Blob Blame History Raw
<!-- This is a DTD, but will be read as -*- sgml -*-   -->
<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- $Id: linuxdoc97.dtd,v 2001/05/24 15:57:41 sano Exp $ 

     This is LINUXDOC97 STRICT DTD for SGML-Tools.

     It is based on the original LINUXDOC DTD, which
     was in turn derived from QWERTZ DTD.
     Look at those DTD's for the respective authors
     and revision history.

     Initial revision May 1st, 1997, by B. Kreimeier

     $Log: linuxdoc97.dtd,v $
     Revision  2001/05/24 15:57:41  sano
     linuxdoc-tools 0.96
     This is re-imported because of cvs repository is lost
     due to HDD trouble

     Revision  2000/05/13 14:59:57  sano
     Initial release of Linuxdoc-Tools

     Revision 1.5  1998/06/26 19:41:11  cg
     * Add (La)TeX logos. (NJ)

     Revision 1.4  1998/03/22 10:39:09  cg
     * Corrected "isoent" entity reference in DTD. (CdG)

     Revision 1.3  1997/11/27 21:07:41  cg
     * Fix comment buglet. (CdG)

     Revision 1.2  1997/11/23 21:04:38  cg
     * Added <file> tag to all DTDs and documented it (ESR)

     * Added <idx> and <cdx> to linuxdoc97 and sgmltool DTDs (ESR)

     * Arrange for <htmlurl> to call \url in the LaTeX back end (ESR)

     Revision 1.1  1997/07/09 13:27:21  cg
     * Completely new DTD setup by Bernd (BK).

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- Revision Comments                                 -->

<!-- ESR/97/11/17: Added file, idx, cdx tags.          -->
<!-- BK/97/05/01: I removed all elements not used in
     guide.sgml and example.sgml. I removed newline,
     was used once in guide, but not documented.
     Removed sl,sf,it, these  were mentioned in example,
     but use was discouraged in guide. Removed everal
     occurences of qtag and qendtag that have been
     commented out earlier on.                         -->
<!-- BK/97/05/16: removed font highlighting,
     these are now in the system entity "deprecated96" -->
<!-- BK/97/05/18: moved quote and code back from
     "common", as I want to modify them (caption)      -->
<!-- BK/97/06/06: finally applied changes proposed by
     Ken MacLeod to dtd/catalog (PUBLIC). Changed
     the linuxdoc97 element name to linuxdoc.          -->
<!-- BK/97/06/22: installed 0.99.12, applied changes
     made for new entity mapping.                      -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- Contents:
      - general purpose character definitions
      - usemap shortrefs
      - parameter/group entities
      - top-down list of elements                      -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- GENERAL PURPOSE CHARACTER definitions             -->
<!-- BK: general was included for refnam/urlnam.
     Is this really the right way to do it?            -->
<!-- KWM: `general' entity replaced with ISO entities  -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!-- `general' entity replaced with ISO entities - kwm -->
<!entity % isoent system "isoent">

<!entity urlnam sdata "urlnam" >
<!entity refnam sdata "refnam" >

<!entity tex	sdata "[tex   ]" >
<!entity latex	sdata "[latex ]" >
<!entity latexe	sdata "[latexe]" >
<!entity tm     sdata "[trade ]" >
<!entity dquot  sdata "[quot  ]" >
<!entity ero    sdata "[amp   ]" >
<!entity etago '</' >

<!entity   Ae  '&Auml;' >
<!entity   ae  '&auml;' >
<!entity   Oe  '&Ouml;' >
<!entity   oe  '&ouml;' >
<!entity   Ue  '&Uuml;' >
<!entity   ue  '&uuml;' >
<!entity   sz  '&szlig;' >

<!entity space " ">
<!entity null "">
<!-- entity ptag '<p>' -->
<!-- entity psplit '</p><p>' -->

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- SHORTREF maps                                     -->
<!-- Referenced in "usemap" statements                 -->
<!-- BK: are some of these redundant?                  -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!shortref global
      "&#RS;B" null  -- delete leading blanks -->

<!shortref oneline
     "B&#RE;" space
     "&#RS;&#RE;" null 
     "&#RS;B&#RE;" null >

<!shortref ttmap     -- also on one-line --
        "B&#RE;" space
        "&#RS;&#RE;" null 
        "&#RS;B&#RE;" null
      	"&#RS;B" null >

<!-- MDW: What a mess.
     The following desmap is here to clean up problems
      with paragraph breaks in a descrip.
     I can think of cases where this might break,
      but it seems to work.                          -->

<!shortref desmap
        "&#RS;B" null
        -- "&#RS;B&#RE;" ptag
        "&#RS;&#RE;" ptag -- >

<!shortref pmap
	"&#RS;B" null 
	-- "&#RS;B&#RE;" psplit
	"&#RS;&#RE;" psplit -->

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- PARAMETER or group ENTITIES                       -->
<!-- SGML requires us to set up the parameter entities
      referenced in elements first.                    -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- HIGHLIGHTING                                      -->
<!-- Group of all highlighting elements.               -->
<!-- The actual elements have to be defined below,
      as the inline entity is referenced there.        -->
<!-- BK: deprecated,
      but unfortunately part of Linuxdoc               -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!entity % emph 
	" em | bf | tt " >

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- INDEXING                                          -->
<!-- All elements having to do with generating indices -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!entity % index "idx|cdx" >

<!element idx - - (#pcdata)>
<!element cdx - - (#pcdata)>

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- XREF                                              -->
<!-- Group of references of all kind                   -->
<!-- HG: url added                                     -->
<!-- ESR: htmlurl added                                -->
<!-- BK: the Label/Ref pair is conceptually different,
      perhaps it should be treated differently?        -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!entity % xref
	" label|ref|url|htmlurl " >

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- LISTS - itemize, enum, descrip                    -->
<!-- Group of all list elements                        -->
<!-- BK: the descrip glossary is conceptually
      different, perhaps it should be treated
      differently?                                     -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!entity % list 
        " itemize | enum | descrip " >

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- PARagraph                                         -->
<!-- Group of all elements that are text blocks        -->
<!-- Includes literal programming and figures.         -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!entity % par 	
	"  %list; | quote | tscreen " >

<!entity % litprog 
  " code | verb " >

<!entity % sectpar 
  " %par; | figure | %litprog; ">

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- INLINE - all simple text                          -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!entity % inline 
	" (#pcdata | %emph; | %xref | %index | file )* " >

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- TOP-DOWN (more or less) ELEMENTS                  -->
<!-- This section gives the actual structure
      of the document.                                 -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- LINUXDOC - top level definition                   -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!-- BK: forced article. sect does not work, removed.  -->
<!element linuxdoc o o ( article ) >
<!usemap global linuxdoc>

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- ARTICLE                                           -->
<!-- MDW: hacked, abstract now part of titlepag        -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!element article - -
      (titlepag, header?, toc?, p*, sect* ) >

<!attlist article
        opts cdata "null">

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- COMMON definitions.                               -->
<!-- These are used by multiple DTD's.                 -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!entity % common system 
                   -- definitions common to SGML Tools -->

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- LIST - descrip and tag element                    -->
<!-- BK: it seems that using the item element here
      would be straightforward (empty entries,
      paragraph handling), at the prize of loosing
      the shorthand omission                           -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!element descrip - - (tag?, p+)+ >
<!element tag - o (%inline)>

<!usemap desmap descrip>
<!usemap oneline tag>

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- CODE, QUOTE: paragraph elements                   -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!element quote  - - ( quotep ) >

<!-- quote paragraph only used internally -->
<!element quotep o o ((%inline; | %sectpar;)*, p*)+ >

<!element code - - rcdata>

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- REFERENCES - cross references                     -->
<!-- HG: ref modified to have an optional name field   -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!-- REF needed to state destination                   -->
<!element ref - o empty>
<!attlist ref   
        id cdata #required
        name cdata "&refnam">

<!-- LABEL needed to mark destination                  -->
<!element label - o empty>
<!attlist label id cdata #required>

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- REFERENCES - URL links                            -->
<!-- HG: url entity added 
      to have direct url references                    -->
<!-- ESR: htmlurl entity added
      to have quieter url references                   -->
<!-- BK: the htmlurl/url elements seem to confuse
      annotated bookmark vs. direct hidden link?       -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!element url - o empty>
<!attlist url   
        url cdata #required
        name cdata "&urlnam" >

<!element htmlurl - o empty>
<!attlist htmlurl   
        url cdata #required
        name cdata "&urlnam" >

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- JUSTIFICATION CONTROL                             -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!element file - - (#pcdata)>

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- DEPRECATED definitions.                           -->
<!-- These are deprecated Linuxdoc96 DTD elements,
      provided only for backward compatibility.        -->
<!-- ================================================= -->

<!entity % deprec96 system 
                              -- deprecated Linuxdoc96 -->

<!-- ================================================= -->
<!-- end of LINUXDOC STRICT DTD                        -->
     Local Variables:
     mode: sgml
     End:                                              -->
<!-- ================================================= -->