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<refentry id="orc-concepts" revision="29 may 2009">
<refentrytitle>Orc Concepts</refentrytitle>

<refname>Orc Concepts</refname>
High-level view of what Orc does.

<title>Orc Concepts</title>

    Orc is a compiler for a simple assembly-like language.  Unlike
    most compilers, Orc is primarily a library, which means that
    all its features can be controlled from any application that
    uses it.  Also unlike most compilers, Orc creates code that
    can be immediately exectued by the application.

    Orc is mainly useful for generating code that performs simple
    mathematical operations on continguous arrays.  An example Orc
    function, translated to C, might look like:

      void function (int *dest, int *src1, int *src2, int n)
        int i;
	for (i = 0; i &lt; n; i++) {
	  dest[i] = (src1[i] + src2[i] + 1) >> 1;


    Orc is primarily targetted toward generating code for vector
    CPU extensions such as SSE, Altivec, and NEON.

    Possible usage patterns:

    The application generates Orc code programmatically.
    Generate Orc programs programmatically at runtime, compile at
    runtime, and execute.  This is what many of the Orc test programs
    do, and is the most flexible and well-developed method at this
    time.  This requires depending on the Orc library at runtime.

    The application developer uses Orc to produce assembly source
    code that is then compiled into the application.  This requires
    the developer to have Orc installed at build time.  The advantage
    of this method is no Orc dependency at runtime.  Disadvantages
    are a more complex build process, potential for compiler
    incompatibilities with generated assembly source code, and any
    Orc improvements require the application to be recompiled.

    The application developer writes Orc source files, and compiles
    them into Orc bytecode to be included in the application.  At
    runtime, Orc compiles the bytecode into executable code.  This
    has the advantage of being easily editable.  This method is
    still somewhat experimental.

    A wide variety of additional workflows are possible, although
    tools are not yet available to make it convenient.





  The OrcProgram is the primary object that applications use when
  using Orc to create code.  It contains all the information related to
  what is essentially a function definition in C.  Orc programs can
  be compiled into assembly source code, or directly into binary code
  that can be executed as part of the running process.  On CPUs that
  are not supported, programs can also be executed via emulation.  Orc
  programs can also be compiled into C source code.

  A program contains one or more instructions and operates on one or
  more source and destination arrays, and may use scalar parameters.
  When compiled and executed, or emulated, the instructions define
  the operations performed on each source array member, and the results
  are placed in the destination array.  Another way of thinking about
  it is that the compiler generates code that iterates over the
  destination array, calculating the value of each members based on
  the program instructions and the corresponding values in the source
  arrays and scalar parameters.

  The form of programs is strictly limited so that they may be compiled
  into vector instructions effectively.  It is anticipated that future
  versions of Orc will allow more complex programs.

  The arrays that Orc programs operate on must be contiguous.

  Some example operations are "addw" which adds two 16-bit integers,
  "convsbw" which converts a signed byte to a signed 16-bit integer,
  and "minul" which selects the lesser of two 32-bit unsigned
  integers.  Orc only checks that the size of the operand matches
  the size of the variable.  Thus, the compiler will not warn against
  using "minul" with signed 32-bit integers, because it does not know
  that the variables are signed or unsigned.

  Orc has a main set of opcodes, that is, an OrcOpcodeSet, with the
  name "sys".  These opcodes are always available.  They cover most
  common arithmetic and conversion instructions for 8, 16, and 32-bit
  integers.  There are two auxiliary libraries that provide additional
  opcode sets, the liborc-float library that contains the "float"
  opcode set for 32 and 64-bit floating point operations, and the
  liborc-pixel library containing the "pixel" opcode set for operations
  on 32-bit RGBA pixels.  

  Orc programs are compiled using the function orc_program_compile().
  The compiled code will be targetted for the current processor, which
  is useful for compiling code that will be immediately executed.
  Compiling for other processor families or processor family variants,
  in order to produce assembly source code, can be accomplished using
  one of the orc_program_compile variants.

  Once an Orc program is compiled, it can be executed by creating
  an OrcExecutor structure, linking it to the program to be executed,
  setting the arrays and parameters, and setting the iteration count.
  Orc executors are the equivalent of stack frames in a called function
  in normal C code.  However, all Orc programs use the same OrcExecutor
  structure, which makes code that manipulates executors simpler in
  respect to those that manipulate stack frames.  Executors can be

  An OrcTarget represents a particular instruction set or CPU family
  for which code can be generated.  Current targets include MMX, SSE,
  Altivec, NEON, and ARM.  There is also a special target that generates C
  source code, but is not capable of producing executable code at
  runtime.  In most cases, the default target is the most appropriate
  target for the current CPU.

  Individual Orc targets may have various options that control code
  generation for that target.  For example, the various CPUs handled
  by the SSE target have different subsets of SSE instructions that
  are supported.  The target flags for SSE enable generation of the
  different subsets of SSE instructions.

  In order to produce target code, the Orc compiler finds an appropriate
  OrcRule to translate the instruction to target code.  An OrcRuleSet
  is an array of rules that all have the required target flags, and
  a target may have one or more rule sets that can be enabled or
  disabled based on the target flags.  In many cases, Orc instructions
  can be translated into one or two target instructions, which generates
  fast code.  In other cases, the CPU indicated by the target and target
  flags does not have a fast method of performing the Orc instruction,
  and a slower method is chosen.  This is indicated in the value returned
  by the compiling function call.  In yet other cases, there is no
  implemented rule to translate an Orc instruction to target code, so
  compilation fails.

  Compilation can fail for one of two main reasons.  One reason is that
  the compiler was unable to parse the correct meaning, such as an
  unknown opcode, undeclared variable, or a size mismatch.  These are
  uncorrectible errors, and the program cannot be executed or emulated.
  The other reason for a compilation failure is that target code could
  not be generated for a variety of reasons, including missing rules
  or unimplemented features.  In this case, the program can be emulated.
  This process occurs automatically.

  Emulation is generally slower than corresponding C code.  Since the
  Orc compiler can produce C source code, it is possible to generate
  and compile backup C code for programs.  This process is not yet


<title>Extending Orc</title>

  Developers can extend Orc primarily by adding new opcode sets, adding
  new targets, and by adding new target rules.

  Additional opcode sets can be created and registered in a manner
  similar to how the liborc-float and liborc-pixel libraries.  In order
  to make full use of new opcode sets, one must also define rules for
  translating these opcodes into target code.  The example libraries
  do this by registering rule sets for various targets (mainly SSE)
  for their opcode sets.  Orc provides low-level API for generating
  target code.  Not all possible target instructions can be generated
  with the target API, so developers may need to modify and add
  functions to the main Orc library as necessary to generate target

