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/* $XConsortium: README /main/4 1996/07/15 14:14:02 drk $ */

There are 2 different kinds of tests in this directory:

1. For testing display of text using different Locale, through the i18n1 script

   The i18n1 script should be run using the following syntax:

       i18n1 <locale-name> <test_case>

       where locale-name can be one of the following:
			 american, french, hebrew, japanese, japanese.euc

			 It is used to define the LANG environment variable,
			 which is system dependent. So you will have to modify
			 the script if it does not support your operating

             test_case can be a or b. 

		         a is just displaying text.
			 b is also doing a conversion of the text value of
                           Text1 to wide char and displays it in Text2.

2. For testing Input Method.

   InputMethod1 is testing shared Input Context, between a ScrolledText, a Text
		and a TextField.

   InputMethod2 is testing per widget Input Contexts.

   These tests can be run using the following -u options:

	 a for trying to get connected to an OVER_THE_SPOT Input Method,
	 b for an OFF_THE_SPOT Input Method,
	 c for a ROOT Input Method.