Blob Blame History Raw
chip "blah-*"

# keyword with some quoted names
label "foo" "bar"

# keyword with escaped newline, names, and whitespace
label		\
 "foo" "bar"

# quoted names with full range of alpha-numeric and underscores
label "abcdefg" "hijklmnop"
label "qrs" "tuv"
label "wx" "yz"
label "a0123456789" "982lksdf"
label "_abcd" "1234_"
label "_" "foo_bar_baz" 
label "liajesiajef82197fjadf" "blah"

# quoted names with escaped characters, like C
# bell, backspace, formfeed, newline, carriage return, h-tab, v-tab, \, ?, ', "
label escapes "\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\\\?\'\""

# quoted names with escaped chars that have no special significance
# i.e. the second string below should collapse to "hello"
label more "\h\e\l\l\o"

# keyword with quoted names, immediate EOF
label "blue" "green"