Blob Blame History Raw
# Configuration file contributed by Bryan Guidroz.

chip "f71882fg-isa-0a10"

# Ignore - Voltage
# The F71882FG uses an 8-bit, 8 mV LSB ADC for voltage monitoring.
# This means that it can measure up to 2.04 V directly. This is the value
# of in2, in3 and in6 on the MSI MS-9832, which means these inputs
# are saturated. This means these inputs are unused.

   ignore in2
   ignore in3
   ignore in6

# Ignore - Fans
# The MSI MS-9832 uses fan1 (CPU Fan) and fan2 (System Fan).
# This means other fans are unused.

   ignore fan3
   ignore fan4

# Ignore - Temps
# The MSI MS-9832 uses temp1 (CPU temp) and temp3 (System temp).
# This means temp2 is unused.

   ignore temp2

# Other - Voltages
# in0 (+3.3v), in7 (3VSB), and in8 (Vbat) are internally monitored voltages
# with internal dividers. This means the values are properly set and do not
# need to be defined in this configuration as they should be reported properly.

# Voltages
   label in1 "Vcore"
   label in4 "+5V"
   label in5 "+12V"

   compute in4  @*(1+200/47),  @/(1+200/47)
   compute in5  @*(1+200/20),  @/(1+200/20)

   set in1_max  1.1625 * 1.05

# Fans
   label fan1 "CPU Fan"
   label fan2 "Sys Fan"

   set fan1_min 2100
   set fan2_min 1400

# Temperatures
   label temp1 "CPU Temp"
   label temp3 "Sys Temp"

   set temp1_max       60
   set temp1_max_hyst  58
   set temp3_max       50
   set temp3_max_hyst  48