Blob Blame History Raw
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    $Id: subdoc.sgml,v 2001/05/24 15:57:40 sano Exp $
    This is subdoc.sgml, distributed with SGML-Tools.
    It checks for handling of external entities and

    $Log: subdoc.sgml,v $
    Revision  2001/05/24 15:57:40  sano
    linuxdoc-tools 0.96
    This is re-imported because of cvs repository is lost
    due to HDD trouble

    Revision  2000/05/13 14:59:57  sano
    Initial release of Linuxdoc-Tools

    Revision 1.1  1997/07/09 13:19:06  cg
    * Added contrib/bk, with a lot of work-in-progress from Bernd. (CdG)

    Comments: none.
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<!DOCTYPE sgmltool 
         PUBLIC "-//SGML-Tools//DTD SGML-Tools v0.9//EN" 
   <!ENTITY   SGMLT              "SGML-&amp;Tools;" >
   <!ENTITY   CSGMLT     CDATA   "SGML-&amp;Tools;" >  
   <!ENTITY   QSGMLT             "<q>SGML-&amp;Tools;</q>" >     
   <!ENTITY   ExtEntity  system  "entity.etxt"      >
   <!ENTITY   ImgEntity           "small_picture"   >
   <!ENTITY   SubDoc     system  "sub.sgml"  SUBDOC >
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<title>TEST: External Entity and Subdoc
<author>b. kreimeier
<date>May 1997

This document should demonstrate the use of external
entities and subdocs with SGML-Tools. Applications
are images, glyphs, special characters, and inclusion
or larger sections of text shared between several
documents, or kept separately for other reasons.

We will use a simple <k>&amp;SGMLT;</k> entity to
demonstrate one application of user-defined entities:
an often used name or identifier like &SGMLT; could
be marked, and the actual represenation could be
changed easily within the preamble.
Entity replacement is quite subtle: &QSGMLT;. With a nod to
Goedel, consider the following cases of dicussing
SGML within an SGML document:
<item><c>Level 0: &SGMLT; </c>
<item><c>Level 1: &amp;SGMLT; vs. &amp;CSGMLT;</c>
<item><c>Level 2: <![CDATA[&SGMLT;]]>  </c>
<item><c>Level 3: <![CDATA[&amp;SGMLT;]]> vs. <![CDATA[&amp;CSGMLT;]]></c>
<item><k>Level 0: &SGMLT; </k>
<item><k>Level 1: &amp;SGMLT; vs. &amp;CSGMLT;</k>
<item><k>Level 2: none </k>
<item><k>Level 3: <![CDATA[\&amp;SGMLT;]]> vs. <![CDATA[\&amp;CSGMLT;]]></k>
However, internal entities will usually the the
exception. Usually, entities will address some
external, possibly backend dependend component of
the text, usually found as external files. The
<k>&amp;ExtEntity;</k> entity simply maps to a
file, <c>entity.etxt</c> in this particular case,
the content of which will simply replace any
appearance of the entity like this: &ExtEntity;.
Finally, documents complying to the same DTD could
be included as SUBDOC's. This requires that the DTD
allows for omission of elements which are mapped
to statements only allowed once in the backend
(the LaTeX mapping is not set up for this). SUBDOC's
are merged into the current document, a feature
that is partly similar to LaTeX's <k>include</k>,
<k>includeonly</k>, and <k>input</k> commands. The
following paragraph is from <c>&amp;SubDoc;</c>,
which incluces <c>sub.sgml</c>.
NOTE: <c>&amp;SubDoc;</c> does not work right now.
Using entities in attributes: <img id="&ImgEntity;">.
As you can see, it is a good idea to rely on entities
for defining the <k>id</k> attribute of any element
like figures or formulas. 


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     Local Variables:
     mode: sgml
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