Blob Blame History Raw
/* mconv.c -- Code converter.				-*- coding: euc-jp; -*-
   Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
     National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
     Registration Number H15PRO112

   This file is part of the m17n library.

   The m17n library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
   the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   The m17n library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License along with the m17n library; if not, write to the Free
   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.  */

    @enpage m17n-conv convert file code

    @section m17n-conv-synopsis SYNOPSIS

    m17n-conv [ OPTION ... ] [ INFILE [ OUTFILE ] ]

    @section m17n-conv-description DESCRIPTION

    Convert encoding of given files from one to another.

    If INFILE is omitted, the input is taken from standard input.  If
    OUTFILE is omitted, the output written to standard output.

    The following OPTIONs are available.


    <li> -f FROMCODE

    FROMCODE is the encoding of INFILE (defaults to UTF-8).

    <li> -t TOCODE

    TOCODE is the encoding of OUTFILE (defaults to UTF-8).

    <li> -k

    Do not stop conversion on error.

    <li> -s

    Suppress warnings.

    <li> -v

    Print progress information.

    <li> -l

    List available encodings.

    <li> --version

    Print version number.

    <li> -h, --help

    Print this message.

    @japage m17n-conv ファイルのコードを変換する

    @section m17n-conv-synopsis SYNOPSIS

    m17n-conv [ OPTION ... ] [ INFILE [ OUTFILE ] ]

    @section m17n-conv-description 説明


    INFILE が省略された場合は、標準入力からとる。OUTFILE が省略された 



    <li> -f FROMCODE

    FROMCODE は INFILE のコード系である。(デフォルトは UTF-8) 

    <li> -t TOCODE

    TOCODE は OUTFILE のコード系である。(デフォルトは UTF-8) 

    <li> -k


    <li> -s


    <li> -v


    <li> -l


    <li> --version


    <li> -h, --help




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <m17n.h>
#include <m17n-misc.h>

/* Print all coding system names.  */

compare_coding_name (const void *elt1, const void *elt2)
  const MSymbol *n1 = elt1;
  const MSymbol *n2 = elt2;

  return strcmp (msymbol_name (*n1), msymbol_name (*n2));

list_coding ()
  MSymbol *codings;
  int i, n;
  char *name;
  int len, clm;

  n = mconv_list_codings (&codings);
  qsort (codings, n, sizeof (MSymbol), compare_coding_name);
  clm = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      name = msymbol_name (codings[i]);
      len = strlen (name) + 1;
      if (clm + len >= 80)
	  printf ("\n");
	  clm = 0;
      printf (" %s", name);
      clm += len;
  printf ("\n");
  free (codings);

/* Print the usage of this program (the name is PROG), and exit with
   EXIT_CODE.  */

help_exit (char *prog, int exit_code)
  char *p = prog;

  while (*p)
    if (*p++ == '/')
      prog = p;

  printf ("Usage: %s [ OPTION ... ] [ INFILE [ OUTFILE ] ]\n", prog);
  printf ("Convert encoding of given files from one to another.\n");
  printf ("  If INFILE is omitted, the input is taken from standard input.\n");
  printf ("  If OUTFILE is omitted, the output is written to standard output.\n");
  printf ("The following OPTIONs are available.\n");
  printf ("  %-13s %s", "-f FROMCODE",
	  "FROMCODE is the encoding of INFILE (defaults to UTF-8).\n");
  printf ("  %-13s %s", "-t TOCODE",
	  "TOCODE is the encoding of OUTFILE (defaults to UTF-8).\n");
  printf ("  %-13s %s", "-k", "Do not stop conversion on error.\n");
  printf ("  %-13s %s", "-s", "Suppress warnings.\n");
  printf ("  %-13s %s", "-v", "Print progress information.\n");
  printf ("  %-13s %s", "-l", "List available encodings.\n");
  printf ("  %-13s %s", "--version", "Print version number.\n");
  printf ("  %-13s %s", "-h, --help", "Print this message.\n");
  exit (exit_code);

/* Global flags to control the behaviour.  */
int suppress_warning;
int continue_on_error;

/* Check invalid bytes found in the last decoding.  Text property
   Mcharset of such a byte is Mcharset_binary.  */

check_invalid_bytes (MText *mt)
  int from = 0, to = 0;
  int len = mtext_len (mt);
  int first = 1;

  while (to < len)
      int n = mtext_prop_range (mt, Mcharset, from, NULL, &to, 1);
      MSymbol charset
	= n > 0 ? (MSymbol) mtext_get_prop (mt, from, Mcharset) : Mnil;

      if (charset == Mcharset_binary)
	  if (! suppress_warning)
	      if (first)
		  fprintf (stderr,
			   "Invalid bytes (at each character position);\n");
		  first = 0;
	      for (; from < to; from++)
		fprintf (stderr, " 0x%02X(%d)",
			 mtext_ref_char (mt, from), from);
	  if (! continue_on_error)
	      if (! first)
		fprintf (stderr, "\n");
	      exit (1);
	from = to;
  if (! first)
    fprintf (stderr, "\n");

/* Check unencoded characters in the last encoding.  Text property
   Mcoding of such a character is Mnil.  */

check_unencoded_chars (MText *mt, int len)
  int from = 0, to = 0;
  int first = 1;

  while (to < len)
      int n = mtext_prop_range (mt, Mcoding, from, NULL, &to, 1);
      MSymbol coding
	= n > 0 ? (MSymbol) mtext_get_prop (mt, from, Mcoding) : Mnil;

      if (coding == Mnil)
	  if (! suppress_warning)
	      if (first)
		  fprintf (stderr,
			   "Unencoded chars (at each character position):\n");
		  first = 0;
	      for (; from < to; from++)
		fprintf (stderr, " 0x%02X(%d)",
			 mtext_ref_char (mt, from), from);
	  if (! continue_on_error)
	      if (! first)
		fprintf (stderr, "\n");
	      exit (1);
	from = to;
  if (! first)
    fprintf (stderr, "\n");

unknown_encoding (char *name)
  if (! suppress_warning)
      fprintf (stderr, "Unknown encoding: \"%s\"\n", name);
      if (mconv_resolve_coding (msymbol ("iso-2022-jp")) == Mnil)
	fprintf (stderr, "Perhaps the library \"m17n-db\" is missing.\n");
  exit (1);

/* Format MSG by FMT and print the result to the stderr, and exit.  */

#define FATAL_ERROR(fmt, arg)		\
  do {					\
    if (! suppress_warning)		\
      fprintf (stderr, fmt, arg);	\
    exit (1);				\
  } while (0)

main (int argc, char **argv)
  int verbose;
  MSymbol incode, outcode;
  FILE *in, *out;
  MText *mt;
  MConverter *converter;
  int i;

  /* Initialize the m17n library.  */
  M17N_INIT ();
  if (merror_code != MERROR_NONE)
    FATAL_ERROR ("%s\n", "Fail to initialize the m17n library.");

  /* Default encodings are both UTF-8.  */
  incode = outcode = Mcoding_utf_8;
  /* By default, read from standard input and write to standard output. */
  in = stdin, out = stdout;
  /* By default, all these flags are 0.  */
  suppress_warning = verbose = continue_on_error = 0;
  /* Parse the command line arguments.  */
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
      if (! strcmp (argv[i], "--help")
	       || ! strcmp (argv[i], "-h")
	       || ! strcmp (argv[i], "-?"))
	help_exit (argv[0], 0);
      else if (! strcmp (argv[i], "--version"))
	  printf ("m17n-conv (m17n library) %s\n", M17NLIB_VERSION_NAME);
	  printf ("Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 AIST, JAPAN\n");
	  exit (0);
      else if (! strcmp (argv[i], "-l"))
	  list_coding ();
	  M17N_FINI ();
	  exit (0);
      else if (! strcmp (argv[i], "-f") && i + 1 < argc)
	  incode = mconv_resolve_coding (msymbol (argv[++i]));
	  if (incode == Mnil)
	    unknown_encoding (argv[i]);
      else if (! strcmp (argv[i], "-t") && i + 1 < argc)
	  outcode = mconv_resolve_coding (msymbol (argv[++i]));
	  if (outcode == Mnil)
	    unknown_encoding (argv[i]);
      else if (! strcmp (argv[i], "-k"))
	continue_on_error = 1;
      else if (! strcmp (argv[i], "-s"))
	suppress_warning = 1;
      else if (! strcmp (argv[i], "-v"))
	verbose = 1;
      else if (argv[i][0] != '-')
	  if (in == stdin)
	      in = fopen (argv[i], "r");
	      if (! in)
		FATAL_ERROR ("Can't read the file %s\n", argv[i]);
	  else if (out == stdout)
	      out = fopen (argv[i], "w");
	      if (! out)
		FATAL_ERROR ("Can't write the file %s\n", argv[i]);
	    help_exit (argv[0], 1);
	help_exit (argv[0], 1);
  if (verbose)
    suppress_warning = 0;

  /* Create an M-text to store the decoded characters.  */
  mt = mtext ();

  /* Create a converter for decoding.  */
  converter = mconv_stream_converter (incode, in);
  if (! converter)
    FATAL_ERROR ("Encoding \"%s\" requires the missing library \"m17n-db\".\n",
		 msymbol_name (incode));
  /* Instead of doing strict decoding, we decode all input bytes at
     once, and check invalid bytes later by the fuction
     check_invalid_bytes.  */
  converter->lenient = 1;

  mconv_decode (converter, mt);

  check_invalid_bytes (mt);
  if (verbose)
    fprintf (stderr, "%d bytes (%s) decoded into %d characters,\n",
	     converter->nbytes, msymbol_name (incode), mtext_len (mt));

  mconv_free_converter (converter);

  /* Create a converter for encoding.  */
  converter = mconv_stream_converter (outcode, out);
  if (! converter)
    FATAL_ERROR ("Encoding \"%s\" requires the missing library \"m17n-db\".\n",
		 msymbol_name (outcode));
  /* Instead of doing strict encoding, we encode all characters at
     once, and check unencoded characters later by the fuction
     check_unencoded_chars.  */
  converter->lenient = 1;
  converter->last_block = 1;
  if (mconv_encode (converter, mt) < 0
      && ! suppress_warning)
    fprintf (stderr, "I/O error on writing\n");
  check_unencoded_chars (mt, converter->nchars);
  if (verbose)
    fprintf (stderr, "%d characters encoded into %d bytes (%s).\n",
	     converter->nchars, converter->nbytes, msymbol_name (outcode));

  /* Clear away.  */
  mconv_free_converter (converter);
  fclose (in);
  fclose (out);
  m17n_object_unref (mt);
  M17N_FINI ();
  exit (0);
#endif /* not FOR_DOXYGEN */