Blob Blame History Raw

# --header-------------------------------------------------
# sgml2index - (c) 1996 by Fabrizio Polacco <>
# This program is under GPL License and is intended to be distributed
# with the package linuxdoc-sgml.
# --history------------------------------------------------
# ver.1.2 - 3 May 1996 - Fabrizio Polacco
#	+ Now works also with perl 4.036
#	+ Added -D flag for the link dir
#	+ fixed a bug to exit after printing of usage.
# ver.1.1 - 24 April 1996 - Fabrizio Polacco
#	+ fixed a bug on link to filename 
#	  (empty if dir-name not "sgml")
# ver.1.0 - 21 April 1996 - Fabrizio Polacco
#	+ built from scratch using perl 5.002
# --to-do--------------------------------------------------
# + eliminate all the errors (in English) in comments :-)
# + add a man page (maybe in "pod" format?)
# + check if each sgml starts declaring
#   <!doctype linuxdoc system> (ignore-case)
# + add a flag to use only sgml files with 
#   <article>|<book>|report>|<manpage> tag declarator.
# + check the output in formats other than html (ps, dvi ...)
#   changing the link from <htmlurl to <url will be used from -info- ?
# --description--------------------------------------------
# This utility reads every .sgml file that is in the current directory;
# (or the directory supplyed with the -d flag)
# for each file it memorizes the contents of the element titlepag:
#	<title> +<subtitle>,
#	<author> +<name> -<thanks> +<inst>, 
#	<date>,
#	<abstract>,
# until it encounters one of these tags:
#	<header>,
#	<toc>,
#	<lof>,
#	<lot>,
#	<p>,
#	<chapt>,
#	<sect>.
# then it prints the information in the following default format:
#	<!-- built %sysdate% -->
#	<itemize>	|	<descrip>	( if -2 )
#	..... (for each sgml file)
#	<item>		|	<tag>		( if -2 )
#		<htmlurl url="%link-dir%%filename%.html"
#			name="%title%">
#	<newline>	|	</tag>		( if -2 )
#		%author%
#	<newline>
#		%date%
#	<newline>
#		%abstract%
#	.....
#	</itemize>	|	</descrip>	( if -2 )
# ---------------------------------------------------------

require '';
&Getopts('D:d:2h') || &usage(0);	# accept some flag
$opt_d = '.' if ! defined $opt_d;	# default current dir (.)
			# adds slash at the end of URL, if needed
$opt_D .= "/" if ( defined $opt_D && substr( $opt_D, -1, 1) ne "/");
&usage(0) if $opt_h;

sub usage
	print "usage: $0 [-h] [-2] [-d <sgml-dir>] [-D <link-dir>]\n";
	print <<EOF;
Builds an sgml list of <titlepag> infos from linuxdoc-sgml files.


-h		prints this message
-2		use alternate format
-d sgml-dir	search sgml files in <dir> instead than . (current dir)
-D link-dir	path-dir or full URL for the html files pointed to


($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isd) = localtime(time);

$first_time = 1;
foreach( `ls $opt_d/*.sgml` )
	$filename = $1;		# filename without path and extension
	$SGML = $_;		# full pathname
	undef $tag;
	undef $remark;
	undef %data;

	open( SGML) || die "Cannot open file $SGML.\n";	# maybe should only warn?
	SCAN: while(<SGML>)
		# adds a space around every tag (for splitting purposes)
		$_ =~ s/</ </;
		$_ =~ s/>/> /;
		$_ =~ s/--[ 	]*>/-->/;	# it seems that comment could end with --> or -- >
		@_ = split;
			 $remark = 1		 if ( m,^<!--, ); # starts comment
			($remark = 0)	&&  next if ( m,-->$, );  # ends comment
			next if $remark;

			# what if sgml accept uppercase ?
			($tag = "TITL")	&& next if ( m,<title>, );	# title starts after 
					   next if ( m,<subtitle>, );	# accept in title
					   next if ( m,</subtitle>, );	# accept in title
			(undef $tag)	&& next if ( m,</title>, );	# title is finished
			($tag = "AUTH")	&& next if ( m,<author>, );	# author starts after
					   next if ( m,<name>, );	# accept in author
					   next if ( m,</name>, );	# accept in author
			(undef $tag)	&& next if ( m,<thanks>, );	# discard in author
			($tag = "AUTH")	&& next if ( m,</thanks>, );	# discard in author
					   next if ( m,<inst>, );	# accept in author
					   next if ( m,</inst>, );	# accept in author
			(undef $tag)	&& next if ( m,</author>, );	# author is finished
			($tag = "DATE")	&& next if ( m,<date>, );	# date starts after 
			(undef $tag)	&& next if ( m,</date>, );	# date is finished
			($tag = "ABST")	&& next if ( m,<abstract>, );	# abstract starts after 
			(undef $tag)	&& next if ( m,</abstract>, );	# abstract is finished

			# next file when reached one of these
			last SCAN if ( m,<header>, );
			last SCAN if ( m,<toc>, );
			last SCAN if ( m,<lof>, );
			last SCAN if ( m,<lot>, );
			last SCAN if ( m,<p>, );
			last SCAN if ( m,<chapt>, );
			last SCAN if ( m,<sect>, );

			# add the word 
			$data{$tag} .= "$_ " if defined $tag;
	# put some default values
	$data{"TITL"} = "$filename"		if ! defined $data{"TITL"};
	$data{"AUTH"} = "?? no author ??"	if ! defined $data{"AUTH"};
	$data{"DATE"} = "?? no date ??"		if ! defined $data{"DATE"};
###	$data{"ABST"} = "?? no abstract ??"	if ! defined $data{"ABST"};

	if ( $first_time )
		printf( "<!-- built %d.%d.%d %d:%d:%d -->\n"
			, $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
		printf( "<%s>\n\n", ($opt_2 ? "descrip" : "itemize"));
		$first_time = 0; 
	printf( "<%s>\n", ($opt_2 ? "tag" : "item"));
	print "\t<htmlurl url=", '"', $opt_D.$filename,".html", '"', "\n";
	print "\t\tname=", '"', $data{"TITL"}, '"', ">\n";
	printf( "<%s>\n", ($opt_2 ? "/tag" : "newline"));
	print "\t", $data{"AUTH"}, "\n";
	print "<newline>\n";
	print "\t", $data{"DATE"}, "\n";
	if ( defined $data{"ABST"} )
		print "<newline>\n";
		print "\t", $data{"ABST"}, "\n";
	print "\n";
printf( "</%s>\n\n", ($opt_2 ? "descrip" : "itemize")) if ! $first_time;