Blob Blame History Raw
# Configuration file for the MSI 975X Platinum (MS-7246),
# contributed by Leonardo MarĂ­n.

chip "w83627ehf-*" "w83627dhg-*"

 label in0 "VCore" # CPU Core Voltage
 label in1 "VPCIEx" # PCI Express Voltage
 label in2 "AVCC"
 label in3 "3VCC"
 label in6 "+ 5V" # +5V, or so i think
 label in7 "3VSB"
 label in8 "VBAT"
 label in9 "+12V" # +12V, or so i think

## +12V is in9 and +5V is in6 ##
 compute in9 @*(1+(56/10)), @/(1+(56/10))
 compute in6 @*(1+(22/10)), @/(1+(22/10))

 set in9_min 12.0*0.9
 set in9_max 12.0*1.1
 set in6_min 5.0*0.9
 set in6_max 5.0*1.1

 set in0_min 0.9
 set in0_max 1.7
 set in1_min 1.4
 set in1_max 2.0
 set in2_min 3.3*0.9
 set in2_max 3.3*1.1
 set in3_min 3.3*0.9
 set in3_max 3.3*1.1
 set in7_min 3.3*0.9
 set in7_max 3.3*1.1
 set in8_min 3.0*0.9
 set in8_max 3.3*1.1

 ignore in4
 ignore in5

## Temperatures ##

 label temp1 "Sys Temp"
 label temp2 "CPU Temp"
 label temp3 "Aux Temp"

 set temp1_max 55
 set temp1_max_hyst 48
 set temp2_max 55
 set temp2_max_hyst 47
 set temp3_max 55
 set temp3_max_hyst 50

## Fans ##

 label fan1 "PSU Fan"
 label fan2 "CPU Fan"
 label fan3 "NB Fan"
 label fan4 "Sys Fan"

 set fan2_min 800

 ignore fan5