 0, 0, False);


 |                          DrawWindows                           |
static void
DrawWindows (PannerInfoRec *pInfoList)
  Window        realRoot, root, parent, *child = NULL;
  int           i, x, y;
  unsigned int  childCount, width, height;
  int (*oldHandler)();

  realRoot = RootWindow(pInfoList[DSP].display,

  if (XQueryTree(pInfoList[DSP].display, realRoot,
		 &root, &parent, &child, &childCount))
       * We need to install an error handler since the window-tree may
       * become invalid while where still processing the list.
      oldHandler = XSetErrorHandler(IgnoreError);
      for (i=0; i<childCount; i++)
	  XWindowAttributes attr;
	  XGetWindowAttributes(pInfoList[DSP].display, child[i], &attr);
	  if (attr.map_state == IsViewable)
				   attr.x, attr.y, attr.width, attr.height,
				   &x, &y, &width, &height);
	      SetWindowColor (&pInfoList[LOCAL], i);
			     canvasGC, x, y, width, height);

      if (child != NULL)

 |                          DrawThumb                             |
static void
DrawThumb (PannerInfoRec *pInfo)
  XDrawRectangle(XtDisplay(pInfo->canvas), XtWindow(pInfo->canvas), thumbGC,
		 pInfo->thumbX, pInfo->thumbY,
		 pInfo->thumbW, pInfo->thumbH);

 |                       SetupColorsAndGCs                        |
 | Called once at the beginning to setup some drawing stuff.      |
static void
  int i;
  XColor color;
  Colormap cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(pInfoList[LOCAL].screen);    

   * set-up the global GCs.
  thumbGC  = GetXorGC(pInfoList[LOCAL].canvas);
  canvasGC = GetCanvasGC(pInfoList[LOCAL].canvas);

   * Allocate the global color cells for the drawing of each windows.
   * The more random the colors, the better.
  if (XAllocColorCells(pInfoList[LOCAL].display,
		       cmap, False, NULL, 0, cells, COLOR_COUNT))
    for (i=0; i<COLOR_COUNT; i++)
      { = rand() % 65535; = rand() % 65535; = rand() % 65535;
	color.pixel = cells[i];
	XStoreColor(pInfoList[LOCAL].display, cmap, &color);

 |                           GetXorGC                             |
static GC
GetXorGC (Widget w)
  GC        gc;
  XGCValues values;

  XtVaGetValues(w, XmNforeground, &values.foreground,
		XmNbackground, &values.background, NULL);
  values.foreground = values.foreground ^ values.background;
  values.function = GXxor;
  values.line_style = LineOnOffDash;

  gc = XtGetGC(w,
	       GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFunction | GCLineStyle,


 |                         GetCanvasGC                            |
static GC
GetCanvasGC (Widget w)
  GC        gc;
  XGCValues values;

  XtVaGetValues(w, XmNforeground, &values.foreground,
		XmNbackground, &values.background, NULL);
  values.foreground = values.background;
  values.function = GXcopy;

  gc = XtGetGC(w,
	       GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFunction,


 |                       SetWindowColor                           |
static void
SetWindowColor (PannerInfoRec *pInfo, int i)
  XSetForeground(pInfo->display, canvasGC, cells[(i+1)%COLOR_COUNT]);

 |                     TranslateCoordinates                       |
static void
TranslateCoordinates (
     PannerInfoRec *pInfo,
     int  x1, int  y1, unsigned int  width1, unsigned int  height1,
     int *x2, int *y2, unsigned int *width2, unsigned int *height2)
  int rootW, rootH;

  rootW = WidthOfScreen(pInfo->screen);
  rootH = HeightOfScreen(pInfo->screen);

  *x2      = x1      * (int)pInfo->thumbW / (int)rootW + pInfo->thumbX;
  *y2      = y1      * (int)pInfo->thumbH / (int)rootH + pInfo->thumbY;
  *width2  = width1  * pInfo->thumbW / rootW;
  *height2 = height1 * pInfo->thumbH / rootH;

 |                          IgnoreError                           |
static int 
IgnoreError (Display *dsp, XErrorEvent *event)
   * Do Nothing...
   * This is needed since we will may be updating the list of window
   * while one of them goes away.  Ie: the window list received from
   * XQueryTree may not be valid for the entire loop where we get each
   * window's geometry.
	return 0; 	/* make compiler happy */

/*======================= TRACKING HANDLERS ======================*/

 |                         StartTracking                          |
static void
StartTracking (
     Widget     w,
     XtPointer  clientData,
     XEvent    *event,
     Boolean   *dispatch)
  PannerInfoRec      *pInfo       = (PannerInfoRec *)clientData;
  XPointerMovedEvent *motionEvent = (XPointerMovedEvent *)event;

  if ((pinnedState == VERIFIED) && (event->xbutton.button == Button1))
      pInfo->lastEventX = event->xbutton.x;
      pInfo->lastEventY = event->xbutton.y;

      if ((event->xbutton.x < pInfo->thumbX) ||
	  (event->xbutton.y < pInfo->thumbY) ||
	  (event->xbutton.x > pInfo->thumbX + (int)pInfo->thumbW) || 
	  (event->xbutton.y > pInfo->thumbY + (int)pInfo->thumbH))
	   * if on the canvas, then center the thumb over the pointer.

		     event->xbutton.x - (int)pInfo->thumbW/2,
		     event->xbutton.y - (int)pInfo->thumbH/2,

      XtAddEventHandler(w, ButtonReleaseMask, False, StopTracking, clientData);
      XtAddEventHandler(w, Button1MotionMask, False, DoTracking,   clientData);
  else if (pinnedState != VERIFIED)
    CheckPinnedState ();

 |                          DoTracking                            |
static void
DoTracking (
     Widget w,
     XtPointer clientData,
     XEvent *event,
     Boolean *dispatch)
  PannerInfoRec      *pInfo       = (PannerInfoRec *)clientData;
  XPointerMovedEvent *motionEvent = (XPointerMovedEvent *)event;

	     pInfo->thumbX + event->xbutton.x - pInfo->lastEventX,
	     pInfo->thumbY + event->xbutton.y - pInfo->lastEventY,

  pInfo->lastEventX = event->xbutton.x;
  pInfo->lastEventY = event->xbutton.y;

 |                         StopTracking                           |
static void
StopTracking (
     Widget     w,
     XtPointer  clientData,
     XEvent    *event,
     Boolean   *dispatch)
  if (event->xbutton.button == Button1)
      XtRemoveEventHandler(w, Button1MotionMask, False, DoTracking,
      XtRemoveEventHandler(w, ButtonReleaseMask, False, StopTracking,

 |                          MoveScreen                            |
static void
MoveScreen (
     PannerInfoRec *pInfo,
     int            newX,
     int            newY,
     Time           time)
  int           dx, dy, panDx, panDy, rootW, rootH;
  XtPointer     msg, fulldata;
  unsigned long size;


  dx = newX - pInfo->thumbX;
  dy = newY - pInfo->thumbY;

  pInfo->thumbX = newX;
  pInfo->thumbY = newY;


   * Send Pan message to mwm.

  rootW = WidthOfScreen(pInfo->screen);
  rootH = HeightOfScreen(pInfo->screen);
  panDx = -(dx * rootW / (int)pInfo->thumbW);
  panDy = -(dy * rootH / (int)pInfo->thumbH);

  size  = sizeof(CARD32);  /* panDx */
  size += sizeof(CARD32);  /* panDy */
  size += sizeof(CARD8);   /* config */

  msg = fulldata = (XtPointer) XtMalloc(sizeof(CARD8) * size);

  msg = PackCARD32(msg, panDx);
  msg = PackCARD32(msg, panDy);
  msg = PackCARD8(msg, True);

#ifdef X_ONLY
    Display       *display;
    Window         window;
    Atom           MY_PANNER_PROP;

    display = XtDisplay(notebook); /* notebook just happens to be a global. */
    window = XtWindow(notebook);
    MY_PANNER_PROP = XInternAtom(display, "MY_PANNER_PROP", False);

     * Note - to really make this work across multiple displays,
     * the window argument must reside on the same display as WM_Si.

     * Use a lock to make sure the property was read by Mwm.
     * When the pan-property is updated, it's safe to make another
     * conversion.
    if (!LOCK)
	LOCK = True; /* Freed in HandlePropertyChange. */
	XChangeProperty(display, window, MY_PANNER_PROP, MY_PANNER_PROP,
			PAN_FORMAT, PropModeReplace,
			(unsigned char *)fulldata, size);

	XConvertSelection(pInfo->display, pInfo->WM, pInfo->WM_PAN,
			  window, time);
  if (! XmeNamedSink(pInfo->utmShell,	/* widget with destination callback */
		     pInfo->WM,	/* named selection - ie. Window Manager */
		     XmCOPY,		/* operation to perform on the data */
		     (XtPointer)fulldata, /* pointer to param data, */
		     time)		  /*  free n TransferDone proc. */
    printf("Error - UTM Transfer failed.\n");
#endif /* X_ONLY */

 |                      PACKING FUNCTIONS                         |

static XtPointer
PackCARD32 (XtPointer data, CARD32 val)
  CARD16 bottom = val & (0xFFFF);
  CARD16 top = val >> 16;

  data = PackCARD16(data, top);
  data = PackCARD16(data, bottom);

static XtPointer
PackCARD16 (XtPointer data, CARD16 val)
  CARD8 bottom = val & (0xFF);
  CARD8 top = val >> 8;

  data = PackCARD8(data, top);
  data = PackCARD8(data, bottom);

static XtPointer
PackCARD8 (XtPointer data, CARD8 val)
  CARD8 *ptr = (CARD8 *) data;

  *ptr = (CARD8) val;
  data = ((char*)data) + 1;

/*======================= USER INTERFACE ======================*/

 |                         CreateMenuBar                          |
static void
CreateMenuBar (Widget parent)
  Cardinal n;
  Arg args[10];
  Widget menuBar;
  Widget cascade1, cascade2, cascade3;
  Widget menuPane1, menuPane2;
  Widget b1, b2, b3;

  menuBar   = XmCreateMenuBar(parent, "menuBar", NULL, 0);

  menuPane1 = XmCreatePulldownMenu(menuBar, "menuPane1", NULL, 0);
  menuPane2 = XmCreatePulldownMenu(menuBar, "menuPane2", NULL, 0);

  b1 = XtCreateManagedWidget("b1", xmPushButtonWidgetClass, menuPane1, NULL,0);
  XtAddCallback(b1, XmNactivateCallback, MenuCB, (XtPointer)MENU_QUIT);

  b2 = XtCreateManagedWidget("b2", xmPushButtonWidgetClass, menuPane2, NULL,0);
  XtAddCallback(b2, XmNactivateCallback, MenuCB, (XtPointer)MENU_UPDATE);

  b3 = XtCreateManagedWidget("b3", xmPushButtonWidgetClass, menuPane2, NULL,0);
  XtAddCallback(b3, XmNactivateCallback, MenuCB, (XtPointer)MENU_NEW);

  n = 0;
  XtSetArg(args[n], XmNsubMenuId, menuPane1);  n++;
  cascade1 = XmCreateCascadeButton(menuBar, "cascade1", args, n);

  n = 0;
  XtSetArg(args[n], XmNsubMenuId, menuPane2);  n++;
  cascade2 = XmCreateCascadeButton(menuBar, "cascade2", args, n);

  n = 0;
  cascade3 = XmCreateCascadeButton(menuBar, "cascade3", args, n);
  XtAddCallback(cascade3, XmNactivateCallback, MenuCB, (XtPointer)MENU_HELP);

  n = 0;
  XtSetArg(args[n], XmNmenuHelpWidget, cascade3);  n++;
  XtSetValues(menuBar, args, n);


 |                             MenuCB                             |
static void
MenuCB (Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer callData) 

  switch ((long)clientData)
    case MENU_UPDATE: DoUpdatePanner();  break;
    case MENU_NEW:    DoAddDisplay();    break;
    case MENU_QUIT:   DoQuit();          break;
    case MENU_HELP:   DoHelp();          break;

 |                         DoUpdatePanner                         |
static void
DoUpdatePanner ()
	     0, 0, 0, 0, False);


 |                          DoAddDisplay                          |
static void
DoAddDisplay ()
  static Widget dlog = NULL;
  Arg           args[3];
  int           n;

  if (dlog == NULL)
      n = 0;
      XtSetArg(args[n], XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_FULL_APPLICATION_MODAL); n++;
      dlog = XmCreatePromptDialog(pInfoList[LOCAL].shell, "promptDlog",
				  args, n);

      XtAddCallback(dlog, XmNokCallback, DoAddDisplayCB, pInfoList);
      XtUnmanageChild( XmSelectionBoxGetChild (dlog, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON) );

 |                              DoHelp                            |
static void
DoHelp ()
  static Widget dlog = NULL;
  Arg           args[3];
  int           n;

  if (dlog == NULL)
      dlog = XmCreateInformationDialog(pInfoList[LOCAL].shell, "messageDlog",
					NULL, 0);
      XtUnmanageChild( XmMessageBoxGetChild (dlog, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON) );
      XtUnmanageChild( XmMessageBoxGetChild (dlog, XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON) );


 |                              DoQuit                            |
static void
DoQuit ()
  XSync (pInfoList[LOCAL].display, False);
  XCloseDisplay (pInfoList[LOCAL].display);


 |                         GetTimeStamp                           |
GetTimestamp (Display *dsp)
  XEvent            event;
  XWindowAttributes attr;
  Atom   timeProp = XInternAtom(dsp, "_MOTIF_CURRENT_TIME", False);
  Window rwin     = DefaultRootWindow(dsp);

  XGetWindowAttributes(dsp, rwin, &attr);

  if (! (attr.your_event_mask & PropertyChangeMask))
    XSelectInput(dsp, rwin, attr.your_event_mask | PropertyChangeMask);
  XChangeProperty(dsp, rwin, timeProp, timeProp, 8, PropModeAppend, NULL, 0);
  XWindowEvent(dsp, rwin, PropertyChangeMask, &event);
  if (! (attr.your_event_mask & PropertyChangeMask))
    XSelectInput(dsp, rwin, attr.your_event_mask);

 |                      CheckPinnedState                          |
static void CheckPinnedState ()
  static int    panDx=0, panDy=-1;
  XtPointer     msg, fulldata;
  unsigned long size;
  Window        rWin, child;
  int           x, y;
  unsigned int  width, height, bWidth, depth;
  Time          time = GetTimestamp(pInfoList[LOCAL].display);

  if (pinnedState == VERIFIED)

  panDy = -panDy;

  pinnedState = VERIFYING;

  /* Get position of the top-level shell */
  XGetGeometry(pInfoList[LOCAL].display, XtWindow(pInfoList[LOCAL].shell),
	       &rWin, &x, &y, &width, &height, &bWidth, &depth);

  XTranslateCoordinates(pInfoList[LOCAL].display, XtWindow(pInfoList[LOCAL].shell),
			rWin, x, y, &origX, &origY, &child);
  size  = sizeof(CARD32);  /* panDx */
  size += sizeof(CARD32);  /* panDy */
  size += sizeof(CARD8);   /* config */

  msg = fulldata = (XtPointer) XtMalloc(sizeof(CARD8) * size);

  msg = PackCARD32(msg, panDx);
  msg = PackCARD32(msg, panDy);
  msg = PackCARD8(msg, True);

  if (! XmeNamedSink(pInfoList[LOCAL].utmShell,
    printf("Error - UTM Transfer failed.\n");

 |                      ShowPinStateWarning                       |
static void
ShowPinStateWarning ()
  static Widget dlog = NULL;
  Arg           args[3];
  int           n;

  if (dlog == NULL)
      dlog = XmCreateWarningDialog(pInfoList[LOCAL].shell, "warningDlog",
					NULL, 0);
      XtUnmanageChild( XmMessageBoxGetChild (dlog, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON) );
      XtUnmanageChild( XmMessageBoxGetChild (dlog, XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON) );


 |                       HandleInitialExpose                      |
static void
HandleInitialExpose (
     Widget w,
     XtPointer clientData,
     XEvent *event,
     Boolean *cont)
  XtRemoveEventHandler(w, ExposureMask, False, HandleInitialExpose, NULL);