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# Configuration file contributed by Ki'Sak.

# libsensors3 configuration file for the GA-990FXA-UD3 Rev. 1.1
# This is strongly based on the Gigabyte GA-790XTA-UD4 sensors3.conf

chip "it8720-isa-*"

### Voltages

   # in5 is mysterious. It is -12V in other uses of this chip, but unstable here
   # -12V is in the ATX spec for ISA, which is used sparingly in modern hardware

   label  in0  "Vcore"
   label  in1  "Vdram"    # "DDR3" in BIOS
   label  in2  "+3.3V"
   label  in3  "+5V"      # Not in BIOS
   label  in4  "+12V"
   ignore in5             # -12V unused
   ignore in6
   label  in7  "5VSB"     # Not in BIOS
   label  in8  "Vbat"     # Not in BIOS
   ignore cpu0_vid

### Fan labels as found on the motherboard

   label  fan1 "CPU_FAN"  # controlled by temp3
   label  fan2 "SYS_FAN1" # controlled by temp1
   label  fan3 "SYS_FAN2"
   label  fan4 "PWR_FAN"  # unregulated max speed

   # Vcore, Vdram, +3.3V and Vbat are connected directly, so no compute
   # line is needed for these. +5V and 5VSB are internal so we use the
   # standard scaling factor. Scaling for +12V is apparently not standard,
   # factor 3.963 is guessed from BIOS and EasyTune values (3.943 was
   # another candidate.)
   # These values have not been rechecked from the GA-790XTA-UD4
   compute  in3  @ * (6.8/10+1), @ / (6.8/10+1)
   compute  in4  @ * 3.963,      @ / 3.963
   compute  in7  @ * (6.8/10+1), @ / (6.8/10+1)

   # The BIOS won't set any limit for voltages.

   set in0_min  0.825 * 0.95
   set in0_max  1.425 * 1.05
   set in1_min  1.5   * 0.95
   set in1_max  1.5   * 1.05
   set in2_min  3.3   * 0.95
   set in2_max  3.3   * 1.05
   set in3_min  5     * 0.95
   set in3_max  5     * 1.05
   set in4_min 12     * 0.95
   set in4_max 12     * 1.05
   set in7_min  5     * 0.95
   set in7_max  5     * 1.05

### Temperatures

   label temp1 "VRM Temp" # This is unconfirmed, Possibly near NB, but the NB
   set   temp1_min 0      # operates at significantly higher temps than temp1
   set   temp1_max 65     # Default max fan speed reference point

   label temp2  "SB Temp" # This sensor reacts to nearby heat from the GPU
   set   temp2_min 0
   set   temp2_max 55     # Tropical ambient temperature plus a bit

   label temp3 "CPU Temp" # k10temp truncated to whole number +12C. k10temp
   set   temp3_min 0      # reports thermal margin, and reports -10C when idle
   set   temp3_max 65     # Bulldozer Published limit +3C