Blob Blame History Raw
//                           **** WAVPACK ****                            //
//                  Hybrid Lossless Wavefile Compressor                   //
//                Copyright (c) 1998 - 2016 David Bryant.                 //
//                          All Rights Reserved.                          //
//      Distributed under the BSD Software License (see license.txt)      //

// wave64.c

// This module is a helper to the WavPack command-line programs to support Sony's
// Wave64 WAV file varient. Note that unlike the WAV/RF64 version, this does not
// fall back to conventional WAV in the < 4GB case.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include "wavpack.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "md5.h"

typedef struct {
    char ckID [16];
    int64_t ckSize;
    char formType [16];
} Wave64FileHeader;

typedef struct {
    char ckID [16];
    int64_t ckSize;
} Wave64ChunkHeader;

#define Wave64ChunkHeaderFormat "88D"

static const unsigned char riff_guid [16] = { 'r','i','f','f', 0x2e,0x91,0xcf,0x11,0xa5,0xd6,0x28,0xdb,0x04,0xc1,0x00,0x00 };
static const unsigned char wave_guid [16] = { 'w','a','v','e', 0xf3,0xac,0xd3,0x11,0x8c,0xd1,0x00,0xc0,0x4f,0x8e,0xdb,0x8a };
static const unsigned char  fmt_guid [16] = { 'f','m','t',' ', 0xf3,0xac,0xd3,0x11,0x8c,0xd1,0x00,0xc0,0x4f,0x8e,0xdb,0x8a };
static const unsigned char data_guid [16] = { 'd','a','t','a', 0xf3,0xac,0xd3,0x11,0x8c,0xd1,0x00,0xc0,0x4f,0x8e,0xdb,0x8a };

#define WAVPACK_NO_ERROR    0

extern int debug_logging_mode;

int ParseWave64HeaderConfig (FILE *infile, char *infilename, char *fourcc, WavpackContext *wpc, WavpackConfig *config)
    int64_t total_samples = 0, infilesize;
    Wave64ChunkHeader chunk_header;
    Wave64FileHeader filehdr;
    WaveHeader WaveHeader;
    uint32_t bcount;

    infilesize = DoGetFileSize (infile);
    memcpy (&filehdr, fourcc, 4);

    if (!DoReadFile (infile, ((char *) &filehdr) + 4, sizeof (Wave64FileHeader) - 4, &bcount) ||
        bcount != sizeof (Wave64FileHeader) - 4 || memcmp (filehdr.ckID, riff_guid, sizeof (riff_guid)) ||
        memcmp (filehdr.formType, wave_guid, sizeof (wave_guid))) {
            error_line ("%s is not a valid .W64 file!", infilename);
            return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;
    else if (!(config->qmode & QMODE_NO_STORE_WRAPPER) &&
        !WavpackAddWrapper (wpc, &filehdr, sizeof (filehdr))) {
            error_line ("%s", WavpackGetErrorMessage (wpc));
            return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;

#if 1   // this might be a little too picky...
    WavpackLittleEndianToNative (&filehdr, Wave64ChunkHeaderFormat);

    if (infilesize && !(config->qmode & QMODE_IGNORE_LENGTH) &&
        filehdr.ckSize && filehdr.ckSize + 1 && filehdr.ckSize != infilesize) {
            error_line ("%s is not a valid .W64 file!", infilename);
            return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;

    // loop through all elements of the wave64 header
    // (until the data chuck) and copy them to the output file

    while (1) {
        if (!DoReadFile (infile, &chunk_header, sizeof (Wave64ChunkHeader), &bcount) ||
            bcount != sizeof (Wave64ChunkHeader)) {
                error_line ("%s is not a valid .W64 file!", infilename);
                return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;
        else if (!(config->qmode & QMODE_NO_STORE_WRAPPER) &&
            !WavpackAddWrapper (wpc, &chunk_header, sizeof (Wave64ChunkHeader))) {
                error_line ("%s", WavpackGetErrorMessage (wpc));
                return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;

        WavpackLittleEndianToNative (&chunk_header, Wave64ChunkHeaderFormat);
        chunk_header.ckSize -= sizeof (chunk_header);

        // if it's the format chunk, we want to get some info out of there and
        // make sure it's a .wav file we can handle

        if (!memcmp (chunk_header.ckID, fmt_guid, sizeof (fmt_guid))) {
            int supported = TRUE, format;

            chunk_header.ckSize = (chunk_header.ckSize + 7) & ~7L;

            if (chunk_header.ckSize < 16 || chunk_header.ckSize > sizeof (WaveHeader) ||
                !DoReadFile (infile, &WaveHeader, (uint32_t) chunk_header.ckSize, &bcount) ||
                bcount != chunk_header.ckSize) {
                    error_line ("%s is not a valid .W64 file!", infilename);
                    return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;
            else if (!(config->qmode & QMODE_NO_STORE_WRAPPER) &&
                !WavpackAddWrapper (wpc, &WaveHeader, (uint32_t) chunk_header.ckSize)) {
                    error_line ("%s", WavpackGetErrorMessage (wpc));
                    return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;

            WavpackLittleEndianToNative (&WaveHeader, WaveHeaderFormat);

            if (debug_logging_mode) {
                error_line ("format tag size = %d", chunk_header.ckSize);
                error_line ("FormatTag = %x, NumChannels = %d, BitsPerSample = %d",
                    WaveHeader.FormatTag, WaveHeader.NumChannels, WaveHeader.BitsPerSample);
                error_line ("BlockAlign = %d, SampleRate = %d, BytesPerSecond = %d",
                    WaveHeader.BlockAlign, WaveHeader.SampleRate, WaveHeader.BytesPerSecond);

                if (chunk_header.ckSize > 16)
                    error_line ("cbSize = %d, ValidBitsPerSample = %d", WaveHeader.cbSize,

                if (chunk_header.ckSize > 20)
                    error_line ("ChannelMask = %x, SubFormat = %d",
                        WaveHeader.ChannelMask, WaveHeader.SubFormat);

            if (chunk_header.ckSize > 16 && WaveHeader.cbSize == 2)
                config->qmode |= QMODE_ADOBE_MODE;

            format = (WaveHeader.FormatTag == 0xfffe && chunk_header.ckSize == 40) ?
                WaveHeader.SubFormat : WaveHeader.FormatTag;

            config->bits_per_sample = (chunk_header.ckSize == 40 && WaveHeader.ValidBitsPerSample) ?
                WaveHeader.ValidBitsPerSample : WaveHeader.BitsPerSample;

            if (format != 1 && format != 3)
                supported = FALSE;

            if (format == 3 && config->bits_per_sample != 32)
                supported = FALSE;

            if (!WaveHeader.NumChannels || WaveHeader.NumChannels > 256 ||
                WaveHeader.BlockAlign / WaveHeader.NumChannels < (config->bits_per_sample + 7) / 8 ||
                WaveHeader.BlockAlign / WaveHeader.NumChannels > 4 ||
                WaveHeader.BlockAlign % WaveHeader.NumChannels)
                    supported = FALSE;

            if (config->bits_per_sample < 1 || config->bits_per_sample > 32)
                supported = FALSE;

            if (!supported) {
                error_line ("%s is an unsupported .W64 format!", infilename);
                return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;

            if (chunk_header.ckSize < 40) {
                if (!config->channel_mask && !(config->qmode & QMODE_CHANS_UNASSIGNED)) {
                    if (WaveHeader.NumChannels <= 2)
                        config->channel_mask = 0x5 - WaveHeader.NumChannels;
                    else if (WaveHeader.NumChannels <= 18)
                        config->channel_mask = (1 << WaveHeader.NumChannels) - 1;
                        config->channel_mask = 0x3ffff;
            else if (WaveHeader.ChannelMask && (config->channel_mask || (config->qmode & QMODE_CHANS_UNASSIGNED))) {
                error_line ("this W64 file already has channel order information!");
                return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;
            else if (WaveHeader.ChannelMask)
                config->channel_mask = WaveHeader.ChannelMask;

            if (format == 3)
                config->float_norm_exp = 127;
            else if ((config->qmode & QMODE_ADOBE_MODE) &&
                WaveHeader.BlockAlign / WaveHeader.NumChannels == 4) {
                    if (WaveHeader.BitsPerSample == 24)
                        config->float_norm_exp = 127 + 23;
                    else if (WaveHeader.BitsPerSample == 32)
                        config->float_norm_exp = 127 + 15;

            if (debug_logging_mode) {
                if (config->float_norm_exp == 127)
                    error_line ("data format: normalized 32-bit floating point");
                    error_line ("data format: %d-bit integers stored in %d byte(s)",
                        config->bits_per_sample, WaveHeader.BlockAlign / WaveHeader.NumChannels);
        else if (!memcmp (chunk_header.ckID, data_guid, sizeof (data_guid))) { // on the data chunk, get size and exit loop

            if (!WaveHeader.NumChannels) {          // make sure we saw "fmt" chunk
                error_line ("%s is not a valid .W64 file!", infilename);
                return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;

            if ((config->qmode & QMODE_IGNORE_LENGTH) || chunk_header.ckSize <= 0) {
                config->qmode |= QMODE_IGNORE_LENGTH;

                if (infilesize && DoGetFilePosition (infile) != -1)
                    total_samples = (infilesize - DoGetFilePosition (infile)) / WaveHeader.BlockAlign;
                    total_samples = -1;
            else {
                if (infilesize && infilesize - chunk_header.ckSize > 16777216) {
                    error_line ("this .W64 file has over 16 MB of extra RIFF data, probably is corrupt!");
                    return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;

                total_samples = chunk_header.ckSize / WaveHeader.BlockAlign;

                if (!total_samples) {
                    error_line ("this .W64 file has no audio samples, probably is corrupt!");
                    return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;

                if (total_samples > MAX_WAVPACK_SAMPLES) {
                    error_line ("%s has too many samples for WavPack!", infilename);
                    return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;

            config->bytes_per_sample = WaveHeader.BlockAlign / WaveHeader.NumChannels;
            config->num_channels = WaveHeader.NumChannels;
            config->sample_rate = WaveHeader.SampleRate;
        else {          // just copy unknown chunks to output file
            int bytes_to_copy = (chunk_header.ckSize + 7) & ~7L;
            char *buff = malloc (bytes_to_copy);

            if (debug_logging_mode)
                error_line ("extra unknown chunk \"%c%c%c%c\" of %d bytes",
                    chunk_header.ckID [0], chunk_header.ckID [1], chunk_header.ckID [2],
                    chunk_header.ckID [3], chunk_header.ckSize);

            if (!DoReadFile (infile, buff, bytes_to_copy, &bcount) ||
                bcount != bytes_to_copy ||
                (!(config->qmode & QMODE_NO_STORE_WRAPPER) &&
                !WavpackAddWrapper (wpc, buff, bytes_to_copy))) {
                    error_line ("%s", WavpackGetErrorMessage (wpc));
                    free (buff);
                    return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;

            free (buff);

    if (!WavpackSetConfiguration64 (wpc, config, total_samples, NULL)) {
        error_line ("%s: %s", infilename, WavpackGetErrorMessage (wpc));
        return WAVPACK_SOFT_ERROR;

    return WAVPACK_NO_ERROR;

int WriteWave64Header (FILE *outfile, WavpackContext *wpc, int64_t total_samples, int qmode)
    Wave64ChunkHeader datahdr, fmthdr;
    Wave64FileHeader filehdr;
    WaveHeader wavhdr;
    uint32_t bcount;

    int64_t total_data_bytes, total_file_bytes;
    int num_channels = WavpackGetNumChannels (wpc);
    int32_t channel_mask = WavpackGetChannelMask (wpc);
    int32_t sample_rate = WavpackGetSampleRate (wpc);
    int bytes_per_sample = WavpackGetBytesPerSample (wpc);
    int bits_per_sample = WavpackGetBitsPerSample (wpc);
    int format = WavpackGetFloatNormExp (wpc) ? 3 : 1;
    int wavhdrsize = 16;

    if (format == 3 && WavpackGetFloatNormExp (wpc) != 127) {
        error_line ("can't create valid Wave64 header for non-normalized floating data!");
        return FALSE;

    if (total_samples == -1)
        total_samples = 0x7ffff000 / (bytes_per_sample * num_channels);

    total_data_bytes = total_samples * bytes_per_sample * num_channels;
    CLEAR (wavhdr);

    wavhdr.FormatTag = format;
    wavhdr.NumChannels = num_channels;
    wavhdr.SampleRate = sample_rate;
    wavhdr.BytesPerSecond = sample_rate * num_channels * bytes_per_sample;
    wavhdr.BlockAlign = bytes_per_sample * num_channels;
    wavhdr.BitsPerSample = bits_per_sample;

    if (num_channels > 2 || channel_mask != 0x5 - num_channels) {
        wavhdrsize = sizeof (wavhdr);
        wavhdr.cbSize = 22;
        wavhdr.ValidBitsPerSample = bits_per_sample;
        wavhdr.SubFormat = format;
        wavhdr.ChannelMask = channel_mask;
        wavhdr.FormatTag = 0xfffe;
        wavhdr.BitsPerSample = bytes_per_sample * 8;
        wavhdr.GUID [4] = 0x10;
        wavhdr.GUID [6] = 0x80;
        wavhdr.GUID [9] = 0xaa;
        wavhdr.GUID [11] = 0x38;
        wavhdr.GUID [12] = 0x9b;
        wavhdr.GUID [13] = 0x71;

    total_file_bytes = sizeof (filehdr) + sizeof (fmthdr) + wavhdrsize + sizeof (datahdr) + ((total_data_bytes + 7) & ~(int64_t)7);

    memcpy (filehdr.ckID, riff_guid, sizeof (riff_guid));
    memcpy (filehdr.formType, wave_guid, sizeof (wave_guid));
    filehdr.ckSize = total_file_bytes;

    memcpy (fmthdr.ckID, fmt_guid, sizeof (fmt_guid));
    fmthdr.ckSize = sizeof (fmthdr) + wavhdrsize;

    memcpy (datahdr.ckID, data_guid, sizeof (data_guid));
    datahdr.ckSize = total_data_bytes + sizeof (datahdr);

    // write the RIFF chunks up to just before the data starts

    WavpackNativeToLittleEndian (&filehdr, Wave64ChunkHeaderFormat);
    WavpackNativeToLittleEndian (&fmthdr, Wave64ChunkHeaderFormat);
    WavpackNativeToLittleEndian (&wavhdr, WaveHeaderFormat);
    WavpackNativeToLittleEndian (&datahdr, Wave64ChunkHeaderFormat);

    if (!DoWriteFile (outfile, &filehdr, sizeof (filehdr), &bcount) || bcount != sizeof (filehdr) ||
        !DoWriteFile (outfile, &fmthdr, sizeof (fmthdr), &bcount) || bcount != sizeof (fmthdr) ||
        !DoWriteFile (outfile, &wavhdr, wavhdrsize, &bcount) || bcount != wavhdrsize ||
        !DoWriteFile (outfile, &datahdr, sizeof (datahdr), &bcount) || bcount != sizeof (datahdr)) {
            error_line ("can't write .W64 data, disk probably full!");
            return FALSE;

    return TRUE;