Blob Blame History Raw
# $Id$

## Copyright (c) 2008 Kirk Bauer
## Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License:
## All modifications and contributions by other persons to
## this script are assumed to have been donated to the
## Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright
## and licensing terms.  If you want to make contributions
## under your own copyright or a different license this
## must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the
## Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such
## contributions.  If you have made significant
## contributions to this script and want to claim
## copyright please contact

use strict;
my $Detail = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'} || 0;
my $IgnoreUnmatched = $ENV{'afpd_ignore_unmatched'} || 0;

my $ThisLine;
my $Starts;
my $Stops;
my $TotalRead;
my $TotalWritten;
my %UserLogin;
my %OtherList;

while (defined($ThisLine = <STDIN>)) {
   if ( ( $ThisLine =~ /^FTP session closed./ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^(ANONYMOUS )?FTP login as \'.*\' from [^ ]+ \[.*\] to .*/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^FTP no transfer time out, disconnected\./ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^PAM\(.*\): Authentication failure/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^data_sendfile/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^FTP no transfer timeout, disconnected\./ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^FTP login timed out, disconnected\./ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /done/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /server_child/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /session from/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /ASIP session/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^afp_zzz: (entering|waking up from) (normal|extended) sleep/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^afp_disconnect: trying primary reconnect/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^afp_disconnect: primary reconnect succeeded/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^Reconnect: transfering session to child/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^Reconnect: killing new session child.* after transfer/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^afp_dsi_transfer_session: successfull primary reconnect/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^AFP Replay Cache match: id: .* \/ cmd: AFP_FLUSHFORK/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /^afp_over_dsi: client logged out, terminating DSI session/ ) or
         ( $ThisLine =~ /logout/ )
      ) {
      # We don't care about these
   elsif ( my ($Junk,$Login) = ( $ThisLine =~ /(login|Login by) ([^ ]+)$/) ) {
   elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /started/ ) {
   elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /shutting down/ ) {
   elsif ( my ($Read,$Write) = ( $ThisLine =~ /statistics: (\d+\.\d+) KB read, (\d+\.\d+) KB/) ) {
   else {
      # Report any unmatched entries...
      $OtherList{$ThisLine} += 1;

if (keys %UserLogin and $Detail) {
   print "\nUsers Logged In:\n";
   foreach my $Line (keys %UserLogin) {
      print "   $Line : $UserLogin{$Line} Time(s)\n";

if ($Starts and $Detail) {
   print "\nNumber of server startups: $Starts\n";

if ($Stops and $Detail) {
   print "\nNumber of server shutdowns: $Stops\n";

if (($TotalRead or $TotalWritten) and $Detail >= 5) {
   print "\nTransfer Statistics: $TotalRead KB read, $TotalWritten KB written\n";

if ((keys %OtherList) and (not $IgnoreUnmatched)) {
   print "\n**Unmatched Entries**\n";
   print "  $_: $OtherList{$_} time(s)\n" foreach keys %OtherList;


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