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/* $XConsortium: README /main/3 1996/07/15 14:15:53 drk $ */
There is 3 tests in that directory. 

	PerfCntnr1: Creates a 3 level depth outline layout.
	PerfCntnr2: Creates a binary tree outline layout.
	PerfCntnr3: Creates a spatial layout.

Before running these tests:

 	setenv XFILESEARCHPATH ./PerfCntnr.defaults

To run them:
	PerfCntnr1 : create a large icon view Container in an outline layout
		     type with 700 icon gadgets.
	             The Container is in a scrolled window.

	PerfCntnr1 -u noscroll : 
		     create a large icon view Container in an outline layout
		     type with 700 icon gadgets.

	PerfCntnr1 -u nnn :
		     create a large icon view Container in an outline layout 
  		     type with nnn icon gadgets (max is 700).
		     The Container is in a scrolled window.

Same for PerfCntnr2, but in this test the max number of IconGadgets cannot 
exceed 500.

Same for PerfCntnr3, but in this test the max number of IconGadgets is

If you are getting the following XError:
   X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
   Major opcode of failed request:  1 (X_CreateWindow)
you need to run the test with a smaller number of icon gadgets.


For measuring the startup time, these tests should be run in Manual mode, 
with any of the following options:

     -s for measuring the startup time 
     -z for measuring the startup time then exiting.


In Automation mode, the tests will gather some measurements that you will find
in the <test>.prt file.

PerfCntnr2 is measuring:

	   o Scrolling down to the end using the down arrow
	   o Scrolling back to the top using the up arrow
	   o Scrolling down one increment using the down arrow
	   o Scrolling up one increment using the up arrow
	   o Scrolling down to the end using the slider
	   o Scrolling back to the top using the slider
	   o Iconifying/deiconifying the window
	   o Collapsing/Expanding the first node (having 500 children)
	   o Resizing the window larger
	   o Resizing the window back

PerfCntnr3 is measuring:

	   o Scrolling vertically to the end using the down arrow
	   o Scrolling vertically to the top using the up arrow
	   o Scrolling vertically to the end using the slider
	   o Scrolling vertically to the top using the slider
	   o Scrolling horizontally to the end using the right arrow
	   o Scrolling horizontally to the beginning using the left arrow
	   o Scrolling horizontally to the end using the slider
	   o Scrolling horizontally to the beginning using the slider
	   o Iconifying/deiconifying the window
	   o Resizing the window larger
	   o Resizing the window back
	   o Resizing the window to show one more row
	   o Resizing the window to show one more column