Blob Blame History Raw
/* Copyright (C) 1996 Bjoern Beutel. */

/* Description. =============================================================*/

/* The generation commands for malaga. */

/* Includes. ================================================================*/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "basic.h"
#include "pools.h"
#include "values.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "commands.h"
#include "rule_type.h"
#include "rules.h"
#include "lexicon.h"
#include "analysis.h"
#include "debugger.h"
#include "hangul.h"
#include "generation.h"

/* Types. ===================================================================*/

typedef struct /* A running generation LAG state. */
  list_node_t *next; /* Next segment state. */
  value_t feat; /* Feature structure of this state. */
  int_t rule_set; /* Rule set of this state. */
} segment_state_t;

typedef struct /* A segment of generation output. */
  list_node_t *next; /* Next segment. */
  string_t surface; /* Surface of this segment. */
  list_t states; /* List of running states after combination. */
} segment_t;

typedef struct /* A feature structure node for an item. */
  list_node_t *next; /* Next item_feat. */
  value_t value; /* Feature structure. */
} item_feat_t;

typedef struct /* Segment of which a word or sentence may consist. */
  list_node_t *next; /* Next item. */
  string_t surf; /* Surface of this item. */
  list_t feat_list; /* Feature structures for this item. */
} item_t;

/* Variables. ===============================================================*/

static grammar_t grammar; /* Grammar used for generation. */
static int_t result_count; /* Index of the current word form. */

static int_t segment_count;
static int_t max_segment_count; /* User limit on segments in a word form. */
static list_t segments;
static rule_type_t current_rule_type;

static list_t items;

/* Functions. ===============================================================*/

static void 
combine_surface( text_t *text, segment_t *segment )
  segment_t *next_segment;

  if (segment != NULL) 
    next_segment = (segment_t *) segment->next;
    combine_surface( text, next_segment );
    if (grammar == SYNTAX && next_segment != NULL) 
      add_char_to_text( text, ' ' );
    add_to_text( text, segment->surface );


static char_t *
get_surface_local( surface_t surface_type )
/* Return surface SURFACE_TYPE for currently executed rule.
 * The result must be freed after use. */
  text_t *text;
  char_t *string;

  text = new_text();
  switch (surface_type) 
    combine_surface( text, (segment_t *) segments.first );
    if (current_rule_type == COMBI_RULE) 
      combine_surface( text, (segment_t *) segments.first->next );
      combine_surface( text, (segment_t *) segments.first );
    if (current_rule_type == COMBI_RULE) 
      add_to_text( text, ((segment_t *) segments.first)->surface );
    complain( "Internal error." );
  string = new_string_readable( text->buffer, NULL );
  free_text( &text );
  return string;


static void 
add_end_state_local( value_t feat )
/* Print end state, consisting of FEAT. */
  char_t *surf;

  /* Print index of word form. */
  surf = get_surface_local( RESULT_SURFACE );
  decode_hangul( &surf );
  printf( "%d: %s\n", result_count, surf );
  free_mem( &surf );


static void 
add_running_state_local( value_t feat, int_t rule_set )
/* Add running state, consisting of FEAT and RULE_SET. */
  segment_t *segment;
  segment_state_t *state;

  segment = (segment_t *) segments.first;
  state = new_node( &segment->states, sizeof( segment_state_t ), LIST_END );
  state->feat = new_value( feat );
  state->rule_set = rule_set;


static void 
push_segment( string_t surface )
/* Push a new segment with name SURFACE. */
  segment_t *segment;

  segment = new_node( &segments, sizeof( segment_t ), LIST_START );
  segment->surface = surface;
  clear_list( &segment->states );


static void 
pop_segment( void )
/* Pop the topmost segment. */
  segment_state_t *state;
  segment_t *segment;

  segment = (segment_t *) segments.first;
  FOREACH_FREE( state, segment->states ) 
    free_mem( &state->feat );
  free_first_node( &segments );


static void 
execute_rules( value_t state_feat, int_t rule_set, item_t *item )
/* Add ITEM to LAG state (STATE_FEAT, RULE_SET).
 * Save the resulting states in SEGMENTS.FIRST->STATES or print them
 * if they are end states. */
  rule_sys_t *rule_sys;
  int_t *rule_p;
  item_feat_t *link_feat;
  rule_t *rule;

  rule_sys = rule_system[ grammar ];
  FOREACH( link_feat, item->feat_list ) 
    for (rule_p = rule_sys->rule_sets + rule_set; *rule_p >= 0; rule_p++)
      rule = rule_sys->rules + *rule_p;
      if (rule->type == COMBI_RULE) 
	current_rule_type = COMBI_RULE;
        top = 0;
        push_value( state_feat );
        push_value( link_feat->value);
        if (rule->param_count >= 3) 
	  push_string_value( item->surf, NULL );
	if (rule->param_count >= 4) 
	  push_number_value( segment_count );
	execute_rule( rule_sys, *rule_p );


static void 
generate_local( void )
/* Generate all word forms or sentences (according to GRAMMAR)
 * that are successors of STATES and print them immediately. */
  item_t *item;
  segment_t *segment;
  segment_state_t *state;
  int_t *rule_p;
  rule_sys_t *rule_sys;
  rule_t *rule;

  rule_sys = rule_system[ grammar ];
  segment = (segment_t *) segments.first;

  /* Execute end rules first. */
  FOREACH( state, segment->states ) 
    for (rule_p = rule_sys->rule_sets + state->rule_set; 
	 *rule_p >= 0; 
      rule = rule_sys->rules + *rule_p;
      if (rule->type == END_RULE) 
	current_rule_type = END_RULE;
        top = 0;
        push_value( state->feat );
	if (rule->param_count >= 2) 
	  push_string_value( "", NULL );
        execute_rule( rule_sys, *rule_p );

  /* Don't execute combi_rules if too many segments are to be combined. */
  if (segment_count >= max_segment_count) 

  /* Execute rules with all ITEMS. */
  FOREACH( item, items ) 
    push_segment( item->surf );
    FOREACH( state, segment->states ) 
      execute_rules( state->feat, state->rule_set, item );
    if (((segment_t *) segments.first)->states.first != NULL) 


static void 
generate( void )
/* Generate a sentence or a word form */
  item_t *item;
  rule_sys_t *rule_sys;
  rule_sys = rule_system[ grammar ];
  while (segments.first != NULL) 
  segment_count = result_count = 0;
  add_running_state = add_running_state_local;
  add_end_state = add_end_state_local;
  get_surface = get_surface_local;
  set_debug_mode( RUN_MODE, NULL );

  /* Execute all rules that add the first item to the empty start. */
  FOREACH( item, items ) 
    push_segment( item->surf );
    execute_rules( rule_sys->values + rule_sys->initial_feat,
                   rule_sys->initial_rule_set, item );
    if (((segment_t *) segments.first)->states.first != NULL) 


static void 
free_item_feat_list( item_t *item )
/* Free the feature structures in ITEM. */
  item_feat_t *feat;

  FOREACH_FREE( feat, item->feat_list ) 
    free_mem( &feat->value );


static void 
free_items( void )
/* Free the item list. */
  item_t *item;

  FOREACH_FREE( item, items ) 
    free_item_feat_list( item ); 
    free_mem( &item->surf ); 


static void 
generate_command( string_t arguments )
/* Generate sentences or words from items, depending on GRAMMAR. */
  item_t *item;
  item_feat_t *feat;
  value_t value;
  string_t surf_end;
  char_t *surf;

  if (rule_system[ grammar ] == NULL) 
    complain( "%s rule file not loaded.", 
	      grammar == SYNTAX ? "Syntax": "Morphology" );
  max_segment_count = parse_cardinal( &arguments );
  if (*arguments != EOS) 
    /* Read new items. */
    while (*arguments != EOS) 
      surf = parse_word( &arguments );
      encode_hangul( &surf );
      item = new_node( &items, sizeof( item_t ), LIST_END );
      item->surf = surf;
      clear_list( &item->feat_list );

  /* Create feature structures for items. */
  FOREACH( item, items ) 
    free_item_feat_list( item );
    if (grammar == MORPHOLOGY) 
      search_for_prefix( item->surf );
      while (get_next_prefix( &surf_end, &value )) 
	if (*surf_end == EOS) /* Found prefix that covers the whole string. */
	  feat = new_node( &item->feat_list, sizeof( item_feat_t ), LIST_END );
          feat->value = new_value( value );
      analyse( MORPHOLOGY, item->surf, FALSE, TRUE );
      for (value = first_analysis_result();
	   value != NULL;
           value = next_analysis_result()) 
	feat = new_node( &item->feat_list, sizeof( item_feat_t ), LIST_END );
        feat->value = new_value( value );
  FOREACH( item, items ) 
    free_item_feat_list( item );


static void 
do_mg( string_t arguments )
/* Generate morphologically. */
  grammar = MORPHOLOGY;
  generate_command( arguments );

command_t mg_command = 
  "mg", do_mg,
  "Generate all word forms that consist only of the given allomorphs.\n"
  "  mg MAX_ALLO_COUNT -- Use allomorphs of last generation command.\n"
  "\"mg\" can't be used in debug mode.\n"


static void 
do_sg( string_t arguments )
/* Generate syntactically. */
  grammar = SYNTAX;
  generate_command( arguments );

command_t sg_command = 
  "sg", do_sg,
  "Generate all sentences that consist only of the given word forms.\n"
  "  sg MAX_WORD_COUNT WORDS -- use WORDS\n"
  "  sg MAX_WORD_COUNT -- Use words of last generation command.\n"
  "\"sg\" can't be used in debug mode.\n"


init_generation( void )
/* Initialise this module. */


terminate_generation( void )
/* Terminate this module. */
  while (segments.first != NULL) 

/* End of file. =============================================================*/