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<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" 
<refentry id="libsoup-build-howto">
<refentrytitle>Compiling with libsoup</refentrytitle>
<refmiscinfo>LIBSOUP Library</refmiscinfo>

<refname>Compiling with libsoup</refname><refpurpose>Notes on compiling</refpurpose>

<title>Using pkg-config</title>

Like other GNOME libraries, <application>libsoup</application> uses
<application>pkg-config</application> to provide compiler options. The
package name is "<literal>libsoup-2.4</literal>". So in your
<literal>configure</literal> script, you might specify something like:

PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBSOUP, [libsoup-2.4 >= 2.26])

The "<literal>2.4</literal>" in the package name is the "API version"
(indicating "the version of the <application>libsoup</application> API
that first appeared in version 2.4") and is essentially just part of
the package name.


<title>API Availability and Deprecation Warnings</title>

If you want to restrict your program to a particular
<application>libsoup</application> version or range of versions, you
can define <link
and/or <link


The <literal>SOUP_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED</literal> declaration states
that the code is not expected to compile on versions of
<application>libsoup</application> older than the indicated version
(here, 2.36), and so the compiler should print warnings if the code
uses functions that were deprecated as of that release.

The <literal>SOUP_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED</literal> declaration states
that the code <emphasis>is</emphasis> expected to compile on versions
of <application>libsoup</application> up to the indicated version
(here, 2.40), and so, when compiling the program against a newer
version than that, the compiler should print warnings if the code uses
functions that did not yet exist in the max-allowed release.

You can use <link
to check the version of libsoup at compile time, to compile different
code for different <application>libsoup</application> versions. (If
you are setting <literal>SOUP_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED</literal> and
<literal>SOUP_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED</literal> to different versions, as
in the example above, then you almost certainly need to be doing



Code using <application>libsoup</application> should do:

#include &lt;libsoup/soup.h&gt;

Including individual headers rather than <literal>soup.h</literal> is not

