Meanwhile - Unofficial Lotus Sametime Community Client Library
Copyright (C) 2004 Christopher (siege) O'Brien
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
@file socket.c
This file is a simple demonstration of using unix socket code to
connect a mwSession to a sametime server and get it fully logged
in. It doesn't do anything after logging in.
Here you'll find examples of:
- opening a socket to the host
- using the socket to feed data to the session
- using a session handler to allow the session to write data to the
- using a session handler to allow the session to close the socket
- watching for error conditions on read/write
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <mw_common.h>
#include <mw_session.h>
/** help text if you don't give the right number of arguments */
#define HELP \
"Meanwhile sample socket client\n" \
"Usage: %s server userid password\n" \
"\n" \
"Connects to a sametime server and logs in with the supplied user ID\n" \
"and password. Doesn't actually do anything useful after that.\n\n"
/** how much to read from the socket in a single call */
#define BUF_LEN 2048
/* client data should be put into a structure and associated with the
session. Then it will be available from the many call-backs
handling events from the session */
struct sample_client {
struct mwSession *session; /* the actual meanwhile session */
int sock; /* the socket connecting to the server */
int sock_event; /* glib event id polling the socket */
/* the io_close function from the session handler */
static void mw_session_io_close(struct mwSession *session) {
struct sample_client *client;
/* get the client data from the session */
client = mwSession_getClientData(session);
/* safety check */
g_return_if_fail(client != NULL);
/* if the client still has a socket to be closed, close it */
if(client->sock) {
client->sock = 0;
client->sock_event = 0;
/* the io_write function from the session handler */
static int mw_session_io_write(struct mwSession *session,
const guchar *buf, gsize len) {
struct sample_client *client;
int ret = 0;
/* get the client data from the session */
client = mwSession_getClientData(session);
/* safety check */
g_return_val_if_fail(client != NULL, -1);
/* socket was already closed, so we can't possibly write to it */
if(client->sock == 0) return -1;
/* write out the data to the socket until it's all gone */
while(len) {
ret = write(client->sock, buf, len);
if(ret <= 0) break;
len -= ret;
/* if for some reason we couldn't finish writing all the data, there
must have been a problem */
if(len > 0) {
/* stop watching the socket */
/* close the socket */
/* remove traces of socket from client */
client->sock = 0;
client->sock_event = 0;
/* return error code */
return -1;
/* return success code */
return 0;
/* the on_stateChange function from the session handler */
static void mw_session_stateChange(struct mwSession *session,
enum mwSessionState state,
gpointer info) {
if(state == mwSession_STARTED) {
/* at this point the session is all ready to go. */
printf("session fully started\n");
/* the session handler structure is where you should indicate what
functions will perform many of the functions necessary for the
session to operate. Among these, only io_write and io_close are
absolutely required. */
static struct mwSessionHandler mw_session_handler = {
.io_write = mw_session_io_write, /**< handle session to socket */
.io_close = mw_session_io_close, /**< handle session closing socket */
.clear = NULL, /**< cleanup function */
.on_stateChange = mw_session_stateChange, /**< session status changed */
.on_setPrivacyInfo = NULL, /**< received privacy information */
.on_setUserStatus = NULL, /**< received status information */
.on_admin = NULL, /**< received an admin message */
/** called from read_cb, attempts to read available data from sock and
pass it to the session. Returns zero when the socket has been
closed, less-than zero in the event of an error, and greater than
zero for success */
static int read_recv(struct mwSession *session, int sock) {
guchar buf[BUF_LEN];
int len;
len = read(sock, buf, BUF_LEN);
if(len > 0) mwSession_recv(session, buf, len);
return len;
/** callback registerd via g_io_add_watch in main, watches the socket
for available data to be processed by the session */
static gboolean read_cb(GIOChannel *chan,
GIOCondition cond,
gpointer data) {
struct sample_client *client = data;
int ret = 0;
if(cond & G_IO_IN) {
ret = read_recv(client->session, client->sock);
/* successful operation ends here, as the read_recv function
should only return sero or lower in the event of a disconnect
or error */
if(ret > 0) return TRUE;
/* read problem occured if we're here, so we'll need to take care of
it and clean up internal state */
if(client->sock) {
/* stop watching the socket */
/* close it */
/* don't reference the socket or its event now that they're gone */
client->sock = 0;
client->sock_event = 0;
return FALSE;
/* address lookup used by init_sock */
static void init_sockaddr(struct sockaddr_in *addr,
const char *host, int port) {
struct hostent *hostinfo;
addr->sin_family = AF_INET;
addr->sin_port = htons (port);
hostinfo = gethostbyname(host);
if(hostinfo == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown host %s.\n", host);
addr->sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *) hostinfo->h_addr;
/* open and return a network socket fd connected to host:port */
static int init_sock(const char *host, int port) {
struct sockaddr_in srvrname;
int sock;
sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if(sock < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "socket failure");
init_sockaddr(&srvrname, host, port);
connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&srvrname, sizeof(srvrname));
return sock;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
/* the meanwhile session itself */
struct mwSession *session;
/* client program data */
struct sample_client *client;
/* something glib uses to watch the socket for available data */
GIOChannel *io_chan;
/* specify host, user, pass on the command line */
if(argc != 4) {
fprintf(stderr, HELP, *argv);
return 1;
/* create the session and set the user and password */
session = mwSession_new(&mw_session_handler);
mwSession_setProperty(session, mwSession_AUTH_USER_ID, argv[2], NULL);
mwSession_setProperty(session, mwSession_AUTH_PASSWORD, argv[3], NULL);
/* create the client data. This is arbitrary data that a client will
want to store along with the session for its own use */
client = g_new0(struct sample_client, 1);
client->session = session;
/* associate the client data with the session, specifying an
optional cleanup function which will be called upon the data when
the session is free'd via mwSession_free */
mwSession_setClientData(session, client, g_free);
/* set up a connection to the host */
client->sock = init_sock(argv[1], 1533);
/* start the session. This will cause the session to send the
handshake message (using the io_write function specified in the
session handler). */
/* add a watch on the socket. Any data returning from the server
will trigger read_cb, which will in turn read the data and pass
it to the session for interpretation */
io_chan = g_io_channel_unix_new(client->sock);
client->sock_event = g_io_add_watch(io_chan, G_IO_IN | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP,
read_cb, client);
/* Create a new main loop and start it. This will cause the above
watch to begin actually polling the socket. Use g_idle_add,
g_timeout_add to insert events into the event loop */
g_main_loop_run(g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE));
/* this won't happen until after the main loop finally terminates */
return 0;