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/* $XConsortium: README /main/3 1996/07/15 14:04:13 drk $ */

This demo is pretty much the "more" program Motif-ied and internationalized.
You can view files in your language !

This demo only works if your Operating System supports setlocale()
and Xlib supports the same locale as your OS.

The program MUST be executed through the sh script "xmfile"
This script is a Korn Shell script currently running on 
	ULTRIX 4.1 or ULTRIX 4.2 
	HPUX 8.05 

You may have to do some work for running on your OS and your shell.

Steps to follow:

	1) Check your Operating System Reference Manual for supported locales
	(usually "man setlocale") to know your locale names.

	2) Edit the xmfile script. The script contains association
	between languages and locales names
	For example if you want to run in French, and the name
	of the french locale on your system is FROG_REDMEAT
	1) make sure that the variable $sysname contains
		the name of your OS
	2) add a case in the case statement for french under your OS
		that sets the LANG variable


	3) The UID files are searched in the directory named with
	the language name.

	4) If you want to add a new language
	add a case branch for the language.
	create a directory of that name. Go into this directory.
	Create adequate X resource files and uil files.
	compile the uil file 

	5) Come back to the xmfile directory
	Execute "xmfile language".
	where "language" is one the arguments listed in the script
		: french, english, german.

	Of course you may only view files in the specified language

	If you execute "xmfile" with no argument, 
		the default language is French.

After the program has started:

Allow a user to view files in separate windows.
There is one top level shell created per file opened.
The first top level shell created (application shell) is called
the Primary shell. Others are Secondary.

Each top level shell is parent of a Main Window, the work area
of which is a PanedWindow.
The menu bar has entries
	File for opening/closing file, exiting
	View for controlling the panes in the pane window

The File menu contains commands Open, and Exit or Close
In the primary shell, Exit exits the client
In the secondaries, Close closes the shell

The Open menu:
 	On selecting Open/File in the menu bar, a file selection box
	is mapped to choose the file.

	If OpenFile is successful, close first the current file opened, 
      destroy all existing panes, and display the new file.

 	Close: this entry only exists on the secondary windows.
	It destroys the top level shell and closes the file.
	Exit: this entry only exists on the primary shell
	 closes the file and the shell.

The View menu:
	New Pane: Creates a new pane in the paned window
	Delete Pane: delete the current pane.
	Search: pops a dialogue box for searching text in the file
	On the OK callback of the dialogue box
		search the string.
		if found show in current pane
		else pop up dialogue box again.